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Guest DVD Spree

Official statement from Sky Television

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Guest DVD Spree

For you UK wrestling fans, here's the latest from Sky on the future of the WWF PPVs that are currently under dispute over here.


Dear Jay


Thank you for your email about WWE Armageddon and please accept my apologies

for the delay in responding.


Please allow me to explain our position regarding WWE events.


Our agreement with WWE for the four Sky Box Office events expired earlier

this year and, despite some months of discussion with the WWE organisation,

we have so far been unable to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement.


Whilst it is very disappointing for us all that we could not bring

Armageddon to the UK fans, this does not affect the other wrestling

programming that you receive from Sky. We will continue to show many hours

of wrestling across both Sky One and Sky Sports, including Raw, Smackdown,

Afterburn and Heat. In addition we will broadcast eight of the twelve

special events on Sky Sports so you will receive all of this with the Sky

Sports subscription which will continue to be the UK home of WWE.


We hope to reach an agreement with WWE to show Royal Rumble, Vengeance, No

Mercy and Armageddon in 2004 on Sky Box Office, and as soon as we have news

we will let the fans know.


I hope this clarifies our position and may I thank you for your continued

interest in Sky.


Kind regards


Margaret Tannock

Viewer Relations



-----Original Message-----

From: dvdspree@thesmartmarks.com [mailto:dvdspree@thesmartmarks.com]

Sent: 09 December 2003 12:13

To: ViewerR@bskyb.com

Subject: WW Armageddon - Angry Wrestling Fans!



Dear sir/madam,


My name is Jay Spree. I am a lifelong wrestling fan, and originally

purchased an Astra satellite dish many, many years ago so that I could

watch WWF wrestling on Sky. I have been with you ever since, and obviously

to this day you are still broadcasting WWF (now WWE) programming.


However, I must take issue with your recent descisions not to air the "WWE

Armageddon" and "WWE Royal Rumble" events this month and next

respectively. As you may be aware, these monthly three-hour shows are the

conclusions to weeks of WWE storylines and matches, and as such it wildly

disrupts the viewing of WWE programming to miss out on them.


I am a writer for a prominent internet website, and

I must say that I have personally received a great deal of email from

angry readers baffled at Sky's decision not to air these shows. On behalf

of myself, my readers, and the UK wrestling audience, I would ask that Sky

please reconsider its decision.


Many thanks for your time.



Jay Spree

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It's good to know they are trying to get Rumble and the others atleast.


Do you know if you can order the webcast from the UK?

I think they made Armageddon webcast available to UK.

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Its not Sky's fault. After the problems in Australia, it was bound to happen here as well. I'm sure they'll sort it out eventually, but I'm going to miss the Rumble two years running, I failed to buy it last year, damn this sucks.



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