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Matt Young

Download New Midwest Wrestling Matches

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The local indy fed, New Midwest Wrestling, has some matches up on ClickWrestle now. This fed's great. I have been to all the shows and I have trained with them in the past, and I will be starting again in the next 2 weeks. The matches that are available were NOT filmed by NMW, but rather a guy who goes by the name of Crimefighter. I believe he does commentary during the matches, and his high-ass voice gets kind of grating, but he's only a fan, not our official commentator.


I honestly believe that NMW has some of the best in-ring action of any US indy fed, but the show that these matches were taken from was not one of the better ones. It was a free show on July 4th and, due to the 100 degree weather and amount of matches scheduled (it was a tournament), most only go 3-4 minutes and aren't anything special. Normally, the average NMW match is at least 10-15 minutes and is between 2 and 4 stars. Some have even reached 5 stars, IMO. Hopefully those matches will go up soon. Oh, and another thing... Due to the remote location of the show, the heat, and the fact that it was a holiday, we had a shitty turnout. Usually we get around 300 people at a show. Hell, we even have a fancy lighting rig and video screen.


But I digress... Check this stuff out if you'd like. You can even see me in the crowd... I'm right by the ring next to a rather large man named Robert. I haven't viewed the videos since I only have a 56k connection, but I believe I was wearing a black NMW shirt and camouflage pants, and I probably had my gold fake Oakleys on for most of the show. Here's a pic of me from back in May so you'll know who to look for. I shouldn't be hard to find.




Anyway, here's the link to the matches:




If you like what you see, check out www.newmidwest.com and the forums and give us some feedback! If anyone lives in the central Illinois area (which I doubt), come out to a show sometime, too.



EDIT: They added Tom Arson vs. Toga Steve. I'm not sure where Crimefighter's camera was positioned, but Tom comes over to where I'm sitting and talks to me during and after that match (then again, there's a slight chance it was the battle royal, can't remember) so you should deifnitely see me on camera.

Edited by Matt Young

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