Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 16, 2002 Before I get to Summerslam 1993, I have a few other items on this tape before the actual PPV. -We start with a little black girl reading a poem of pear pressure and doing drugs. Undertaker comments by saying "There's no hope with dope". I remember this being shown alot in 1993. -Commentators: Jim Ross & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan -King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Mr. Perfect vs. Doink The Clown I: Doink is currently played by "Maniac" Matt Borne, when the gimmick wasnt an utterly disgrace. Doink comes to the ring eating popcorn and spraying a little boy with a flower. Perfect jumps him from behind and unloads with a series of chops & punches, followed by tossing doink into the steps. Perfect starts with a Grapevine, Indian Death Lock & Knee Stomps, all to injure doinks knee. An eye rake dos nothing as Perfect applies another grapevine, stepover leglock, and the Figure four. Doink gets to the ropes and with the momentum sends Perfect to the outside. 3 shots to the steps plus a series of elbowlocks and wristlocks take alot of time. Perfect breaks out and exchanges a series of slaps, with Doink getting the best of it. Perfect CLOBBERS doink with a stiff right as the bell gos off at 7:02 to declare this a time limit(?) draw. After the bell Perfect connects with a Perfect Plex, and challenges doink for 5 more minutes, tipical in a TLD tournament match. **1/4 Pretty decent action, but a cheap ending. -King of the Ring 1993 Promo: I automatically spot Razor Ramon, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, "The Narcissist" Lex Luger, Yokozuna, Mr. Perfect & Bret "Hitman" Hart. -Now on to Summerslam 1993...................... Summerslam 1993 The Palace at Auburn Hills Detroit, Michigan August 30, 1993 -Commentators: Vince Mcmahon & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan -Show opens with Mene Gene Okerlund narating Lex Luger arriving at the Palace in his Lex Express, followed by the cool Summerslam theme. -Opening Match: "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon vs. "Million $ Man" Ted Dibiase To those who dont know, this was Ted Dibiases final o nring match with the WWF and probably anywhere. Dibiase jumps Razor before the bell with boots and several knifedge chops. Razor comes back with a modified Fallaway slam and a clothesline bfore he gets his jacket off! Heenan with several good jokes on Razor about he cant even scrub toilets with a toothbrush. Dibiase takes over again with a series off intentional chokes followed by a clothesline. Heenan joke #2: "After this Razor can have a cup of servesa, and the Kid a cup of Ovaltine" . Gotta love heenan. Dibiase with a reverse chinlock as Heenan as quote #3: A good nickname for razor is the "Domestic Bad guy." Side Backbreaker by Dibiase gets 2, followed by a clothesline. Ramon reverses an irish whip into the exposed buckle, and connects with the Razor's Edge for the win at 7:29. **1/4 Pretty good match,slow at times but Heenans jokes livend it up. -Summerslam Hotline: Raymon Rogeau is with Bret "Hitman" Hart & The Undertaker. Some fan asks Undertaker about Hulk Hogan and Jake "The snake" Roberts, so Heenan emidiatley cuts back to ringside. -Todd Petingle is with Rick & Scott Stieners mother & Sister. they accidently reveal ricks real name (robert), right before Jim cornette makes a few rude comments before announcing the Hevanly Bodies. -WWF Tag Team Championship Match: Stiener Brothers vs. Hevanly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette) The Stieners come to the ring in thier MU jackets and are wearing there navy blue and gold tights. Bodies jump the Stieners to start, using several double team moves on rick before Scott cleaned house on them. Stiener do a nice sequence with double clothesline and several belly to belly suplexs send the bodies packing. The stieners attack the Bodies with more suplexs so they leave to talk strategy. Del Ray makes the blind take and bulldogs Scott to take the advantage. Del Ray on the apron nails a moonsault, back in the ring a floating DDT and cresent kick gets a 2 count. Scott suplexs Del Ray to go for the tag, but Prichard stops him, double underhook suplex on him, follwed by a tag to Rick sets up a piere-six brawl. Rick nails the top rope bulldog of Scotts shoulders but Prichard breaks the pin. Mis-communication between the bodies lead Scott Stiener to nail DelRay with the Frankenstiener to retain the titles at 9:27. *** Decent match, especially by the Hevanly Bodies, whom i never seen or hear dof before this. -Jow Fowler interviews Intercontinental Champion, Shawn Michaels and bodyguard Diesel. The following match is to decide who is the greatest intercontinental champion. -WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Perfect This fued started back at Wrestlemania IX, but was never eally established until May 13, 1993 when Perfect was instrumental in HBK dropping the title to Marty Jannetty, who mad ehis return to the WWF. Several weeks later Shawn won the title back with Diesels help, and here we are now. Mr. Perfect only has a few months left till he takes a 3 year absence from the ring. HBK starts with an armbar which perfect reverses into a nsapmare. HBK back up lock on a headlock. Perfect escapes with a clothesline followed by a armbar and several knee drops to the shoulder. 360 clothesline on shawn gets 2. Perfect with a top rope armdrag gets another 2 followed by a slingshot over the top rope. Diesel distracts PErfect while HBK nails a crsent kick. Several elbows and kicks to the back slow down perfect, but comes back with dropkciks and wins the backlside battle. Perfect connects with the Perfect-plex, but Diesel pulls him outside. Perfect pounds on him and nails HBK in the ribs after a axhadnle atempt off the apron, he shoves him back in as Deisel propels Perfect into the steel steps, causing him to be counted out at 11:20. ***1/3 Pretty good match filled with action, with a cheap ending. After the match, Diesel col-cocks him with a "hugh deadly right fist" knocking him out. -Jow Fowler is with the "1-2-3" kid, who is making his Pay-per-view Debut. He pretty much rambels about having butteerflies in his stomach. -"1-2-3" Kid vs. Iriwn R. Schyster (IRS): "1-2-3" Kid is fresh off of 2 upset wins over Razor Ramon, including a 10,000 dollar challenge, plus a win over Ted Dibiase several weeks before this. IRS STILL has no theme song and the Kid does after 2 months, go figure. Kid starts off early with some rest holds and armbars, but IRS uses his dirty tacktics like using the ropes for leverage in an abdominal stretch and a series of sleeper holds & chin locks. Kid makes his comeback with a signature three martial arts kick in the corner, followed by the spinning hell kick to the face. IRS ducks an irish whips and nails the Write off for the win at 5:35. *1/2 Pretty dull match except for when Kid is in charge, which was a total of 1 mniute. -Jerry Lawler comes to the ring "injured" and makes fun of Bret Hart AGAIN, along with a "blue haired klady" someone we all should know by then who causes a 30 car pile up earlier in the day. Jerry replaces himself with Doink the Clown in this match. -Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Doink the Clown I: You cannot believe how pissed off Bret is as he attacks Doink after he dumps water on his brothers Owen and bruce. Bret pumbels him with punches on the outside before he can take off his coat. Bret uses a series of leglocks, arm bars and other technical moves to slow down Doink. This match is pretty much all Bret till about the 6 minute mark where doink dos some loooooong boring rest locks, including a wierd submission i dont know, but he uses the ropes for help. Bret escapes, mounts a comeback and locks in the Sharpshooter. Lawler comes in and clobbers Bret with a crutch DQing Doni at 9:01. *** Bret Hart match, without a doubt 3 stars. -Lawler pumbels bret until refs break it up. Before he can get to the lock room, Tunney forces him to face Bret since he was not injured after all. Short and simple, Bret beats the crap out of Lawler and makes him submit in the sharpshooter at 6:34. But, he wont let go and after 4 minutes, the ref DQ's Bret for refusing to relinquish the hold. Bret not only gets revenge, but he gets a monster face push even better then he has now. -Summerslam Hotline with IRS, Diesel, and Shawn Michaels, wow, all heels this time. -Ludvig Borga cuts an interview in a VERY slummy neihborhood "before" the event takes place. -Marty Jannetty Vs. Ludvig Borga Lets see, Borga PPV debut, Jannetty is a farely decent opponent, being a former Intercontinental champion, so why not use him to put the Fin over? Borga sneaks attacks Jannetty to startm Punch punch jab punch. Jannetty sunset flips but is greeted with a fist to the forehead. jannetty gos for a dropkick but to no avail. He gos for another sunset flip and avoids the hugh punch. Borga clotheslines him to hell and forces him to submit at 5:15. *1/2. Good match, not great. -Survivor Series 1993 Promo, the thanksgiving tradition. -Rest In Piece Match: Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez: I cant explain how crappy this fued was. Gonzalez stole the urn and so on. Gonzalez punches the shit out of Taker, but nothing works, as Taker repeatedly gos for the urn in Wipplemans corner. Undertaker is literally over everything until Paul Bearer returns, clobbers Wippleman and takes abck the urn. Undertaker sits up, nails 4 clothesline to knock down the Giant to 1 knee, then nailed a flying clotheslienoff the top rope for the pin at 8:05. 1/2* lousy match, even for the undertkaer, thank god Gonzalez left for Argentina in a fw months after this. -Joe Fowler interviews Yokozuna, James E. Cornette & Mr. Fuji. Classic Cornette line "The biggest surprise is your emplyment". -Tatanka & Smoking Gunns Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Head Shrinkers Currently, only Billy Gunn and Fatu are still in the WWF. Ill make this match short and sweet. First, we have Billy Gunn taking a beating by a fury of pounds by Samu, followed by a cresent kick. Bart tags in but gets nailed by a Same elbow and both shrinkers do the front face Russian leg sweep on him. Bart takes a pounding for a few minutes and hot tags Tatanka, who DDTs Bam Bam. He nails a cross body off the top rope for a 2 count but a Bigelow inziguri(!) stops the momentum. Samu nails a headbutt for 2 and a brawl erupts. Shrinkers take out both Gunns as The heels Squash tatanka in the corner. They all go for a triple headbutt off the top, and all miss, after wards, Tatanka rolls up Samu for the win at 11:!6. ** ok match, good for the match before main event. -Joe Fowler interviews LEx Express driver Hank Carter. -Both the Japanese & American national Anthem are sung. Macho Man Randy Savage is in his USA outfit -WWF Championship Match: Yokozuna vs. Lex Luger This is Lugers only shot at the title as the result of a clause in the contract. Luger starts with an elbow but Yoko comes back with the usual martial arts thrusts and kicks.Luger gos for a slam, instead he eats a cresent kick. Yoko follows up with a Avalanche in the corner. Luger come sback with a double axhandle and running forearm for only a two count. Yoko legdrop gets two, but he misses a banzai drop. Luger unloads with punches and clotheslines and finally scoops him up and slams him! Fuji jumps on the apron and eats a luger fist, he rips off the forearmpadding and clocks Yoko with his loaded forearm! Yokozuna falls outside and is counted out at 17:57. hyow cheap of a way to end a match. **1/2. After the match, Stiener Brothers, Tatanka & Randy Savage come join Luger in the celebration, as Red white & blue balloons drop everywhere. -After the match, WWF plays a Video which I believe is entitled (the song) "You are my Hero" or soemthin. Pretty good, with clips of the previous match already in it. sheesh. That ends Summerslam 1993. Not a bad show, so i give it a thumbs up recommendation. SIDE NOTE: I'D RATHER HAVE SEEN HOGAN JOB TO BRET, BUT EH EH, SHIT HAPPENS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted April 16, 2002 Pear pressure? Are drug-dealing fruits popular in your area? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 16, 2002 Peer Preasure. Happy? NOTE: I spell worth of shit when im rushing trying type.q Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted April 17, 2002 Pear pressure? Are drug-dealing fruits popular in your area? HAHA!!!For some weird reason I found that very very funny!!! Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jericholic82 Report post Posted April 17, 2002 good stuff. I personally liked this show when I saw it live (havent seen it since, except for the main event which i have on one of those cheap comp tapes you get at kmart) lol@at them cutting off the kid asking about hogan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jericholic82 Report post Posted April 17, 2002 how do they put the clips in to the closing video so quickly? and why did the Kid job to IRS? He was being built up as an underdog who can win he beat ramon and ted dibiase but cant beat Capn' Mike Rotunda(or is it o?) quote of the night Heenan: Just think after the match, Razor Ramon can have a cerveza and the 123 Kid can have some Ovaltine and they can compare the evening also its funny how he called him the domestic bad guy I also have the opener on that same comp tape called summerslams greatest hits it has ss 91.perfect vs bret (great match) ss 92: taker vs kamala (why?) ss 93 :Dibiase vs Razor ss 93: Yoko vs Lex pretty sucky tape huh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted August 22, 2002 and why did the Kid job to IRS? He was being built up as an underdog who can win he beat ramon and ted dibiase but cant beat Capn' Mike Rotunda(or is it o?) I just reviewed this tape for about 3 weeks ago. Since then, I found out that the reason the Kid jobbed was because he wasn't under WWF contract at the time and was considering jumping to New Japan. Vince had IRS signed to a WWF contract, so he didn't see the point in jobbing one of his real talents to a guy who may not even stay in the WWF at the second biggest PPV of the year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites