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Guest Jobber of the Week

Dvd - "the best of wrestlemania i-xiv"

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Topic pretty much says it all. I noticed this is going out the door for $10 at buy.com, which is quite a good deal over going and buying each individual show (on VHS, no less.)


I know some stuff such as Savage/Steamboat wasn't included (for shame!) but hopefully it contains the best of at least a few shows that I need not see each one of them.


So, is this compilation worthwhile? Thanks.

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I have the VHS version of this, and I'm assuming the WWF didn't add anything to the DVD. It really isn't a very good tape. The matches are all brutally clipped and they didn't really include "the best," they just tried to cover the first 14 wrestlemanias on one tape. The good news is they spend as little time as they can on Wrestlemania 9. I'd say you're better off picking up a compilation tape from somebody or just buying the good manias (8, 10, and 14 are tops in my book).

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Guest eiker_ir

i think it would be better to buy the Wrestlemania 2000 DVD, that come with the Wrestlemania History DVD wich i've heard is pretty good



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

it fucking sucks. it's clipped to hell and they left out some of the greatest matches ever

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I own this on video. It's pretty bad. All they talk about for Wrestlemanias 5 and 6 are the main events. In Wrestlemania 9 all they show is clips of "The Narcissist" Lex Luger and the horrible Giant Gonzales-Undertaker match. The best of Survivor Series is even worse. Trust me on that one.

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