HarleyQuinn 0 Report post Posted January 23, 2004 Anyways I decided to review the Michinoku Pro Compilation tape I received from http://www.goldenboytapes.com. I'll hopefully have the full review up soon(with-in the week) but here's the crazy good 6 man from 3/16/1996 to tide things, any comments on how to improve, etc. would be nice. 3/16/1996: Gran Naniwa/Taka Michinoku/Super Delfin vs Tiger Mask IV/Great Sasuke/Shiryu(26:48) Taka and TM 4 start things off. TM nails a sweet kick to Taka's thigh as Taka blocks another only to EAT a nasty kick to the head. Test of strength is even as TM sweeps Taka to the mat to escape. Taka drop toeholds TM to the mat into a ground bow and arrow into a ground sleeper into a legscissors which TM 4 gets out of and it's going damn fast. TM snapmares Taka to the mat and locks on the chinlock! Armwringer by Taka gets flipped out as Tiger sends him down with a forearm, hits some kicks sending Taka outside and fakes the suicide dive ala Rey Misterio Jr. Shiryu(Kaz Hayashi) and Naniwa immediately take it to the mat and trade a series of holds to a nice reaction. Naniwa begins to target the leg sd Shiryu reverses into an STF variant submission. Naniwa gets out and locks on an armbar only to eat an armdrag before acting ike a seal to add some comedy. Shoulder block by Shiryu and a series of near fall reversals leading to Sasuke against Delfin now. Sasuke targets Delfin's leg with the Rey Misterio spinning knee crusher from WCW/NWO Revenge. Delfin gets out and goes for the arm but Sasuke showboats by flipping out and hitting a fireman's carry toss. Delfin goes to the leg and locks on the swank standing hald crab while rubbing Sasuke's face into the mat with his boot. Sasuke reverses into a Fujiwara Legbar and continues to focus on the leg. Delfin manages a nice Enzuiguri to get out of a leg hold sending Sasuke outside and Taka in along with Tiger Mask IV again. Taka hits the whipe to the corner and the flying forearm as Tiger Mask comes out, both hit the ropes and TM4 hits the rotating forearm and follows it up with the MANLY kicks to the chest finally sending a Taka to the mat with a very nasty shot. Sleeper hold is shoved out of as TM4 hits Taka with a spin kick sending him outside and follows it up with a suicide dive to a very nice reaction sending both about 3 rows deep into the crowd. Naniwa and Shiryu now in and both up the speed factor by 5 as Shiryu hits a quick overhead armdrag as Naniwa returns the favor before Shiryu hits another armdrag. Reversal of the whip to the corner has Naniwa pulling out the Jericho corner/bulldog spot on Shiryu followed up by a comedic dance. Waistlock gets answered with a low blow from Shiryu but Naniwa counters the charging Shiryu with the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker causing Sasuke to take Shiryu's place and Delfin in. They do the criss cross the ropes spot and Delfin hits Sasuke with a very fine hiptoss. Dropkick by Delfin as Sasuke hits a twisting cross body for 2 on a charging Delfin. Both hit the ropes yet again as Delfin counters with a tornado backbreaker sending Sasuke outside. TM4 and Naniwa now enter to have their turn. Naniwa hits a shoulderblock, leaps the lying TM4 and hits an elbow drop as both men are quickly up but Naniwa KILLS TM4 with a nice lariat. TM4 counters a whip to the corner with a 2nd rope twisting cross body for a 2 count. A jumping back kick sends Naniwa outside. Delfin and Shiryu come in as the crowd begins to chant for Shiryu and strongly behind him. Shoulderblock leads into the criss cross as Shiryu eats a lariat and then eats a very nice tilt a whirl headscissor takedown from Delfin. Delfin eats an atomic drop complete with comedic selling before getting a front dropkick to send him outside. Taka enters and immediately forearms an entering Sasuke sending him down. Lariat is ducked but Taka hits a great belly to belly throwing suplex that The Rock wished he could do. Springboard cross body gets blocked with a front dropkick by Sasuke. Taka charges Sasuke and takes a GOD! sized bump over the ropes and to the floor on a shoulder back body drop. Sasuke teases a plancha but stops, instead tagging in TM4 as Naniwa enters. Double team action and a double big boot from Delfin and Naniwa put TM4 down. Taka enters and pounds but the back but TM4 answers with a takedown into a cross armbreaker. Taka manages to be on the ropes and catches a TM4 kick, locking on the Fujiwara Legbar before Sasuke breaks it up. Delfin comes in with a Ric Flair style kneedrop to break up the submission hold on Taka. Delfin begins to work the back including a delayed brainbuster with 15 seconds of hangtime! for a 2 count. Naniwa comes in to continue the abuse. Crabwalk Elbowdrop(over like the People's Elbow) hits and the cover gets broken up by TM4. Naniwa and Taka hit a lariat/sitout powerbomb double team on TM4 for 2 and 1/2! Then Taka locks in an elevated boston crab but slowly turns it into a normal boston crab. Delfin comes in and locks on a camel clutch which he soon releases as Naniwa and Taka kill TM4 nice and dead with a NASTY spike piledriver that would make Arn and Tully wince. Cover gets 2 and 1/2 again. Swank series of double teams as Delfin dropkicks TM4, leading Naniwa to hit a splash and Taka to lock on a half crab as Naniwa gets the camel clutch and Delfin poses with 1 foot on TM4's back. Whip to the corner as the triple team continues with a flying splash from Delfin, avalanche crush by Naniwa and is wrapped up complete with bow thanks to Taka's flying knee to the face. More fun as Naniwa hits a snap suplex as Taka times it perfectly and hits a springboard kneedrop just as TM4 hits the mat. Cover! 1....2....kickout. TM4 finally gets some momentum reversing the whip to the corner before hitting the climb up opponent and moonsault off. He sends Taka outside with a jumping spinning back kick and does the same for Delfin before knocking Naniwa outside with a dropkick. Sasuke comes out and kicks Taka back before hitting a beautiful Asai Moonsault almost as good as the one he did to Liger at the 94 Super J Cup. Shiryu comes out of nowhere with a suicide dive by the post onto Delfin to another good reaction as the carnage ends with a Tiger Mask cross body tope onto Naniwa. Sasuke rolls Naniwa in and heads to the top but Naniwa catches him with a top rope frankensteiner! 1....2....2 and 3/4ths! Gutwrench Powerbomb gets 2 and 1/2! Rotating powerbomb gets reversed very sloppily into a hurricanranna by Sasuke for 2. Thunderfire Powerbomb by Sasuke gets thwarted via springboard dropkick from Taka! Backdrop by TM4 on Taka! Tombstone spikes Taka to the mat. Good God! TM4 launches himself pretty much as far across the ring as he can to hit Taka with a diving headbutt for 2 and 3/4ths! Top rope cross body gets blocked by a dropkick from Taka! Brainbuster for 2 and 1/2! MICHINOKU DRIVER broken up by Shiryu!! Taka sends Shiryu packing with a dropkick and hits an insanely cool asai moonsault off the top rope onto TM4! Shiryu flips out of the Delfin Tornado DDT upon the landing(quite cool) and rolls him up! 1....2....2 and 3/4ths! The crowd is seriously into this now. Lariat ducked, bridging backdrop gets 2.999! Flapjack reversed into the TORNADO DDT by Delfin! 1....2....2.9999! TORNADO DDT from the corner! DELFIN CLUTCH! Sasuke breaks it up!!! Sasuke ducks the double lariat from Taka and Naniwa and hits a 2nd rope moonsault for 2 and 1/2! Taka forearm hits Naniwa by accident, sending him out. THUNDERFIRE POWERBOMB on Taka! Cover broken up by Delfin and Shiryu dropkicks him to the outside. Suicide somersault dive hits on Delfin! More suicidal fun as Sasuke nails Naniwa with the no hand swandive plancha!!! TIGER SUPLEX by TM4 on Taka for 1...2...3!!!! Match Rating: This match ROCKS and you WANT ALL THIS! ****1/4 for an absolutely rocking good time. Started on the mat and slowly built up until the nuclear finish with highspots out the yin yang and great nearfalls. A crowd that was growing hotter with each spot towards the end made this all the better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mandarin 0 Report post Posted January 23, 2004 Taking a break between making more reviews.. You went specific to the point where I could actually imagine this match taking place. And I don't even watch puro. Crabwalk Elbowdrop sounds pretty unique. Great job, and I'll be sure to read the full review of the comp. whenever I can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Real F'n Show Report post Posted January 23, 2004 nice review, I look forward to reading the tape review when you get around to it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites