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Guest Black Tiger

Edge's comdedy routine

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Guest Black Tiger

Is it just me or is Edge's bit where he makes fun of people very much like Chris Jericho?  His bit with Angle was very much like The old Jericho bits with Stephanie. If Edge beats Angle at Backlash (doubtful, but possible) then he's deffinatly going to become a top tier guy like Jericho, and Angle. The only thing missing is Edge to do some titan tron bits to add to the comedy.


Edge's feuds even scream post heel turn Jericho, Angle, Regal, who's next?

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How do those feuds reek of Jericho? I agree that is a replacement for Jerichos midcard smartass character when he turned heel however.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

jericho's comments were funnier, with better timing and delivery. but yeah they're kinda simaler.


Ghast he means that edge has feuded with the exact same people Jericho did thus they reek of jericho.

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Guest art_vandelay

Ugh... Edge's comedy routine just sucks.  His delivery still sounds too forced.  And the stuff he says isn't that funny to begin with.  Same with Jericho.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

art. Did you see his debut? he was great origanally. and the stuff he did in wcw was fucking awesome.

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Guest Kinetic

Edge is pretty funny in a I'm-blatantly-ripping-off-my-comic-timing-and-mannerisms-from-Mick-Foley sort of way.  If he just had better material to work with, he'd be just fine.  He's pretty damn over right now, if Smackdown is to serve as any indication, so he's obviously doing something right.

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Guest art_vandelay
art. Did you see his debut? he was great origanally. and the stuff he did in wcw was fucking awesome.

Yes I did, I'm speaking of his WWF run, both as a heel and a face.  But his debut promo with Rock is a bit overrated, IMO.

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Guest One Bad Apple

Jericho's promo tonight was pretty good, but nothing special, something I'd say for almost all of his WWF work as a bad guy.  Heel or face, I haven't been too impressed with much of what he's done on the mike since he left WCW.  And I don't care what anyone says ... I think he deserves just as much blame for the flop title reign as the booking does.


A couple things he's said as a face that I thought were funny:


To Crash and Hardcore Holly:

"I guess I'm just gonna have to go down to that ring and hit the old 7-10 ... IDIOT SPLIT! ... on you two jerkies!"


To Test:

"Test, you may not earn the title 'King of the Ring,' but to me and all of these screaming Jericholics ... you'll always be ...  'The Jerkyl ... of the Squared Circle'!"


To Everyone:

"It's go-time, jerky."  [because it was stupid]

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Edge's bit where he makes fun of people sucks.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i don't like them much either but the comments he made about xpac awhile ago where funny IMO

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

That's all well and good, but Edge looks like a man who has Billy Gunned a King of the Ring.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i dunno i would have said so at one point but IMO he seems to be getting really over lately

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Guest Cataclysm911

Any comedic skit/promo/match whatever is bad in my eyes. I'll take a serious heel (Triple H before Quad injury) or a retaliating babyface over comedy skits any day of the week. I wish the shows were more serious, maybe then the actual in ring work would improve.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

So how do you feel about the Rock's run as a heel?

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Guest Cataclysm911

The Rock got over by being comedic. What does that tell you? Do you think that I like the Rock? Nope. He is a joke in my eyes. The People's Elbow? Ha!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

In my eyes he was a heel that talked good shit. The shit that he talked happened to be funny and entertaining (or at least the millions and millions of the Rock's fans thought so). I think you are lying through your teeth if you say you never liked the Rock at all.

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Guest Cataclysm911
I think you are lying through your teeth if you say you never liked the Rock at all.

When did I say "I have never liked the Rock." Simply put, I didn't. I like the Rock as a babyface. I like the Rock as a cocky heel. I just don't think that he should've had to resort to blatant name calling & comedic catch phrases to get over. He should've done it in the ring.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

If wrestlers had to rely on their in ring skills to get them over, most of the roster wouldn't be.

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Guest Cataclysm911
If wrestlers had to rely on their in ring skills to get them over, most of the roster wouldn't be.


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Guest Black Tiger

I don't think its fair to say Edge Billy Gunned King of the Ring. Billy Gunn was doing nothing, then got hurt and wasn't seen for eight months. Edge's probelm is that he's been stuck in stupid feuds. His last good one before Angle was with Christian, which got him super over.


Nothing will ever (eeeeeeever) top Jericho in WCW, but Edge's bits as of late on Kurt Angle have been getting pretty damn funny. The best bit on Angle though was when Triple H was making the gay jokes before No Mercy 2000. Edge's It's a date Joke wasn't that funny though since Angle is married.

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I don't think its fair to say Edge Billy Gunned King of the Ring. Billy Gunn was doing nothing, then got hurt and wasn't seen for eight months. Edge's probelm is that he's been stuck in stupid feuds. His last good one before Angle was with Christian, which got him super over.


Nothing will ever (eeeeeeever) top Jericho in WCW, but Edge's bits as of late on Kurt Angle have been getting pretty damn funny. The best bit on Angle though was when Triple H was making the gay jokes before No Mercy 2000. Edge's It's a date Joke wasn't that funny though since Angle is married.

Angle also had me cracking up any time he used an extremely dated reference, "like that popular song says, Woomp, there it is"....and "Im ready to go baby, I'm crisp and clean with no caffene"....Too fuckin' funny. I dunno; I just like when people use totally out-of-date/out of context references that are so ridiculous theyre funny...like I was watching The Family Guy (FUCKIN' HYSTERICAL) on Fox, when Peter was training his neighbor's kid to be a pro golfer, and the kid goes "Yeahhh!!! I'm gonna be on a cereal box!!!! Honeycomb's big, yeah yeah yeah! its not small, no no no!"(<---I hope someone remembers that retarded song from Honeycomb commercials like 5-7 years ago so I don't look crazy;-). I was laughing for like 10 minutes.

Joe P.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
When did I say "I have never liked the Rock." Simply put, I didn't. I like the Rock as a babyface. I like the Rock as a cocky heel. I just don't think that he should've had to resort to blatant name calling & comedic catch phrases to get over.


Not to get on your case or anything, but you contradicted yourself dude. Also his catch phrases and name calling combine and form what you call a promo. I like when someone does the stuff effectively, but the current incarnation of the Rock sucks. Download the Rock's greatest quotes from Audiogalaxy if you want to relive his great moments.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I began looking at Edge's character as a whole as a joke when he tried to get the fans to chant with him " Totally....Reeks......Of.....AWESOMENESS" needless to say no one did and he looked like a jackass before the WWF quickly cut to a commercial.

Edge sucks

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Guest Special K

The reason I think Edge is good on the mic, but will probably never be great is his inability to cut a serious promo. As evidence, I call the Christian v. Edge feud. Christian made the most of a couple silly scenarios with some great venemous promos. ('Mom did have an accident Edge... when se had you!) It wasn't the lines that were great, it was the delivery. Edge proceeded to just cut goofy promos about Christian wetting the bed etc. He's got that semi-goofy look and voice that make him seem to be mostly the comedic character, and I think the only characters strong enough comedically to main event comedically are Rock, Angle and (early) Jericho. Of course, all these people can cut the dramatic 'intense' promos when asked to as well.


It was a bit longwinded, but I just think Edge is pidgeonholed, due to his look and mic weaknesses as not a comedy act, but the 'fun lovin ' guy' persona, which works fine for him, but doesn't seem to be top-tier quality. Don't get me wrong, I find Edge entertaining, but until he can lend a little drama, he's not ready.


P.S. We all know that that if Christian were 3" taller, he'd totally be flourishing in the upper ranks now. ???

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Guest dreamer420
P.S. We all know that that if Christian were 3" taller, he'd totally be flourishing in the upper ranks now. ???

Don't forget if he was as talented he might be a little higher ranked too.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I think he was the more talented member of E&C.

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Guest Anglesault

That Edge, he just slays me.


Don't forget if he was as talented he might be a little higher ranked too.


Talented as who? Edge? Christian is much better in the ring and on the mic.

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