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For the love of God

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Not a week goes by that the evil heel GM makes a goddamn handicap match. And usually they're boring as hell and overly predictable. It's not as bad as it was a couple years ago when Rock was winning 2-1, 3-1, and 4-1 matches every friggin week, but it's just making for bad tv.


I'm not saying they can't still be used...but give it a rest.

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Guest Ray

Or better yet, get rid of evil GM's!


Vince ran the concept into the ground. It may have been fresh in 98, but it's DONE. Find something new Vinnie.

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Or better yet, get rid of evil GM's!


Vince ran the concept into the ground. It may have been fresh in 98, but it's DONE. Find something new Vinnie.

The problem with that is we'll get Steph back quickly to kick Heyman off Smackdown if you wish too hard, unless she becomes an evil GM herself and annoys the hell out of us again.

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Guest netslob
unless she becomes an evil GM herself and annoys the hell out of us again. 


i think that's a given

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I heard they're not bringing Stephanie back soon... as they are quite pleased with Heyman's progress.... he gets a +10 SP for keeping Steph the hell off the TV.

Yeah, but you know how WWE is if they see that ratings are down during Heyman's progression.


Vince:"Holy shit! Smackdown got a 2.9 this week! It's time to get rid of Heyman and bring back my daughter, Stephanie! Then I'll have her turn heel!"

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Kurrgan/Golga/Silva def. TAKA/Funaki/Teoh/Togo at SSlam 98 in a handicap match....


of course that was 5 years ago and it really shouldn't be called a handicap match since one Golga = 2 Evil Japs.

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Guest Jimbo

Kinda hard to find ones where the stacked team one, much less one where there is a clear cut winner at all...


Most of them are just shitty excuses to have a dumb run in and either a gang attack on one or two guys, or let the underdogs friends save the day and clear the ring...

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Guest Mulatto Heat
So again, I state:


Can someone track down how many handicap matches were actually won by the 2 (or 3) guys?


So far:


- Steiner/Test vs. RVD (Raw)


*Let's say in the past 3 years.

Bashams vs. Chavo - last month

Angle/Jericho vs. HHH - Feb. 02

NWO vs. Rock/Austin - Mar. 02

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Well, if we're talking about 3-on-1.......Big Show and the World's Greatest Tag Team beat Brock Lesnar not too long ago.

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Handicap matches don't generally help anyone.

The one guy wins. He just buried his opponents because 1 man beat both(or 3) of them.

If the side with 2(or 3) men win...big fucking deal..you just beat 1 guy. You should've been able to.

The worst offender I think of this was Angle vs. WGTT/Big Show. He pretty much embarassed all 3 of them. It was sad.

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Taker vs. Brock/Big Show is the worst offender - given that Brock and Show were the champions at the time and that Taker kept on beating them. I thought they did Angle vs. Brock/Team Angle pretty smartly, but it certainly did them no favours. Taker vs. Albert/Big Show was a well worked match. Benoit/Brock vs. Angle vs. Team Angle I can't remember very well.

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Guest Anglesault
Benoit/Brock vs. Angle vs. Team Angle I can't remember very well.

It was the match that totally destroyed any interest in the world title feud.


Does that refresh your memory?

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Benoit/Brock vs. Angle vs. Team Angle I can't remember very well.

It was the match that totally destroyed any interest in the world title feud.


Does that refresh your memory?

The one where Benoit/Brock went over for absolutely no reason...with Benoit getting a tap out to the crossface from one of Team Angle? When it should've been Angle getting the tapout from Brock with the Ankle Lock?

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Guest Anglesault
Benoit/Brock vs. Angle vs. Team Angle I can't remember very well.

It was the match that totally destroyed any interest in the world title feud.


Does that refresh your memory?

The one where Benoit/Brock went over for absolutely no reason...with Benoit getting a tap out to the crossface from one of Team Angle? When it should've been Angle getting the tapout from Brock with the Ankle Lock?

Yeah, the show where two guys totally destroyed the world champ and the tag champs for no logical reason because Benoit was immediately depushed and Lesnar was a given to win anyway.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

WOW, I would have to agree with almost everyone here as I also feel that handicap matches are pointless. I understand the fact when the "evil GM' does it to the face to get stronger heat, but doesn't almost kill all the heat of the heels in the actual match?

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WOW, I would have to agree with almost everyone here as I also feel that handicap matches are pointless. I understand the fact when the "evil GM' does it to the face to get stronger heat, but doesn't almost kill all the heat of the heels in the actual match?

Yeah. One of the major problems I have with WWE booking is that the heels are constantly castrated. The faces have to get their heat back RIGHT AWAY and by the time the blowoff occurs, the face has already looked stronger and the blowoff usually puts the face over anyway.


So how can you really be too worried about the faces if they don't look vulnerable for any period of time?


When they don't book heels weakly, they usually book them too strongly (HHH).

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