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Red Baron

A little help

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Knowing my dad, being a complete computer illiterate, he really fucked his computer up real bad. He uses Windows 98, and when booted up it says System.INI not found, and then the computer automatically shuts down.


Any help here?

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz





How to restore the system.ini and win.ini.




It may be required to restore the system.ini and or the win.ini if improperly edited, corrupted or deleted.




If you are using Windows 3.x and are in Windows


Click File and choose to exit Windows


If you are using Windows 95/98 and are in Windows


Click Start

Click Shutdown

Choose to restart the computer in MS-DOS mode and click ok.


Once at the MS-DOS prompt type the following to restore the system.ini:


cd\windows <press enter>

ren system.ini system.ch <press enter>


If after attempting to rename the system.ini you receive File not found continue to follow the below steps.


ren system.--- system.ini <press enter>


If after attempting to type the above command you receive file not found follow the below instructions, if you do not receive a message your system.ini should be restored to its original state.


dir system.*


If you see a file other then system.ch such as system.bak or system.000 follow the above instructions however replace the --- for the appropriate extension on your computer.


Once at the MS-DOS prompt type the following to restore the win.ini:


cd\windows <press enter>

ren win.ini win.ch <press enter>


If after attempting to rename the win.ini you receive File not found continue to follow the below steps.


ren win.--- win.ini <press enter>


If after attempting to type the above command you receive file not found follow the below instructions, if you do not receive a message your win.ini should be restored to its original state.


dir win.*


If you see a file other then win.ch or win.com such as win.bak or win.000 follow the above instructions however replace the --- for the appropriate extension on your computer.


Additional Information:


The system.--- or win.--- is the original system.ini and win.ini files used as backups when Windows was first installed. When recovering these files it will restore this backup which means some programs or changes that have been made to these files will be lost.


If a particular program does not work after following the above instructions simply reinstall that program. The above instructions are used to fix boot errors or various other computer issues.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz

Also, if you made a system boot disk, a backup may be on it, restore it from there.

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