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411's WWE Byte This Report: Chavo, Rey Mysterio

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411's WWE Byte This Report: Chavo, Rey Mysterio

Posted By Ashley Nicholas on 02.19.04


The current and former Cruiserweight champions face off on an action packed Byte This! (warning: teaser may not be entirely truthful)


A correction to begin with. Last week the name of a caller was misspelt. Her correct name is Aryana, and I apologise for the mistake.


Hosts are Josh Matthews and the real SAT’s, Hugo Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera.


Begin with footage of Shane and Eric Bischoff and the through the announce table moment.


The hosts talk about No Way Out and how it was Hugo’s first time there – although the same could be said for Jim Ross. Carlos adds that it's like the Superbowl. To be at MSG is like the Mecca for wrestlers, wrestling fans and announcers alike. Both Carlos and Hugo are excited to be in the same place for WrestleMania XX as where it originally began.



Segment One: Droz


Joined by Droz, who’s feeling a lot better, although he’s tired of all the hospital visits. He’s looking forward to going on holiday with his family. Carlos wants to go along as well and informs Droz that they have a budget to eat pizza at Byte This! Droz’ thoughts on NWO? He didn’t know that a couple of the matches were taking place. Although he really enjoyed the show, he would have liked to see Rey win the title. For Droz the best part of the show was to see Eddie come away with the belt. His thoughts on the fans at the Cow Palace? They were great and behind the wrestlers all the time. In the next column on WWE.com will be NOW thoughts plus an update on where Droz has been.


Droz leaves.


Hugo notices that Josh is piling on the pounds a little, who replies that it’s difficult to not eat the pizza in the Byte This studio. Josh mentions that Tazz has been a big influence on his announcing, and is like a mentor. Josh has also visited Michael Cole’s two room apartment, which only has two rooms.


On his extra-curricular media activities – Carlos has been a news anchor for a number of shows, but you can also hear him on adverts for Coca Cola and ESPN. Fans of WWE seem to notice the SAT’s everywhere they go. Carlos says that they have a distinct advantage – they both love the business and are able to get their appreciation for the show across on television. Carlos appreciates Hugo for his great knowledge as he knows the moves and the techniques of the wrestlers in the ring.


Their favourite WrestleMania moment? It's a dream come true to be there, according to Hugo. To see the reality of Hogan vs. McMahon was his favourite, although he's still waiting for the cheque after Hogan hit him with the chair! He didn't feel his head for three days. Before Hardcore matches were popular in the WWE, Hugo points out that they were doing it in Puerto Rico, barbed wire matches were particularly brutal. He respects the different styles of wrestling though. Carlos has enjoyed all the WrestleMania moments. This year will be no exception - they keep getting better.


Although RAW and the monthly PPV’s are shown, on whether Mexico will someday to get Smackdown, Hugo says the power of the fans will make it happen. WWE is both family and action oriented, and maybe the best programme on television! However, for the first time, the WWE is coming to Mexico! It will be a RAW brand show, with special guests Chavo and Rey Mysterio in a rematch from NWO. You can get the tickets from the Spanish section of WWE.com. On the future of Hispanics in wrestling, and how they will affect the business, Hugo says that he and Carlos recently had a private conversation with Jim Ross. In the not too distant future, they will be looking for young Spanish talent. In fact, they already have one on contract – the son of Carlos Colon, who will is working in OVW as Carlos Colon Jr. Their advice is to work hard in the gym, get a good attitude and that there is money to be made in this business. Hugo believes that the Spanish style vs. the American style is a good combination as both bring something different to the table.


Concerning which Spanish Announce Table accident has been the most memorable, Carlos chooses Mick Foley, in his Hell in a Cell match. Hugo adds that every time wrestlers attack each other near the table the situation becomes very dangerous. A video clip of Kane vs. Shane McMahon at Survivor Series is shown. Hugo says that the Announce Table is not a place to be if you're scared! Carlos points out that getting used to the table bumps would not be good, as you may become complacent, which could end up badly.


Josh’s opinion of Byte This producer Phil Speers? He’s a great guy, although most would not agree.


Segment Two: Rey Mysterio


Joined by Rey, who feels good to have his second cover of WWE Magazine in 2 years. He never had the opportunity to be on the cover of WCW Magazine. It's pretty good to be Rey at the moment. He adds that it’s not only himself who is responsible for his achievement, but the fans as well. Hugo believes that WWE and Rey a good combination, and that from what he saw – WCW did not treat him correctly. The SAT’s and Rey speak some Spanish here, which I'm afraid I don't understand, give me a German wrestler any day. Ha. Unfortunately Josh looks as perplexed as me.


On the rematch in Mexico with Chavo Guererro, Rey believes it is a great opportunity to retain the belt in Mexico, but only if he If he doesn't have the belt at the time. It will be a great place to wrestle, and the WWE has not even opened up business there. Is Rey a boxing fan? He is a long time fan, and to have “Boxer guy” represent him in his corner, it was a great honour. Business was taken care of, Chavo Senior was knocked out quick, but unfortunately was taken out, and the title was lost. Rey doesn’t blame anyone except for himself though. He was foolish to turn his back on the veteran Chavo.


On whether Rey thinks his position in the Cruiserweight division will limit him – he says he is more than happy there, but if the opportunity arose he wouldn’t think twice about going for the US, Tag or World Titles. He adds that WrestleMania – whichever position he’s in – will be off the hook, a night to remember. While Rey would like to put Chavo and his father through the SA table right now – Carlos picks Eric Bischoff. Rey says Edge is doing well, he spoke to him about a week ago, and is training for his in ring return.


Rey leaves.


Hugo mentions that you have to be crazy to be an announcer but also be able to call a match well, with enthusiasm.


Segment Three: Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Joined by Chavo!


Josh is hesitant about congratulating him on his victory – due to its tainted nature. Chavo takes that as hypocrisy, as Josh would have congratulated Eddie, had he done the same thing. Chavo is feeling great being Cruiserweight Champion – and points out to Josh that his win loss column will have a big W, and nothing more. Chavo isn’t bothered about who he fights at WrestleMania – he wants to be part of the event and will take on anyone.


Chavo says the surgery to his left bicep went really well, and actually feels stronger than his right, which hasn’t been injured at all. Dr. James Andrews performed the surgery, and Chavo believes he is the best in the world. On the difference between American, Lucha and Puro fans – Chavo says the Japanese are more respectful, and are not as likely to get up on their feet and scream, like WWE fans. Mexican fans are more likely to cheer for headscissors and back drops – high flying moves.


They namecheck Chavo’s father and Grandfather, Chavo senior and Gory Guererro. Chavo says that his Grandfather was a big inspiration, and played the role of a heel well. He also competed for three heavyweight championships in one year, and took the champions to a 60 minute draw on each.


On what the future holds for Chavo Guerrero – he wants to continue what he’s doing and become more of a dominant force in WWE.


Chavo leaves


Guests next week are Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit!


End of Show.

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