Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes Report post Posted January 5, 2004 It was Taker last year. Oh yeah. Batista, Brock, Undertaker all entered within four numbers I think. I haven't seen the show for nearly a year (Steiner/HHH pretty much put me off) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EdwardKnoxII 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 The Rumble has a long tradition of putting a hoss in at #30 and then hyping his chances of victory before he's quickly tossed out after a matter of minutes. I remember when watching the Rumble one time with a friend we joked that it would be funny that seconds before #30 came in the last two wrestlers in the ring would eliminate each other. And the #30 cames out, having won the Rumbe without being in it or doing anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes Report post Posted January 5, 2004 The Rumble has a long tradition of putting a hoss in at #30 and then hyping his chances of victory before he's quickly tossed out after a matter of minutes. I remember when watching the Rumble one time with a friend we joked that it would be funny that seconds before #30 came in the last two wrestlers in the ring would eliminate each other. And the #30 cames out, having won the Rumbe without being in it or doing anything. Don't give Vince ideas!!!!! But anyway, the #30 entrant (or in 1988s case #20) is 0 for 16 so I never expect the person to win. I think the #27 entrant has won the most rumbles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted January 5, 2004 The Rumble has a long tradition of putting a hoss in at #30 and then hyping his chances of victory before he's quickly tossed out after a matter of minutes. I remember when watching the Rumble one time with a friend we joked that it would be funny that seconds before #30 came in the last two wrestlers in the ring would eliminate each other. And the #30 cames out, having won the Rumbe without being in it or doing anything. That would be interesting if the #30 wrestler was a jobber too. They could make a storyline around it. Have Vince all paranoid that someone like Steven Richards is going to headline Wrestlemania. HAHA! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cawthon777 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 That would be interesting if the #30 wrestler was a jobber too. They could make a storyline around it. Have Vince all paranoid that someone like Steven Richards is going to headline Wrestlemania. HAHA! The only way to pull that off was if the underdog (not jobber) had a VERY early number (say #1) and lasted the entire match (say Chris Benoit). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted January 5, 2004 Well, the jobber would obviously lose his right to compete at Wrestlemania either during an episode of Raw/Smackdown or at No Way Out. The only question is, which one of the two guys who eliminated each other would be the victor? Obviously, since it would be leading to Wrestlemania, it would have to be the babyface. Thus, the lucky #30 would not only have to be a jobber (for the classic WWE comedic value) but he would also have to be a heel (to set up the heel/face match to go to Mania). I guess it would be similar to when Vince McMahon won the Rumble. Which means it would somewhat be a recycled storyline (a long with the double elimination) so it's likely that the WWE is already pondering this idea. So, who are some heel jobbers that could get lucky? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes Report post Posted January 5, 2004 Well, the jobber would obviously lose his right to compete at Wrestlemania either during an episode of Raw/Smackdown or at No Way Out. The only question is, which one of the two guys who eliminated each other would be the victor? Obviously, since it would be leading to Wrestlemania, it would have to be the babyface. Thus, the lucky #30 would not only have to be a jobber (for the classic WWE comedic value) but he would also have to be a heel (to set up the heel/face match to go to Mania). I guess it would be similar to when Vince McMahon won the Rumble. Which means it would somewhat be a recycled storyline (a long with the double elimination) so it's likely that the WWE is already pondering this idea. So, who are some heel jobbers that could get lucky? A returning Zach Gowen. That would be great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted January 5, 2004 Mark Henry has a shot!! No, Zach would be the babyface whom got elimated prior to number thirty. Then they could play the whole "both his feet didn't touch the ground because he only has one foot" card. So, he would get a match against the "winner." Of course then the heel whom was eliminated would think it wasn't fair. So then more comedy would ensue!! We could have a jobber heel (say Mark Henry) in a match against someone like Zach. Then, of course the other heel showing how much he wanted to win, he would take out both!! OMFG. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 Just for the record...the number 1 and 2 entrants, as well as the final entrants, for each Royal Rumble: Number 1 and 2 (1 listed first, 2 listed second) 88: Bret Hart and Tito Santana 89: Ax and Smash 90: Ted DiBiase and Koko B. Ware 91: Bret Hart and Dino Bravo 92: British Bulldog and Ted DiBiase 93: Ric Flair and Bob Backlund 94: Scott Steiner and Samu 95: Shawn Michaels and British Bulldog 96: Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Henry O. Godwinn 97: Crush and Ahmed Johnson 98: Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie 99: Steve Austin and Vince McMahon 00: D'Lo Brown and Grandmaster Sexay 01: Jeff Hardy and Bull Buchanan 02: Rikishi and Goldust 03: Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho Final Entrants 88: Junkyard Dog 89: Ted DiBiase 90: Mr. Perfect 91: Tugboat 92: Warlord 93: Randy Savage 94: Adam Bomb 95: Crush 96: Duke Droese 97: Undertaker 98: Vader 99: Chyna 00: X-Pac 01: Rikishi 02: Booker T 03: Undertaker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cawthon777 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 No, Zach would be the babyface whom got elimated prior to number thirty. Then they could play the whole "both his feet didn't touch the ground because he only has one foot" card. So, he would get a match against the "winner." I can see Zach being tossed with JR screaming "One foot ... one foot ... one ... foot" ala Vince with HBK in 95 ... then Zach hobbles back into the ring lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 No, Zach would be the babyface whom got elimated prior to number thirty. Then they could play the whole "both his feet didn't touch the ground because he only has one foot" card. So, he would get a match against the "winner." I can see Zach being tossed with JR screaming "One foot ... one foot ... one ... foot" ala Vince with HBK in 95 ... then Zach hobbles back into the ring lol Then someone steals Zach's fake leg, tosses it on the floor, and the referee counts it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes Report post Posted January 5, 2004 No, Zach would be the babyface whom got elimated prior to number thirty. Then they could play the whole "both his feet didn't touch the ground because he only has one foot" card. So, he would get a match against the "winner." I can see Zach being tossed with JR screaming "One foot ... one foot ... one ... foot" ala Vince with HBK in 95 ... then Zach hobbles back into the ring lol Then someone steals Zach's fake leg, tosses it on the floor, and the referee counts it. LMFAO!!! They should have Kane completely destroy Zach Gowen, to show how emotionless Kane is. Maybe do a fake murder or soemthing to sell it. Then Gowens contract runs out and he's gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cawthon777 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 Then someone steals Zach's fake leg, tosses it on the floor, and the referee counts it. I'm having flashbacks to the Al Snow & Head vs. Too Much from KOTR 98 ... Brian Christopher attaches Head to a bottle of Head & Shoulders for the pin Priceless! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 Then someone steals Zach's fake leg, tosses it on the floor, and the referee counts it. I'm having flashbacks to the Al Snow & Head vs. Too Much from KOTR 98 ... Brian Christopher attaches Head to a bottle of Head & Shoulders for the pin Priceless! Yes, that was THE moment of KotR 98. .... ... What? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes Report post Posted January 5, 2004 Then someone steals Zach's fake leg, tosses it on the floor, and the referee counts it. I'm having flashbacks to the Al Snow & Head vs. Too Much from KOTR 98 ... Brian Christopher attaches Head to a bottle of Head & Shoulders for the pin Priceless! Yes, that was THE moment of KotR 98. .... ... What? What an insult! THE Moment of KOTR should never be forgotten. THE SMOKING GUNNS EXPLODE!!!! (Glad I'm not the only one who laughed at head AND shoulders) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dynamite Kido Report post Posted January 5, 2004 They should have Kane completely destroy Zach Gowen, to show how emotionless Kane is. Maybe do a fake murder or soemthing to sell it. Then Gowens contract runs out and he's gone. You wouldn't happen to be Vince Russo would you.......swerve~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EdwardKnoxII 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2004 That would be interesting if the #30 wrestler was a jobber too. They could make a storyline around it. Have Vince all paranoid that someone like Steven Richards is going to headline Wrestlemania. HAHA! The only way to pull that off was if the underdog (not jobber) had a VERY early number (say #1) and lasted the entire match (say Chris Benoit). Here's another funny idea after the heel jobber wins the rumble after being #30 and not being in the rumble at all he gives a funny interview. He would act all tired and act as if he want along time in the rumble Heel: "Do you see me out there. I went thru 29 other guys to win the rumble. I was throwing them out left and right. Benoit, Henry, Flair I throw them all out single handedly. To tell you the truth I'm not even tired I could thru all 29 of them again." You get the point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites