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WWE News From The Online Torch

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Oh, and here's a whacky fact for everybody: Rey Mysterio still has not yet secured a victory on a WWE PPV.



Wow...he's going for Booker T's record!

How about RVD'S record, he hasn't won in a ppv since Survivor Series 2002.

I think he won a tag team title match with Kane against the Dudleys at Backlash 2003. But yeah, no PPV wins since then. Pathetic.

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You know that Brian Pillman, not a big guy, beat the living snot out of Sid Vicious in real life, don't you?


...The "squeegee incident" that Sid was so known for.


And don't forget Arn Anderson gave Sid one hell of a fight even after Sid stabbed him a bunch of times with scissors.

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I had thought about making a thread on Rey recently. When he first came in, he had some High Profile feuds and everything. The way he initially came in, he could have been a credible contendor for the title. Some still would've mentioned the size, but he was over enough and hot enough where he could have been in there. I don't remember entirely, I could be wrong, but he fared alright against Brock on the Halloween 2002 Smackdown. Rey was hot enough he could've been in the mix back then. Since his injury, he's gotten booked on a lesser extent and it would be really hard to get him back where he was. I could not see it working now, as much as I love Rey. When he first was hot and fresh, he could've been the little guy to break the mold, I think the ship has long sailed.


As for PPVs, he has won on the Heats before, which are the same set. He beat Chavo before Unforgiven 2002 and Shannon Moore before Summerslam at least, maybe another one or two.

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Guest TheHulkster

Rey shouldn't be the World Heavyweight Champion, but they should promote him heavily as a special attraction. He's a pretty good draw with younger fans, latino fans, and fans that enjoy the lucha libre style of wrestling. It would be in their best interest to keep him busy with constant feuds just to get him out on TV. It would be more beneficial to them than to waste their time with an untested, and possibly an unmarketable, talent that would drive viewers to hit the clicker. Rey Mysterio also has more potential to drive up live gates, because (lets face it) who would you rather buy a ticket to go see, Rey or the Bashams (or Kanyon, Billy Kidman, A-Train, etc.). His merchandise seems to sell pretty well too.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
At 5'4'' 180 I couldn't take rey seriously against someone like the big show.  He has a great spot in the cruiser division, if they let the cruisers actually have some respect.  Shawn is 6 feet tall and about 230 pounds.  Big difference.

I could. I've seen plenty a guy with that big of a size difference whip some ass. You complain "It's not realistic.." well it is....it happens all the time.

I don't how fast you are: a 5'4 guy can't take a 6'9 monster with actual wrestling knowledge. His only recourse would be to try a couple shots quick and run far away.

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