Bored 0 Report post Posted November 23, 2003 November 29, 1993 The Steiner Brothers def. Mike Khoury & Reno Riggins Razor Ramon def. Diesel by DQ Bam Bam Bigelow def. John Crystal Owen Hart def. Chris Duffy Ludvig Borga def. Scott Taylor November 28, 1994 Owen Hart def. John Paul Irwin R. Schyster def. Bam Bam Bigelow Bob Holly def. Tony DeVito Lex Luger def. Bert Ceteno The Heavenly Bodies def. Gary Scott & Buck Quartermaine November 27, 1995 Ahmed Johnson def. Rad Radford Aja Kong & Tomoko Wannabe def. Alundra Blayze & Kyoko Annoi Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. John Crystal The Undertaker def. Mo November 25, 1996 Bret Hart def. Owen Hart by DQ The Executioner def. Freddie Joe Floyd Rocky Maivia def. Salvatore Sincere Marc Mero def. Billy Gunn by DQ November 24, 1997 Road Dogg & Billy Gunn def. The Legion of Doom to win the Tag Team Titles Brian Christopher def. Flash Flanagan Ken Shamrock def. Savio Vega Shawn Michaels def. Vader; WWF Title Match November 23, 1998 The Headbangers def. Golga & Kurrgan Steve Blackman def. The Blue Blazer Gangrel & Edge def. D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry Marc Mero NC Goldust Mankind def. Ken Shamrock and The Big Bossman (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match for the Hardcore Title Duane Gill def. Christian to win the Light Heavyweight Title Bob Holly & Scorpio def. The New Age Outlaws The Rock def. X-Pac; WWF Title Match November 29, 1999 The Big Show & Kane def. The Big Bossman & Viscera Edge def. Matt Hardy Steve Blackman def. The Godfather Too Cool def. The Hollys Test def. Triple H Kurt Angle def. Val Venis The New Age Outlaws & X-Pac def. The Rock and Sock Connection & Kane by DQ November 27, 2000 The Holly Cousins def. T&A & Trish Stratus Billy Gunn def. Eddie Guerrero; IC Title Match The Rock def. Rikishi by DQ The Undertaker def. Kane by DQ Road Dogg & K-Kwik def. Val Venis & Steven Richards Chris Jericho & The Hardy Boyz def. Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, & Perry Saturn Steve Blackman def. Tiger Ali Singh; HC Title Match Steve Austin def. Kurt Angle by DQ; WWF Title Match November 26, 2001 Christian def. Jeff Hardy; Euro Title Match Rob Van Dam def. D-Von Dudley; HC Title Match Trish Stratus def. Stacy Keibler in a Bra & Panties Match for the Women’s Title Edge def. Test by DQ; IC Title Match William Regal def. The Big Show The Rock & Kane def. Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle November 25, 2002 Chris Jericho & Christian def. The Dudley Boyz; Tag Title Match Test def. Steven Richards Victoria def. Trish Stratus; Women’s Title Match Lance Storm & William Regal def. Tommy Dreamer & The Hurricane Batista def. Kane Goldust def. Rico Rob Van Dam def. Shawn Michaels by DQ; HW Title Match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites