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Lil' Bitch

Armageddon 2003 Predictions

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World Heavyweight Title

Goldberg vs. HHH vs. Kane


I can't stand Triple Threat matches because most of the time, the champion usually retains since the two challengers are too busy at each other's throats. I would like Kane to win though even if it was another short reign.


Intercontinental Championship

Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam


As much as I like RVD, its back to the grave for him.


Dave Batista vs. Shawn Michaels


Batista wins by cheating.


Booker T Vs. Mark Henry


For the love of God, let Booker win this.


Battles of The Sexes

Trish Stratus & Lita Vs. Chris Jericho & Christian


Mars > Venus


TAG TEAM TURMOIL For The World Tag Titles

The Dudley Boyz Vs. Cade / Jindrak Vs. La Resistance Vs. Storm / Venis Vs. S.H.I.T. Vs. Test / Steiner


I'm expecting a title change here. If S.H.I.T., all is well although I wouldn't be surprised if the other "green" team wins it.

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Bold prediction:Orton and Batista will continue to get their undeserved push.

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