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NWA Wildside 1/3 results: major title change and..

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Caprice Coleman defeated Rainman to win the World Television Champion at the NWA Wildside taping in Cornelia, GA. Coleman's victory provided a storybook ending to Coleman's quest to regain a title that he never lost in the ring, and ended Rainman's stellar one year run with the belt. The unofficial 2003 Wildside Feud of the Year produced a legit match of the year candidate for 2004. Stips added at Christmas Chaos made the match two out of three falls.


Coleman dominated the first fall, winning it with a cradle back suplex. Rainman used the belt on Coleman and destroyed him in the second fall. Rainman put Coleman's lights out with the Hillside Stangler for an awesome submission finish. Coleman pinned Rainman with the Comatoser at 19:05 to win a third fall that was a drama junkies dream. The title match was announced as being sanctioned by the NWA Board of Directors. The show drew 125, a strong follow-up to 175 one week ago at Christmas Chaos.


Dan "The Dragon" Wilson opened the show with the announcement that Attorney Jeff G. Bailey was barred from the building for the evening. Wilson brought out a surprise guest, "The Original Gangsta" New Jack.


Jack was greeted with a standing ovation. He started out by telling the sound guy to cut the music because he had already f'ed it up. Jack said it was his birthday and he was drunk. Jack reminded the crowd that he made good on his promise to do damage in the NWA in 2003. Jack said he had a run in TNA but Jeff Jarrett found out that he was "one of those niggas that you can't tell what to do." Jack said that he might be drunk and on pills, but he was the number one nigger in the building. The Wildside crew came out and surrounded the ring. NWA President, Bill Behrens said they were armed and ready to take their ring back. It was a swerve to set up a Happy Birthday serenade for Jack. Behrens mocked Jack's gimmick. "He's crazy. He's gonna kill somebody." Jack called Behrens into the ring for a hug. "We ain't gonna have sex but I love ya." Jack announced that after 11 years in the business, 2004 was going to be his last. Jack said his final match would take place at Wildside's Chrismas Chaos '04. Jack said he had been just about everywhere except WCW and WWE and he had no regrets. Jack closed with encouraging words for all the boys in the back.


Jacey North was sitting in the crowd again, as a result of the Loser Becomes a Fan stipulation from his match with Jefff Lewis.


(1) Carolina Connection (Jeremy V & Brandon P) beat Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage in 5:15. A solid win for the former tag champions. V took it to Carnage in the early going, showing great fire as always. Roberts tripped up P to turn the tide. The heels doubled on P. Roberts improved his look and his work since his last appearance here. Both men down on a collision of lariats to set up the hot tag. V blitzed Roberts with the VKO and the VDT. Carnage made a blind tag, but CC met him with the Rock and Roll double dropkick. CC finished Carnage off with the top rope elbow/450 splash combo.


(2) Gabriel beat Skeeter Frost in 6:08 with the Cradle to the Grave (cradle sitout powerbomb out of a Burning Hammer position) Good match. Gabriel has advanced to the top tier of workers in the company.Frost's performance went a long way towards earning the fans' respect and moving him out of the comedy goof category. Chain to start. Crowd liked Gabriel's counter move into the side headlock. The sequence where Frost did a top rope arm drag and a whacked lucha style octopus hold was well executed. Gabriel made the comeback and hit the double stomp to the spine off the top rope. Gabriel took a wicked looking bump on his head when he slipped on a huracanrana attempt. If that was a planned spot, it fooled a lot of people. Frost missed on his blind moonsault. Gabriel won it with his new finisher, From the Cradle to the Grave, which starts as a Burning Hammer and finishes as a cradle sitout powerbomb.


(3) Ray Gordy (with Seth Delay) beat Fast Eddie (with Salvatore Rinauro) when Gordy pinned Rinauro(?) in 8:34. This match erased my doubts about the booking that produced Eddie's meteoric rise to the heel champion spot. Plenty of heat. Eddie's in-ring had already improved by leaps and bounds. Now he's developing the look and attitude of a champion. Fans are more than ready to accept Gordy as a face, as he's proven his abilities in the ring many times over. But it is Rinauro, perfectly cast as the master of manipulation, that is the true asshole, I mean ace in the hole, of this deal. This was originally scheduled as a tag match. Eddie did a great old school sell on a mat hammerlock. Gordy shifted to high impact and hit an inverted DDT for a two count. Eddie turned the tide with a swinging neckbreaker. Rinauro was throwing out the wisecracks as Eddie worked over Gordy's neck. "I got a neck brack for ya, Raymond." Eddie dropped Gordy on his head with a cool modified russian legsweep. Gordy mounted the comeback. Gordy absolutely NAILED a senton bomb, but Rinauro threw Eddie's foot over the rope. Rinauro and Delay started slugging it out on the floor. Eddie crashed and burned on an Asai moonsault, as Rinauro and Delay were long gone from the area. Well, Eddie is legally blind. Back inside, Gordy folded Rinauro up with a german suplex and the ref made the three count. Rinauro was as confused as the fans. Eddie took consolation in the fact the belt was still in his possession.


(4) Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) & Bulldog Raines (with Al Getz) beat Tank & Slim J & Murder One via DQ in 7:42. Two black guys wiping their feet on a Confederate flag with their Jewish manager looking on made for an interesting visual. The faces got to shine early. Jackson got frustrated with M1. "Stay yo' ass down." M1 took the heat. M1 hit a big shoulder tackle in the corner and made the tag to Tank. The heels got heat on Tank. He went to tag, but Raines and Jackson pulled his partners off the apron and beat them to a pulp. Meanwhile, Tank got Nemesis in a leg grapevine submission. The finish saw the heel team wailing away on Tank, when Iceberg hit the ring and powerslammed Raines for the DQ.


Tank addressed Getz and his associates. Tank said since it was always 3 or more against one, he was forming a team with Iceberg. Tank said the two fat bald guys were going to make Getz and company pay heavily for the s*** they've done. Tank told Getz he better light all the candles on his dreidel (Note to Tank: you need to bone up your Hanukkah terminology).


(5) Coleman beat Rainman two out of three falls to win the NWA World TV Title in 19:05. A great way to cap off a great program and Rainman's phenomenal title run. For story, execution, heat, it doesn't get much better than this. Rainman got in the first punch. Coleman responded by putting on a boxing exhibition. Coleman's dropkick sent Rainman to the outside. Coleman stayed on the attack. Rainman countered Coleman's baseball slide around the ringpost. Coleman fired right back with a springboard leg lariat, a spin scissors kick and a corkscrew ace crusher. Rainman got away from Coleman's guillotine legdrop. Coleman ducked a Yakuza kick and pinned Rainman with a cradle back suplex at 5:29. Rainman distracted ref Speedy Nelson and blasted Coleman with the belt. Rainman pounded on Coleman's neck. Rainman hit a sitout powerslam. Coleman took a major league spinning bump on a clothesline. Rainman hit a massive version of the Spinesplitta for a near fall. Rainman locked on the Hillside Strangler. Coleman made it to within inches of the ropes, but Rainman pulled him back to the center. Rainman was screaming like a motherfucker for Coleman to tap. Coleman's arm dropped for the third time at 9:34. One of the best submission finishes I've ever seen. Rainman tried to end it quickly, but Coleman rolled a shoulder. Rainman continued his assault on the outside. Coleman reversed a whip into the rail. Coleman connected on a superkick with a great sell by Rainman. The selling throughout this match was gold. Rainman landed a haymaker and used the rail like a meat grinder on Coleman's face. Back inside, Rainman busted out a standing dropkick to the back of the head for a near fall. Crowd chanted "Ice." Coleman hit the Coldsnap for a near fall. Thermal Shock! Rainman kicked out for a great false finish. Rainman got on Coleman' back with the Hillside Strangler. Coleman rammed Rainman into the turnbuckles but he would not release the hold. The second time did the trick. Coleman hit the Comatoser and it was over. Standing ovation for both men.


(6) Jeff Lewis beat Danny Demanto in 5:38. Demanto's ring gear resembled a large trash bag with holes cut for his arms and head. Just a terrible look for a babyface. Lewis generated more than enough heel heat to compensate for Demanto's shortcomings. Lewis is way deep into his "Feature Presentation" gimmick. He's done a complete heel makeover of his in-ring style. Fans chanted "closet homo" at him. Demanto had some good moves, but he was looking pretty blown up by the end. Lewis rolled away from Demanto's frogsplash and got the pin using an Oklahoma roll with a fistful of tights.


North started giving Lewis grief. Lewis said that since North was on the outside looking in, there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Lewis said his Christmas present to North was a pink slip and his New Year's present was a guest pass for Christmas Chaos. Lewis said he did have an opening for a lackey to tote his bags. North jumped the rail and got cut off by security. North fought the good fight as the fans chanted "let him go." Alas, North succumbed to the brute force of the crack Wildside security crew and got dragged out the back door.


(7) Iceberg squashed Kevin Matthews with the Air Raid Crash in 4:08. Exactly what it need to be. Matthews lived up to his "II Cocky" moniker. Iceberg wouldn't sell for Matthews' offense. Iceberg shrugged off a baseball slide and pounded Mathhews into the floor. Iceberg gave Matthews a beating at ringside. Matthews did a good job with his selling. Iceberg did the Thigh Drop of Doom. Matthews tried to get cute with a leapfrog. Iceberg kicked him in the nutsack and went to to the finish. Iceberg replaced Altar Boy Luke, who was a late cancel.


(8) Nick Berk & Z-Barr beat Rebel's Army (Rockin Rebel & Greg Matthews) in 8 minutes. A collective off night for the CZW contingent. A deadly combination of blown spots and zero crowd response made this the low point of the show. I know Berk is better than what he's shown here. Matthews took a good Harley Race bump over the top and hit an impressive tope over the top rope. Z-Barr took the heat. Berk got posted and there was nobody for Z-Barr to tag. Berk destroyed a double suplex spot by Rebel's Army. Berk and Z-Barr scored a double pin with stereo roll ups. Rebel's Army tried to get their heat back (I know, what heat?) with tandem clotheslines but went for one too many.


(9) Texas Death Club (Masada & Todd Sexton) beat Jay Fury & Nick Halen in 8:53. Good match. Lots of cool double team spots. Sexton made light of Halen's stature. Fury and Halen had Masada reeling. Masada resorted to eye rakes. The faces executed a double hiptoss into a double uranage. Fury did a tope over the top rope.


Obviously, that spot should not occur in two consecutive matches. Halen got dumped and beaten up after a blind tag. TDC unleashed the kick devastation spot. Sexton hung on to Halen's leg to prevent a tag. Masada did a swank Gori Special into a backslide. Halen countered with a sunset flip with an assist from Fury. TDC doubled with a wicked backbreaker/springboard kneedrop. Halen ducked and TDC clotheslined each other. Hot tag. Fury cleaned house with dropkicks. Fury drilled Masada with the Enzufury and Halen had him pinned with a top rope splash, but Sexton saved. Halen took a big bump to the outside. Sexton superkicked Fury and the Masadamizer finished the job.


Postmatch had TDC relaxing inside the ring with the belts, while Carolina Connection, Berk & Z-Barr and Fury & Halen stood at ringside looking all green with envy.


(10) Azrael (with Mikal Adryan) beat Onyx via countout in 8:11. Good match, bad finish. Onyx retained the NWA Wildside Heavyweight title. Adryan was standing in for Bailey. Azrael was carrying a three bladed knife called a "Siscuss." That dude is twisted way beyond marching to the beat of a different drummer. Onyx carefully sized up the situation as he approached the ring. Onyx frustrated Azrael in the early going. He mimicked Azrael by sitting on the top turnbuckle. They swapped kicks and Onyx hit a powerslam. Azrael started getting to Onyx with his kicks, but Onyx dumped him out.


Azrael finally used his striking ability to light Onyx up bigtime. Andrew Thomas was making blatant heel ref comments. Onyx took a swing at him and opened himself up for kick in the gut. Onyx hit a Saito suplex and made the comeback. Azrael got the advantage and missed with the frogsplash elbow. Onyx hit the Blackout. Adryan saved by pulling Onyx out. Onyx was counted out while he was chasing after Adryan. Finish was flat because the countout wasn't announced when Onyx made it back in the ring. Azrael clocked Onyx to start a beatdown that halted when Gabriel made the save. Onyx got on the mic and said Adryan had a teenie weenie one. Adryan denied it. Onyx said it wasn't finished and threatened to knock his ass out.


NOTES: This was the first taping Bailey missed since Wildside started on TV over 4 years ago...Sexton and Gordy are booked for TNA Explosion on 3/3...Jason Cross returns to Wildside on 1/17...Coleman, Sexton, and Rainman all make their ROH debut on the 1/10 Wilmington, Ohio show in a four corner match with Jimmy Rave. Slim J is also booked for the ROH show...John Johnson has taken over the ring announcing duties formerly handled by Jason Martin.


CREDIT: Larry Goodman of NWA-Wildside.com

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