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Lucha on telemundo

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Anybody know more about this? According to the Observer Telemundo is going to start showing Lucha (AAA I think) on Saturdays at 5.

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Guest razazteca

in San Antonio area it was 4pm central on Telemudo.  So far the show is average as compared to CMLL and AAA.  Lucha Libre Latina LLL has some of the stars of AAA giving a good show considering who they used for the 1st show.  I think the skits/promos in between the matches look to similar to WWF, WTF is up with the Wild West theme for the promos?  Electro Shock as a Hangman Executioner?  Well at least they are not cruising through the city park or doing promos in rental cars any more!!!!


Telemudo Wrestling

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I don't get Telemundo, sadly...could someone fill me in on what happened on this show?  A friend of mine saw it and wasn't sure what happened in the endings to the trios matches...



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"So far the show is average as compared to CMLL and AAA"


Yeah, I don't know how this compares to other lucha feds but this was indeed a pretty weak show.


Lady Apache vs Tiffany was decent enough, the 6 man wasn't very good with only the matador guy doing anything too impressive and the 6 man and 2 midget match had some good parts here and thear but those ended almost as soon as they started.


And is it just me or has La Parka gotten smaller since the last time I him(which was way back in his WCW days)

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Guest Vyce

I don't get Galavision, so my exposure to Lucha is almost nil.  So I'm happy to get ANY lucha on my cable service.  From what I understand, this week (and next week) are the pilot shows.  Hopefully it will become a regular gig, but who knows.


My opinion of the show thus far:  weak, but watchable.


Lady Apache / Tiffany wasn't bad.  It was certainly no worse than any of the women's matches we see in the WWF, and workrate wise, I'd say it was a bit better than the average WWF women's match.


Black Family vs. Sevilla / Chivas was silly.


Octagon / Sagrada / Alebrije / Cuije vs. Heavy Metal / Hector Garza / Monsther / Chuki was okay.  They played this more as a comedy match, which didn't exactly thrill me.  When Metal / Garza were fighting Octagon / Sagrada, the action was pretty okay.  When Alebrije / Monsther & the midgets were in there, it was played up for comedy purposes.....not really my thing.  There was a real clusterfuck or too when everyone was in the ring at the same time....it was hard to keep track of what was going on, for me AND the ref.


Next week's show might be better; I'm looking forward to the match between Parka / Aguayo Jr. / Latin Lover vs. Los Vipers.


Overall, if this becomes a weekly show, I'll probably watch it.

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Guest razazteca

LLL 1st match today of Octogoncito vs Mini Psicosis is a nice match with sweeet highspots by Octogoncito.


Damn it looks like Telemundo wants to make LLL into another WWF clone.  This show had promise but now with F'N ref bumps and F'N run-in non finishes it has become Sports Entertainment in spanish....hell even the announcers were bleeped out for F'N using fowl language, but they did slip in culo.

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Was the La Parka on this show the same one who was in WCW, anyone know? He just seemed alot diffrent then what I remember him being.


And the midget match was indeed a good but that was about it.

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Guest Vyce

I would just like to add that the Los Exoticos vs. Barrio Boys match was perhaps the gayest thing I have EVER seen in professional wrestling.


I mean, the West Hollywood Blondes were never that gay.


Chuck & Billy wish they were that gay.


Terry goddamn Garvin was not even that gay.


In summary:  gay, gay, gay.  But also incredibly hilarious.  The match sucked, but I was entertained!

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Guest razazteca

hmmm that was one scary match, was it suppose to be funny?  WTF was with the Golddust character, I thought WWF owned the rights to that gimmick, unless WWFE owns LLL?

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"was it suppose to be funny?"


Yeah, that was basically the whole point of the match. You either laughed at it or you didn't but they were never actually trying to even put on a 5* classic.


Funny thing is, I wasn't paying that much attention to it and didn't even realize it was a comedy match though untill about half in when they did that spot whear all 6 of them were running off the ropes at the same time.

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