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Guest Downhome

A "friendly rivalry" between the rosters! and...

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Guest Downhome

Here are two notes from the Ross Report from 1wrestling...


1) "Ross said they there are several talents who are primed to move up, mentioning Lance Storm, Test, and Booker T, among others."


...now that sounds good to me, especially hearing that about Storm and Booker T. I've said all along that Booker T would become a top face, if not THE top face on RAW if only given a chance, and it looks like we MIGHT see the begining of that now. As far as Storm goes, I look for Dawn Marie to be put with him, to begin his major push. Look at it this way, there is no way that Storm can be depushed anymore, so the only place for him to go IS up! I'm also ok with Test getting a push, as I've always been a fan of him from day one for some reason. Yes, you heard me, I have nothing really against Test, other than the fact that they have misused him HORRIBLY. Here is another tid-bit...


2) "He also notes there is a friendly rivalry brewing between the two rosters based on tickets sold to live events and TV ratings."


If you ask me, that is some GREAT news! What we need here, is for the Superstars of each "group" to begin having a competitive edge to them, as that would then push everyone to want to perform to the best of their ability. Well, at least that's what I think will happen. Anyhow, that is some damn fine news if they truly are having a "friendly rivalry" between both rosters!




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Yeah, Ross is reporting a Test push. Wow, I bet he reports the same thing next Ross report, and the next one, and the next one.

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Guest Downhome

Somehow I just KNEW that the only thing from this post to get any comments would be the Test issue. :angry: ??? :(

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Guest Anglesault

YES! I've been waiting for Failed Test Push #764! And now he gets to be a main eventer! He has no wrestling talent, no charisma, no mic skills, he's careless in the ring, he doesn't give a fuck about other wrestlers, but GOD DAMNIT, he's Shane's friend!

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Guest The Man in Blak
Wow, I bet he reports the same thing next Ross report, and the next one, and the next one.

I think that pretty much sums it up right there.


It's not that he's pushing Test or anyone else in particular that disappoints me - it's the fact that JR has become the WWF's version of Bob Ryder over the last two years.

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Guest Human Fly

Well, Storm can't get much lower then he is now. I don't care if the Funaki thing was an accident, they could've retaped the ending or something else. The fact that they did nothing shows it must not really bother them much.

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Guest One Bad Apple
Well, Storm can't get much lower then he is now. I don't care if the Funaki thing was an accident, they could've retaped the ending or something else. The fact that they did nothing shows it must not really bother them much.

I like Funaki better ten times as much as I like Storm.  I think he's a better wrestler and has more charisma.  But the WWF likes Storm's eyes better, so I suppose that's that.

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Guest Anglesault
Now we know who Angle will be feuding with until Rock gets back....

Who? Booker is on Raw, Lance is on Raw, Who's left? ....Oh My God.

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Jim Ross is about as reliable a source for accurate news as Pravda was back in the days of the Iron Curtain.


How many times, now, has he told us that the light heavyweight/cruiserweight division is "going to be showcased more from now on?"  How many times has he said (Insert favorite of the Smark world here, Storm, Booker, Helms, whoever) is due for a big push that never comes?


Jim Ross is full of it.

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Guest alfdogg
I like Funaki better ten times as much as I like Storm.  I think he's a better wrestler and has more charisma.

I'll let you get away with charisma, but I think as far as wrestling goes, Storm is #3 behind Benoit & Angle, IMO.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"I'll let you get away with charisma, but I think as far as wrestling goes, Storm is #3 behind Benoit & Angle, IMO."


Could you point me to ANY matches over the last 2 years that could back this up (about Storm, not the other two)? Because from where I sit, Storm isn't even in Austin's league, and I'd say guys like The Rock, Jericho, and HHH have had consistently better matches and a lot more of them too. All I ever hear about is how Storm is such a great technician, but I think people just assume that because he's Canadian and trained with the Harts. His matches don't have good transitions, he doesn't tell a good story in the ring, his moves are generally soft, and as a result he has MAYBE 2 matches at about the **** star range, for his big 3 career (I haven't seen his Japan stuff although I hear some is good).

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Guest alfdogg
"I'll let you get away with charisma, but I think as far as wrestling goes, Storm is #3 behind Benoit & Angle, IMO."


Could you point me to ANY matches over the last 2 years that could back this up (about Storm, not the other two)? Because from where I sit, Storm isn't even in Austin's league, and I'd say guys like The Rock, Jericho, and HHH have had consistently better matches and a lot more of them too. All I ever hear about is how Storm is such a great technician, but I think people just assume that because he's Canadian and trained with the Harts. His matches don't have good transitions, he doesn't tell a good story in the ring, his moves are generally soft, and as a result he has MAYBE 2 matches at about the **** star range, for his big 3 career (I haven't seen his Japan stuff although I hear some is good).

I meant as a TECHNICIAN, he is behind Benoit & Angle, not as a performer.


I love how the Hogan mark calls Booker, RVD, & Lance overrated.  How exactly do you determine that stuff?

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"I'll let you get away with charisma, but I think as far as wrestling goes, Storm is #3 behind Benoit & Angle, IMO."


Could you point me to ANY matches over the last 2 years that could back this up (about Storm, not the other two)? Because from where I sit, Storm isn't even in Austin's league, and I'd say guys like The Rock, Jericho, and HHH have had consistently better matches and a lot more of them too. All I ever hear about is how Storm is such a great technician, but I think people just assume that because he's Canadian and trained with the Harts. His matches don't have good transitions, he doesn't tell a good story in the ring, his moves are generally soft, and as a result he has MAYBE 2 matches at about the **** star range, for his big 3 career (I haven't seen his Japan stuff although I hear some is good).

How the Hell can Storm prove he's a great Wrestler and great Story teller when he's only given 2 minute matches? Put Storm in a 15-20 minute with Austin, Triple H, Angle,etc,etc, and You'll see just how good he really is. Believe me, Storm wouldn't need to be carried by any of them.


You wanna see just how good Storm is? Buy his RF Shoot.

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Who? Booker is on Raw, Lance is on Raw, Who's left? ....Oh My God.


Actually, Lance is on jakked this week, jobbing to  Sho.

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Guest Anglesault
All I ever hear about is how Storm is such a great technician, but I think people just assume that because he's Canadian and trained with the Harts.

Not so. Only an idiot would call Test good and he is Canadian and trained by Bret Hart.

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Funny how he says Booker T is ready to move up considering he came in as WCW US and World Champion who had clean wins over Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, and Goldberg, but then when he came to WWF they buried him making him job to everyone all the way down to Spike Dudley. He shouldn't have to move up if they didn't bury him every chance they got.

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Guest Anglesault
Funny how he says Booker T is ready to move up considering he came in as WCW US and World Champion who had clean wins over Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, and Goldberg


Yeah, but no one cared.

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Guest Anglesault

Those are the only ones that matter anymore. But even Vince is losing control.

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Those are the only ones that matter anymore. But even Vince is losing control.

Losing control of his grip of reality, sure, but not control of the book.  I mean, look at smackdown.  Here he is again using his evil booker powers to subjegate another superhot WWF diva to his horny whim.  


Maybe the problem is that Vince only cares about that, and thus turns a blind eye to the other stuff and says "Sure, do whatever ya want with the book" to Steph and Tripe.


How much you wanna bet Vince gets to "save" Torrie from Tajiri one of these days?

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