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This week in Raw/SD!/Nitro/Thunder history

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I've been doing these since April in the WWE and General Wrestling folders but due to lack of interest and other reasons I thought of not doing them anymore. But since I have this crap all typed out already for several months I figure I'll just put it all in one thread and put in the more appropriate Old School folder.


This week in Raw/Smackdown/Nitro/Thunder history for 12/14 - 12/20




December 18, 1995

Ric Flair def. Eddy Guerrero

Lex Luger def. Marcus Bagwell

Sting def. Bobby Eaton

The Giant def. Randy Savage by DQ; WCW Title Match


December 16, 1996

Steven Regal def. Psychosis; TV Title Match

Big Bubba Rogers def. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chris Jericho def. Masahiro Chono by DQ

Dean Malenko def. David Sammartino; CW Title Match

Ice Train def. Jerry Flynn

Rey Mysterio Jr. def. Bobby Eaton

Kevin Sullivan def. Arn Anderson

The Outsiders NC The Faces of Fear


December 15, 1997

Ray Traylor def. Vincent

Disco Inferno def. Yuji Nagata; TV Title Match

Fit Finlay def. Dean Malenko

Rey Mysterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera def. La Parka & Psychosis

Scott Hall def. Chris Jericho

The Steiner Brothers def. Konnan & Scott Norton by DQ; Tag Title Match

Randy Savage def. Booker T

Chris Benoit def. Scotty Riggs

Buff Bagwell def. Lex Luger by DQ

Ric Flair def. Curt Hennig by DQ; U.S. Title Match


December 14, 1998

Eddy Guerrero NC Villano V

Wrath def. Al Green

Kidman NC Rey Mysterio Jr.; CW Title Match

Barry Windham def. Emery Hale

Norman Smiley def. Saturn

Konnan def. Stevie Ray; TV Title Match

Horace def. Scott Hall by DQ

Scott Steiner def. Van Hammer

Goldberg, Kevin Nash, and Bam Bam Bigelow go to a no contest in a Triangle Match


December 20, 1999

Madusa def. Buzzkill

Curt Hennig def. Hugh Morrus

Tank Abbott NC Jerry Flynn in a No Holds Barred Match

Fit Finlay & Brian Knobs def. Meng & Norman Smiley

The Maestro def. Evan Karagias

Chris Kanyon def. Diamond Dallas Page and Bam Bam Bigelow (pinned) in a Three-Way Match

Jeff Jarrett def. Chris Benoit in a Ladder Match to win the United States Title

Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner def. Harlem Heat

Bret Hart def. Goldberg to win the WCW World Title


December 18, 2000

Shane Helms def. Shannon Moore

Terry Funk def. Meng; HC Title Match

Lance Storm def. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Jeff Jarrett def. Mike Awesome

The Cat def. Alex Wright

Goldberg def. Buff Bagwell by DQ

Jeff Jarrett def. Lance Storm




December 18, 1998

Konnan def. Kenny Kaos

Fit Finlay def. Mike Enos

Rey Mysterio Jr. def. Juventud Guerrera

Disco Inferno def. Shima Nobunoga

Norman Smiley def. Jerry Flynn

Chris Jericho def. Saturn

Scott Hall def. Lex Luger by DQ


December 16, 1999

Buff Bagwell def. Vampiro

TAFKA Prince Iaukea def. Evan Karagias

Jim Duggan & Midnight def. Saturn & Asya

David Flair def. Norman Smiley by count out; HC Title Match

The Wall def. Steve Williams by DQ

Dustin Rhodes def. Curt Hennig by DQ

Chris Kanyon def. Diamond Dallas Page

Bret Hart & Goldberg NC Kevin Nash in a Handicap House of Pain Match for the Tag Titles; Special Referee, Roddy Piper


December 20, 2000

Chavo Guerrero Jr. def. Jamie Knoble; CW Title Match

Mark Jindrak & Sean O’Haire and The Perfect Event are co-winners of a Tag Team Battle Royal

Konnan def. Elix Skipper

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Crowbar in a hardcore match

Goldberg def. Norman Smiley

Shane Douglas & Kronik def. The Misfits in Action

Scott Steiner def. The Cat; WCW Title Match




December 20, 1993

Jeff Jarrett def. P.J. Walker

Men on a Mission def. Dwayne Gill & Barry Hardy

Tatanka def. Ludvig Borga by DQ

Adam Bomb def. Mark Thomas

Owen Hart def. Mike Bell

The Headshrinkers def. Phil Apollo & Jerry Seavy


December 19, 1994

Irwin R. Schyster def. Lex Luger by count out

The Smoking Gunns def. Roy Raymond & Chris Avery

Bob Holly def Chris Kanyon

The Bushwhackers def. Well Dunn

Jim Neidhart def. Nick Barbarry


December 18, 1995

Jeff Jarrett def. Fatu by DQ

Buddy Landell def. Bob Holly

Razor Ramon def. Yokozuna by count out; IC Title Match


December 16, 1996

Steve Austin NC Vader

Fake Diesel & Fake Razor def. The Godwinns

Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon def. T.L. Hopper & Doctor X

Billy Gunn NC Bart Gunn


December 15, 1997

Taka Michinoku def. Jerry Lawler by DQ

Dude Love def. Road Dogg

Mark Henry def. The Brooklyn Brawler

Tom Brandi def. The Sultan

Steve Blackman def. Miguel Perez

The Legion of Doom def. Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ


December 14, 1998

Val Venis & The Godfather def. Edge & Christian

Goldust def. The Blue Blazer by DQ

D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry def. Scorpio & Bob Holly

Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman def. The New Age Outlaws to win the Tag Team Titles

Jeff Jarrett def. Steve Blackman in a Guitar on a Pole Match

Mankind NC Kane in a No Holds Barred Match

The Rock def. Triple H


December 20, 1999

The New Age Outlaws def. Test in a handicap match

Jeff Hardy & Christian def. Edge & Matt Hardy

Kurt Angle def. Viscera

The Dudley Boyz def. The Acolytes and The Fabulous Moolah & Mae Young (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match

Santa Claus def. Mankind in a Boiler Room Brawl

Chris Jericho def. The Godfather; IC Title Match

Hardcore Holly def. Val Venis in a Holiday Topless Top Rope Match

Al Snow def. The Rock in a Brahma Bull Rope Match

Too Cool & Rikishi def. The Mean Street Posse

The Big Show def. Kane in a Falls Count Anywhere Match for the WWF Title


December 18, 2000

Chris Benoit def. Jeff Hardy; IC Title Match

Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, & The Goodfather def. The Dudley Boyz & Billy Gunn

The Rock & The Undertaker def. Edge & Christian to win the Tag Team Titles

Chris Jericho def. Perry Saturn

William Regal def. Steve Austin by DQ

The Acolytes & Jacqueline def. T&A & Trish Stratus

Kurt Angle NC Vince McMahon; WWF Title Match


December 17, 2001

The Undertaker def. Jeff Hardy; HC Title Match

The Dudley Boyz def. Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert; Tag Title Match

Christian def. Tazz; Euro Title Match

Lance Storm def. The Rock by count out

Kurt Angle & Test def. Edge & Rikishi

Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo def. The Big Show & Tajiri

Chris Jericho NC Rob Van Dam; Special Referee, Ric Flair; Undisputed Title Match


December 16, 2002

Test & Trish Stratus def. Steven Richards & Victoria

Christopher Nowinski def. Maven

Christian def. Goldust

Kane & Rob Van Dam def. Three Minute Warning & Batista in a handicap match

Lance Storm & William Regal def. The Dudley Boyz

Jeff Hardy def. D’Lo Brown

Booker T NC Chris Jericho




December 16, 1999

Chris Jericho def. Prince Albert; IC Title Match

Kurt Angle def. Test by DQ

Matt Hardy def. Jeff Hardy

X-Pac def. Tori

Mankind def. Al Snow in a No Holds Barred Match

Edge def. Christian

The Acolytes def. The Mean Street Posse in an Acolytes Rules Match

Too Cool & Rikishi def. The Hollys & Viscera

The New Age Outlaws def. Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco in a No-DQ Match for the Tag Titles

The Big Show NC The Rock in a Lumberjack Match for the WWF Title


December 14, 2000

Edge & Christian def. The Dudley Boyz

Ivory def. Lita; Women’s Title Match

Billy Gunn def. Val Venis by DQ

The Undertaker def. Raven in a hardcore match

The Hardy Boyz def. Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn

Dean Malenko def. Chris Jericho

The Rock & Steve Austin def. Kurt Angle & William Regal


December 20, 2001

Edge def. Kurt Angle by DQ; IC Title Match

Lance Storm def. Rikishi

The Undertaker def. Matt Hardy; HC Title Match

The Rock def. Test

Chris Jericho def. The Big Show; Undisputed Title Match

Booker T def. Steve Austin a First Blood Match


December 19, 2002

Eddie Guerrero def. Billy Kidman

John Cena def. Chuck Palumbo

Brock Lesnar def. Matt Hardy

Bill DeMott & Crash def. Jamie Noble & Nunzio

Edge def. A-Train

Chris Benoit def. Kurt Angle by DQ

Edited by Bored

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December 20, 2001

Edge def. Kurt Angle by DQ; IC Title Match

Lance Storm def. Rikishi

The Undertaker def. Matt Hardy; HC Title Match

The Rock def. Test

Chris Jericho def. The Big Show; Undisputed Title Match

Booker T def. Steve Austin a First Blood Match


A really EPIC~! show. Featuired the return of the...



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