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Guest Austin3164life


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Guest Austin3164life

Personally, I think right now (as I'm sure at least some of you do) that the product the WWF is putting out is absolute crap.  The right wrestlers are in the wrong places, the matches are usually overbooked to death, the writing is terrible, and the ratings are pretty low.  To me-at least in my own opinion-I feel that the ratings could use a nice boost by creating better feuds.  They should create an atmosphere tantamount to how it was in the summer of 1997 and spring of 1992.  Some of the feuds I would definitely cash in on would be Austin/Benoit, Angle/Lesnar, RVD/Eddy, and Booker T/Jericho.  Any one of these feuds could easily be a Main Event feud.  I know that The Rock and Triple H have more name value than some of the men I have mentioned, but I feel that the guys I named are more then qualified to be legitimate main eventers.  All they need are the right push.  From the time until Benoit returns all the way to Survivor Series, I would push an Austin/Benoit feud which would mirror an Angle/Jericho feud.  Imagine the short skits and long (& Great) matches these four would have if they are put back on the top.  At Survivor Series, with these four aformentioned stars, you can have a four way Battle Royal to determine the "Ultimate Survivor" or something of that sort.  It probably sounds far fetched on my part, but if the WWF rides the talents of Austin, Angle, Benoit, and Jericho, I feel the ratings would lift up, the political games would slip, and we would see some spectacular matches.  What do you guys think??

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Guest El Satanico

I hear if ratings keep slipping Vince is going to try to sign the Friends cast when they become free agents next summer and do another invasion. I guess Vince has been predicting that with those signings WWF ratings will go higher then they ever have before.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Frankly I dont give a flying fuck about the ratings, I want to see good wrestling, and good shows.  If Vince stopped worrying about how many MTV bands he has do theme songs, we might just get a good show or two, and then people will watch. His "shock you with mtv shit" logic is barely holding ratings up, and they only tune in to hear the theme songs, he has to cater to people who like wrestling and not fireworks, because fireworks sell for about 20 seconds, and then they change the channel

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Frankly I dont give a flying fuck about the ratings, I want to see good wrestling, and good shows.  


I agree 100%.  Besides, are the ratings really that bad?

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Guest Some Guy

Raw did a 4.8 rating this week, roughly the same as last week. Has to be considered successful with the half-crew pulling in numbers slightly above what the full crew was averaging. Again, I don't read much into any numbers for about another nine weeks as there is a novelty right now. But I'd also consider a slight drop from the previous average nine weeks down the line as a win, because there is more time to focus on making new stars than there was before.

Credit: Meltzer


4.8 aint to bad, it's not 99/2000 Attitude lebel, but still very solid.


I do care about ratings if they help my arguements for pushing certain people, if they don't, then fuck the ratings. ;)  

But seriously the ratings matter a lot to Vince and at some point he's going to realize that he re-built the company with NEW stars not recycled old ones and start pushing RVD, Booker, Benoit, and Eddy (well probably not Eddy) to the top.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I should clarify what I said about the ratings.  I don't want them to get so bad that the WWF goes out of business, but I really don't care whether it is drawing 3.0 or 10.0, if it entertains me.

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Guest Human Fly

If there's going to be any improvement in the quality of the show it's got to start with the writers. If that doesn't improve then the quality of the show will probably stay the way it is. If it's like Monday though I can live with it.

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Guest Risk
I don't want them to get so bad that the WWF goes out of business, but I really don't care whether it is drawing 3.0 or 10.0, if it entertains me.


I wish Vince would just start a new promotion.  The WWF has so many bad memories.  Here are some new names...


Ultimate Championship Wrestling


Universal Championship Wrestling


Universal Wrestling Corporation


World Championship Wrestling(I know, a stretch, but the name sounds so friggin' cool and I love the "new" WCW logo.  This WCW could only reconise champions in the NWA up until 1991.)


Universal Wrestling Federation(same name, but nothing to do with the older one)


All America Pro Wrestling(maybe set up a New America Pro Wrestling with Vince giving Shane some wrestlers)

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Guest El Satanico

There is ONLY one reason that we should give a shit about ratings. If ratings drop to whatever level Vince doesn't like he'll panic and get desperate and start throwing stupid shit on tv that is meant to shock the tv audience so they will tune back in.


We really don't want to see what a truly desperate Vince will do to regain ratings.

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Frankly I dont give a flying fuck about the ratings, I want to see good wrestling, and good shows.  

Yeah Totally Agree man. We need more Wrestling an less yaking.

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Guest RicFlairGlory
Vince doesn't like he'll panic and get desperate and start throwing stupid shit on tv that is meant to shock the tv audience so they will tune back in.


Well a lot of the feuds and ways guys have been getting pushed, have seemed to all go according to what would give him ratings. I could swear he's doing some dumb shit now to try to get ratings. 'Taker is on just as often to push Limp Bizkit over as it is for the dead man.  


IF he goes back to what GOT him to the top, new shows, good wrestling, and NOT triple H blabbering on I am a faaaaacceee!!


Some say he'd do wrong to go back to the well. But if he goes back to the '98 well, and not the MTV offices, the shows might turn out well.

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