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Does anyone else think angle,benoit, jericho suck?

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All three of these guys have thier weak points. Yet everyone here seems to love all 3 of them.


Angle- Stole almost all of his offense from Shamrock. Stole "Woooo". Stole "Snapping mode".


Jericho- Hasn't said a funny thing since WCW days. No good "mark out" moves.


Benoit- Zero charisma, which is the biggest weakness of these 3.


I get board every time I watch these guys. I don't understand how so many people like them.

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Guest Special K

As an answer to your query, no.


Although I think Jericho's comedic character in WCW will set an unattainable standard for him. ONe of the best characters ever.

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Guest chirs3

Angle - Great in the ring, great on the mic. Has a few markout moves.


Jericho - Good in the ring, I mark for the Lionsault, great on the mic.


Benoit - Not so hot on the mic, but great in the ring. I mark for the Crossface.


Do they suck? Are you stoned?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Hell I don't care if Benoit has no charisma. I like the guy on his wrestling ability alone. And it isn't just something that smarks make up. Hell the guy was #1 on the DVDR Top 500 for a few lists for a reason. He's good at what he does and is one of the best.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Angle & Benoit are the two best wrestlers in the WWF, and Jericho is no slouch himself.  So no, they don't suck.

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Guest Special K

Plus, in Benoit's defence, he may have poor mic skills, but he has definite in-ring charisma just because he's so viscious. Can work as face or heel that way. Mic skills are charisma are often used synonymously, which shouldn't be the case necessarily, (thought they often go hand in hand). For example, from my avatar, you can tell I'm a Motoh mark. The reason isn't because of his recent work, it's because as a young mark watching WCW, I was totally caught up in the Muta character due to his charisma. Didn't speak a lick of English, but i was still enthralled.

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Guest alfdogg
Angle- Stole almost all of his offense from Shamrock. Stole "Woooo". Stole "Snapping mode".


Jericho- Hasn't said a funny thing since WCW days. No good "mark out" moves.


Benoit- Zero charisma, which is the biggest weakness of these 3.


I get board every time I watch these guys. I don't understand how so many people like them.

Stole "wooo".  


That's ridiculous.  Have you ever thought that he just did it on natural reaction?  Why don't you mention how HHH has stolen half of Arn Anderson's moves since returning?


"No good "mark out" moves."


Yeah, no one EVER marked out for the Lionsault or the Walls.


Benoit has one weakness, so apparently he sucks.


"I get board every time I watch these guys. I don't

understand how so many people like them."


danndogg72, is that you?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Those ranking lists mean jack squat. I don't think those guys suck but I think Jericho has fallen hard and is boring as hell these days and Benoit has zero charisma. I don't think the guys suck though.

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All three of these guys have thier weak points. Yet everyone here seems to love all 3 of them.


Angle- Stole almost all of his offense from Shamrock. Stole "Woooo". Stole "Snapping mode".


Jericho- Hasn't said a funny thing since WCW days. No good "mark out" moves.


Benoit- Zero charisma, which is the biggest weakness of these 3.


I get board every time I watch these guys. I don't understand how so many people like them.


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Guest HartFan86
You're an idiot...plain and simple.

Yeah, that pretty much covers this  guy up.


As we all know, Benoit sucks....




"Stole almost all of his offense from Shamrock. Stole "Woooo". Stole "Snapping mode"."




People used those moves ALOT more/eariler than Shamrock, I can only think of the Ankle Lock as Angle "ripped off".


WOOOO? Who did he steal that from? Tons of people do it present/past.


Snapping Mode? Tons of people have/had done it.

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Guest HartFan86

"I get board every time I watch these guys. I don't

understand how so many people like them."


Then you don't watch wrestling FOR wrestling, do you?

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Hey I love Benoit but to call someone an idiot just because he doesn't like Benoit is well...pretty idiotic. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Or we can all just jump on the bandwagon and put a picture of HHH in our signature, does that make you any less idiotic?

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Guest HartFan86
Hey I love Benoit but to call someone an idiot just because he doesn't like Benoit is well...pretty idiotic. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Or we can all just jump on the bandwagon and put a picture of HHH in our signature, does that make you any less idiotic?

Of course he's entitled to his opinion...but if you don't like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, or Chris Jericho and you are a fan of the WWF, you obviously DONT watch it for wrestling. I'm not calling him an idiot JUST for Benoit. Read what he says about Angle and  Jericho. I would say that falls under the line of being pretty stupid as far as a wrestling fan would go.


Then again, that's my opinion.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

BretHart4ever I was referring to the one line comment of "You're an idiot, plain and simple."


And in response to what you said, not everyone watches the WWF for wrestling. Hell, half the people I know don't. Believe it or not, not all wrestling fans are like us. And when I'm watching wrestling with them, I always manage to have more fun and enjoy the show more.


Ok basically I will say this, he is entitled to his opinion but he definitely came to the wrong place to express it. What he did would be like running into a WWF booking meeting and screaming McMahons suck! It might be true but you know you are gonna catch heat for it. So give heat but don't just call someone an idiot w/ no explanation.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

No they most definitly do not suck. that's all i can say in reply without getting banned.

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Guest Some Guy

Benoit and Angle are God.


Jericho is whoever is 2nd in command to God.  I don't read the Bible, sorry.

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Guest the pinjockey

I think it is fair to say that if Angle, Jericho, and soon Benoit werent on SD I would now have an opening to do other things on Thursday nights.

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Charisma?!  Benoit don't need no fucking charisma!  I mark for the Lionsault, and I'm proud of it!

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I get board every time I watch these guys.

Maybe if you could spell a simple word like bored properly, you would get more entertainment out of these wrestlers.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Angle stole his moves from Shamrock? Er...the anklelock, and...?

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Jericho, Angle, Beniot sucking. No Fucking way they are the best wrestlers in the bussiness. Who gives a fuck if Beniot has no charisma.

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All three of these guys have thier weak points. Yet everyone here seems to love all 3 of them.


Angle- Stole almost all of his offense from Shamrock. Stole "Woooo". Stole "Snapping mode".


Jericho- Hasn't said a funny thing since WCW days. No good "mark out" moves.


Benoit- Zero charisma, which is the biggest weakness of these 3.


I get board every time I watch these guys. I don't understand how so many people like them.

If it wasn't for fans like you, we wouldn't see this crap on TV every week.


He probably thinks Lance Storm sucks also.


Go back to AOL Chat, kid.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Benoit has charisma he just doesn't have mic skills.  Charisma and Mic Skills are to different things. RVD's mic skils blows, but he is loaded with charisma.  Benoit has presence and can work a crowd into either accepting him as a heel or face.  Ever see his Al Snow match in ECW?  He was flexing at the crowd, taunting the crowd, and his charisma in that match was as good as in ring heels can get.


But than again who needs mic skills when you can bust out 2nd rope tombstones, swan dive headbutts, superpowerbombs, dragon suplexs, and the crossface.

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