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Backlund/Inoki, Bret/Flair, Capital Carnage

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Cleveland, OH - December 6, 1963

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Hans Mortier


WWWF @ Philadelphia, PA – December 6, 1967

Television taping:

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Bull Ortega


WWWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - December 6, 1971

Manuel Soto defeated Mike Monroe at 10:47

Farmer Jerome & Sonny Boy Haynes defeated Sky Low Low & Little Brutus in a Best 2 out of 3 Falls match, 2-0 winning the second fall via disqualification, at 21:09

Stan Stasiak fought Chief Jay Strongbow to a 20-minute time-limit draw

Victor Rivera defeated Jimmy Valiant at 12:16

The Fabulous Kangaroos fought the Rugged Russians to a time-limit draw in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match

Karl Gotch & Rene Goulet defeated WWWF Tag Team Champions Luke Graham & Tarzan Tyler to win the titles in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, 2-0, at 17:20

WWWF World Champion Pedro Morales defeated Freddie Blassie at 7:14 in a Roman Gladiator match when the challenger was deemed unable to continue


WWWF @ Altoona, PA - December 6, 1975

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Blackjack Lanza


WWWF @ Portland, ME - December 6, 1977

Larry Sharpe & Jack Evans defeated Johnny Rivera & Frankie Williams

Chief Jay Strongbow defeated Butcher Vachon

Dominic DeNucci fought the Golden Terror to a draw

Ken Patera fought Peter Miavia to a draw

WWWF World Champion Superstar Billy Graham fought Bob Backlund to a double count-out


Tokyo, Japan - December 6, 1979

Tiger Jeet Singh fought Seiji Sakaguchi to a no contest

Tatsumi Fujinami & Riki Choshu defeated Pedro Morales & Greg Valentine

Strong Kobayashi defeated Nikolai Volkoff via disqualification

Kimura & Kido defeated Hirata & Hoehino

Haruka Eigen defeated Kuniaki Kobayashi

Yoshiaki Fujiwara defeated Akira Maeda

WWF & NWF World Champion Antonio Inoki fought Bob Backlund to a no contest at 27:19; Backlund had scored a pinfall after coming off the top rope, following outside distraction from Tiger Jeet Singh, however WWF President Hisashi Shinma overruled the decision and declared it a no contest; only the WWF title was on the line


WWF @ Pittsburgh, PA - Civic Arena - December 6, 1985

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Jesse Ventura


WWF @ Winnipeg, Manitoba - Arena - December 6, 1986

WWF Women's Champion the Fabulous Moolah defeated Velvet McIntyre

Nick Kiniski defeated Stoney Burke

Sika defeated Paul Roma

Koko B. Ware defeated the Iron Sheik

Hillbilly Jim defeated Nikolai Volkoff

King Kong Bundy defeated George Steele via disqualification


WWF @ Boston, MA - Boston Garden - December 6, 1986

Dick Slater vs. Steve Lombardi

Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Mike Rotundo & Dan Spivey

Harley Race vs. Pedro Morales

Blackjack Mulligan vs. Jimmy Jack Funk

Dino Bravo vs. Cpl. Kirchner

Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake vs. the Islanders

SD Jones vs. Iron Mike Sharpe

The Junkyard Dog vs. Adrian Adonis

The Karate Kid & Pepe Gomez vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan pinned Kamala with the legdrop


WWF @ Daytona Beach, FL - December 6, 1988

WWF Superstars taping:


Akeem defeated Juan Valdez

The Powers of Pain defeated Joe Cruz & Lanny Poffo

Jim Duggan defeated Tony Suber

Rick Rude defeated an unknown

Bad News Brown defeated Bob Emery

Ron Garvin defeated Barry Horowitz

Ron Bass defeated Martin Roy


WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition defeated Iron Mike Sharpe & Rusty Brooks

Ted Dibiase defeated Scott Casey

Jake Roberts defeated Pete Sanchez

The Big Bossman defeated Bill Mulkey

Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated Tim Horner & George South

Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart defeated Greg Valentine & the Honkytonk Man via disqualification after Honky broke his guitar over Hart's head


Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty defeated Rusty Riddle & Trent Knight

King Haku defeated Jose Luis Rivera

WWF IC Champion the Ultimate Warrior defeated Jose Estrada

Dino Bravo defeated Omar Atlas


WWF @ East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands - December 6, 1990

Jake Roberts defeated Rick Martel via disqualification


WWF @ Houston, TX - Summit - December 6, 1991

Tito Santana defeated Kato

Kerry Von Erich defeated the Bezerker

The Nasty Boys defeated the Rockers when Brian Knobs pinned Marty Jannetty

Sgt. Slaughter defeated Ted Dibiase via disqualification

WWF IC Champion Bret Hart defeated the Mountie

WWF Tag Team Champion Road Warrior Hawk defeated Typhoon

Ric Flair pinned Roddy Piper with his feet on the ropes


WWF @ Memphis, TN - Pyramid - December 6, 1991

The Warlord defeated Greg Valentine

Chris Chavis defeated Hercules

Davey Boy Smith defeated the Barbarian

Randy Savage pinned Jake Roberts

The Big Bossman defeated IRS

The Undertaker defeated Jim Duggan

The Beverly Brothers defeated the Bushwhackers when Blake pinned Luke


WWF @ Landover, MD - Capital Centre - December 6, 1992 (matinee)

Tito Santana vs. the Bezerker

Crush vs. Papa Shango

Bob Backlund vs. Kamala

Tatanka vs. Damien Demento

WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS vs. the Natural Disasters

The Undertaker vs. Razor Ramon


WWF @ Springfield, MA - Civic Center - December 6, 1992

Max Moon defeated Repo Man

The Headshrinkers defeated the Natural Disasters

Jim Duggan fought Nailz to a no contest after Nailz attacked Duggan before the match with his nightstick

WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Marty Jannetty

Skinner defeated Jim Powers

Rick Martel pinned Virgil with a sunset flip

WWF World Champion Bret Hart pinned Ric Flair


WWF @ Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Arena - December 6, 1992

Lance Cassidy defeated Terry Taylor

Tito Santana defeated the Brooklyn Brawler

Tatanka defeated Damien Demento

Crush defeated Papa Shango with the head vice

Bob Backlund pinned Kamala

The Nasty Boys defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS via disqualification

The Undertaker defeated Razor Ramon


WWF @ Bornemouth, England - International Centre - December 6, 1993

Adam Bomb defeated Virgil

The Smoking Gunns defeated the Red & Black Knight (the Brooklyn Brawler & Barry Horowitz)

Tatanka defeated Diesel

The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Rick Martel

WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated IRS

Randy Savage defeated Shawn Michaels

The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification


WWF @ Sheffield, England - Arena - December 6, 1994

Aldo Montoya defeated Quebecar Pierre

The Bushwhackers defeated Timothy Well & Barry Horowitz (sub. for Steven Dunn)

Duke Drose defeated Kwang

Lex Luger defeated Tatanka

WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated Jeff Jarrett

The Smoking Gunns defeated the Heavenly Bodies via disqualification

Davey Boy Smith defeated King Kong Bundy


WWF @ Niagra Falls, NY - December 6, 1995

Hakushi, Barry Horowitz, & Fatu defeated Skip, Kama, & Isaac Yankem DDS

Ahmed Johnson defeated Rad Radford

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Henry Godwinn in a slop bucket match

WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Owen Hart & Yokozuna

Psycho Sid defeated WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon via count-out

Davey Boy Smith defeated Diesel via disqualification

Savio Vega defeated Bob Backlund

The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Marty Jannetty

Goldust defeated Bob Holly

WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated the Undertaker via disqualification


WWF @ Providence, RI - Civic Center - December 6, 1997

Brian Christopher pinned Scott Taylor

Jesus Castillo, Miguel Perez, & Jose Estrada defeated Chainz, Skull, & 8-Ball

Kane pinned Vader

Ken Shamrock defeated D-Lo Brown

The Legion of Doom & Dude Love defeated Farooq, Kama, & Rocky Miavia

Flash Funk pinned Barry Hardy

WWF Tag Team Champions Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg defeated the Headbangers

WWF IC Champion Steve Austin defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley


Capital Carnage - London, England - London Arena - December 6, 1998

Droz defeated Headbanger Mosh

Pay-per-view bouts:

Gangrel pinned Al Snow after Edge interfered and hit a missile dropkick off the top

The Headbangers defeated Road Warrior Animal & Droz when Mosh pinned Droz with a roll up after Droz pushed Animal to the floor; after the match, Animal and Droz got into a brawl

Val Venis pinned Goldust with a roll up after putting Earl Heber in front of him to prevent the Shattered Dreams

Tiger Ali Singh pinned Edge with his feet on the ropes

Christian & WWF Women's Champion Sable defeated Marc Mero & Jackie when Sable pinned Jackie with the TKO; after losing to Gillberg, this was announced as Mero's final WWF match

WWF IC Champion Ken Shamrock (w/ the Big Bossman) defeated Steve Blackman via submission with the ankle lock after Bossman hit the challenger in the ankle with his nightstick

Triple H (w/ Chyna) pinned Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) with the Pedigree

WWF Tag Team Champions Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg defeated Mark Henry & D-Lo Brown after Gunn hit a piledriver on D-Lo

WWF World Champion the Rock defeated WWF European Champion X-Pac via disqualification after Triple H attacked the world champion on the floor, after Rock pushed Chyna; both Triple H and Chyna came ringside earlier in the bout to prevent Rock from getting himself counted-out

Steve Austin defeated the Undertaker, Kane, and Mankind in a fatal four way match by avoiding the tombstone from Kane and hitting the tombstone; Shane McMahon was the guest ring announcer, Pat Patterson was the guest time keeper, Gerald Brisco was the guest referee, and the Big Bossman was the guest ring enforcer; Vinnie Jones counted the pinfall for Austin after taking out the Bossman, moments after Brisco took out Earl Hebner and Austin took out Brisco


WWF @ Worcester, MA - December 6, 1999

Raw is War:

Too Cool defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg via disqualification when Crash & Hardcore Holly interfered; Rikishi made the save

Kurt Angle & Steve Blackman defeated Matt & Jeff Hardy (w/ Terri) after Blackman hit Jeff with his kendo stick, with Angle getting the pin

Val Venis fought D-Lo Brown to a no contest when Davey Boy Smith and the Mean Street Posse attacked both men; prematch stipulations called for the winner to be named the #1 contender to the Bulldog's European title

The Godfather pinned Prince Albert with the Ho Train

Rikishi pinned Hardcore Holly with a splash off the middle turnbuckle

Triple H & X-Pac defeated Test & Kane (w/ Tori) when Triple H pinned Test following a low blow and the Pedigree

WWF World Champion the Big Show pinned Viscera with a missile dropkick off the top

The Rock & Mankind defeated Al Snow & Chris Jericho via disqualification when Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg interfered


WWE (Raw) @ Richmond, VA - Coliseum - December 6, 2002

The Hurricane pinned Raven by reversing the DDT into the Eye of the Hurricane

Tommy Dreamer defeated Sean O’Haire

Rosey & Rico defeated D-Lo Brown & Spike Dudley when Rico pinned Spike with a spin kick after D-Lo walked out of the match

WWE Women’s Champion Victoria & Molly Holly defeated Trish Stratus & Jackie when Molly pinned Jackie by reversing a sunset flip

Batista pinned Kane with a spinebuster after Ric Flair interfered

The Dudley Boyz defeated William Regal & Lance Storm in a tables match following the 3D on Storm after Spike Dudley interfered

Christopher Nowinski pinned Maven after hitting a DDT onto his book

Test pinned Steven Richards with a boot to the face

Booker T pinned WWE Raw Tag Team Champion Christian with the scissors kick

Rob Van Dam pinned Triple H in a No DQ match with the Van Daminator and Five Star Frog Splash after Batista, Ric Flair, and Kane interfered


WWE (Smackdown!) @ Hamilton, Ontario - Copps Coliseum - December 6, 2002

Sho Funaki & Sylvian Grenier defeated Doug Basham & Red Dogg when Funaki scored the pin with a roll up

Crash Holly & Nunzio (Little Guido) defeated Shannon Moore & Spanky when Crash pinned Moore with a roll up and holding onto the ropes for leverage at around 8:30

Matt Hardy pinned Chuck Palumbo with a roll up and putting his feet on the ropes at around 8:00

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman pinned Jamie Knoble with the Shooting Star Press at 7:30

Brock Lesnar defeated WWE Smackdown! World Champion the Big Show via disqualification when Matt Hardy interfered; after the match, Kurt Angle made the save for Lesnar

Albert & Bill DeMott defeated Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas when Albert pinned Benjamin with the Baldo Bomb at 8:00

Scott Steiner defeated Bull Buchanon via submission with the Steiner Recliner at 9:00

Gail Kim defeated Dawn Marie in a Bra & Panties match

WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit when Eddie pinned Angle after Chavo used one of the title belts as a weapon

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