Guest HVilleThugg Report post Posted April 11, 2002 That's right bitches...I WILL EAT YOU!!! Mmmmmm!! Nice, juicy JLers to snack on...Gimme one!! Come on Edwin...just one!! PLLLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEEEE!!! Anyway...that was one damn good show! And that main event was extraordinary!!! Jake, my main man from back in the Alliance, is kickin' major ass! But who's the bad guy!! I can't figure it out...well, I know who the bad guys are...but who's THE BAD GUY!!! I'm confused!!! And I like it! Kick ass job by T-Bone again, but he only won by the thinnest of hairs as Frost wrote an excellent match as well. Nice jabbering from the main eventers, and there's one hell of a match set up for Crimson (read to find out). Kick ass show everyone...keep up the good work. And...Oooo, you mean there's a show up in its entirety...without pieces missing??? Oh, that must mean a certain marker got his matches in on time...well, let's all give him a pat on the back as well!! Da "hungry for some JL meat" H Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest midnight_burn Report post Posted April 11, 2002 Yay, a win for me, that's always good. In my match i did the start and Jake did the second half, and i have to say it was some damn good stuff from Jake there, better than i probably would have done myself. And the jobbing wasn't my idea this time, Jake did that. Well i guess i can add this to my collection of jobbing myself then, that makes the TV Title, the World Title, two World Title #1 Contenderships and now a tag match on my extensive list of writing opponents to win. A great promo from Erek setting up the match for Crimson, i certainly enjoyed reading it. With the work he's been doing lately Erek's becoming one of my favourite writers to read in the JL or WF, everything he's doing is coming out gold. I haven't read the rest of the show yet, i'll comment on the rest once i have. But from a glance it looks to be yet another very good show, some nice promos and matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted April 11, 2002 Good effort as usual people. These spectacular shows are becoming regular. Keep it up. I edited a promo, from Deathwish I think, in there somewhere. So yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realitycheck Report post Posted April 11, 2002 Good lord, this is like reading a book! Anyway, I've read everything 'cept the main event so let's all prepare for the JL SCUM 'this will take 20 minutes to type up' comments of INSANE VERBOSENESS~! Ready? Hope I get everything in order... Opening promo: Stryke IS Paul E. Dangerously. Is whatsherface someone from previous promo's in the JL that I missed, or has she just been introduced? Reaper v. Tod deKindes. >Nice. Very good opener. Tod was really pushed as a 'blue chipper' and sickeningly noble. FORESHADOWING~! ...or not. Whatever. Promo: I hope you all read the show before this. So if you don't, I'll just write this in HIDDEN TEXT. You should know how to retrieve it. Okie dokey... What can I say? WOW. This one established everyone as really, really determined to win the title, as well as set up an absoloutly SMOKIN' match for Crimson. Ladder match? OUCH. I was wondering if Xero would ever get back in the main event scene, or if he'd have to flounder in the mid-card forever. Kudos to whoever wrote this, because you gave it that feel of 'There will be no friends here', and the stips only added to that. Also, what IS the connection with MacPhisto and Stryke? Curiouser and curiouser... Ripper v Cutthroat v TNT. Good match, with nice flow and description. The commentary BANTER was good, but the actual play-by-play needs work. Also, quoting like this "Axis: Blah, blah, blah..." is annoying. Could you try this: Axis: "Blah, blah, blah..."? Oh, and note to Cutthroat: I don't know what it is, but your character is 10x more compelling as a heel. Just thought I'd let you know. Poisyn v. Turner. Well, I never saw Myers before he returned, so I can't say if he's improved or whatever. Good match, I like people who write in prose. The best part was the way it put over Turner as a very determend man, almost heelishly so. "You're not the one..." ??? Lots of sub-plots in the SJL these days... Promo: There's a promo here, but I can't remember what it is... ; If someone would remind me, I'd comment on it... Oh, and the first person say ANYTHING about me using the cutesey 'Anime Sweatdrop' emoticon gets SPLATTERED. Aight? T-Bone v Frost v Kojack T-BONE!! T-BONE!! T-BONE!! Jezus, you *rule*. I seriously didn't think you'd pull this one out, but I'm enjoying my Crow and humble pie, so shut up. I love the way you built up T-Bone as the plucky underdog with the determination of the other two as the match went along. I'll love you even more if you keep selling the ribs come Crimson. I'd ask you to bear my children if you'd renouce A1 sauce and come over to the HP side. YOu KnOw yoU wANt TOo... Oh, and... "EXPLOIDAHHH!' 'Backdrop... DRIVAHHH!!' and 'WAN! TOO! COUNTO... THREEEE!' Been watching a bit of pouretsu(sp?) eh? The secret of anyone's success... Promo: Splat, IL returns and mushes Danny Williams in a match, who mushes IL in return. Speaking of 'return' would you mind pressing it after someone on commentary finishes speaking? Thankyouverymuch! Promo: I... AM... CYCOOOOOONE COME-- Wha? Sorry? He's NOT Comet? My mistake. Cool brooding promo for the new guy. But if he's not Comet... and he's not Sting... it could only mean... Oh NO.... IT'S ROB LEIFEILD!! AIEEEEEE!! Mafia v MVS. I've decided not to read this afterall! BEEE-DA! Z&Tom Flesher v Shawn Brody and CED ORDONEZ!? Yes, it was Ced? Whodathunkit? Um... everyone? Anyway, I shall hold up my 'FLESHER IS MY HERO' sign for Tom all the way until Crimson, seeing as he wrote pretty much all of this TODAY. All I wrote was the intro, although I did contribute by thinking up the 'Ced as Ricky Morton' and 'Brody dosen't really care about this' and 'Flesher dosen't want Ced he wants SHAWN' angles for this match. Mega-Kudos to Tom for pulling all that off in about a million times better than I ever would have in the time allowed. Did I mention I love you, Tom? MAIN EVENT You know, sometimes in the JL, and duly, the WF, those who are main eventing are unfortunetally upstaged by those in the mid-card, if only because of better storylines, and occasionally, better match writing. That is not the case here. It may have been a bit of a bland match up until the middle, at which point, it all came together in a beatiful story. Even with as little as who was puching who in this one, you could see exactly what the feuds were and who the enimes are. Trust me, I was taking notes. The I didn't see Jachob turing on Stryke, -which I should have, because it's totally in character- And as much as I usually disapprove of the kidnapping women thing, it actually adds something here, insted of being a stupid plot device. If played correctly, it could find new aspects to the characters of Styke, Erek and Ash, and only deepen the Psycho image of Jachob. Bravo, Kudos, and hats off and whatever, just for the story and what it could all lead to. And although I probably shouldn't be critiquing main eventers matches, use more ellipses [...] and exclaimation marks, because they although little things, they can add so much suspence and drama to something. Just suggesting. Anyway, absoloutly R0XX0rsing show, you guys! There are more sub plots here than in a Tom Clancy novel, minus the 350 or so pages of boring crap. ....Does Clancy even have sub-plots? I was just trying to pull and author out of my head. ANYway... I give this show the KirbyDance Seal of Approval™ and now I'm going to soak my fingers in water after typing all this. -Z (>00)> ^( 00 )^ <(00<) w00t!! w00t!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insanityman Report post Posted April 11, 2002 (Y)! At that show, (N)! At my match... that proves writer's block can really kill a return. I'll think of more later but got to catch the bus. Awesome show guys, later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted April 11, 2002 I only read the first three marches and the main event, but from what I could tell this show ruled. Also, very clever to win by countout Tod, makes more sense than a pin. Edit: Alos, before my match (the three way hardcore match) there's a segment between me and Deathwish that he wrote and I think it's really worth a look. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Longdogger_Pete Report post Posted April 11, 2002 Excellent, excellent show. From the World title promo to the returns of Myers and IL to the main event and everything else in between. I know it's been said before, but I'll take the current SJL roster over some weird "brand extension" any day of the week. And I just have to say that I was dying reading Edwin's opening commentary in the Flesher/Z match. Rankings coming within the hour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Longdogger_Pete Report post Posted April 11, 2002 Rankings Top Ten (The returns of Insane Luchador and Matt Myers, as Poisyn, restructure the top ten a bit. There is now a firmly set top ten, with seven guys that are all at about the same level and just a few points shy. Any one of these seven has a good chance to make it into the top ten with a couple of strategic wins, especially with Low Brass dropping off the list after April 18th. For those of you wondering, those seven are, in alphabetical order: Ced Ordonez, Dark Reaper, Kojack, Mike Van Siclen, Shawn Brody, T-Bone, and Tom Flesher.) #1. Erek Taylor (56) #2. Ash Ketchum (43) #3. Low Brass (38) #4. Xero (28) #5. Insane Luchador (27) #6. Flunkmasta Flexxx (23) #7. (tie) Mafia (22) #7. (tie) Stryke (22) #9. Poisyn (20) #10. Jacob Helmsley (19) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insanityman Report post Posted April 11, 2002 Yes! Back in the JL, and the rankings. Damn, only one point until fourth place *drools*. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ErekT2k Report post Posted April 12, 2002 Nah nah, I'm still 13 points ahead of my nearest competition. WHOOO!!! Haha, just messing around, like always. And Z, for your clarification, Stryke wrote that promo that set up all the stipulations. Great show all around. I'm just mad that I didn't write up to my standards. Misty getting kidnapped? Pfft, I can top that. I hope... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realitycheck Report post Posted April 12, 2002 Stryke wrote that? Well, super mega cosmic double with a cherry on top Kudos to Stryke for that and the main event. Anyway, I've been dog-sick most of the day, so I didn't get my comments in on the main event until about now. You will read them. YES! Oh, and because you love them, the SJL SCUM's... INSANE VERBOSE COMMENTS OF MILD EYESTRIAN~! match of the night and line of the night honours!! MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Styke and Jachob Helmsley versus Ash Ketchum and Erek Taylor! (What, you thought I'd say something different?) LINE OF THE NIGHT:Because there aren't any weird typos tonight, I thought I'd just list my favourite lines of commentary. “King: Oh stop blubbering! He missed!” “Edwin: He missed me, but he hit Jed! He’s dead!” “King: He was imaginary.” “Edwin: Jed and I have been friends for such a long time, we were like Sunny and Cher.” “King: You made him up ten minutes ago.” “Edwin: We were like Jay and Silent Bob.” “Axis: Oh why don’t you just make up a new imaginary friend? “Edwin: We were like Ringo and the rest of the Beatles.” “King: I, former SWF champion, wouldn’t react like this, I’d suck it in, I’d…” Edwin El-kabongs King after this, but I forgot to copy and paste it. This is from TNT v. Cutthroat v. Ripper, by the way. And... "King: Hmm... Melissa looks yummy tonight. Axis: You’re married, King! King: And? All I’m saying is, if I ran a porn site, Melissa'd be the first woman I'd talk to! Edwin: If you ran a pr0n site, It’d be full of popups and 404 errors, King. King: Oh yeah? And what would you know about that?! Axis: Guys... Edwin: Plenty, I’ll have you know! You mean to say you’ve never been to For just $19.99 a month you can have hot, live panda luvluv... IN YOUR BROWSER! Axis: Edwin! Edwin: This weeks special: Ling Ling and Xiang are left housesitting, and things start to get a little 'blue' when Xiang... Axis: EDWIN!" I know I know, It's from my match and I wrote it, but still... I was torn between this, the beginning with Edwin summing up the match in algebra, and the 'Ced's face! It's in peril!' line. That's a wrap! -Z Shameless self-promoting whore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ErekT2k Report post Posted April 13, 2002 This is actually the first SJL Comments thread that had less than 20 comments. Very surprising. And Z, you really need to read clearer. I'm still wondering when you figured out what you said wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites