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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

X-men evolution

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Anyone watching it? I was reading an old Wizard a few weeks ago and it seemed like this season could be interesting. I read that there would be cameos this season, including non-X-Men characters. Does anyone know who the camoes (X-Men and non-X-Men) have been? I saw Archangel, Captain America and Nick Fury this season.

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Guest Flyboy

I'm a huge X-Men fan, but I don't watch the show because I don't think it has anything on the original.  


That's just my opinion, though.


For cameos, maybe Spidey will pop up or something.

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Guest Risk

I love the series, too bad the crappy "Kids' WB~!" owns it.  It could have a lot more teen angst on maybe a program like Adult Swim.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I liked the Fox X-Men cartoon...fucking mint. Violent, pretty good storylines, and now I can't ever read a single issue of any of my old X-Men comics without thinking of the voices used on that show. Plus, the theme song is perhaps the greatest theme to a cartoon since The Real Ghostbusters...and easily coolest-sounding theme next to Sonic The Hedgehog's boss theme.

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Guest ant_7000

Put me down 4 the fox version of the X-Men it had good storylines (especially savagelands when they lot their powers, and the phoenix saga) it wasnt really meant 4 lil kids it for meant teens and young adults, I've seen WB's version i didnt care for much its too watered down it for little kids.

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Guest Risk

The newest Scarlet Witch episode was not watered down.  The show is about teens for teens, the only bad thing about it is it's on Kids' WB.  I like it better than the FOX version, Evolution has better storylines and art.  It COULD use some more violence, though, which is why I suggested Adult Swim.

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Guest Flyboy
I liked the Fox X-Men cartoon...fucking mint. Violent, pretty good storylines, and now I can't ever read a single issue of any of my old X-Men comics without thinking of the voices used on that show. Plus, the theme song is perhaps the greatest theme to a cartoon since The Real Ghostbusters...and easily coolest-sounding theme next to Sonic The Hedgehog's boss theme.

I agree with that post a lot.  I also think that the artwork for the original owned so much.  The new one looks like SHIT, IMHO.


Original X-Men "4-Life"!  :P

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

About teens for teens? I am a teen, leading a "typical" teen life (minus the popularity issues and going to school dances, etc.), and think that X-Men: Evolution is about teens for pre-pubescents. They changed Nightcrawler's biggest fear of being murdered/attacked for being COMPLETELY different from everybody else (note the tail, 3-fingered hands, and rather purple-ish skin color) to having acne before the spring dance. WHAT THE FUCK?!


My main point is that it's just another teen drama, only in a cartoon form, and watered-down to fit the censors needs for a kid's action cartoon. It's Power Rangers with X-Men instead.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't like the fact that Nightcrawler uses a device to change his appearance either. It seems like it goes against the principles of being an X-Man.

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Guest Karnage

Have you seen Rogue or Kitty's first appearances on the show, they are really really annoying.


The show is just too watered down, it looks like it was made for preteens. Same with the new Transformers.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I'll say this much, it's not as bad as the crap that was being put on the air before Batman TAS came along and changed the game.

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Guest pete

X-Men on fox was awesome. The storys were very entertaining. The animation was cool. The characters stayed trued to the comics.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I saw some pics in Wizard that showed the characters for the next season and it looks like the show might be getting better. I don't watch it, but I want to sometimes. From what I read, the Morlocks are going to be appearing this season.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I actually prefer the animation of the WB series than I do the Fox series. I liked the character models, sound effects (nothing beats Gambit charging up a card, NOTHING), and storlyines of the Fox series, but the art style of the new series is slightly better, IMO.

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Guest starvenger
I don't like the fact that Nightcrawler uses a device to change his appearance either. It seems like it goes against the principles of being an X-Man.

Actually in the comics Nightcrawler has often used an image inducer to change his look. And in the Marvel Universe the X-Men are still not public heroes like the FF or Avengers.


Anyways, I suppose that Evolution could be made a little more like Ultimate X-Men, but we still have to bear in mind that it IS Kids WB, and if they want to gear it more towards kids, that's fine.


The show is just too watered down, it looks like it was made for preteens. Same with the new Transformers.

I won't get into Transformers Armada, but if you're looking for some TF goodness that skews towards the older (ie not preteens) demographic, I suggest you pick up the comics from Dreamwave Productions.

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Guest Karnage
Anyways, I suppose that Evolution could be made a little more like Ultimate X-Men, but we still have to bear in mind that it IS Kids WB, and if they want to gear it more towards kids, that's fine.

Doesn't Kids WB also air animated Batman? Those cartoons aren't watered down.

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Guest kingkamala
I'm a huge X-Men fan, but I don't watch the show because I don't think it has anything on the original.  

oh so true

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