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Guest wildpegasus

Record of Lodoss War OVA vs LOTR

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Guest wildpegasus

I thought this question would be pretty interesting. I must emphasize we're comparing Lord of the Rings with the Record of Lodoss OVA. THe ORIGINAL and NOT the rescent TV show.



Simply put. What do you like better?



Record of Lodoss War OVA (NOT the TV version)






The Lord of the Rings




Personally, I like the Record of Lodoss War OVA better than LOTR as I found it sucked me in better. Anyone else?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I'm going to have to go with Lord of the Rings. I love Lodoss but it's not in the same league.

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Guest The Ohtani of Time
LotR hands down. Anime and medevil fantasy dont mix.

I agree that LOTR is better, but I disagree that Anime and medevil Fantasy do not mix. Anime or any kind of good quality animation can be applied to any genre and it works well. Record of Lodoss is a good example, but would we even have a record of Lodoss if it weren't for LOTR.

Like it or not LOTR has had a very big influence on a lot of film and literature,even video games, particularily RPG's.

I also think that a lot of anime has a an influence on a lot of films made in Hollywood, A.I. is a good example, so is the Lion King.

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I have yet to see a medevil-fantasy anime which I like. I thought berserk was good until you get to the demon hentai stage.


And just speaking of anime in General have you seen Gungrave?

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Since LOTR is the most boring, overrated, steaming, flaming pile of crap ever convceived by mankind...


I'll vote for the other one, sight unseen.


Unless of course that one has 3 hours of boredom to cross a river as well...then it's a draw.

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