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Steve J. Rogers

Biggest wrestler never to wrestle at Wrestlemania

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The thing that amazes me most about this thread is the notion that Greg freaking Gagne was good enough to wrestle at a Wrestlemania.  The guy was about 180 lbs of dropkicking fury ... how the hell could he have fit onto a Wrestlemania card?!?

Geogre Wells made it to A WM, Sam Houston made it to a WM, The Gooker made it to WM...


Greg was a solid wrestler, had Verne not been his dad, then he would've probably made the jump w/Brunzell in 85 and enjoyed a few years in the mid card of the WWF

You shouldn't compare Gagne to the worst of those that did ... the question was who was the biggest name NOT to make it. Why include Gagne but not someone like Jimmy Valiant? Or Manny Fernandez? Or Chris Adams? Or Iceman Parsons? Or any of the other b-list guys from the other leagues in the 80s/early 90s?


I'm not knocking Gagne outright, just amazed that his name would come up as a major name to have not made it. People like Sting make sense. People like Gagne do not.

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