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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Any funny stories from indy wrestlers/shows?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

As a person who used to frequent a lot of different Indy shows, I've seen a lot of memorable stuff.  I've been "part" of a wrestling angle where I got to accompany an "injured" wrestler down to the ring and hold his cane for him. And Harley Lewis of the Misfits brought me into the ring and hugged me (friendly hug, we're not fudgepackers) as it was his last match before he went to Puerto Rico for the WWC.


But the funniest was the story of the ISPW, Summer of 1999.  Derik Domino was working for them, despite the fact that every Indy promoter in NJ refused to hire him due to his drug problems.   The thing was, that the WWF was interested in signing Harley Lewis (who I used to be good friends with before losing touch with him a year ago) and Domino after they worked a dark match with Darling and Storm.  So what happens?  Domino fails the f-ucking drug test.


So Lewis tried to stay with Domino, but couldn't because he was doing heroein and other drugs all the time.  So they broke it off and had been feuding for quite a while in real life.  So when I got the opportunity to bitch on the ISPW Message Board about Domino being on the show, and how badly he sucked when he wrestled, Domino confronted me at the next show.


After the show, right in front of Billy Reil, with a beer in hand, he threaten to kick my little "pussy ass," and "piss all over my broken skull."  Then, he spit on me.  Remember, I was 13 at the time of this, though I probably appeared to be about 16.  And that schmuck, who was on parole, spit on me.  My dad wanted to have him arrested (father's a lawyer, and it's considered assault if you spit on someone here), but I told him not to per the request of Billy Reil.


I told Harley Lewis about the incident, and he gave me Domino's phone number, who I prank called incessantly.  And Harley went over to his house, where he "knocked on the door for ten minutes, screaming at his pregnant wife who has eight kids and is on welfare.  Then, I spraypainted "Harley Was Here" on his front step and left."  Words from Harley's mouth.


I haven't heard a thing about Domino since then.  Maybe he finally died from an overdose.


Piece of s-hit.


Any other stories, whether funny or evil?

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Guest J*ingus

I was at a show one time where Bushwhacker Luke was in the main event.  No, that wasn't the funny part, it was actually a decent match.  The funny part was when the sound guy put his tape in to play his entrance music, what came out was some kind of medical lecture or seminar.  The guy was an idiot, and kept stopping the tape, ejecting it, and putting it right back in at the SAME spot and playing it again, only to be surprised that it was still the aforementioned medical lecture or seminar.  Finally, Luke just got disgusted and came out by himself, waving his arms around to dead silence... it was kinda sad, actually.

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Guest dreamer420

Wouldn't be the same without Butch would it?


One of my friends once told Bad News Brown that he sucked and he replied "I suck yo mama!"

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Guest Invader3k

Two summers ago at the Wisconsin State Fair there was a Legends of Wrestling card put on by the promoter of Great Lakes Championship Wrestling. The tickets were really expensive for an indy card, due to all the big names they brought in (Bundy, Snuka, Bushwhackers, Duggan, George Steele, Valentine, Jimmy Hart, Honky Tonk...). Like a single ticket for a decent seat was like 50 bucks or something. Anyways, the show was decent...mostly the veteran "stars" against younger local talent. However, the show drew so poorly that the promoter went under. I guess this story wasn't quite so funny as it was sad...but oh well, that is wrestling.

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Guest treble charged

One time, in early 1994, an indy promotion came to my hometown.  I think it was Killer Kowalksi's promotion, since Terra Ryzing and Perry Saturn were there.  The security wasn't very tight for the show, and they didn't even have barriers around the ring.  After the show ended, everyone in the arena, probably around 1000 rushed the ring, 40 or so people actually got into the ring and were doing moves.  It was pretty cool.  Wrestling hasn't come back here since, though.   Hmm....

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Galactic how did that asshole know you when you posted shit on the internet???? If Harley Lewis ois a wrestler why would he be friends with a little kid?????? That seem like you be layin it on thick.

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Guest Rev

I used to work for Ultimate Pro Wrestling in California as a lighting designer/operator when they were still a WWF developmental territory, so some WWF guys are included in these stories.


I asked Tommy Dreamer (Between ECW & WWF) what kind of lighting he wanted for his entrance. His response? "Just make me thin and pretty." I responded that if I could do that with lighting, I'd make it so it could be attached to clothes. =)


I was with a group hanging around with Dennis "Mideon" Knight during a show, while he was talking about tattoos. Somebody correctly identified the Doc Holliday tat he has on his arm, and he told us how people kept mis-identifying it as either Freddie Mercury or Dan Severn.


During one segment of a UPW show, we had Shinya Hashimoto and Naohiro Hoshikawa. There was a run-in during the segment and "Security" was sent in to break it up. Several people sitting backstage wanted to volunteer so they could say they took a kick from Hashimoto.


During a show, I injured my leg and was using a broom as a makeshift crutch. Horshu wanted to look pumped up upon his entrance, and began curling me and my broom. Eerie.


While working at my home fed (Millenium Pro Wrestling) as a ring announcer, I was backstage gathering information for the night's card on the wall, while Super Dragon and Low Ki' were in discussion. Noticing I was distracted, Low Ki threw a kick at my head. =) (Missed... by that much!)

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Guest KingOfMen

When I was in high school a group called the Northern Wrestling Federation used to run shows in our little shit ass town of Harrison, Ohio (they probably still do for all I know, I moved).  We used to get real drunk and go cheer all the heels and boo all the faces, we were the resident smarks.  One night they had fan night and I got to be the guest ring announcer.  It was pretty fun.  The wrestling was pretty god awful, but  a couple guys that started there (Chris Harris and Jason Cross) are apparently making a name for themselves on the indy scene.  They were the only good ones.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
Galactic how did that asshole know you when you posted shit on the internet???? If Harley Lewis ois a wrestler why would he be friends with a little kid?????? That seem like you be layin it on thick.

The promoter, Tommy Fiero, knew who I was, and he told Domino about it.


And as for Harley, when I was thirteen, I looked about sixteen, and acted like a sixteen year old.  As my bragging signature says, I have a 4.0, and yet still do drugs and watch wrestling.  Thus, even though I'm young, Harley could appreciate me because I wasn't some bratty little kid, I was a fan of his who wasn't a typical mark who got pushed around by a drugged up guy that he hated.


And as for you, yourself XKiller... Please, shut the fuck up.

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Guest Anorak

I went to an All Star Wrestling event in my home city of Leicester back around 1993. In front of a rabid crowd of at least 40 people about three really rough women who were completely drunk emptied what must have been   three full pints of beer over poor old PN.News while he was laying prone on the outside. A clearly pissed off News looked shocked and angry but i suppose he couldn't really do anything to the women in the crowd so he just dragged himself back in the ring for Giant Haystacks to continue beating him up. Not a great little story really but it was a hell of a lot funnier than the British Bushwhacker was that night.

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Guest frenziedme

I was talking to Chris Daniels about his match on Nitro , when all of a sudden, Scott Steiner walks right by us. I said "Didn't he break your leg?" and he replied "yeah but he was angry and we're cool now" Even indy guys keep kayfabe goin

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Guest thebear

So as a Rookie in a small independent in Nova Scotia, Canada, I had the opportunity of having one of the funniest things ever happen on a road trip...


So we leave Halifax for Sydney (About 500 KM) After our debut show at the forum around 7PM, travelling in three cars... The others were meeting us there the next morning.. and we had One Truck (With a rackidy u-haul trailer holding the ring attached, A Sunbird and A Lincoin... so we leave, and of course it starts raining... so the truck is like a 85, so what shoulda been 5 and a half hours turns into a 9 hour snorefest...


So after what seems like forever, we get to sydney, and pull into the arena... We didn't bother getting a hotel room because A) the boys I travelled with were cheapskates and B) No point to get a hotel at 4 AM, if checkout time is 11AM... B) There were no hotel rooms left...


So we get out of the caravan, and bring the vechiles right inside the arena... So we're in this meeting room, and Sailor White (Who was travelling with us on our first tour comes into the room...) There's Me (Tony), Sean Black, and Mr. Mediocre checking our stuff, which got soaked because it rained the whole way to sydney, and it leaked into the uhaul...


Sailor white looks at us, and says... "Go set up the ring" he leaves the room


We kinda smirk, and keep going about our buisness... I go lie down with a blanket in the corner, and Mediocre dissappears where we don't see him until morning (He still won't tell me where he went) So Sean is getting his sleeping bag out, when sailor white comes back in... "Gimme that sleeping bag" he says, and rips the sleeping bag from his hands... Sean looks heartbroken, and I take the fuck off with blanket in hand before Sailor comes after me...


So I go find Havoc and Opie, who are stoned out of thier minds in a booth above the place, and smoke up with them... I tell them what happen, and they're in stitiches... Sean Black makes his way upstairs to the room and walks in... He looks as if he's gonna cry, and says "Sailor White Stole My Sleeping Bag"...


We lost it, and start roaring... Sean looks at us and leaves... Fast Forward to as we're getting ready to sleep... you can hear what's going on in the arena from where we were... So we hear a car door open, and someone say "Did Sailor White Steal Your Sleeping Bag?" Apparently it was Coal Miner Chuck, checking on sean... We here sean say "No" then Chuck start roaring and leave... So we wake up the next morning, and get ready to head for breakfast before setting the ring up... As we all converge on the truck, sean gets out, and Blackie (Our shitty ref, but a helluva guy) says "Did Sailor White steal your sleeping bag", Me, Opie and Havoc lose it again and start roaring, and for the rest of the weekend, Everytime we seen sean, we'd feign crying and say "Sailor White Stole my Sleeping Bag"

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Here's a story for ya...


So, I worked for this indy fed as a ref. I learned how to do a back bump, and an out-of-the-ring bump.


I show up for this one show, as do 16 fucking fans, and 5 other wrestlers. Everyone else skips the show.


Now, the booker is a FUCKING TOOL, and even though he only has 5 wrestlers and 2 refs (Me and another guy) he decides to run a 7-match card. Tool.


What does this mean? It means I find some torn jeans and a Metallica T-Shirt. I am...THE METALHEAD.


So I head on out for a match against the Black Ninja, and am squashed in about a minute. I thought I did good by managing to draw some heat (Some "You smell!" and "Hey Foreman!" hecklers. I look like Eric on That 70's show.) But it turns out THAT was a mistake. Anyway, that match is over, and I'm in good shape. Basically all strikes, and I only had to bump once or twice.


Then later on, there's an 8-man royal rumble. Yes, 8. With a roster of 6. Two guys got tossed out, ran back and switched costumes. *sigh*


Anyway, I make my entrance v-e-r-y slowly. I eat as much time as possible getting into the ring, by running away any time someone comes NEAR me. Finally, I get in, dart to an empty corner of the ring, drop down, and grab the ropes, Road Dogg style.


At one point, someone gets tied to the tree of woe, and another guy yells "Let's get him!" So I jump up, run over, and stomp the guy.


Then someone hits me in the back, and I sell. They then proceed to grab me by the head, run me to the other side of the ring, and toss me all in one motion. "Good." I say. I take the top-rope bump, and head out back.


Now it gets messy. Amoung the people who no-showed, the Hardcore Champion, who's supposed to be jobbing the title. Big suprise. So someone else is booked into the slot, but this person is about 340 lbs and has wrestled 3 matches already. Understandably, they can't make it to the main event match, so they scan the locker room for someone else.


Everyone is dead tired, save two. The guy who SHOULD be winning the belt, and me.


So I'm sent out there, and I cut a promo (That's right, CUT A FUCKING PROMO, even though I'm the ref with only 2 cards experience and have never cut a promo before) which I thought went over suprisingly well. I manage to run down the crowd and get my point across - I'm taking the champion's place.


Now, keep in mind, I'm MAIN-EVENTING the show at this point. Me and all my 120 lbs.


I get up in the guy's face, calling him a coward for not wanting to face me, and then he shoves me halfway across the ring. The match is on.


Luckily, it IS a hardcore match, so very little wrestling skill is needed. We used all of two moves, I think; a clothesline and a piledriver.


He spends most of the match chasing me around with a chain wrapped around his fist. My offense is limited to one shot with said chain, and a shot with something I found under the ring.


He took fairly good care of me, though he scared the living shit out of me. He sat me against the ringpost on the outside, said "Don't move" and then swung a wet floor sign at me as hard as he possibly could. He missed my head by about half an inch.


But the TRUE stroke of genius came when he tossed me out of the ring and I crawled under it. I crawled under it to the other side, grabbed the wet floor sign, and started to sneak up behind him...


Then he turned around and I bolted.


Me running was a major theme in the match. At one point I had the sign again, and climbed into the ring.


He climbs in with a steel chair as I'm still getting in the ring, so I yell "Screw this!" and bolt, again.


Other highlights(?) included him dumping a trash can on me, not realizing there was water in it, me finding a fucking THUMBTACK in the ring, and him smoking me with the chair in the back once or twice.


Finally, the big finale. We battle over to a little wooden platform, where I wrestle control of the dreaded CHAIN OF DOOM! and take a shot. My second attempt is countered, as he grabs my fist and overpowers me into punching myself.


Then it happened. THE PILEDRIVER ON THE STAGE!!!


I roll into a sitting position, let my eyes roll back, and start to fall over, when he grabs me again. Then it happened....




I sell like I'm a dead man, forcing him to just roll me into the ring for the cover. My last words?


"Is this it?"




Such is the story of when I main-evented an indy show.

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Guest frenziedme

at the end of the nitro match between Chris Daniels and Mike Modest, Scott Steiner ran down and  "broke thier legs" with a lead pipe

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Guest treble charged

Yeah, that was right after Steiner "broke" Sid's leg.  I wish I had only "broken" my leg a few years ago.

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Guest Sean Black

Yeah, so, I'm Sean Black. Yes, i'm the guy who had my sleeping bag stolen by Salior White(former WWF tag champ moondog king). And just to let all of you know, I didn't have my sleeping bag stolen, I let him have it.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

The Mulkeys worked a show near my hometown and my hairstylist( her husband is their cousin or brother) was saying that during their match (which was at a bar) one of them was hit with a bottle and "bled"(this was a very small promotion that obviously had no idea how to run a show). After the match, the one who got busted came over to my hairstylist's husband and said " ask your wife how to get food coloring out of bleach blonde hair"

Funny stuff. Mulkermania runs wild~!

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last month I went to an indy show and they must have just gotten a steel cage, so they had a big steel cage main event,  well they must have never practiced putting up the cage cuz if took them 20 mins to get it up and they were holding it together with zip ties and shoe laces.  half way throu the match one side fell down so the promoter, refs, and the security guards had to hold it up for the remander of the match.  it was funny shit!  we were second row and we were fearing for our lives that the side of the cage that we were on didn't fall down a kill us.

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Guest Ghast
Not a great little story really but it was a hell of a lot funnier than the British Bushwhacker was that night.

British Bushwhacker? Who the fuck?


The Mulkeys still wrestle? How old are they now? And they don't even blade? LOL. Also I have to say if they use food coloring instead of blood, it doesn't mean they don't know how to run a show.


Metal Maniac...why'd they have you main event the show instead of the guy who was supposed to win the belt? And 16 people... man why did you even go through with the show that night? Did you even get paid?


Some funny shit here, guys.

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Guest TheDames7

I went to an NAWA show in Middletown NY last year and during one of the matches, I saw Nova down by the concession area.  My girlfriend and I went down to get a picture with him.  She said to me "Why is he wearing a pink t-shirt?" and I didn't know.  We both took pics and I talked to him for a little bit.  He was just agreeing with everything that I talked to him about, and came across as kinda condescending, and not like he was the first time I met him.  


A few minutes later, I was talking to a few other people and he was signing autographs and talking to a few others.  All of a sudden, the next match was Nova and Chetti against the FBI.  My girl and I did double takes as I saw 2 Nova's....then it hit me.  I did the whole "D'oh" thing, as I realized that I was worked by Donnie B, Nova's twin brother.  I knew the guy existed, but I didnt know they were both booked for the same show.  


When Donnie B came out with Backseat Boyz, I yelled out "The B is for BASTARD!".  


So, I have a pic with the fake Nova...lol



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Guest Ghast

I went to that same show Dames. Were you the guy screaming about the girl with the cameltoe in the woman's match. And Donnie B is Nova's brother for real? Or your kidding? I got confused by that too.

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Guest TheDames7

Ghast, I wasn't kidding....Donnie B is his twin brother.  I don't remember screaming anything about cameltoe....but it sounds vaguely familiar.  



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Guest muswp1

These are some really funny stories.  Someone should find a way to get a book of these printed.

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