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Guest Vern Gagne

The global community

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Guest Vern Gagne

Why do left-wingers always feel obligated to mention the Global Community. They where up in arms because the U.S. didn't sign the Kyoto treaty, and that upset the Global community. They support Isreal, and that doesn't sit well with the Global Community. They want to overthrow Hussein and the Global Community is against it. Who the hell cares about what the Global Community thinks about the United States.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Because they think it makes them look like they care about the world.

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Guest DrTom

They can't get that whole Brotherhood Of Man thing out of their systems, back from the hippie days.


I think they say it so they can seem like they're aware of the way the rest of the world feels, while making themselves appear sensitive to those feelings, and wanting the US to be sensitive to them, too.  In reality, of course, the sentiments of thousands of countries and billions of people cannot be summed up with a trite buzzword like "global community," but since a lot of liberalism is style over substance, they're big on trite buzzwords.


We didn't sign the Kyoto Accords?  Good, they were stupid and ill-conceived.  It's not like they're being followed closely, anyway, even by the countries that did sign on the dotted line.


We support Israel?  Good.  They're the closest thing we have to an ally in that den of vipers, and we should support them for that reason.


We want to topple Hussein?  Good. We should have marched into Baghdad eleven years ago and not left until we could march out with his head on a pike, but no matter.  Get rid of him, I say, and piss on what the "global community" thinks about it.

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<They can't get that whole Brotherhood Of Man thing out of their systems, back from the hippie days.>>>



Actually, they only use the "global community" line when it opposes America.



<<<I think they say it so they can seem like they're aware of the way the rest of the world feels, while making themselves appear sensitive to those feelings, and wanting the US to be sensitive to them, too.  In reality, of course, the sentiments of thousands of countries and billions of people cannot be summed up with a trite buzzword like "global community," but since a lot of liberalism is style over substance, they're big on trite buzzwords.


We didn't sign the Kyoto Accords?  Good, they were stupid and ill-conceived.  It's not like they're being followed closely, anyway, even by the countries that did sign on the dotted line.>>>



It's not even like environmentalism has a heck of a lot of evidence to back up its assertions. The planet's temperature went up 1 degree? Well, gee, we only have a few MILLION possible explanations for it. And, again, I'm rather sure that Japan (you know, the ones who hosted the Accords) didn't sign it---and if they did, they're not abiding by it.


To paraphrase the National Review: It's real easy for Europe, Africa, and Japan to worry about the state of forests around the world since they don't actually have any of their own any longer.



<<<We support Israel?  Good.  They're the closest thing we have to an ally in that den of vipers, and we should support them for that reason.>>>



They're also the closest thing to a democracy in that God-forsaken hellhole and the only country not reliant almost exclusively upon oil.


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