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The Ghost of bps21

The Smartmarks Official Video Game Awards

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Hey I'm agreeing with you.


The snes verison was indeed awesome. I remember running towards the orphanage lady in the phone room where she suddenly pulls a knife and kills you...never made that mistake again.

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Multiplayer Game of the Year (best game to play with more than yourself) WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the pain


Sports Game of the Year (Simulation) (Examples: Madden, the ESPN series, Tiger Woods) Madden 2004


Sports Game of the Year (Action) (Examples: Tony Hawk Underground and the like)


Racing Game of the Year (Project Gotham Racing 2, Need For Speed Underground)


Fighting Game of the Year (Wrestling, Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, Soul Calibur 2) WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain


RPG of the Year (KOTOR, Final Fantasy X-2, Mario and Luigi) KOTOR


Platform Game of the Year (Jak II, Rachet and Clank: Going Commando) Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando


First Person Game of the Year (all shooters, Deus Ex: Invisible War, etc.)


Action Game of the Year (Pretty much everything else. Manhunt, Max Payne 2, Prince of Persia, Crimson Skies) Manhunt


Advenure Game of the Year (Beyond Good and Evil, Wind Waker) The Simpson's Hit and Run


Doesn't fit into any other category Game of the Year (Mario Party, Midway Arcade Treasures, Pac Man vs., Sims)


Most Innovative Game of the Year


*New Category* Online Game of the Year (Socom 2, Rainbow Six 3, Crimson Skies)


Worst Game of the Year Celebrity Deathmatch


Most Dissapointing Game of the Year Celebrity Deathmatch


Most Surprising (surprisingly good that is) Game of the Year - Star Wars: Knights of the old republic.


PC Game of the Year


GBA Game of the Year


XBox Game of the Year - KOTOR


Gamecube Game of the Year


PS2 Game of the Year


Console of the Year


Game of the Year - Star Wars: Knights of the old republic

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