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Mystery Eskimo

OAOAST IntenseZone - 11/25/03

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:: Fade in on shot of Calvin holding the World Title aloft ::


Graphic: One Champion


:: Shots of Jay Darring knocking down an opponent, PRL grinning with his NA title, Blurricane posing heroically ::


Graphic: THREE IntenseZone Challengers


:: Shot of the Elimination Chamber outlined in black ::


Graphic: One match...one winner...


:: Shots of all 4 men taking shots from opponents ::


Graphic: An infinity of pain...


Elimination Chamber. Sunday 30th November 2003.


One hell of a DEADLY GAME...


:: Fade out ::






RATM's "Guerilla Radio" rocks out as the pyro blasts and crowd erupts for the last edition of IZ before DEADLY GAME~! Our host is standing by as ever...





BAH GAWD! What an ovation! The excitement on IntenseZone is reaching new heights as we head into Deadly Game with that HUGE Elimination Chamber match! Three IZ Superstars have the chance to bring the World Title back where it belongs! And don't forget the massive Triple Threat Tag Team Elimination Scramble match!


Tonight we'll be hearing from some of the men involved in those matches- plus we have a huge main event pitting NA Champ PRL and World Champ Calvin Szechstein against Shooter Jay Darring and The Blurricane. Each of those men will be looking for the advantage going into Deadly Game...


Enough yakking from me, let's get to it!

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(Backstage Blurricane stands before 4 of the clones)



This is it! The day has finally come and the four of you are the Blurri-Rangers. Heroes that will triumph the cause of the helpless. Each of you will be given a different colored outfit. The Red Blurri-Ranger...full of strength and power. The Yellow Blurri-Ranger...full of energy and speed. The Green Blurri-Ranger...full of wisdom and knowledge. And finally the Orange Blurri-Ranger...full of courage and endurance. You are the Blurri-Rangers and you will help those who need it and guard those who need guarding.


(Blurricane then dismissed them and sat down, looking deep in thought.)



Have you heard anything from Judas?



No...not yet. I am becoming worried. I don't understand why he hasn't returned my calls.



I'm sure he is okay.



I hope you are right.


:: Cut to the familiar sight of Dan Black sitting at his desk, speaking on the telephone ::



Jennifer, I don't care if they ARE exhausted- work them harder! HARDER! I want Blackheart Security at their best for the Scramble match!


A pause as Black listens.



I - DON'T- GIVE - A - DAMN! Another 10K run, then hit the gym! You too missy!





Do you WANT to go back to working for McDonalds? Then remember who pays your wages! Get to it!


Dan slams down the phone and shakes his head, a slight look of concern on his face. Dan sighs and goes to pick up a stack of papers when suddenly ALFDOGG bursts in!



Worried, Dan? Worried that your little team of kids is going to get ripped apart by a collection so powerful you can't even dream of competing?



Alfie...how many times has the Deadly Alliance formed? And how many times has it failed and fallen apart? I'm not worried. You see me beat your best man, Dangerous A, in Japan last week. It was EASY.



As I recall it was YOUR blood that was spilt, Dan. But look, I didn't come here to argue. I came with an offer.



Really. I don't think you have anything I want, Alf.



I disagree. I think you know your team of kids is in trouble. So how about you just withdraw from the match. I won't stop you.



Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you...



I'm just thinking of you, boss. You could get hurt with such a team of losers.



And you'd just love to be the only team going against Joseph's Corporates.



Someone has to take him down= and it should be ME!



What? You've been back for two months. I've been battling Stephen on and off for almost TWO YEARS. Do you know what its been like living in his shadow, Alf? DO YOU?



As a former OAOAST World Champion, I'd have to say I don't live in anyone's shadow.



Then it's time you learnt.


A strange look comes over Black's face, as he stares into the distance and speaks softly...



It's time you all learnt...



Fine. The Alliance will crush you just like we'll crush Stephen. And when the dust settles, and you're so humiliated you can barely look anyone in the eye- come to me. We'll talk. The DA can use someone to sweep up after them, or something.



Alf...get out of my office right now.



Or what, you'll call your crappy security team to throw me out?



No. Oh no, Alf. I'll do it myself. With pleasure.


Alf sees the INTENSE look in the pale eyes of Dan Black, and shrugs.



I'll see you Sunday, Dan. Deadly Game is made for the Deadly Alliance.


Alf stalks out, and Dan sits, trembling with passion and anger.



Well we can see how much this match means to Dan Black! But its also a chance for Alfdogg and the Deadly Alliance to establish themselves as the dominant force on IZ! I can't wait to see how the Scramble match goes down! We'll be right back, don't go anywhere!



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A camera, a desk, and Stephen Joseph in a chair. Nothing more.


Stephen Joseph

This is simply a message to our friends, The Deadly Alliance. Thanks very much for hurting Jesse Ventura. Now he'll be regulated to just announcing the PPV of Deadly Games instead of being a part of the corporate team. But did you expect for his spot to be filled so quickly? I'd be worried, because Shuffle took an opportunity that he saw open. He's hungry. He's dangerous. He's deadly.


And D-Nice, another new transiation. You say he's what, hired labor, and cheap at that? Sure. Alfie, I've been around the OAOAST longer than you. I was Deadly before you. And I'll be damn sure to put my eggs into a better basket than you. And really, when have I been wrong.


Put it simply Alf, your Deadly Alliance is marked. That's been arranged. Signed. Sealed. Delivered, on a silver platter. You're a gnat causing an itch, so we scratch you away. I'll worry about correcting Mr. Black when the time is right.


Let's talk about your Deadly Alliance Alfdogg. You, a former joke of a champion, and I believe I was the one who helped you win it, right? G Money? Where the hell is he? Dangerous A, a backstabber and charlatan, will only stay a member as long as he thinks you're stronger than he is Alf. And Al Logan? I squashed his ass last week.


You forget Alf. While you and Caboose, the self-styled Deadly Alliance greats were losing World Titles, I was TV Champion. The record shows I kept my belt when you lost yours. You were the man? You not even a boy.


Alfdogg, you know it best that I ran The Deadly Alliance when ti was its best. Which is why I find it strangely appropriate that we face each other at Deadly Games. And it's also appropriate that I can wrestle.


Because at Deadly Games Alfdogg, the REAL Deadly Alliance is coming back.


And there's nothing you can do Alfdogg, but to sit back, tuck your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye.


Signed. Sealed. Delivered. Deadly Games just became a Fatal Game for your wretched Alliance.


Ashes to Ashes

Dust to Dust

Fuck with me?

You'll be bust.


Yo. Word.




We haven't heard a cryptic promo from Stephen in a long time, but how can he bring back the Deadly Alliance of old. Who does Stephen have that we don't know about? And why is he rapping?

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The camera pans backstage, and out to the street... arriving is a metallic navigator with spinning wheels blasting magic stick by fifty cent.


As the doors open two gorgeous women hop out. Following them are the Human Power Bomb machine and D-nice dressed in roca wear gear. A young IZ roving reporter stops them for a few words.


Interviewer: So, d-nice, you made an impact at the gauntlet match two weeks ago and now you're booked for Deadly Games helping out Stephen Joseph. Anything to say for yourself?


D-nice: yeah - like i told the fans and everyone else i'm not face or heel i'm out for the greater good of myself and i saw an oppurtunity and seized it. Four weeks before i arrived i was steadily trying to reach dan black to broker me and the big guy's arrival to the intense zone but he was to busy concentrating on stephen joseph to be bother with the likes of us.


I even offered HPB and my services to try and take out Stephen Joseph but naw he could be reached so we reach hi another way. I called up Stephen Joseph and he was more than thrill to have us on his side. You see people see the gear and the navigators and the women and they start to question our seriousness to this business but don't let the smooth taste fool ya!


This here (pointing to the women sitting on the hood of the navigator) is pleasure, when i'm in that squared circle i'm all business and at Deadly Games i'm going to combine both it'll be my pleasure to take care of business against Dan Black and company and that's all i got to say about that.


Now if you don't mind i'm late for a meeting with stephen joseph. Come ladies, let's roll.



Well folks you heard it from the horses mouth so to speak - D-nice is here to stay and he's commited to help Stephen Joseph deal with Dan Black. If was Dan I'd be worried, it seems like when you make an enemy of d-nice you got one for life. Can this big man make the difference at Deadly Game?

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The cameras cut to The Shuffle in the back. He's leaning on a wall talking on a phone. He's wearing baggy blue jeans and a white THE SHUFFLE~! pullover.



"... I understand that, but I also know that you need me. And I want in!


(pauses to listen to somebody on the other end of the phone)


But Jesse's hurt worse than I am. I might be beat up, but I can still wrestle.


(listening again)


No, that's fine- I'll sign a waiver, I won't hold OAOAST responsible for anything that happens to me. I understand this is my choice.




Don't worry, Stephen, you can count on me. You know what they say... 'Hell that no furry like a Shuffle who got dropped on his damn head!'... Thanks man- you won't regret this!"


Shuffle hangs up his phones as a random OAOAST staffer walks by.


An obviously excited Shuffle:

"Holdupasec. I've got some great news!! I just got off the phone with Stephen Joseph. He's agreed to let me take Jesse's place in the triple threat tag match and Deadly Games!! I'm going to get in there and get my hands on the Dangerous Alliance after all.




Shuffle lets out another yell and starts to dance his way down the hallway, mid dance he stops, grimaces and grabs his neck.



Well, Shuffle's got his wish, but he doesn't look like he's in any shape to wrestle. Let's hope this young man hasn't written a check that his BUTT can't cash.



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A very special match from The Vault now, as we go back over a year ago, when Dan Black was competing as Mystery Eskimo and Stephen Joseph as Big Poppa Popick.


At Doomsday, there was a huge X Title Death Match tournament that brought these two men together. As if that's not enough, the match was a triple threat.


The third star in that match? The man who captains the Deadly Alliance into Deadly Game- Alfdogg! These three men are long time OAOAST superstars- and this tape just shows how brutal they can be! Roll it boys!



27th October 2002


OAOAST X-Title Opening Round King of the DeathMatch Tournament, Match 4


Alfdogg vs. Big Poppa Popick vs. Masked Mystery Eskimo

Barbed Wire Ladder and Bed of Thumbtacks



An eight-foot ladder, wrapped from top to bottom with razor-sharp barbed wire, is opened up at the end of the entrance way, available for any competitor to use. Unlike other barbed wire ladders, this one has the two legs wrapped individually, so that the ladder is able to be opened up. Also, a bed with roughly 10,000 thumbtacks is in the middle of the ring, awaiting the unfortunate soul who falls in.


CUE: "The Wall"


Former OAOAST World Champion, Alfdogg, makes his way out to a MASSIVE CHEERS.



Introducing first, Alfdogg!



Alf lost the World title to CWM at Excessive Force, and has disappeared ever since losing an X-Title match to Sandman. This is Alf's big return match, and a chance for vengeance against those who have gone against him.


CUE: "Sweetness"


OAOAST North American champion, Big Poppa Popick, makes his way down to the ring.



His opponent, the OaOast North American Champion, Big Poppa Popick!



BPP, despite the fact that he has to defend his North American title against Angle-Plex later tonight, decided to enter the KODM tournament, in the hopes of walking out of Doomsday with a second belt. BPP also has scores to settle with Alfdogg and Masked Mystery Eskimo.


CUE: "Ice Ice Baby"


the Masked Mystery Eskimo makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos.



Their opponent, the Masked Mystery Eskimo!



JR, it should be noted Derek the Fish is not present, as MME does not want him in such an environment. Remember Derek got burned during the inferno match a few months back.



MME broke away from the OAOAST with a group of other workers and founded the OAOMEF. If MME is able to take the X-Title, it will be a major blow to the OAOAST.

The three men stand across from each other, the bed of thumbtacks in the middle. The official calls for the bell...


* DING *


As the three men circle the ring. BPP is first to strike, as he locks up with MME and backs him into the corner. BPP hits a hard chop to the chest of MME, as Alf comes over. MME stares hard at BPP and chops him back. Alf shoves MME back into the corner and chops him. MME chops back at Alf, but is chopped by BPP. BPP chops MME again, then Alf hits a chop of his own. BPP stares at Alf, then chops MME again. Alf quickly responds with another chop to the chest of MME, who is dazed in the corner.


BPP and Alf get into each other's faces and start talking trash. Alf breaks the stalemate by chopping BPP, who responds with a chop of his own. The two trash chops again, until MME hits chops to the chest of both men. Alf and BPP look at each other, grab MME by the arms, and deliver a double hiptoss INTO THE BED OF THUMBTACKS! The crowd roars as MME wiggles around, his back punctured by the thousands of thumbtacks!



I know I sound like a broken record, Ton' --



You do.



But I wonder why these guys put their lives on the line doing these types of matches.


BPP and Alf exchange punches, as MME picks himself up and picks tacks out of his back. Alf gets the upper hand, and whips MME into the ropes, hitting BPP with a powerslam as he rebounds. Alf pulls BPP up and hits a snap suplex and floats over into a cover, 1…2…BPP kicks out. Alf stomps at BPP, then rushes over and knocks MME into the corner. Alf climbs up onto the second rope and starts firing away with the turnbuckle punches, as the crowd counts along, 1…2….3….4…..5…..6…..7..BPP comes over and hooks Alf up for a powerbomb, then walks forward and POWERBOMBS ALF INTO THE THUMBTACKS! Alf screams in pain as the unforgiving steel tacks bite into his flesh!



I guess the good thing is, Alf can pin himself to a wall now.


MME thanks BPP for his help by clobbering him from behind, as BPP narrowly avoids falling into the tacks himself. MME picks BPP up by his hair and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. MME lifts BPP up and throws him out of the ring. MME taunts BPP, then turns around to be clotheslined out of the ring by Alf, whose momentum takes him over the top to the outside as well!

BPP is on his feet first, as he grabs a chair from the timekeepers table. BPP winds up, looking for crack MME with the chair, but MME moves as BPP rushes, and Alf narrowly avoids being drilled by the chair as BPP misses and hits the ring post instead. Both Alf and MME hits punches to the ribs and face of BPP, then both men whip BPP into the guardrail, as BPP hits the steel hard. Alf makes the mistake of turning his back on MME, who grabs the chair and belts Alf across the back with it, knocking the tacks even further into Alf's skin! Alf drops to his knees as MME throws the chair at BPP, catching BPP in the face!

BPP drops to the ground, holding his face, as MME picks Alf up by his hair and starting bringing him around ringside. MME tries to whip Alf into the standing barbed wire ladder, but Alf reverses the whip. MME is able to save himself by baseball sliding under the ladder. However, once MME stands and turns, Alf dropkicks the standing ladder into MME's face, sending the Eskimo flying!

Alf grabs the barbed wire ladder, folds it up, and props it against the ring apron. Alf picks MME up by his hair, and whips MME into the barbed wire ladder, MME crashing face first into the steel and barbed wire, and staying against the ladder. Alf grabs the back of MME's head and starts raking it against the ladder, as the barbed wire slices open MME's face! Alf is interrupted as a bloody BPP, opened up from the chair shot from MME, swings that same chair at Alf, again driving the thumbtacks further into Alf's back!


Alf falls to the ground, as MME pulls away from the barbed wire ladder, blood gushing from his forehead. BPP hits MME in the stomach with the chair for good measure, then starts tossing everything into the ring. Alf, MME, the barbed wire ladder, and the chair are all slid into the ring. As BPP himself finally comes into the ring, Alf and MME double team him by the ropes, before whipping BPP across the ring, and catching him as he rebounds with a DOUBLE FLAPJACK INTO THE THUMBTACKS! BPP bounces out of the bed, with tacks stuck in the stomach and arms!



We said this wouldn't be for the weak of heart.


BPP cringes by the ropes, as Alf clobbers MME from behind. Alf sets MME up for a T-Bone suplex into the tacks, but MME counters with elbows. MME ducks behind Alf and sets him up for a Killer Whale Plex into the tacks, but Alf counters with a mule kick, hitting MME low. With MME stunned, Alf rushes and hits a SUNSET FLIP INTO THE TACKS, BOTH MEN HURTING, 1…2…MME kicks out!


BPP, having pulled some of the tacks out of his arms, interjects himself back into the match by slamming the barbed wire ladder across the back of Alf as Alf gets out of the bed of tacks. BPP shoves Alf into the corner and hits several strong kicks to the stomach, then grabs the barbed wire ladder and throw it at Alf, catching Alf in the face and stomach, as the barbed wire sticks to him! BPP picks MME up out of the bed of tacks, and whips him into the ladder and Alf, as the barbed wire ladder is sandwiched between both men!

MME falls backwards, as the barbed wire ladder falls out of the corner on top of him! Alf then falls forward, splashing the barbed wire ladder and MME, which counts as a cover, 1…2…MME kicks out. BPP, in control of this match, pulls Alf off the ladder and smashes it with the chair, as MME screams in pain!


BPP starts to taunt MME, as he doesn't seem Alf regaining his senses behind him. BPP drops the chair, and this gives Alf the opening he needs. Alf rushes BPP, locks on a full nelson, and delivers a RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX INTO THE TACKS! BPP ends up face down in the bed of tacks, with tacks stuck all around his head!

MME, bleeding heavily from the face, hits Alf from behind with the barbed wire ladder. MME tosses the ladder out of the way and lifts Alf up to the top rope. MME climbs up, as both men begin jockeying for position. Both men work their way up to the second rope, where Alf knocks MME off, MME narrowly missing the thumbtacks. MME is right back up, and as Alf climbs to the top, MME jumps onto the second rope, and delivers a BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPERPLEX INTO THE BED OF THUMBTACKS! Alf screams in pain, as even more tacks are driven into his body, even more holes in places where there should not be holes!


BPP is slowly trying to stand and pick the tacks out of his head at the same time. MME grabs BPP from behind and delivers a BLIZZARD BOMB INTO THE THUMBTACKS! BPP is again in a world of pain, as even more tacks are stuck in his skin. MME tries covering both BPP and Alf at the same time, 1…2…Both men kick out.

MME rolls Alf and BPP out of the tacks, and tries to think of some way to pin both of these men. MME picks up Alf, and spikes him with an Igloo DDT. BPP is trying again to stand, but a Penguin kick ends that idea. MME with a cover on Alf, 1..2….Alf kicks out, MME covers BPP, 1…2…kickout.

MME pounds the mat, frustrated at the lack of a three count. MME gets into the face of the official, who tries to stand up to MME. MME fails to notice that Alf is recovering, and is almost to his feet. MME turns around as Alf strikes, delivering an AA SPINEBUSTER INTO THE THUMBTACKS! MME looks like he is out of it, as even more tacks enter his body!



Shades of Arn Anderson.



That looked like "the Out of Body Experience" to me.


BPP starts to stand, as Alf opens up the barbed wire ladder in the corner. BPP pulls MME out of the bed of tacks by his bloody hair, as Alf begins to climb the barbed wire ladder. BPP delivers a FACING FULL NELSON CHOKEBOMB INTO THE THUMBTACKS, as Alf reaches the top of the ladder, poses for the crowd, and comes off with the FIVE STAR ALF SPLASH, HITTING MME IN THE BED OF THUMBTACKS! Alf covers the dead MME, 1…2…..3!



The Masked Mystery Eskimo has been eliminated.


BPP jumps onto Alf, attacking him as MME rolls out of the ring. BPP with several vicious forearm shots to the back of Alf's skull, pounding some of the tacks even further into Alf's body. BPP grabs the barbed wire ladder, folds it up, and slams it down hard across the back of Alf.


BPP pulls Alf to his feet, and takes Alf over with a belly-to-belly suplex. BPP goes to the top rope, plays to the crowd, and comes off with a legdrop, but Alf moves and there is no one home for BPP! BPP bounces to his feet, holding his leg in pain, while Alf grabs BPP from behind and delivers a GERMAN SUPLEX INTO THE TACKS, HOLDING THE BRIDGE, 1…2….BPP KICKS OUT!


Alf slams the mat out of frustration, then yells "That's it!" to the crowd. Alf lifts BPP out of the bed of tacks, and throws him with a T-Bone suplex. BPP lands near the ropes and tries to pull himself to his feet, when Alf pulls BPP to his feet and delivers a DVD. Alf, not finished, pulls BPP up to his feet again, lifts BPP into the torture rack position, and delivers THE MOTHERFUCKING BURNING HAMMER INTO THE THUMBTACKS! ALF COVERS, 1…2….BPP KICKS OUT OF THE BURNING HAMMER INTO THUMBTACKS!



I think I'm going to be sick.


Alf can't believe it, as he goes after the official in a mad frenzy. Alf then grabs the barbed wire ladder and pounds the crap out of BPP with it. Alf covers BPP again, 1…2….BPP kicks out once more!


Alf lifts the bed of tacks and dumps the contents onto BPP's fallen body. Alf kicks the tacks around the ring, and tosses the bed to the outside, so that thumbtacks are now all over the ring. With a majority of the thumbtacks on BPP's body, Alf sets the ladder up and begins to climb. As Alf reaches the sixth rung, tacks and blood all over his body, BPP begins to stir. Alf reaches the top of the ladder, just as BPP starts to pull himself up using the ladder. Alf climbs back down to the sixth rung as BPP, whether out of guts or foolishness, starts to climb the ladder! Both men meet around the fifth rung, with Alf scoring a majority of the punches. Both men are woozy and looking to avoid falling into the thumbtack covered ring, when AP rushes the ring with a chair! AP climbs onto the apron, steps into the ring, and shoves the ladder over, as both BPP and Alf fall off the ladder, hit the ring ropes, and fall backwards into the thumbtack covered ring!


The crowd boos frantically, as AP picks BPP up and destroys him with a vicious chair shot that dents the chair and K.O.'s BPP. AP looks happy with his work, when he suddenly picks Alf up and drops him on his skull with the Angle-Plex into the thumbtacks! AP, holding his back from the earlier punishment and the thumbtacks, rolls BPP onto Alf? AP exits the ring as the official counts, 1…2….3!





The winner of the match, Big Poppa Popick!



HOLY CRAP! Will this be what happens at Deadly Game? Does history repeat itself? Well, I'm not expecting Angle-Plex, but expect this level of competition! If this tape doesn't get the three men fired up, nothing will! We'll be right back!



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We're running a little short of time tonight due to..er...network negotiations...or something...so let's go straight to our main event!




“ROCK you like a hurricane!”




Blurricane comes FLYING up through the stage as “Rock You Like A Hurricane” by Scorpions blasts all across the PA system, the crowd roaring as Blurricane steps down the ramp, his masked face all smiles.





Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a TAG TEAM MATCH scheduled for ONE fall! Introducing first, weighing in at one-hundred and ninety pounds, he is the BLURRRRRRRRRR-I-CANE!


The crowd roars as Blurricane slides into the ring, grinning widely as the arena darkens. “Shin-Jingi Naki Tatakai” begins to play, and navy blue spotlights begin to spray all over the arena as the tag partner to the Blurricane, “Shooter” Jay Darring steps onto the ramp! The roaring of the crowd gets even louder as Jay jogs down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans before he slides into the ring.



And his partner, weighing in at one-hundred and seventy-three pounds, he hails from Boston, Massachusetts… the Shooter, JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY DARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING!


The crowd erupts, but their cheering dies down, and Cappetta takes advantage of the pause…



And their opponents…




A lightning bolt hits the entrance and the crowd, already knowing who is to arrive, begins to jeer. Smoke and pyro fills the entrance as "Know Your Role 2K3" starts up as the lights go down, the fans able to catch just a silhouette of the man atop the entrance ramp. They already know him all to well, however, and their booing intensifies as Puerto Rican Lightning raises his right arm, the OAOAST North American Title clenched tight in his fist.




PRL walks to the ring, cocky and confident as usual. He is holding both his belts on his shoulders and dares the fans to touch his belts. PRL continues to walk cool and confident, sneering at the crowd before entering the ring.



Introducing first, weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-three pounds, he hails from SAN Juan, Puerto Rico, he is YOUR OAOAST North American champion, PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUERTO RICAN LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT-NING!


The crowd’s booing dims a bit, the people trying to conserve their vocal cords for the man who is to arrive next…


"Three-two-one, I'M THE BOMB!"


"I'm The Bomb" by the Electric Six begins to play over the public address system, the crowd rising to boo a grinning Calvin Szechstein as he steps out onto the ramp, tonight wearing a loose Pepsi jersey over his singlet, the OAOAST championship slung over his left shoulder. He waves to some of the fans, sliding into the ring and slapping hands with Puerto Rican Lightning. He hands the belt to referee Mitchell Moretta, his eyes gleaming as he goes back to his corner to talk strategy with PRL.



And HIS partner! Weighing in at one-hundred NINETY-seven pounds, he hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, representing Mountain Dew Code Red, New Line Cinema and the entire OAOAST as YOOOOOOOUR OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! The New Era himself, he is CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL-VIN SZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHSTEIN!




“P – R SUCKS!”



Listen to this crowd badmouth both of the champions in this match! It’s obvious they have no love for either PRL or Calvin!


Szechstein steps out of the ring, patting PRL on the back as the North American champion turns to face Blurricane, starting the match for the face squad. PRL and Blurri circle a bit, before Blurricane makes the first move, charging at PRL and looking for a quick dropkick. PRL sidesteps, however, and Blurricane drops to the mat, unable to regain his balance in time. Grinning at the advantage he already has, PRL grabs Blurricane by the hair and lifts him to his feet, whipping him into the heel corner.



PRL with the early advantage on the Blurricane, BAH GAWD!


PRL grabs Blurricane under the chin, grinning like the demon he is as he rears back with his left hand before chopping it across Blurricane’s chest!




The crowd, contractually obligated to mark for the chops, does so, and PRL basks in his glory for a few moments before cupping Blurricane’s chin once more, rearing back and…






Blurricane stumbles out of the corner, and PRL, seeing this, quickly drops to the mat, scissoring Blurricane’s legs and dropping him with a drop toe hold. Lightning quickly gets to his feet reaching out a hand and tagging in the World champion. The crowd pops a bit as Calvin steps through the turnbuckle, grabbing Blurricane by the hair and lifting him to his feet.



Unlike Puerto Rican Lightning and Jay Darring, Calvin Szechstein and the Blurricane have never shared a wrestling ring! Szechstein is catching a break here, seeing the Blurricane for the first time in a tag situation instead of in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday!


Szechstein pulls Blurricane to his feet, grabbing the superhero by the leg and whipping him over quickly with a vicious dragon screw! Blurricane hits the mat hard, and Calvin keeps a grip on the leg of Blurricane, getting down on the mat and putting Blurri into a legscissors! The crowd boos as Blurricane struggles to reach the ropes, and they boo even more as PRL casually pulls them back further with the toe of his boot! Jay Darring gets indignant at this, looking to get in the ring to equalize the situation with PRL, but referee Moretta steps between Darring in the action, yelling at the former North American champ to get back to his corner!



PRL is blatantly cheating, and Jay Darring can’t remedy the situation! This is bah-gawd unfair!


As Jay argues with the ref, PRL climbs the ropes, hitting the top turnbuckle. He stares down at Blurricane, struggling against the legscissors, and casually leaps off, dropping a vicious leg across the neck of Blurricane! Blurricane begins to spasm a bit as Calvin breaks the hold, PRL rolling out of the ring and getting the ref’s attention. Moretta turns around, just in time to see Calvin hooking Blurricane’s leg for the pin!













Blurricane gets the shoulder up, but Calvin is not that worried, as he calmly drags Blurricane to his feet. Calvin backs off a bit, letting Blurricane limp around under his own power… and then Calvin charges Blurri, savagely soccer kicking the superhero’s leg out from under him! Blurricane goes down, wincing in pain, and Calvin grins up at the crowd.


“That was sponsored by MLS Shoot Out, now available for PlayStation 2 and Xbox!”


The crowd roars out in boos as Calvin cackles, going over to his corner and tagging in PRL.



Look at the smugness on Calvin Szechstein’s face! Just one time, I’d like to see someone wipe it off! Preferably with a ball-peen hammer!


The Puerto Rican steps into the ring, grabbing the lunging Blurricane by his leg and lifting him up, so that Blurricane is in the classic wheelbarrow position. The superhero tries to lunge for Darring, whose arm is outstretched in the face corner, but PRL pulls him back! Savagely, PRL grins, whipping around and dropping an elbow right into the back of Blurricane’s knee! The superhero cries out in pain as PRL puts his leg across the knee of Blurricane’s, folding the leg back over his leg! The crowd erupts in boos for the maneuver as Blurricane yells out in pain, reaching out for Jay Darring!



PRL has Blurricane locked in a dangerous leg submission, and with all the work that’s been done to the Blurricane, I’d hate to be him right now!


Blurricane reaches out, pulling himself closer to Jay Darring as PRL cinches in the leglock tighter, trying to break off the leg of Blurricane so that he may NOT make the hot tag to "Shooter" Jay Darring! Darring bangs on the top of the turnbuckle, trying to get the crowd into the matchup!





These fans are behind Blurricane, Jay Darring is behind Blurricane -- can he make the tag?!


The crowd gets louder and louder as Blurricane inches closer... closer...







PRL immediately breaks the leglock on Blurricane, and the superhero crawls out of the ring, clutching his leg in pain. Darring, meanwhile, steps into the ring, charging PRL and bashing him in the face with a huge forearm! PRL rubs his face, stumbling back a bit, but comes back with a forearm of his own! The crowd roars as Jay shrugs it off, charging PRL and flattening him with a lariat!



PRL weighs fifty pounds more than Jay Darring, but the Shooter's heart is twice as big!


Jay meancingly moves in on PRL, looking to inflict even more damage on the Puerto Rican... but PRL scampers back on his hands, tagging in Calvin Szechstein! The crowd roars as PRL bails, rolling to the outside and leaving his partner hanging! Calvin mumbles some curse words at PRL as he stares at Jay, the electricity between the two immense!



Two months ago Jay Darring came within inches of dethroning Calvin Szechstein, and this Sunday he gets a chance to do the same! What could he possibly do now?


Calvin takes a deep breath before stepping through the ropes, charging at Jay Darring...







Calvin hits the mat hard, and Jay Darring, a savage grin on his face, makes the pin!



















Ladies and gentlemen, YOUR winners, "Shooter" Jay Darring and the Blurricane!


"Shin-Jingi Naki Tatakai" begins to blast as Jay gets to his feet, celebrating in the middle of the ring! Blurricane, propped up on the ring apron, begins to celebrate as well, still unable to stand up on one leg. PRL is halfway up the ramp, upset at losing but glad he escaped with some dignity and without being injured.


And Calvin Szechstein is on the mat, defeated.



Calvin Szechstein is laying in defeat, and Jay Darring is victorious! Will this be the scene at Deadly Game? TUNE IN THIS SUNDAY TO FIND OUT! FOR EVERYONE HERE AT INTENSEZONE, GOOD NIGHT!

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(Blurricane walks back through the curtain and the cameras follow him to his locker room and opens the door. The lights are off and he goes to turn them on. Once he turns them on he stops and speaks.)



Where have you been?






Are you alright?



.....I....I have done something terribly wrong.



What? What have you done?



I had no choice...he threatened...I did what I thought was best.



What did you do??



He...he's out.



Out?? Who's out??


"I AM!!"


(Suddenly Blurricane turns around to see...)



Hello Number 13!


(Fade to black)

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