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What about the far east...

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Should the WWF try to expand its horizons to the Far East? Right now, there are many young talents in the Far East who could benefit in the WWF. Minoru Tanaka and Misawa (don't ask me to spell his first name, it' hard) are two I can think of. Could the WWF benefit from foreign countries?

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Guest El Satanico

Misawa isn't young is he? I could be wrong but hasn't he been around for a long time?

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But But if they did then we end up with the WWF making fun of them being Japanese. Make them do interviews in Japanese just to make fun of them.Yeah they got talent but when your in the WWF an er asian or just can't speak english. Your just a running comedy bit.


You know Tajiri is way better on the mic then the Hardy's though. Even though I have no Idea what he is saying.

Plus Tajiri can kick the snot out of people.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Do you mean bring them here to wrestle in the WWF, or "brand extend" to put on regular shows in the Far East?


I'm sure you could bring some in, but the WWF most likely won't use them effectively.  As for Misawa (keep in mind I'm no puro expert), he'd have to totally change his style.  Plus, why come here and most likely be treated like a joke when he can stay in Japan where he's basically Japan's Ric Flair.  And I could be wrong, but I believe Misawa doesn't like working in North America anyway.

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Gee, what's wrong with pro wrestling in North America? (Recalls such things as Lucy, Stephanie being involved in a title feud, Tough Enough, Maven's push, Tough Enough, Test and Mark Henry getting pushed)...oh yeah, I guess that's what's wrong.

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WWF like other North American Feds at the time in the 80's 90's did have tours in asia, and Japanese wrestlers made their way to the states.


Lyger  Chono Muta etc did WCW


ECW got the FMW crowd, Hayabusa, Kanemura, etc


WWF never did have a stable relationship with a Japanese fed for a long period of time, they worked with AJPW on a tour in 90, Bret hart and Misawa (Tiger Mask II) Fought to a draw.  Japanese wrestlers from AJPW, SWS did come over, Tenryu, Great Kabuki, Kitao.  late 90's Michinoku pro had its invasions in the WWF, Great Sasuke, introducing Taka Michinoku to the WWF, and of course Kaientai


While you see people like Funaki and Taka doing matches which is all but comedy. Keep in mind, BOTH Funaki and Taka were contestants in Super J Cup tournaments in 94 and 95. One of these nights Funaki gonna remember that, Snap and Bust Michinoku Style on Crash and actually win a match.


WWF now got the service of Johnny Ace as a Road Agent, and if they were so inclined the WWF could start up a relationship with NJPW. Muta himself said that he wanted to work for the WWF for a stint.  THe thing is,  Does the American Wrestling fans want to see a group of wrestlers who does more than slap slap slap Spit on hand SMACK!

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Guest dreamer420
Does the American Wrestling fans want to see a group of wrestlers who does more than slap slap slap Spit on hand SMACK!

I know I do but a lot of marks out there are perfectly content watching Hogan, Rock, HHH, and Austin to battle week and and week out.  I don't know a whole lot about the japanese style of wrestling, but from what I have seen I have liked.  I wish the wwf wasn't so punchy kicky most of the time.

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Guest Special K

I'd love to see some of my faves in the USA like Muto, Kawada, Kobashi, and any number of lightweights, if they were treated right. bottom line is, though, that if Kawada, probably the best worker on the planet right now, went to WWF; despite being a big guy, he couldn't do his moves, (too stiff) and they'd have Hardcore Holly going over him within a month. So basically, it would be great, but it'll never happen.      

    That's why, when the WWF gets bad, (as it has been wont to do lately) I break out a couple bucks and get a couple 90's Japan tapes (or 2000-2001 WWF PPVs!). I'm loyal to the WWF, but sometimes you just really want to see a good match that's new to you. There's such a wealth of great puro matches out there, that you'll always be able to find something new and good.

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Guest wolverine

"I'd love to see some of my faves in the USA like Muto, Kawada, Kobashi, and any number of lightweights, if they were treated right. bottom line is, though, that if Kawada, probably the best worker on the planet right now"


Kawada's on the shelf, so Momoe Nakanishi's the best worker on the planet now by default.  Seriously, I can't really think of any male wrestler at her level at this point, except for maybe Naomichi Marufuji, who I haven't seen enough of to comment on.


It's going to be interesting on 5/2 at the New Japan Tokyo Dome show, as they have her booked on the card in a tag match, and I know she's going to bust it up and possibly outshine NJ's entire roster, which I know they won't be happy about. ;)

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Guest Brian

Vince's ego won't let him work out a deal. Especially with Inoki, and the same thing the other way around.

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Guest razazteca

I doubt that WWF will ever have the Japanese talent work on Raw or Smackdown.  Just look what they are doing with Tajeri, TAKA, Funaki and to an extent Eddy Guerrero all of these "international stars" were given stereotypical bad gimmicks as comedic relief.


Or on a positive side the WWF could rename the European title to Far East Title or Pacific Champion to push the net favorite stars.  I doubt that HHH, Undertaker, Rock, SCSA, nWo would ever take head bumbs....hell the Piledriver is outlawed so how is Misawa, Kawada, Kobashi, Masato, Nagata, Lyger etc ever going to use their trademark style?


If they ever work for WWF it would probably be for a big PPV but the way WWF is promoting the big shows at a snails pace and ignoring the continunity of the past weeks show, it will never happen.  How is the WWF audience going to understand this INVASION from the Far East if the invaders work a completly different style from the WWF main eventers?  The matches would most likely end up looking like Test vs Low Ki or Kane vs Undertaker.


Then there are the big egos from Vince and the backstage politics blah blah blah blah.

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Guest El Satanico

They will never do it in the states but they could work out something where they send guys there for shows here and there. WWF guys can lose in Japan and not hurt WWF at all in the states. But i doubt Vince would ever allow them to beat WWF guys in America. WWF letting feds look good against them here will not happen as long as Vince is still running it.

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Guest RickyB

Mitsuharu Misawa isn't a young Wrestler, he's a racist vet who books himself at the top of NJPW (I think that's who he works for).  He's had some great matches but I think it was Lance Storm who said that he could never work a WWF style because the only reason that his attacks look so good is because he ususally works ultra stiff.  I'm not just talking about the odd stuff punch or kick - I'm talking borderline shoot here.  So he'd never make it in the WWF because without his ultra-stiff offence, he's nothing.  Most Japanese main eventers are in the same mould really, so I doubt they'd work well in the WWF.  Some of the Junior Heavyweights should get a run in the WWF though and I think Jushin Lyger deserves another shot in North America.

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Guest RickyB
WWF never did have a stable relationship with a Japanese fed for a long period of time, they worked with AJPW on a tour in 90, Bret hart and Misawa (Tiger Mask II) Fought to a draw.  Japanese wrestlers from AJPW, SWS did come over, Tenryu, Great Kabuki, Kitao.  late 90's Michinoku pro had its invasions in the WWF, Great Sasuke, introducing Taka Michinoku to the WWF, and of course Kaientai

WWF had a big relationship with NJPW for a long time in the mid-80's.  They were a big part of the WWF's underhand tactics to take out the competition.  It would take too long to explain how he did this but the WWF did have a relationship with NJPW when they needed them.  But they don't need to use them right now so Vince will probably just try to run them out of business soon.  They have the fans over there so I wouldn't be suprised if they attempted to.

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