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Since there were many markout moments last night..

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There were tons of markout moments last night so I can vent on what I mark out for.............................


I markout for the music of Yokozuna, cant explain that one, THE SNOT ROCKET~! by Benoit, the Tombstone Piledriver, the Ringpost F5......., the Angle Lock w/heel hook..........I'll vent more later

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Guest Jimbo

Last night: Undertaker's music and Kane's reaction and when Lesnar F-5'ed Goldturd.


I woulda marked out if it had been a suprise that Benoit won, but since it was pretty obvious when he hadn't been knocked out after 35 minutes that he would win plus all the itnernet rumors...


Oh yeah, I marked out when Goldturd speared Nunzio...that was a killer spear :ph34r:


Any time: Austin's entrance,


Vince McMahon's adam's apple bobble and the rest of his facial expressions, "YOU'REEE FIIIIIIRREEEEEED~!"


and anything to do with Masato Tanaka, Shinjiro Ohtani, Corino, or Samoa Joe :ph34r:

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Everyone is saying Undertaker's music, but which music are we talking about? The old school bell or the new school stuff?


Also, I mark out for the Hitman theme from the WWF. That theme is just killer with that opening.


I also mark out for Glacier, yet I don't know why.

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I mark out for Sting/Flair matches because of the look on Flair's face when Sting doesn't sell a chop,Norman Smiley,La Parka,Ultimo Dragon with the J Crown belts and the Hart Foundation.

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Guest Ghettoman

I mark out for too many things to list.


Last night I marked for Brock's easy outs to Holly's full nelsnon, Kane yelling "I BURIED YOU ALIVE!!!!", Goldbergs first couple of spears, the finisher sequence on Big Show, Eddie snapping the last suplex into a brainbuster, Matt Hardy's VWUNNNNNNNNAH, Cena and RVD's promo, the RKO, crossface from the chokeslam, and most important, Benoit's getting show over.

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Guest hhheld_down

last night in the rumble match itself, i marked more times than i had all year in 2003.


-Old school UT bell and Kane's reaction was just priceless


- Goldberg getting F5'd by Lesner


- Kurt FN Angle eliminating goldy


- Beniot winning of course


- Foley's return and fight with Orton


- Goldbergs spear on nunzio was killer


- Everyone in the rumble doing their finishers on TBS was great

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i agree with eeeeeverything Ghettoman just said and also when i saw the last 5 guys in the ring with Big Show (Angle, Jericho, Benoit, RVD, Cena), ANY of them could have won and make me happy.


and i also mark for Flair, Wooooooooooo~!

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From last night's RR:


- Taker's old school bell.


- Foley coming out


- Benoit winning the Rumble


- Everyone doing their finishers on Big Show wasn't really a mark out, but it was pretty sweet.


Mark out moments from the past:


- When SCSA came out during the Rock/Foley fight in 98. The glass broke, SCSA hit Rock with the chair and Foley beat Rock for his first title. All of those events were mark out moments.


- Goldberg beating Hogan for the title on July 6.


- Jericho making his WWF debut


That is all I can think at the moment, but there are plenty of others.

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