Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 15, 2002 -Royal Rumble 1992 Video Cassette Promo. -WWF Action figures, Series II. -WWF Supertape1992! Tuesday in Texas Matches and Tax Tips with IRS,. Call of the action with Alfred and the Undertaker profile! -Tag Team Match of the Month: Legion of Doom, big Boss Man & Jim Niedhart Vs. The Mountie, Earthquake, The Nasty Boys (WWF Tag Champs) (w/ Jimmy Hart): This is from Primetime Wrestling. bossman starts with Earthquake. Nevermind. Its Mountie he unloads on him but gets caught with a spinebuster. All 8 man run around a bit. Sags in now. He gives bossman sme punches but Bossman reverses with his own and the reversed irish whip clothesline. animal with a spinning elbow. Brian Knobbs workson Animal and works in a shoulderblock, animal elbow misses. Powerbonb by the road warrior for 2. Niedhart works on the arm of Knobbs and a shouldertackle of his own. Side headlock. Quake with a fist to the back of the head. Bearhug/Splash to the corner and the walk across the chest. Fat ass Elbow misses and Sags tagas in and gets caught with an Armdrag. Hawk lays some punches in on him and nails an ensugiri!!! Mountie tags in now and boots Hawk. Hawk knee lift and Gorilla Slam. Fist Drop and tag to boss man. this was before their classic at Summerslam 1991. Face to the buckle of doom by the BBM. 8 man brawl. Triple 10 punches of doom!!!! Bossman gets nailed by quake for 2. Mountie in control but barely. Quake tags in. Powerslam by the big man anf a big fat elbow. Knobbs tosses him to the floor. Sags gives hima seat and mountie heaves him to the steel steps. Knobbs works on him but bossman goes pyscho, so it takes both nastys to cool him off. Hard right knocks Sags out. animal in.....wait no!!!!!!!!!!!!Hebner gets layed out and doesnt see it. Boss man fights back again on Knobbs. Hawk in and he takes oout everyone. Powerslam on Knobbs gets 2. hawk flying clotheline to knobbs gets the win at 10:12. *1/2. nothing really stand out. -Tax tips with IRS: Some guy cried about having to pay for his wife hosptial bills and the health insurranc eonly goes so far. IRS looks.....pissed(?) What an acting job. IRS says hes "crying" but still doesnt like him. He thinks im probably copying this tape right now, and that i never pay attention to the FBI warnings. Top 10 Tax Tips!! (damn thats a tongue twisteR) 10.) Stop claiming pets as household dependents. 9.) Claim all the cash made at last garage sale. 8.) Stop hiding those tips under the mattress. 7.) Get rid of Gas Guzzling four door and walk to work to cut down on "fuel" expense claims. 6.) Claim money made mowing neighbors lawn. 5.) Get a priest to sign a reciept for donations. 4.) Business expense claims are for that, buisness not weekend getaways to Orlando. 3.) Having your daughter's bucked teeth fixed doesn't constitute a proper medical claim. (that one made me laugh) 2.) Try mailing your return on time. 1.) Quit your crying and pay whats due. -WWF-Intercontinental title Match: Bret "hitman" Hart © Vs. Irwin R. Shyster: IRS headlock reversed with a head scissors. IRS armbar reversed by Bret. Headlock again by I.R.S. Alfredneeds English lessons. Him and his refined accent. Bret hiptoss and dropkick wakes up the crowd. Bret with a series of rights and gets caight with a backbreaker by the taxman followed by a series of elbow drops for 2. Abdominal stretch with help from the ropes. Sunset flip by Bret Hart for 2. Bret east a buckle. Sleeper hold aplied kills major time. Bret mount a comeback and runs into a kneelift. Slam by Irwin, man his drentched in sweat. Bret gets a boot to the face and an inverted atomic drop and clothesline for 2. snap Suplex gets 2 for Bret. Backbreaker and elbow gets another 2 count. Russian Leg Sweep and 2nd rope elbow connects for 2. 10 PUNCHES OF DOOM!!!Sharpshooter locks in but IRS is in the ropes. he grabs his briefcase and wallops Bret with it for the DQ at 8:28 to no crwod reaction. Bret runs him off soon after. **. Decent enough matchup. -The Undertaker Profile: Paul Bearer rambles ans does Undertaker as his theme msuic plays. He chokes Hammer and slopily tombstones Tornado, and a choke on roberts. -The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine: I love UT squashes. Valentine has a theme music! And a good one!! took what> 8 years? This is from Wrestling Challenge. Who wins here? 3 guesses stupid! Undertaker punches him and throws him to the buckle. Valentine gets a boot to the face and some heavy knife-edges. Bionic Elbows!!!1 Taker with a thrust off the irish whip (ala goldust). He works more in and chokes him in the corner. and more choking. And more Choking. Valentine fights back and nails a 2nd roipe axhandle followed by more chops. Armbar galore. big Boot by the Taker and a diving clothesline. an elbow drop misses. Valentine locks on the figure four Leglock and uses the ropes before he goes after Bearer/ undertaker "takers" up and tombstone his geriatric ass for the win at 5:26. DUD. fun watching Undertaker murder opponents. -The undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. "Superfly" jimmySnuka: I ranted this match in march. This is from Wrestlemania VII. you can gues show different it is listening to the match here. Get a bigger urn for the bossman, maybe one of those big green trashbags. Snuka gets leveled from behind by Taker. Boots and thrusts follow. No Tattoos!!! Diving clothesline gets a huge pop. Snooka was just jobber fodder by now and wa sbasically putting people over, ala Greg Valentine. I hate to ask where the rubber gloves have been..............Mr. Bearer. Undertaker with a suplex on snuka who is standing on the apron. I love old school Undertaker. Snuka mounts a comeback, but flys over the top rope to the floor. a Dive off the top rope is botched, so Taker punches hjim and tombstones him stiffly for the 3 count at 4:20. DUD. Coming up next the ret........oh wait, this is only a pasted match frm Wrestlemania VII, Doh! -THIS TUESDAY IN TEXAS!! December 1991-San Antonio, Texas: -WWF-Intercontinental Title Match: Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Skinner: skinner was pinned 1-2-3 like 20 times and they announce him as undefeated. Funny, only 1 match on this card had the heels win. Lockup armdrag by Bret. Armbar/Armdrag combo ny Hitman. Atomic Drop and an inverted one followd by a clothesline sends Skinner to the floor. Armbar by Bret and some rights to the shoulder followed by a armbar. Knee Drops to the shouldber follows. Skinner is completely stupid looking. Is itbelievable he used to team up with Stan Lane. Series of armbar reversals. Bret with an elbow followed by a headbutt and stomp to the sternum and back to the armbar. Eye rake by skinner and he posts Bret. Call Gary Spivy Hitman! See how the outcome turns out. Skinner puts the boots to Crybaby Hart. Wheres Owen Hart to pin skinner in 1:07 when ya need him? Heel Abdominal stretch is worked in. Shoulderbreakker by Skinner gets 2. This is going down hill. Bret gets a boot to the face and aelbow drop misses. Skinner goes for the can but the ef catches it, so he takes his gatorhide and clobbers Bret wirh it. Bret works in the turnbuckle bump. Ok, first time i do <snoring> during a Bret Hart match. <snoring>. Gatorbreaker by Skinner gets 2. He goes to the 2nd rope and gets booted by Bret, who plays passum. Headbutt and spinning elbow! Russian Legsweep gets 2! Snap suplex gets 2! Backbreaker and 2nd rope elbow drop gets 2!Bret rollup reversed by 2. Bret slams Skinner off the top rope and locks the Sharpshooter on for the win to retain at 13:47. Picked up after a dull middle. **1/2. Skinner isnt what i would call *** worthy, cause he had to cary mostof the match. -Jake Roberts promo with Sean mooney. Does he remind you of Degeorge also? Guess not. Jake is sadistic. Trust me. Trust me. -Mean Gene is with Randy Savage who gives a VERY tesne promo as he basically whispers most of it, opposite of Roberts raving. Jakes theme hits so Randy dashes off. -Grudge Match: "Macho Man" Randy Savage Vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts: Savage jumps him in the asile way. Its been about 40 mniutes since i last typed. Smoke a dooby, lol. Axhandle by Savage and he sends snake to the steps and procedes to put the boots to him. Choke and jabs in the corner. elbow and Double Axhandle smash by Macho man. i forgot to time this. BRB. Yankee Doodle wrestled the first 1:00 wearing his fatherd hat. Shoulderthrust byJake and tosses Randy to the outside. He goes headfisrt into the steel post. Jake then procedes to rap his taped wrist around the post and smash it. OWIE! Heenan refers to Jake as the devil. Savage trys to fight back but is denied. Inverted Atomic Drop by Roberts, he follows up with a series of knee drops to the arm. Savage gets up but is continuesly getting his injured arm beat on. Armbar reversed with an elbow to face by Savage, but does little. Savage with a kick to the face but still gets whooped. Running Elbow and irish whip to the buckle, but he runs into a Roberts knee. Short Arm clothesline connects and Jake calls for the DDT. Savage blocks it with a shoulderthrust in the corner and follows with the Flying Elbow Drop for 3 at 6:28. But thats not it. Savage grabs a chair but its taken away, so he takes the ring bell. While the ref is trying to prevent him form nailing roberts, Jake gets a DDT out of nowhere putting both men down. Jake gets up and hits another DDT. Jake finally takes a walk, but gets the sadistic smile and gos under the ring yelling i kept my word to Jack Tunney as he takes a out a black bag. Liz runs in the ring now in a flashy dress. She continues to scream "Stop it" as Jake slaps Savage around. Jake continues to mock Liz. Jake picks Savage up and hits a 3rd DDT, when it wasnt a pansy move. Jake goes for the bag and proceds to put on the black glove of doom and tells Liz she better beg for him and tells hr that he is nothing. Jake grabs her and then SLAPS her across the face. Jack Tubby finally wottles down and Jake finally leaves. Jake claims thebag is empty and had no intentions of relinquishing a snake on him. This was great. **** easy. Cant go 5, cause the match really wasnt Much. -Mean Gene is with Jake roberts. Roberts totally berades Savage & Liz until Mean Gene tell s roberts to get out of their cause he disgusts him. -British Bulldog Vs. The Warlord (w/ Harvey Wippleman): Man, 10 minutes of this garbage? Well, every show has its downfall. Its been 13 minutes since the bell sounded for the end of Savage/roberts. Stalling to start as usual betwen thee two. Warlord looks like a roided up Stone cold and he wrestles like him considering Austin cant wrestle like he used to. More stalling. Bulldog catches a Warlord boot and pushes him over then drops a headbutt on his midsection. Warlord forces Bulldog to eat buckle and Bulldog fights back with 2 clotheslines sending the big man out. Body Press is botched and Warlord slams him into the ring post. Warlord gets sent into the buckle of doom 10 times and Bulldog nails a missle dropkick. Wow, this aint half bad. clothesline and Warlord gets locked in the ropes. Being the respectable man he is, Bulldog beats on him some more. Body Press misses and he gets saddled. Huge Backbody drop by the Big Big Man. He continues putting the boots to him and catches him with a bearhug. Powerslam by Warlord puts down Bulldog again. Im guessing this is much like the Wrestlemania VII match. Roundhouse to the back of DBS for 2 and we stall some more. Bulldog goes for a piledriver but its reversed and Warlord blocks it for 2 which is reversed again by Bulldog for 2 and clothelsine by Warlrod puts him back down. Full Nelson is applied and its on foooooooreeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeer! Warlord relinqiushes the hold afterabout 5 minutes. Bulldog catches Warlord with a top rope clothesline and connects with the Stall Suplex for 2. Running Powerslam is blocked by Warlord for a 2 count. Crucifiix by Bulldog gets 3 at 12:49. Wow, this dog went a while. first 5 minutes was good, but it wasd dragged. *1/2 is more then suitable for these 2 guys. If it ended at 6:00+ it may have been **1/2. -Sean mooney is with an irrate Randy Savage who is PISSED off at himself and Roberts, himself cause he caused what happend, he couldnt let well enough alone. -"El Matador" Tito Santana & Virgil Vs. Repo Man & "Million $ Man" Ted Dibiase (w/ Sensational Sherri): Repo comes down like hes a flasher. Sherri gets uglier each PPV, <shudders>. Tito starts with Repo. Repo stumbels on a punch. They both work in the armbar. Triple H taught Trish what they are doin right now. Armdrag/Armbar by Tito. Tito works in some jabs andVirgil gets some shots in as well. tito with a hiptoss on Repo to the floor. Repo sneaks back in but s caught with a clothesline and Mr. Dibiase enters. Virgil tags in now. Ironic they went back together in 1996 in the ame roles. Dibiase works him over but Virgil sunset flips him for 2 and lands an atomic drop sending Teddie to the floor as Tito forces him back in. Clothesline sends Dibiase 360ing to the floor. Tito sends him back in and Virgil gets caught with an elbow and Repo comes back in. Virgil eatsa boot and Repo continuies a choke. Dibiase gets a choke in with the tag rope as Tito distracts te referee. Dibiase with a clothesline and he and Repo double team him, using the corner shove ala Demolition. All 4 of these men were at WM4! Virgil coems back with a spinning neckbreaker on Dibiase. Repo tags in as Matador gets the hot tag. Series of rights and spinning elbow to Repo followed by a dropkick and another. Fyling Forearm connects and Ted gets knocked to the floor. PAseo Del Muerte is blocked by Ted and Repo tosses Chico to the floor where he eats some Repo works him over with some punches for 2. Dibiase connects with a 2nd rope axhandle and Virgil gets the tag.......but ref doesnt see it. Double clothesline puts both Repo & Matador down. Dibiase & Virgil both get the tag and Virgil works in the boxing and a series of clotheslines to both Tesd & Repo. Russian Leg Sweep to M$M gets 2. Sherri misses Virgil with her shoe and clocks Dibiase. Knee lift by Repo to Virgil and Ted covers for 3 at 11:18. Decent enough. **1/4. time for the MAIN EVENT. -Mean Gene is with Hulk Hogan. You knoe somethin mean gene, as far as him and his hulkamanaiacs go, hpromises to win the title back. Has he ever let us down?? -WWF-Championship Match: The Undertaker © (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. Hulk Hogan: UT drags the belt along the floor to the ring. Double noggin knocker by Hogan to both men. Running clothesline and the 10 punches of doom by the Hulkster. Inverted Atomic Drop screwed up as UT punds him on his way down. Running clothesline by Hogan and he puts the boots on him. Slam blocked with a roundhouse and Hogan fights off UT more. Scoop Slam no sold. Hogan with a few roundhouses and clothesline sends Ut to the floor on his feet. UT botches another move as he tries to choke Hogan across the ropes. Taker chokes him a bit on the arena floor. BAck in the ring and Taker with more choking. And more choking in the corner. Nice tattoo of the Undertakers, as he only has 1 at this time, not 60. Hogan rams Take rin the buckle and rtuns right into a knee. Undertakerr with the rope walk clothesline to the neck of Hogan. More choking by the Undertker. On the outside Hogan gets whipped into the steel post. Claw to the face of doom!! Hogan hulks up. Boot to the midsection and Taker trips in the ropes somehow. Roundhouse by Hogan and he runs into a Taker boot. Flying clothesline connects for a 2 count. Taker gets thrown off the top rope while going for the clothesline. Hogan hulks up.Heeeeres Flair!!! 3 roundhouse rights and a clothesline send Taker to the floor. hogan with a chair and he nails flair with it and he falls on Tunney. Back in, running elbow by Hulk, roundhouse, knife edge cho but Taker with an eye rake. Flair gets a steel chair and hols it up for Taker. hogan reverses it and Taker smacks the steal, clothesline to flair! Big Boot!!!Flair gets Tunney to gain conciousness. Bearer misses Hogan and hits Taker with the urn. Hogan takes out the ashes of it (what a surprise) and nails Taker with it and rolls him up for 3 at 13:07 for his 4th title reign. *1/4. Nothing special, but fun match near the end. This only lasted 1 night since Tunney declares the title vacant. Hogan has black shit all of his hands from the ashes. Heenan is having a heart attack as Hulkamania lives on. -Call of the Action with Lord Alfred Hayes. Here are the moves! Bret Hart applying the Sharpshooter to Mr. Perfect! Virgil applys the Million Dollar Dream to Hercules! British Bulldogs delay suplex on Warlord! The Rockers double clothesline Beau Beverley!! -This ends Supertape '92. A must get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 15, 2002 Good, detailed play-by-play review. Tuesday In Texas was a great little card at the time. I remember marking out like a beehatch for Jake-Savage when I was just a little monkey, and at the time WCW wasn't shown in the UK so actually seeing Flair instead of just reading about him in the Apter mags was fantastic - hadn't discovered the joys of tape traders at that point. I personally prefer more commentary on where the wrestlers were at in their careers or angles in retrospective reviews like this one, but overall some nice little touches. I fear that images of Repo Man flashing may now haunt me forever. "What's mine is mine, and what's yours ..... is mine too! Hehehehehehehehe!" That's actually kinda creepy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 15, 2002 Thanks for the feedback. I try to vary styles. 1st i was trying to rib everything 2nd i (yes im sorry for thr 1304385384 1/2 time) plagerized and now i jsut try to put all detail i can. (unless its a fuckin 5 minute full nelson) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted April 15, 2002 Anyone know why Warlord/Bulldog, Bret/Skinner, and the tag match w/ DiBiase & Virgil got more time than the hot Savage/Roberts match? Warlord/Bulldog and DiBiase/Virgil were played out, and who gave Skinner a chance against Bret? Savage vs. Roberts was probably the hottest feud and they were two good workers even at their older age... but only got 6:30? I guess it was because of the extra curricular stuff that went on afterwards... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 16, 2002 The whole match (inclduing after the match) lasted a good 20 minutes, 13-14 of it being Jake tormenting and beating on savage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 16, 2002 Excellent rant. I have enjoyed all your Supertape rants so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 16, 2002 You became my 2nd favorite person on this board. lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jericholic82 Report post Posted April 17, 2002 sounds good. I liked this show when I saw it live, but then again I was a little mark then . It was so weird that we got another ppv right after survivor series and back then ppv mmeant a big deal as tv mainly had squashes YES 100 POSTS WOO HOO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted June 5, 2002 BAM FRONT OF THE LINE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites