Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted April 12, 2002 How the hell did he die? I quit reading X-men around 96 or 97, and the last thing I read was Age of The Apocalypse. I always like him and I heard he died in the books. Can anyone explain what happened? Yeah I know I'm far behind, but I think Onslaught was the last good thing about X-Men. It's all crap now if you ask me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pochorenella Report post Posted April 13, 2002 I missed some issues of that particular storyarc so I'm not gonna be of much help but here goes: Apocalypse was supposed to merge with Cable in order to become invincible or something but Cyclops prevented this and he merged with him instead with less than stellar results. What happened after that (with everybody thinking Cyclops was dead and stuff) I'm not really sure. That second Claremont go-around really bored the hell out of me so I skipped those issues. Again, sorry if I wasn't much help. Peace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eric the Eagle Report post Posted April 13, 2002 Pretty much what he said. They had this *huge* story arc that crossed over every major X-Men title. Cyclops basically prevented this by shoving Cable out of the way and taking his place. This was followed by a four-issue miniseries imaginatively called "The Hunt for Cyclops", which highlighted Cyclops travelling through Africa, while struggling to control something evil inside of him (he was stricken by amnesia). Apocalypse freed himself from Cyclop's somehow, but was apparently slain by Cable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted April 14, 2002 Given the fact that this is Marvel, you just know that a) he ain't really dead, and b) he'll probably show up within the next couple years. Personally, of all the X-Men villains, I'd like them to actually finally kill off Magneto for good. I mean, finito santiago, dead and NEVER coming back again. Start over fresh. Claremont's last run WAS very boring, but at least he tried to create some new villains for the books. Too bad none of them were ever really developed that well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted April 14, 2002 Personally, of all the X-Men villains, I'd like them to actually finally kill off Magneto for good. I mean, finito santiago, dead and NEVER coming back again. Start over fresh. I think Wolverine does kill him in the last good X-Men series I read... Eve of Destruction, I think it was called. Unless like you said... Marvel brings him back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted April 14, 2002 I think Wolverine does kill him in the last good X-Men series I read... Eve of Destruction, I think it was called. Did he really die in that? I got those issues, but my memory is hazy on them. I wasn't sure if he died, or was just severly wounded. For some reason, I thought that they kept his comatose (lifeless?) body at Genosha after "Eve" ended. Even if they did, I'd imagine that it got trashed when the Mega Sentinels obliterated Genosha. Unless like you said... Marvel brings him back. They probably will. This is what I hate about all comic companies, and Marvel in general. They'll do a big "so & so dies!" storyline, and then have the supposedly deceased character pop back up a few months / issues later. To me, it cheapens it all. If they're going to kill off a character, do it for real; otherwise, leave it alone. The worst example of this in recent memory was during Kevin Smith's run on Daredevil a couple years back. He killed off Mysterio, and by the next month, Mysterio was popping up in the Spider-Man books, with no explanation. Disgraceful. It's a crutch for the writers to keep doing this. It reeks of non-professionalism. Killing / Resurrecting / Rekilling characters - as bad as the WWF's ref bumps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eric the Eagle Report post Posted April 14, 2002 They never really mentioned Magneto's fate, but he was seen in a wheelchair through a window during the Genosha attack and is presumed dead. He might pop up again sometime, though. Off the top of my head, I can think of eight important Marvel characters and one entire team that died and stayed dead - Gwen Stacy (I think, haven't read Spider-Man in years), Thunderbird, Blink (yes, I know she is the main character in Exiles, but that's an alternate reality version that has not appeared in "mainstream" reality), Colussus, Mastermind, Moira McTaggert, Chiffer and Warlock (and no, Douglock does *not* count as a resurrection). The team would be the Helliions (all but two of them, I think). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted April 14, 2002 >Thunderbird They may as well have resurrected him when they introduced James Proudstar as Thunderbird II. >The team would be the Helliions (all but two of them, I think). Survivors associated with the Hellions: White Queen, Warpath (aka Thunderbird II) and Firestar. And Bucky is still quite dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted April 15, 2002 God I missed so much in the last few years. I have a tendency to just give up on something after it gets in a slump. Speaking of everyone dying etc. What the hell is the deal with Avengers, etc. All sacrificing themseleves to kill Onslaught? Are they all back now as if nothing happened? Also didn't The X-Men just get a total makeover and a fresh start, almost throwing out everything that has happened in the past? Sorry I'm so damn hazy on all of this, any help would be appreciated. Thank you all for the explanations so far. If I rmember correct, Apocalypse croaked in Executioner's Song as well. Stryfe I think it was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted April 15, 2002 one more ting, is there a good website with just kind of archived plot summaries of issues in the past? I'd love to get on there and read all day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted April 16, 2002 What the hell is the deal with Avengers, etc. All sacrificing themseleves to kill Onslaught? Are they all back now as if nothing happened? One of Marvel's little ploys to boost sales on some lagging titles. Basically, they didn't so much sacrifice themselves to stop Onslaught, they were kept safe inside a pocket universe created by Franklin Richards (Reed's kid). For about 13 issues, the Avengers, Captain America, & Iron Man (and a fourth title, I think) operated in this separate universe, then they were sent back to the Marvel Universe proper in all new series. While they were gone, it was treated as if they died. But they are back now, although occasionally some reference is made to the alternate universe they existed in (especially in FF) Also didn't The X-Men just get a total makeover and a fresh start, almost throwing out everything that has happened in the past? No, but recently they have been revamped yet again, with new creative teams. The teams are split up; There's one team that operates in "New X-Men", another that heads up "Uncanny X-Men", and a third that's in "X-Treme X-Men". They have some, but not a whole lot, of interaction with each other. The past is pretty much still the same, though, as convoluted as ever. Thank you all for the explanations so far. If I rmember correct, Apocalypse croaked in Executioner's Song as well. Stryfe I think it was. I forget if that did indeed happen. I know Stryfe kicked Apox's ass and took the Dark Riders as his posse. He could have died. This is Marvel, remember, they ain't dead unless you see a body. And even THEN you can't be for sure. As for a website, I don't know of any offhand. I'd do a search of Google. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted April 16, 2002 Not sure about Uncanny or X-Treme, but New X-Men is pretty non-convoluted, partly due to the fact that it doesn't interact with any of the other titles. If you're going to collect an X-Men title, I'd choose that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 16, 2002 I absolutely love New X-Men. The slimmed down roster and cliffhanger endings are just what the series needed. It also seems to be a little more mature (not Preacher material, but it's way more believable than the last few years).I stopped reading X-men right after the whole Age of Apocalypse storyline. It just got too cartoony for me..but now, this is the ONE title I most look forward to. Uncanny is pretty good, too. It's got a lot of the second tier X-men (nightcrawler, archangel, iceman, chamber, and sometimes Think of it as the Raw Roster, while New X-men is the Smackdown crew. X-Treme X-men is the one X title that I just can't get into. It's got gorgeous coloring, but way too many new faces for me to keep track of. The storylines are more far the entire series is dedicated to finding Destiny's journals, which are scattered all over the earth....hope this clears things up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted April 16, 2002 Yeah, it helped a lot. I think I came upon X-treme X-men and it totally blew me away so I figured that was all that was left. Vyce.. Apocalypse was crawling around in a huge pool of his blood I guess you should call it, hacking and in sad shape. Archangel approached him and basically said he gets what he deserves. Pac screams and his head drops into his own pool and it moves on from there. Assuming is all I did. Can't do that with marvel. Also in the new X-Men, is the artwork a graphic style or a cartoony style kind of like AOA? I really loved the work around the time that Uncanny and the X-Men blue team ( Wolvie, Cyclops, Rouge, Gambit, Psylocke Beats, etc. ) split up.[ Jim Lee ] It just takes away from the seriousness and the maturity of the comic when you have an artist who's work is cartoony. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted April 16, 2002 The "regular" artist of New X-Men is Frank Quitely, of The Authority, Flex Mentallo and JLA: Earth 2 fame. It's not cartoony, but some fans don't like him because his faces are pretty ugly. IMO, he makes up for it by drawing REALLY nice backgrounds and cool layouts. I like his art a lot...problem is, he's extremely slow, so they've been getting a couple of fill-in artists on the book (Igor Kordey and Ethan Van Sciver). Who did the "cartoony" art in AOA? Was it Joe Madrureia (sp)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted April 16, 2002 I'm pretty sure, he was the one. It was colored brilliantly and the backgrounds were nice but his lack of muscle ddefinition drawing and just overall cartoony drawing style doesn't fit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted April 17, 2002 Glad to see some New X-Men love! IMO, it's the best of the X-books. Uncanny just does NOT work with me since Casey started writing it, and X-treme....well, more on that later. New X-Men is great though. Quietly's art has grown on me, and Morrison's writing is great. Finally, the X-Men are VULNERABLE, which was always my greatest complaint in the past. Cassandra Nova is a very interesting villain, too, the first "new" X-Men villain in a long time that I've warmed too. I think I came upon X-treme X-men and it totally blew me away so I figured that was all that was left. Blew you away how? For me, it blew me away at how AWFUL it was. I mean, really, it's incredibly bad. Claremont is just NOT working. Look at the first 3 or 4 issues; that guy, "Vargas" (I think) kills Psylocke, and then when Gambit goes to fight him.....they just talk and then Gambit leaves? I can't get into how bad I think this book is. Horrible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted April 18, 2002 Yes, it blew me away because it was so bad. Psylocke is dead? Ah crap. I really liked her and Cyclops little thing a while back, did anything ever come of it? As far as a blow off is concerned? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pochorenella Report post Posted April 19, 2002 Who did the "cartoony" art in AOA? Was it Joe Madrureia (sp)? I believe Roger Cruz also did some issues of AOA and back then he had a similar style than Madureira's. Psylocke is dead? Ah crap. I really liked her and Cyclops little thing a while back, did anything ever come of it? As far as a blow off is concerned? As far as I'm concerned is good riddance to a bad character. When they started messing with her with those "shadow-powers" and the telekinesis it was downhill from then on. She's a british ninja with a japanese face? Give me a break. On another note, I have to agree that New X-Men rules right now, but I'm pretty sure Quitely is leaving the title due to deadline issues, that's too bad. And also I heard Chris Bachalo is returning to Uncanny soon. Welcome back, Chris! Peace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted April 20, 2002 >As far as I'm concerned is good riddance to a bad character. When they started messing with her with those "shadow-powers" and the telekinesis it was downhill from then on. She's a british ninja with a japanese face? Give me a break. Well, actually she's a Brit whose mind is/was in the body of a Japanese assasin, while her real body (and the mind of the Japanese assasin) sucumbed to the Legacy Virus, all of which happened after she died and was resurrected, and passed through the Siege Perilous... ...I have a headache... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pochorenella Report post Posted April 22, 2002 Well, actually she's a Brit whose mind is/was in the body of a Japanese assasin, while her real body (and the mind of the Japanese assasin) sucumbed to the Legacy Virus, all of which happened after she died and was resurrected, and passed through the Siege Perilous... ...I have a headache... My point exactly. Peace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crandamaniac Report post Posted April 25, 2002 Just read an interview with Grant Morrison in Wizard (i got a subscription) and he says point blank Magneto is dead and he ain't bringing him back. Morrison: "As far as i'm concerned he's dead. Wipe out the past"...."Bringing Magneto back seems so obvious. Why do it?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted April 25, 2002 That's actually sort of a relief. I mean, everyone knows that eventually, Magneto will be back, but it's nice to know that he won't be used in the near future. The world doesn't really need *yet another* Magneto story for the time being. Kinda like how Rucka & co. have avoided using the Joker for a while (aside from in that stupid crossover). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pochorenella Report post Posted April 25, 2002 Just read an interview with Grant Morrison in Wizard (i got a subscription) and he says point blank Magneto is dead and he ain't bringing him back. Morrison: "As far as i'm concerned he's dead. Wipe out the past"...."Bringing Magneto back seems so obvious. Why do it?" I wouldn't mind not seeing him for a year or so, actually. He became just too damn powerful in that last mini-series, it's almost ridiculous. Good for Grant Morrison. And hey, anybody knows who's gonna be the new regular artist for New X-Men now that Quitely can no longer meet the deadlines? Not even Ethan Van Sciver is meeting his for the fill-in work. I say bring back Chris Bachalo now that he's scheduled to pencil some Ultimate X-Men issues. Peace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted April 25, 2002 Did Magneto kill Exodus? And Yes he will be back. Yes he's too powerful but By God Magneto is the most powerful mutant out there. I say in the end he'll conquer ALL. I personally really like him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest raptor Report post Posted April 27, 2002 Exodus is still alive, but he won't be around for awhile since Morrison hates anything he didn't create. It seems to me that Igor Kordey is the "regular" artist of New X-Men for now. I personally love Xtreme and loathe most of New X-Men. NXM does surprise me once in a while. Plus, The Beak and XORN~ kick some serious ass for new X-characters. I wish that some perameters will be put on Xorn's powers, however. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites