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Guest The Last Free Voice

The Last Free Review of JLA/Avengers #3

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Guest The Last Free Voice

The Last Free Review of JLA/Avengers #3

By The Last Free Voice


Unless you have been living under a rock forever or you are new to comics, the JLA and Avengers are the biggest super teams of DC and Marvel comics, respectively. And this mini-series, written by Kurt Busiek and George Perez is the culmination of decades of false starts and fanboy’s dreams. It features just about every JLA or Avengers member ever, as the cover of this issue illustrates, and has been awesome for the most part.


First off the writing is excellent. Busiek doesn’t try to give every character an equal part of the spotlight, instead focusing on telling his story. And that story is fitting for a crossover as epic as JLA/Avengers. Without spoiling too much, the first two issues focused on the team’s quests to find several items as part of a “game” between Grandmaster and Krona. After the shocking conclusion of last issue, something is very wrong. The two teams share members, and apparently have been partnering for a long time, taking out sever unions of baddies! But that’s not all! Barry Allen and Hal Jordan are there! What is going on? The answer is at both times perfectly logical and disappointing, for reasons I’ll get into later. The writing is awesome, as all the characters are portrayed accurately, and their reactions are realistic, for a comic at least.


The art is awesome, as most people expected. George Perez’s name has been attached to this project since it’s inception, and he doesn’t fail to deliver. From the covers, which have been great, to the character designs to backgrounds to the awesome battle sequences, the art is absolutely spectacular. You can see how much effort is put in, as every character is portrayed accurately, from their faces to costumes. And take a look at this issues cover! Tell me that’s not awesome. I like this even better than the Crisis TPB.


And now for the gripe I have with this series. It feels too much like Crisis Version two. From Krona to some of the events of this issue, it just feels too similar. Not to say Crisis or this story is bad. I’d just prefer a more original story. I also don’t understand the inclusion of Silver age hero’s, but that may be resolved in the final installment.


Overall I recommend this title to any fan of superhero comics. It has everything. Major characters, action, intrigue, great dialogue and twists and turns to keep you guessing. This series has been surrounded by hype, and thus far has delivered in spades.




Score: 9.0 out of 10

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I am soooooooo hyped for number four now! Three really sets the stage well.

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Guest TheMadmanGreg

I really hate interdimensional story arcs. I spend enough time trying to bend my head around difficult concepts and technical theories and practises. When I read my comics, I'd like to see a solid story that doesn't involve convenient warping or parallel universes.

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