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What was the point of Mick Foley again?

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Ok so what was the point of Mick Foley again? He was on TV for like what? 2 weeks? Then he dissapears!? This was worse than when he was commissioner around the Alliance era and just quit the night after SS01'.

So umm.....what was the point of Foley again? To bring Austin back? Well what was the point of Austin leaving if it was only for a month?

I'm confused as to why we should care about any of this now.....it was like a year long angle that was put into overdrive and played out in a month.

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i don't want to sound like an asshole.... but I really think they used Foley to try and get Orton over....


Mick Foley would normally stand up to ANYONE...that's who he is... and yet he walks away from Orton for "no reason" (the obvious guesses are that he cares about his family and wouldn't want to get hurt or that he just didn't feel it was worth it at all)


I really hope that somehow he gets to come back...because he always makes my wrestling viewing good...even if the rest of the show is crap...I know I can count on Foley to bring the awesome.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

I get what your saying, the creative job they have done with both Austin & Foley has been horrible.


Sure Austin gets pops for doing anything (saying "What", stunning everyone and drinking beer) but the idea that he is going to be a "sheriff" and foil all of Bishoff's manuvers, is just stale and old. Didn't we just see this same "plot" most of last year? Sorry that's just how I feel.


WWE REALLY needs to find a new "fresh" idea rather than just Austin being a rebel against a person in power, be it Bishoff or Vince. They are just recycling the same storyline over and over and it is getting boring.


And I think Foley was just used to fill in Austin's place for the month he was gone, you know.. be the "rebel" against the villian owner/GM, or in other words the same storyline WWE has run into the ground for the past 4-5 yeas. But I do think Foley will get revenge, so he will be back, but they picked a horrible way of telling the story. Or they are too lazy to come up with something interesting.

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Guest Coffey

He'll be back. The point was to get him on tv before Wrestlemania so that they could use him at Wrestlemania. At least that's what I assume.

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I agree that he will definitely be back. He will return when the Rock returns. His storyline with Orton will be recapped and it will lead to the rumored Rock 'N' Sock vs. Evolution tag match at WMXX.


And if they decide against that, they have the seeds planted for a Foley vs. Orton match at WMXX, where FOley coulde really put Orton over.

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I agree that he will definitely be back.  He will return when the Rock returns.  His storyline with Orton will be recapped and it will lead to the rumored Rock 'N' Sock vs. Evolution tag match at WMXX.

Can't wait for that one ;)


If Foley comes back for a tag match at WM XX he's only going to be doing it for the money. He's broken down and theres no way that hes ever going return to his former quality. I suppose Foley would use the Ed McMahon logic from his book again for doing it but come on Mick! You can live off your book sales for the rest of your life now - give up coming back to wrestling 'just one last time' before nobody gives a shit about you anymore.


And whats scary about the Austin return is that Steve said he had a part in writing it! Must have really streched his creativity to come up with the sheriff idea.

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Guest Breetai

Remember about two weeks ago when so many people were all like: "no, give this angle a chance, Foley will come out on RAW and explain why he left in a killer promo, and it will all make sense and everything will be right in the world"? Remember all the people who thought that it wasn't going to be as lame as it looked?




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but come on Mick! You can live off your book sales for the rest of your life now - give up coming back to wrestling 'just one last time' before nobody gives a shit about you anymore.


Mission accomplished, at least in my case. Have some dignity and tell Vince to fuck off, manwhore.


I'd assume the whole point was that Mick chickening out puts over Orton more than Orton kicking Mick's ass. Everyone's kicked Mick's ass already.

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Guest Gary Busey

Foley's story arc is leading to Wrestlemania. We don't know the full reason of him coming back and walking out, because we haven't reached the resolution of his story.


(Of course he's going to put people over, most likely Orton. Helping the up-and-comers is what Foley does best.)

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