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Guest wildpegasus

Rock's autobiography

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Guest wildpegasus

For anybody who's read the Rock autobiougraphy what does he say about Bret? I always heard they got along pretty well.

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There was a really similar thread on the wrestlingclassics.com board a few days ago, about how Bret got along with Rock and Austin. This is basically what I said there.


Rock had nothing but good things to say about Hart in his book. He said that Hart would go out of his way to sit with him on bus rides and give him tips about what he does well and what he could do better. He told a funny story about how Owen Hart played a rib on Rock during a house show in some foreign country. Rock had a submission on Owen and he played like there was no pain...he apparently sat back on his elbows and looked at his wrist as if there was a watch on it, then yawned, etc. Sounded funny.

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