Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 BOOM! BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! Pyro goes off and this crowd is HOT for OAOAST Zero Hour! The fans are on their feet, the Night of the X set to start off in a big way as we cut to Coach, Cole, and Caboose! COACH: Welcome to Night of the X, ladies and gentlemen! Because we have limited time here on PPV, we're going to send it right to Josh Matthews, who is hosting the opening presentation for tonight's Super X Cup! (We cut to Josh Matthews in the ring, who is in the ring, as the eight competitors fighting in tonight's Super X Cup are standing, lined in a row, with official "2004 OAOAST Super X Cup" t-shirts on. The X Cup trophy, all six feet of it, is standing beside Josh at the front of the ring.) JM: Let me welcome each and every one of you to tonight's Zero Hour: Night of the X! (big pop) Now tonight, for the first time in the history of the OAOAST, we will be bringing to you an eight-person single-elimination tournament, featuring the stars of our X-Division, with five coming from HeldDOWN~!, and three from Intense Zone! Now, the official introductions of each competitor in tonight's Super X Cup tournament! JOSH First off, introducing Intense Zone's Puerto Rican Lightning! (PRL steps forward, with his fist in the air as he gets some boos, but also some respectful applause.) JOSH Next, from HeldDOWN~!, here's the former OAOAST X-Division Champion of the World, Mad Matt! (good pop as Matt steps forward and pumps both fists over his head) JOSH From HeldDOWN~!, "The Role Model" Jacob Lyne! (decent applause, as Lyne steps forward and poses) JOSH From Intense Zone, introducing The Black Diamond! (again, decent applause, as Diamond motions to the crowd to up the applause.) JOSH From HeldDOWN~!, introducing the current WCW World Television Champion, Sly "The Sly" Sommers! (Sly poses with his belt to scattered boos and respectful claps.) JOSH Also from HeldDOWN~!, she is the one, the only...."Female Phenom", Crystal! (Big applause as Crystal steps forward and waves to the crowd.) JOSH Finally, making his return to wrestling, representing Intense Zone, he is a legend of OAOAST rings...introducing "Shooter" Jay Darring! (GIGANTIC pop for the returning Jay Darring, who steps to the side, and climbs to the second rope to pose and milk his applause.) JOSH Now, as is custom with these ceremonies in Japan, may all the competitors please shake hands with your fellow X Cup participants, and give the fans and photographers a photo-op with the trophy? (All eight competitors then either shake or slap hands with their fellow competitors, and then collectively pose around the trophy, throwing up "X" symbols above their heads with their arms. Many fans and photographers snap pictures of this moment. As the flashbulbs die down, the competitors all head to the locker rooms.) MC I guess that, with that out of the way, we can start the Super X Cup! COACH As the competitors head to the back, let's use this opportunity to take a look at the brackets for this tremendous upcoming tournament! CABOOSE This definately looks like one of the most impressive junior heavyweight tournament fields I've ever seen! MC It definately is amazing when you look at it. Every match on there looks great, and the semis and finals should be tremendous too! COACH Without any further ado, let's go to our opening bout, the first match in tonight's Super X-Cup! ("Orange Crush" starts up, and out Sly Sommers, with his WCW World TV Title.) BUFFER: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the first first-round match in the first-ever OAOAST Super X Cup Tournament! Introducing first, from Bayside, California, weighing in tonight at 195 pounds, he is the current WCW World Television Champion, Sly Sommers! MC: Here comes the first of two former X-Division Champions competing in tonight's tournament, Sly Sommers. COACH: Sly's actually got a thrown-in advantage coming into this match, as he's feuded with his first-round opponent before, and knows a lot of her tendencies, while he's changed tenfold since their feud, and she might be unfamiliar with his newer style. CABOOSE: Plus, you must remember: this is a battle of stables here, with Sly representing Totally Endorsed, and Crystal representing The Firm. So territorial pride is also at stake here! (Sly grabs the mic) SLY: I don't want to take up much time, since tonight isn't about me or my ego; it's about the X-Division. I just wanted to let everyone know that the World Television Title is up for grabs in all of my matches tonight, under the Pure Wrestling rules, thank you. MC: To let you in on the Pure Wrestling rules Sly is talking about, here they are: a wrestler is only allowed three rope breaks; after the third, his opponent can leave a submission hold locked in as long as possible. The use of a closed fist will result in one free rope break being taken away, with three closed fists resulting in a disqualification. The second that you leave the ring, you are disqualified, and will be forfeiting the match to your opponent. The five-second time limit for standing on the top rope has been compressed to three, and will result in a disqualification if you do not abide by it. ("Just a Girl" starts up, and out comes Crystal, to a sizeable ovation from the audience.) BUFFER: And his opponent....from , Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 135 pounds, she is "The Female Phenom", Crystal! COACH: Here comes a young lady who, dropping the horny man schtick aside, I totally respect for stepping out of her element and jumping into this tournament tonight, knowing she could be knocked off of the pedastal she's earned as a top star in this company by any up-and-comer in this tournament. Sly and Crystal stare off mid-ring, as the referee shows both of them the WCW World Television Title belt, and then hands the belt off to the timekeeper. The bell rings, and Sly and Crystal reluctantly slap hands, in a sign of mutual respect. They back up, and circle around the center of the ring, with Crystal clapping her hands to get the crowd to follow along and back her up. Sly sticks his hand out for a Greco-Roman knucklelock, and she grabs on. Sly sticks his other hand out, and they're now locked in, trying to force one another down. Sly kicks the right-handed part of the lock, forcing it loose, twists himself around, and locks in a standing wristlock on Crystal. Sly then pulls her in for a headlock. Crystal attempts to shove him off, but he keeps ahold of her head, and nails a headlock takedown. Crystal gets out of that predicament by locking Sly in a headscissors on the mat. But, he switches positions, so that he's on his feet with his head trapped. Sly then does a handstand while in the headscissors. He stays there for a second, and then jumps with his arms, getting out of the headscissors and locking in another headlock on Crystal. MC: I must say, I'm impressed with the way this contest is going thus far. COACH: I think Crystal's shocked that Sly's improved this much since these two first feuded. Crystal slowly moves from her back, onto her feet, while still locked in the headlock, as Sly moves up with her. Crystal slides her head out of the headlock, and attempts to switch to a standing hammerlock. However, Sly reverses the hold before she even gets it locked in, and again goes back to the headlock. This time, Crystal is able to shove Sly off. But, Sly grabs her hand, turns around, and sends her running to the ropes. Crystal slides between his legs, Sly turns around as she gets up, and they both stop before throwing punches, realizing there's a penalty involved, as the crowd respectfully applauds the wrestling display seen thus far. MC: I agree with your previous statement, Coach, that Crystal totally didn't expect Sly to start off like THAT. Sly and Crystal slap hands again, and then go into a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Crystal, this time, gets the advantage, with a go-behind into a waistlock. Crystal spins Sly around, and goes for a snapmare. But, Sly blocks with a European uppercut, and nails a snapmare of his own. Sly reaches down for a chinlock, but Crystal rolls onto her back, and puts Sly in an inverted victory roll cradle.....1......Sommers rolls out quickly, while holding onto Crystal's hand, and pulls her into a small package..........1.........kickout, and both competitors come back up, into a stalemate! MC: Again, another stalemate, as I'm sure it's frustrating Crystal that she hasn't been able to dominate her old foe like she used to. Sly sticks his arm out again for a Greco-Roman knucklelock, but Crystal pulls him in for an armdrag. She tries to lock in a deep armbar, but Sly locks her head with his legs, and goes for a victory roll cradle. But, she rolls out, and both get to their feet. Sly goes for a running clothesline, but Crystal ducks. Crystal locks in the reverse waistlock for her release German suplex, but Sly nails a standing switch, turns Crystal around, and nails a quick snapmare. Sly goes for a dropkick to the back of the head, but she turns and gets out of the way before the dropkick connects. Cover by Crystal....but Sly quickly pushes her off. Both are back up, and both go for the same armdrag, ending up with both competitors falling down on their backs, arms inter-locked. MC: Both Crystal and Sly went for the same move, which could be a visual representation of how these two have evened out after an early lead by Sommers. Sly sits up, attempting a deep armbar, but Crystal rolls backwards, onto her knees as well, and pulls Sly by the arm. Crystal grabs Sly's other arm as he ends up in a sitting position with his back to her, and she locks in an inverted bow-and-arrow, stretching both the shoulders and the upper-back of Sly Sommers. Sly tries to roll out, but is trapped. So, he starts nailing back headbutts, connecting the top of his skull with Crystal's jaw. Crystal is forced to loosen her lock due being knocked slightly woozy by Sly's headbutts, giving Sommers the opening to slide out, and go behind Crystal. Sommers sweeps Crystal's kneeled right leg out from under her, putting her on her stomach, and attempts to roll into the Cravateface. However, Crystal rolls out as soon as he positions her arm, and reverses into a front cradle roll...........1...............2..........Sommers grabs Crystal's waist, turns her, and goes for a backslide............1..........2......Crystal rolls through, onto her feet, and nails a double leg sweep on Sommers. Crystal then attempts to cross the legs for the Crystalizing, but Sommers pushes outward, and gets to the ropes! MC: Sly's now used one of his three legal rope breaks, but with just cause! COACH: Both competitors have now established to the other that they have deadly submission holds that they can go to at any time in this contest to get the quick win. Sly gets to his feet, as Crystal runs at Sommers. Crystal goes for a spear, but Sommers reverts to the second half of one of his old signature moves, the Bob Saget Deluxe, as he locks in a front naked choke. But, Crystal has the move scouted from their feud, and is able to get her legs out in time so she isn't stuck in the choke, and bridges for a pin............1............2.........kickout. Both competitors get up, and Sly goes for another headlock. This time, Crystal immediately sends Sly off to the ropes. Crystal leapfrogs over Sly, who then comes off from the other side of the ropes. Crystal telegraphed a monkey flip, which gave Sly the time to roll her onto her stomach, and try to lock in the Cravateface yet again. Sly actually gets the whole move locked in for a second, before Crystal is able to squirm her way to the ropes. COACH: Both competitors have now used their first rope breaks, as Sly now has the psychological edge, having had Crystal in his Cravateface long enough for her to sample the amount of pain that it brings to the neck. Both competitors are at a standing position yet again. Crystal dives in for a single-leg takedown, but Sly twists around, and reverses with an Oklahoma roll, which Crystal rolls out of immediately. Crystal nails one of her own, but uses it to put Sly on his back, and get on top of him for a camel clutch attempt, to possibly weaken Sly's back for the Crystalizing. However, the camel clutch is a move in Sly's arsenal, albeit rarely used, but he knows it well enough to roll through, get on top of Crystal in the same position, and start nailing her with stiff amateur-style crossface shots to the neck and jaw. After six shots, Crystal is able to grab Sly's right arm as he goes for the seventh, and pull him down to his back. Crystal gets to one foot, turns Sly around, onto his stomach, using his arm, and locks in a bow-and-arrow. After about ten seconds, Sly is able to break her clutch on his neck, kick her other hand off, and land in a pinning position on top of Crystal. However, Sommers chooses to twist around, and lock in a reverse front face lock (almost reverse DDT position). MC: Sound strategy by Sommers, going after the neck for his Cravateface, like a hawk, whenever he can. COACH: You also have to give Crystal credit for going after Sly's back for her finishing submission hold, The Crystalizing, whenever she can. Crystal twists her way onto her stomach, into a regular front facelock, and is able to loosen Sly's grip, giving her the opening to twist into a reverse hammerlock, which she uses to transition into a reverse waistlock on the mat, which she then turns over and bridges for a pinning combination.......1...........2............Sommers kicks out, and lands on his stomach. Crystal, almost quicker than Sommers kicked out, gets to her feet and lands a standing moonsault on Sly's back. Crystal goes for Sly's legs, but he's almost sick with the stiffness he applies to kicking Crystal square in the jaw to get her off of him. Sommers holds his back as he gets to his feet. He then pulls Crystal to her feet, and sits her down on the top turnbuckle. Sly goes to forearm her, but Crystal grabs Sly's arm, and twists him around 360 degrees. Crystal then comes off of the second rope with a hurricanrana, into a cradle..........1..............2.................Sly tries reversing into a sunset flip cradle, but Crystal rolls onto her feet, grabs the legs, and locks the legs for the Crystalizing! MC: She may have him here! COACH: She locks in that submission, and we probably will have a winner! Crystal has a really hard time turning Sly over, as he's trying to grab the thin blue material that covers the mat to keep himself in place. Crystal eventually get Sly turned over, but he turns himself onto his back yet again. Crystal tries to reach in deeper to turn Sly over, but Sly reaches up, and locks in a cravate as she has ahold of her legs. MC: Nice block of the Crystalizing, also utilizing his own gameplan of weakening the neck into the block. After not being able to pull her head out of Sly's clutches, Crystal tries to roll forward, and bridge onto her feet to pull out. But, Sly keeps the cravate locked in by rolling onto his feet at the same time. Crystal pushes Sly off, which makes him break the lock, but he grabs her hand, and sends her running to the ropes. Sly gives Crystal the window of opportunity by bending down for a backdrop, which she uses to turn direction in mid-air while rolling over Sly's back. She quickly locks in a low waistlock, and nails her signature release German suplex, dropping Sly more on his back than back of the neck! COACH: Nice modification of the moveset, dropping her adversary on the weakened body part with a signature move! Crystal then pulls Sly up for a sitting position, and connects with three brutal spinal-tap-style kicks to the small of Sommers's back. Crystal gives Sommers a few seconds to crawl around, holding his back in pain, and then goes to pull him up. But, Sly pops up, and nails her with a desperation European uppercut that sends her rocking back to the ropes. Sly runs up, and whips her off to the ropes. Sommers then nails her with a nice hiptoss into a neckbreaker, which he then floats over into a suplex position.....brainbuster by Sommers. Sly goes for the cover while holding his back, which leaves Crystal's legs unhooked..........1...........2..........kickout. Sly pulls Crystal up by the hair, and sends her into a corner. Sly then connects with three stiff chops to her chest, and tries to follow up with the Sommer-Set. But, as soon as he hooks her head, she pushes off, and pushes him, from behind, off to the ropes. Crystal then connects with a spear out of nowhere, but coming from behind, tackling his back! MC: She might have just snapped his spine with that spear! CABOOSE: Um...yeah. No one's cheated or acted like a prick yet, so it's not like I've had a reason to talk. Crystal then grabs Sly's legs, possibly for the Crystalizing. But Sly pushes up, and rolls onto his back, where he's able to push Crystal back into the ropes. Sly goes for a small package, but she rolls onto her feet, and crosses the legs for the Crystalizing. She gets the legs locked in.....and turns the move over! The Crystalizing is locked in. Sly screams in pain for a few seconds, but then reaches back, grabs Crystal's ankles, and yanks back, until she loses balance, and falls down. She keeps ahold of Sly's leg, but he bends himself back, and latches onto her head with an inverted version of the Cravateface. After about ten seconds, due to the pressure on her neck being more than applied to Sly's back at the moment, she lets go of Sly's legs to attempt to get out of the cravate. But, Sly is able to slide over, and hook her arm between his legs, completing the Cravateface. Sly pushes back with his feet, pushing himself and Crystal away from the ropes. Crystal hasn't tapped after being in the move for nearly twenty seconds, so Sly pushes up with his feet, and cranks it back as far as possible................and she taps! MC: That was one hell of an opener! COACH: Both competitors gave it their all, and it showed. MC: I think Sly's key to victory here was that he knows Crystal very well, but he's changed so much as a wrestler in the past half-year that, even though she knew a few of his tendencies, she didn't really know him as a wrestler overall, and that's what came back to bite her in the ass. After Sly gets his hand raised, he sticks out his hand to Crystal, out of respect, as she's on her knees, holding her neck in pain. She looks skeptical for a few seconds, but then reaches out and grabs it. Sly pulls her up, they pat each other on the back, exchange "good match" greetings, and she leaves the ring, as Sly goes to collect his WCW World Television Title belt. MC: I cannot believe it. A show of respect by Sly Sommers? COACH: That's what this tournament's all about. Respect and athleticism, not any of that goofy baloney that guys like Sly pull off usually! MC: Sly Sommers advances in the tournament, to face the winner of Black Diamond versus "Shooter" Jay Darring, later tonight. Not to cut away, but I'm being told we have to go backstage, where our broadcast colleague Josh Matthews is standing by with St. Andrew. (Cut to St. Andrew's Cathedral, where Josh Matthews is standing beside St. Andrew.) JM: We're backstage, in the cathedral, with the number-seven seed in tonight's tournament, St. Andrew. Andrew, as I'm sure you know, tonight's not about how high-concept your character can be, or feuding with someone else over girls or's about pure athletic competition, and a shot at the X-Title at Anglemania III, the biggest show in this company's history. ANDREW: Of course I know that. That's why I asked for this interview time. You see, usually, I preach on about how you all are sinners and gluttons, and how you are lesser lifeforms for not living your life by the good word. But tonight, none of that. (takes off his robe and other accessories) Tonight, I'm just going to go out there, and fight for my life. If you'll excuse me, I have a first-round match to go fight. JM: (Andrew walks off) There you have it...St. Andrew apparantly just wants to wrestle tonight. Back to Michael, Coach, and Caboose, at ringside! (Cut back to ringside, as "Nitro" starts up.) FINK: The following is our second first-round contest in the Super X-Cup Tournament, and it is set for one fall with a thirty-minute time limit. Entering the arena, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Dahlonega, Georgia, "The Role Model" Jacob Lyne! MC: This kid's had one hell of a run in the X-Division this year, including beating everyone else in that X-Box X-Division Top X Hour-Long Time Gauntlet match on the first day of 2004, before succembing to AJ Flaire after he went through everyone else. COACH: Out of everyone in this tournament, Jacob Lyne is probably the one with the best cardiovascular conditioning to survive three matches in one night, and that's key in a huge tournament like this. ("Pompeii" starts up, and out comes St. Andrew.) FINK: And his opponent, weighing in at 230 pounds, St. Andrew! MC: Andrew usually uses his weird character and mind games to get the edge in matches, but, like Sly Sommers, he's stated that he's bypassing that stuff and going on pure technical ability tonight. COACH: It'll be interesting to see if Andrew can hang once he stops the chicanery. The bell rings, and we're underway. Collar-and-elbow tie-up, and Lyne gets a standing wristlock. Andrew grabs his own arm with his free hand, twists underneath the lock, and reverses with a headlock. Lyne shoots Andrew off to the ropes, but Andrew comes back around, grabs Lyne, and shoots him to the other side. Lyne leapfrogs over Andrew, and goes to the other end. Lyne comes off of the ropes, and stops in time to roll Andrew's monkey flip attempt over, to lock him in a reverse waistlock. Andrew tries to struggle out, so Lyne shoves Andrew off to the ropes. Andrew connects with a shoulderblock, and goes off to the ropes on his left side. Lyne rolls onto his stomach, as Andrew leaps over him while running. Lyne pops up, and nails a stiff jumping heel kick, nails Andrew right in the jaw. MC: Quick thinking on his feet by Jacob Lyne. Lyne jumps on top of Andrew for the quick cover.....1......2.....kickout. Jacob tries to pull Andrew up, but Andrew elbows him twice in the mid-section. Andrew comes off of the ropes, and goes for a clothesline. However, Jacob responds by going under the arm, and trying to reverse into a backslide. Andrew pushes off with his feet, and tumbles backwards over Lyne's back. Andrew lands on his feet in front of Lyne, and dropkicks him in the face. Both men back up; Andrew goes for a punch, but Lyne grabs the fist. Jacob then springboard-steps from the middle rope to the top rope, does an Arabian Press springboard, into an incredible flying headscissors, sending Andrew to the other side of the ring. Andrew's on one knee, and Jacob goes for a Shining Wizard. But, Andrew ducks the knee, and Lyne crotches himself on the middle rope. Andrew then grabs Lyne's head, and DDT's him out of the ropes. Andrew follows up with an elevated reverse chinlock, with his knee on Jacob's neck, cranking on the neck. COACH: Just like in the previous match, it looks like St. Andrew is weakening Jacob Lyne's neck for The End, which is a killer neck-drop manuever. MC: Also, he's slowing down Lyne, who had the advantage by using his speed, to put the ball in his own court. Andrew transitions the chinlock after about ten seconds into a headlock, and rises up. Jacob shoves Andrew off to the ropes, and goes for a clothesline. However, Andrew ducks the clothesline, turns Lyne around by the neck and arm, and nails a Rude Awakening neckbreaker. Andrew goes for the cover, hooking the neck and leg with seperate arms......1......2......kickout. Andrew turns Jacob onto his stomach, and goes for a chicken wing camel clutch. But, using his free arm, Lyne grabs Andrew's left leg and sweeps him off of his feet. Lyne keeps ahold of the leg as he makes it to his feet, turns Andrew over to his stomach, and rolls forward into a Crippler Crossface. But, Andrew rolls forward out of the move, and both men make it to their feet at the same time. MC: Looks like both men have come to a stale-mate. CABOOSE: All this technical wrestling sure is getting stale, mate! COACH: Shut up! Lyne goes for a punch, but Andrew ducks the punch, gets behind Lyne, and connects with two repeated neckbreakers across the knee, followed by a jumping sitdown neckbreaker. Andrew goes for the cover...............1...........2.........Jacob gets his foot on the bottom rope at the last second. Andrew pulls Lyne up, and signals for the Decadence Drop. Andrew hooks Jacob's head, but Jacob uses Andrew's own momentum to sweep him off of his feet when he tries to fall back with the move. Lyne then rolls forward with a cradle pin.............1..........2.......kickout. Both men get back up, and Jacob does a go-behind to get in position for the Dragon Suplex. But, Andrew switches to a reverse waistlock of his own, and twists Jacob around. Andrew locks Jacob's neck for The End, but Jacob flips himself over Andrew's shoulder, lands on his feet behind Andrew, and nails a falling reverse DDT. COACH: Both men are down; who will be the first to get up? Both men slowly gets up, but the referee, at his own discretion, is not counting either man down, wanting to see a clean winner in this match. Both men get up at the same time, and Jacob immediately ducks a punch to perform a go-behind, and then a picture-perfect Dragon Suplex on St. Andrew with a bridge ...........1...............2............kickout. Jacob pulls Andrew up, and whips him off to the ropes. Jacob goes for a standing bodypress, but Andrew catches him by ducking and putting Jacob on his shoulders, due to his added momentum. Andrew then connects with a Finley Roll, and follows up by rolling back up to his feet, keeping Jacob on his shoulders. Andrew then puts Lyne in a slam clutch position, and nails a Catatonic Backbreaker (Hero Sandwich #2), variated to drop Jacob neck-first across his knee, and then uses that position to connect with the Decadence Drop. Andrew goes for the cover..........1..........2........kickout! MC: Lyne just kicked out of three chained, big, high-impact moves, two of which on his neck, which probably makes him tougher than ninety-nine percent of everyone in this building tonight! Andrew does the "thumb across the throat" taunt, to signal that it's going to all end right now. Andrew pulls Lyne up, and hooks him under his arm for The End. Andrew lifts Jacob up, but Jacob locks his legs around Andrew's head, and rolls forward for an inverted victory roll.............1..............2.........kickout. Both men back up, Andrew attempts to grab the head again, but Lyne twists himself around, hooks Andrew's head, lifts him for a slam...and nails the Lyne Driver! Jacob goes for the cover...........1.............2...............3! MC: After reversing St. Andrew's deadly finisher twice, Lyne came back, after his neck being weakened as it was, to nail his signature Lyne Driver and move onto the next round! COACH: Andrew was good, but Lyne was just a little better on this night! Lyne walks down the aisleway, slapping hands, as Andrew walks out slower, holding his neck and looking fatigued. MC: Valiant effort by both men, but it's now time for the Intense Zone-sponsored match of the first round, as Puerto Rican Lightning tries his hand in the X-Division, against a fellow Intense Zone wrestler who's mingled in the X-Division before, that being on New Year's Day in the X Title Hour-Long Time Gauntlet, that being The Black Diamond. COACH: As big of a star on the other show as PRL might be, Diamond does have the built-in X-Division experience advantage. (The music starts up, and out comes The Black Diamond.) FINKEL: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty-minute time limit, and is the Intense Zone contest of the first round. Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 225 pounds, The Black Diamond! MC: Coming off of a good showing in the X-Division Hour-Long Time Gauntlet on New Year's Day, tonight could be Black Diamond's night! ("No Chance in Hell" starts up, and out comes Puerto Rican Lightning.) FINKEL: And his opponent, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 223 pounds, he is Puerto Rican Lightning! COACH: However, PRL has way, way more big match experience, and that will definately come into play in tonight's tournament. (bell rings) Both men stick their hands out for handshakes, but PRL pulls his away out of disrespect. Both men then lock up, and PRL locks in a wristlock. Black Diamond quickly reverses into a wristlock of his own. PRL reverses into an inverted armdrag, and then flips Diamond off. Diamond gets back to his feet, and both men circle around each other. Another collar-and-elbow tie-up, and Diamond locks in a headlock. PRL shoves Diamond off to the ropes, and connects with a stiff dropkick to the jaw. PRL follows up by sitting Diamond up, and kicking him twice stiffly, in the back of the head. PRL then bounces off of the ropes, and nails a jumping kneedrop, across Diamond's throat. PRL pulls Diamond up, and shoves him into a corner. PRL then connects with five stiff, stiff forearms to the face, with the fourth busting open the side of Diamond's forehead. Diamond drops down to a sitting position in the corner, and gets three standing bootscrapes for his troubles. MC: PRL has brought the stiffness so far, to say the least! COACH: After being able to reverse a few basic moves early, Black Diamond's had his brains bashed in, almost literally, by the Puerto Rican sensation. PRL then grabs Diamond's legs, and goes for a corner powerbomb. But, Diamond is able to use his leg strength advantage to reverse that into a rana takeover, sending PRL face-first into the top turnbuckle. PRL stumbles around for a second, then tries to throw a punch at Diamond. Diamond blocks the punch by hooking PRL's arm in a half-nelson, and bringing him over in an inverted crucifix.....1......2....rope break. Both men back up, and Diamond scores with a hip toss into a backbreaker. Diamond then tries to lock in a camel clutch, but PRL rolls himself forward, landing back-first on a stomach-down Diamond. PRL then straddles Diamond, and connects with three really hard crossface shots to the side of the face and neck. PRL follows up with a neck crank, twisting the body part he's put his focus into thus far. COACH: Puerto Rican Lightning is brutally focusing on the neck of Black Diamond, most likely setting up for the P.R. Nightmare. Diamond is able to escape the neck crank after about ten seconds, and gets PRL up in electric chair position. He isn't able to hold PRL up for long due to extreme pain in his neck, but does fall back, dropping PRL on his back. Diamond gets up, and turns PRL on his stomach. Diamond then stands on PRL's back, and nails an incredible standing shooting star press, with all of his weight coming down on PRL's lower back, trying to limit the amount of power leverage PRL has. Diamond follows up by crossing both of PRL's legs and hooking his head, while sitting on his knees on PRL's back. Diamond leans back, and locks in a painful bow-and-arrow. Seven seconds later, PRL punches Diamond in the hands repeatedly, until he has no choice but to let go of the hold. PRL lands on Diamond, in a pinning position........1...........2..........Diamond kicks out. MC: Looks like both men have their body part to focus on now, as Diamond is now focused on the lower back of PRL. Both men get back up, and PRL totally plasters Diamond with a forearm to the face, sending him down to a seated position, leaning on the bottom rope. PRL then backs up, touching the ropes on the other end, gets a running start...and OBLITERATES Diamond with a basement dropkick to the face that sends PRL himself flying to the outside! COACH: MY LORD! CABOOSE: That might have been the greatest thing....EVER! The referee has to check to see if Diamond's still able to go, and Diamond gives a faint thumbs up. PRL slides into the ring, and has to drag Diamond away from the ropes for the pin. PRL covers.......1.........2.......kickout! MC: That's superhuman! How'd he kick out of that? He just about got beheaded seconds ago! PRL pounds the mat in frustration, and then pulls Diamond up, Lightning hooks Diamond in the front face-lock, and signals for the P.R.. Lightning. But, Diamond somehow finds the strength to twist out of the lock, keep ahold of PRL's hand, and drop him with an STO. Diamond pulls himself up, and then pulls PRL up by the skull. Diamond hooks PRL's head, and attempts his signature Diamond Cutter. But, PRL shoves Diamond off to the ropes. Diamond comes back, and blocks an attempt at a spinebuster by PRL by finally hitting a tornado DDT. Diamond goes for the cover..........1............2.........kickout. MC: He finally got the move off, but it wasn't enough to keep Puerto Rican Lightning down. Diamond then grabs PRL's legs, and attempts to go for the Texas Cloverleaf. However, PRL is able to use momentum to roll backwards, sending Diamond shoulder-first into the ringpost. PRL then gets behind Diamond, and goes for a German suplex. However, Diamond reverses the waistlock with a go-behind, and connects with a reverse Tornado DDT, using the ropes for steps. But, instead of going for the pin, Diamond pulls PRL up. MC: That right there might be the mistake that costs the Black Diamond this contest. Black Diamond then picks PRL up, and drops him with a backbreaker. Diamond follows that up with a pin...........1..............2..........kickout. Diamond turns PRL onto his stomach, and nails a standing moonsault onto his back. Diamond follows up by locking in a Boston Crab, to work over the lower back. PRL struggles and struggles, but eventually gets one leg out of Black Diamond's clutches, and kicks him hard in the jaw twice to get out of the move. PRL pulls his way to the outside, as Diamond tries shaking off the kicks to the jaw. Diamond gets up, positions himself, does the tumbling, and goes for the Space Flying Tiger Drop! However, at the last second, PRL moves, and Diamond wipes out, smacking the back of his head on the apron. MC: OUCH! COACH: Well said, my friend, well said. PRL pulls Black Diamond up, and throws him back into the ring. PRL takes a long time to get himself positioned on the apron due to the energy he's already spent. But, when he does, he goes for a slingshot flip legdrop. PRL lands it, and goes for the cover.......1.........2.........Diamond gets his foot up on the bottom rope. PRL pulls Diamond up, and sets him up in the corner. PRL walks over to the opposite corner, charges forward, and......Black Diamond moves out of the way, causing Lightning to hit his head on the top of the ringpost. Diamond puts him in a schoolboy.....1.........2........kickout. MC: We were oh-so-close from an upset! COACH: But considering all factors, would it really be an upset? Both men back up, and PRL grabs Diamond's leg when he attempts a front kick. However, Diamond responds with a loud enziguri. Diamond goes for the cover...........1..............2............kickout. Black Diamond forearms PRL in the face stiffly, and then signals for the kill. Diamond goes to the apron. When PRL stumbles to his feet, Diamond springboards to the top rope. Diamond dives, and.........PRL drives him down head-first with the P.R. Nightmare! PRL goes for the cover.........1..............2...........3! MC: I think PRL just KILLED The Black Diamond! CABOOSE: That certainly shortened Black Diamond by a few inches, and his life by a few years! PRL shrugs off the referee, who tries raising his hand, flips off the crowd, and exits the ring. Black Diamond lays on the mat, holding both his neck and jaw, which looks to be injured by the baseball slide from hell from earlier. A few more referees come out, and they assist Diamond to the back, as the fans give him a nice ovation out of respect. MC: As the crowd shows their respect to the Black Diamond for a great effort, albeit a losing one, we've got to move on to our final first-round contest, as it will be Mad Matt, who's on a journey to undo his wrong of losing the I Quit match for the X Title against AJ Flaire at Anglepalooza, and the only way he can do so is by winning this tournament and getting the Anglemania III title shot, against one of the cornerstones of this entire company. Not just HeldDOWN~!, not just Intense Zone, but the entire OAOAST. I'm talking about "Shooter" Jay Darring, who has to be up there with Zack Malibu as one of the most celebrated wrestlers in the history of the OAOAST. CABOOSE: Jay Darring has nearly unmatchable skill, and the fact that he actually asked to get involved in this tournament, to test his skills against the new breed of OAOAST here tonight says something about the dedication this guy has to the business. COACH: Let's not underestimate Mad Matt. The guy did hang at the top of this division for many, many months, and that's about as hard to do as beating a 30-foot tall Jinga game. MC: With that, let's go to the ring, for our final first-round contest! ("Higher" starts up, and out comes Mad Matt.) FINKEL: Introducing first, hailing from Chicago, Illinois, he is a former X-Division Champion of the WOOOOOORLD!, he is Mad Matt! MC: Nice ovation for the former X-Division champ, hoping to keep his spot as a top contender after tonight. ("Shin-Jingi Naki Tatakai" starts up, and out comes "Shooter" Jay Darring, to a loud ovation.) COACH: An appropriate ovation for one of the men who put the OAOAST on the map. Listen to this crowd! FINKEL: And his opponent, hailing from Boston, Mass, weighing in at 175 pounds, he is a Triple Crown Champion of the OAOAST....he is "Shooter" Jay Darring! Darring puts his hand out for a handshake, and Matt shakes it out of respect. The bell rings, and we're off. Darring sticks his hand out for a Greco-Roman knucklelock, and Matt grabs on. Matt sticks his other arm out for it, but Darring pulls Matt in for a headlock. Darring sinches in on the headlock, as Matt struggles to escape. Matt finally gets his hand in between Jay's arm and his nose, and then squeezes his head out of the headlock, reversing into a wristlock on Darring. Darring reverses with a single-arm legsweep, and then goes to lock in a standing wristlock. But, Matt twists onto his stomach, and pushes Darring into a corner with his free foot. Matt gets to his feet, but Darring sends him back down, charging forward and performing another single-arm legsweep. This time, Darring goes for a standing anklelock. MC: Looks like Darring's scouted Matt out, and is going after the same leg injury that cost Matt the X Title back in November. Darring keeps his legs apart and bent, to add extra leverage to his stance. Even that doesn't work, as Matt ends up sitting himself up with his hands, and kicking at Jay's hands with his free leg until he is able to get out. Darring lets go, holding the fingers on his right hand, as Matt gets to his feet. Darring charges at Matt, but Matt ducks a forearm to the face. Darring ends up flying back-first into a corner, where Matt then lets loose with a series of seven LOUD knife-edge chops. Matt then nails a snapmare, and goes to the second rope. Matt jumps off, and dropkicks Jay in the back of the head. Matt goes for the pin.........1...........2..........kickout. Matt pulls Jay up, to a sitting position, and brings him back down with a chinlock. After about eight seconds, Jay somehow squeezes his head, out, and reverses into a reverse hammerlock, as Matt lies on his stomach. Matt gets to his knees, rolls forward, and pulls on Jay's arm to send him flying to the outside. MC: Looks like this might be leaving the ring! CABOOSE: Gee, you think? Dumbass... Matt goes up top as Jay stumbles to his feet. Matt dives...and connects with a bodypress! Matt pulls Jay up, and tosses him as hard as he can, back into the ring, sending him a-ways away from the ropes. Matt slides into the ring, and waits for Jay to get up. When Jay does stumble to his feet, Matt charges at him, and connects with a stiff discus clothesline, sending Jay flying back to the corner. Matt then walks to the center of the ring, charges forward, and nails a stiff flying knee to Jay's face. He stays in place, as Jay stumbles forward, and then connects with a stiff running forearm to the back of Jay's head. COACH: HARD shot by Mad Matt, nearly knocking Jay Darring's head off! CABOOSE: This is the Super X Cup; I doubt there will be any shots of the non-hard variety. Jay goes down, falling on his stomach, as Matt drops down to lock a front facelock in on Darring. Matt then connects with three stiff front knee shots to the top of Jay's skull. Matt then rolls over while keeping ahold of Jay's neck, rolls backward onto Jay, and locks in a front choke. Matt wraps his legs around Darrin's waist, and Darring uses that to his advantage, pounding on Matt's right knee with his elbow multiple times, until Matt has to let go of the choke to protect his knee. Jay turns himself and Matt onto their stomachs, wraps his legs around Matt's, and locks in an ankle pick submission. MC: Darring seems to be relentless on taking out Matt's leg here, which is, again, smart strategy. Matt sees the move coming, and gets to the ropes before too much punishment can be delivered. Darring lets go of the hold. As Matt pulls himself up with the ropes, Darring comes from behind and kicks Matt's leg out from under him with a stiff kick to the upper-calf. Darring then tries to pull Matt to the center of the ring by his leg, but Matt clutches onto the bottom rope for dear life. Eventually, Jay stops tugging, jumps on top of Matt, and pounds away with stiff forearms to his face. He does this until Matt is too weakened to fight back being pulled to the center of the ring, which Jay then gets up and does. CABOOSE: That was great: if at first you don't succeed, clobber your opponent with stiff forearms until you do. Darring immediately goes back to the right leg of Matt, as he puts his knee in the back of Matt's right knee, and pulls back on the ankle, cranking the knee. Matt is eventually able to roll himself sideway, and kicks Jay in the face three times, making him break the hold. As Darring holds his face in pain, Matt is able to stumble and limp to his feet. Both men back up, and Matt connects with two European uppercuts. Matt then whips Darring off to the ropes, and goes for a lariat. But, Jay ducks the clothesline, jumps to the second rope, and connects with a springboard back elbow. Darring goes for the cover..........1...........2...........Matt gets the shoulder up. Darring grabs the arm that Matt kicked out with, rolls over himself as he rolls Matt over, does a front roll after he lets go of the arm, and locks in an elevated half-crab on the right leg of Matt's. COACH: Darring is like an animal...he smells blood, and he's going after it! Matt, after a period of excrusiating pain, is able to pull himself to the ropes to break the hold. Darring cleanly breaks, but then drags Matt to the center of the ring by his leg. Darring then stands on the ankle with his left foot, and drops a kneedrop onto Matt's knee with his right. He gets up, steps on the ankle again, and drops another kneedrop. Darring then rolls Matt onto his back, and locks in a leglock, hooking the ankle as he wraps his leg around Matt's leg. Matt tries throwing punches at Jay to make him break the hold, but is unable to reach Jay's head. Eventually, Matt is able to roll both himself and Darring to the right, until they both roll into the bottom rope. COACH: Creative use of the rope break by Mad Matt. CABOOSE: He can creatively use whatever he wants, but the fact of the matter is, Darring's out-scouted Matt, and is currently benefiting from it quite a bit. Matt rolls outside the ring, and shakes his leg to try and wear off the pain. But, Jay makes sure he doesn't get much rest, launching himself over the top rope with a pescado, onto Matt! Jay pulls Matt up, and tosses him back into the ring. Jay goes to the apron, and connects with a slingshot senton, onto Matt's right leg. Jay then pulls Matt closer to the center of the ring by the leg, wraps it, and attempts to apply an STF. Matt fights off the facelock half of the hold with various forearms and elbows to Jay's side and jaw. Jay is forced to focus on the leg, where Matt cannot reach him to fight him off. Jay bends the knee, with his left leg in between the bend to stabilize it, and then punches the knee with his bare fist four times. Jay then falls on his back for an inverted Indian deathlock, but elevates the knee to turn it into more of an elevated Haas of Pain. COACH: Very innovative manuever by the Shooter; combining two moves into a world of hurt for Mad Matt. Matt, having never seen this move applied to anyone before, cannot figure out an escape for it. But, he's able to tough it out while attempting to pull himself to the ropes for yet another rope break. Jay gives Matt yet another clean break, but goes after the leg again. This time, Matt knows he's coming, and starts kicking upward while on the mat, trying to keep his opponent at bay. Darring eventually gives up at going after the leg while Matt's on the ground, knowing he's going to end up getting kicked over and over again. Matt pulls himself up with the ropes, and Jay charges at him. Matt side-steps, Jay bounces off of the top rope throat-first, and falls right into a Russian leg sweep by Matt. Matt then hooks Jay's head with his left leg, and pulls on his arm, creating an Octopus lock, cranking on the neck. Darring finds the leg strength to bridge while in the hold, slip his head out of the leg vice, grab onto the right ankle while getting to his feet, and locking in a standing ankle vice. MC: Looks like Jay Darring's trying to kill off the entire leg, and not just the knee. Matt can't reach Darring's face to kick him, so he twists onto his stomach, pushes up into a headstand, pushes up, and brings Darring down with a headscissors take-over. Both men back up, though Matt came up understandably slower than Jay. Both men face off in the center of the ring, and start going back and forth, with disgustingly sick forearms to the face, each one harder than the one before it. COACH: Not to used an already-coined phrase, but this is where the fighting spirit comes in. This is where gut-check time begins. After both men realize that neither man will go down via forearm, they try and add onto their strikes. Jay connects with a rolling elbow, but that sends Matt bouncing off of the ropes. Matt comes back with a charging elbow that sends Jay back-first into the ropes. Jay comes back, grabs Matt by the back of the head, and forearms him four times repeatedly in the face. MC: Neither man is pulling back on anything here! Pure adreneline is flowing wildly! Jay then backs up, and attempts a charging forearm. However, Matt ducks, and Jay goes flying into the ropes. Both men turn around, and, going on pure energy, tries for a huge Yakuza kick. However, Jay moves out of the way, and Matt accidentally hooks his right leg over the top rope. Jay shakes the cobwebs off, grabs the leg, and nails a big dragon screw legwhip. Darring keeps ahold of the leg, and brings it back over into a wicked arched horse collar half-crab submission. Darring punches the knee a few times, as he screams for Matt to tap out. Most of the crowd has arisen, with a "Tap!" chant starting. Matt is able to fight the extreme pain for a long while, while struggling to get some sort of escape. But finally, after realizing he's made his last escape, he gives in and submits! MC: That's it! That's it! COACH: What a great finish! Darring took advantage of one miscalculation from his adversary, dove after the weakness, and finally made Matt, who adopted a "never-say-die" attitude in this contest, into succumbing into the extreme pain of that inverted half crab! Jay raises his hand in victory while posing on the top rope, and then hops back down, and shakes Matt's hand, while Matt's laying on the crowd, clutching his leg in pain. The crowd stands and applauds both men, out of respect for their great performances in this contest. CABOOSE: As this crowd shows their respect to both of these men, and while Mad Matt's getting assistance in leaving the ringside area, I'm being told we've got to take it to the back, where Josh Matthews is standing by with Sly Sommers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 (Cut to the interview area, where Josh Matthews is standing with a microphone, as Sly's stretching his arms and shoulders.) JOSH: Sly, in just a few moments, you've got to go out to the ring and face Intense Zone's Puerto Rican Lightning in the semi-finals of this Super X Cup. Question is, with this sudden new change in attitude, and PRL proving that he's the strongest of the eight men competing in this tournament when it comes to striking, how do you put your odds in this contest? SLY: First off, nice seeing you again, man. Anyway, my sudden change in attitude? What are you talking about? True, I've toned down the act ten-fold, since this is a scientific, athletic tournament. But you're acting like I've lost my edge. I've lost nothing. In fact, I think I've gained from focusing on letting my work do the talking for me. Sure, PRL nearly killed Black Diamond with some of those kicks and forearms, but I'm not the Black Diamond. I'm Sly Sommers. I'm a former X-Division Champion. I went to hell and back, and suffered total decapitation from Scotty Static last month, and I'm still standing. PRL, you can forearm me as hard as you can. You can dropkick me to hell. You can throw any strike you want...and I'll be right back in your face, fighting twice as hard. Like I say, population IZ: nobody, because HD is the place to be, and tonight, PRL, I'm gonna prove that the hard way, bitch! (Sly walks off) JOSH: Well, it looks like Sly Sommers tonight, is a man on a mission. Back to the arena! MC: It looks like Sly's ready...shall we jump back into things? COACH: We shall. (Cut to a wide shot of the building, as "Know Your Role 2k3" starts up.) BUFFER: The following contest is YOUR first semi-final match in the first-annual OAOAST Super X Cup Tournament! Introducing first, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 223 pounds, introducing Intense Zone's Puerto Rican Lightning! CABOOSE: Lightning advanced to this round by beating the holy hell out of The Black Diamond in the first round. Man, that dropkick from hell is still hurting ME, and I was sitting right here, watching! MC: That match definately established PRL as the hardest hitter of the tournament, to say the least! ("Orange Crush" then starts up, and Sly Sommers comes out, gives a one-fist salute, and paces to the ring.) BUFFER: Introducing his opponent...weighing in at 195 pounds, from Bayside, California.... SLY: Yeah, they heard my name before the first match. Listen, PRL, (drapes belt in the middle of the ring) this belt; it's on the line! MC: You heard the man! COACH: To reiterate, Sly's putting his belt on the line, and all of his matches are under the Pure Wrestling rules which, again, go as follows: a wrestler is only allowed three rope breaks; after the third, his opponent can leave a submission hold locked in as long as possible. The use of a closed fist will result in one free rope break being taken away, with three closed fists resulting in a disqualification. The second that you leave the ring, you are disqualified, and will be forfeiting the match to your opponent. The five-second time limit for standing on the top rope has been compressed to three, and will result in a disqualification if you do not abide by it. (bell rings) Sly and PRL circle around the center of the ring, staring at each other. Both men then dive in, and lock up collar-and-elbow style. Neither man can really get an advantage on the other, just standing there while locked up and tilting back-and-forth. Eventually, PRL gets sick of jocking for position, and headbutts Sly in the eye, breaking the lock. Sly holds his eye as both men step back, while still staring each other down. Both men then lock up again. This time, PRL is able to use his leverage and weight advantage to get underneath Sly, and get him into a corner. PRL looks to be giving Sly a clean break...before slapping him in the face, hard. MC: No one's ever accused Puerto Rican Lightning of being respectful. Both men walk out of the corner, circle the center of the ring again, and lock up yet again. This time, Sly is able to out-power Lightning, and send him into the opposite corner. Sly seems to give a clean break...but then slaps the taste out of PRL's mouth. Both men get nose-to-nose, angrily yelling at the other. The referee gets in between the two to split them up and get a good, clean fight. Both men circle around again, and then lock hands for a Greco-Roman knucklelock. After jocking for position, Sly lets go of one of PRL's hands, takes PRL down by the arm, and goes for a very early Cravateface. But, before he can get PRL's neck locked, Lightning rolls forward, and out of the hold. COACH: My goodness! That's proof that this Cravateface hold is to be reckoned with! PRL shrugs himself off, and then gets back up to his feet fully. Both men lock up again, and this time, Sly locks in a headlock. PRL gets out of that by pushing Sly off to the ropes. PRL then knocks Sly down with a standing shoulderblock. PRL then goes and bounces off of the ropes, as Sly pops up, and leapfrogs over PRL. PRL comes off of the ropes at the other end, and jumps over a monkey flip attempt by Sly, landing into a state roll cradle with a bridge..........1..........2.........Sly hooks Lightning's arms in a full nelson, and is able to get him over for the reversal into the state roll cradle........1..........2......PRL pushes Sly off to the ropes. PRL kips up, and ducks a clothesline by Sly. Sly comes off of the ropes from the other end, and ducks a clothesline by PRL. Sly comes off of the ropes from the other end, and PRL goes for a hiptoss. Sly lands on his feet, twists around, and goes for a Northern Lights suplex. But, at the last second, PRL wraps his legs around Sly's upper torso, and brings him over into a front choke. MC: It's obvious these two studied the other's previous match, by the way they're reversing moves left and right. Sly quickly pushes his neck out of the choke, but is still trapped, with PRL down back-first with his legs wrapped around Sly, who's down on his knees. Sly slaps PRL's thighs repeatedly, trying to break his clutch. PRL responds by leaning up, and plastering Sly with two stiff forearms, each spaced out by about ten seconds. PRL leans up for a third, but ends up being locked in a cravate by Sly. PRL immediately breaks the leg vice, and then squeezes his head out of the cravate, as he backs up, away from Sommers. Both men make it up to their feet. Sly goes in for another lock-up, but PRL kicks him hard, in the thigh, instead. PRL then connects with a stiff European uppercut, followed by shoving Sly back into the corner. CABOOSE: PRL sure is bringing the stiffness, and if he wants to beat Sommers, that's what he'll have to do...that, and avoid the Cravateface. PRL then connects with three killer forearms to Sly's face in a row, followed by a stiff back elbow. Lightning then connects with a series of very loud chops to Sly's chest. Lightning follows up with another back elbow to the jaw, and then nails Sly with a snapmare. PRL follows up with a stiff-as-all-hell spinal tap kick. PRL grabs Sly as he wiggles upward in pain, and locks him in a unique chinlock, as PRL applies pressure by crossing his forearms over Sly's nose. PRL turns it over into a camel clutch, but his positioning is really off, as Sly basically falls into the ropes as soon as he's turned over. PRL ignores the referee's request for a clean break, and pulls Sly to his feet by the hair. PRL leans Sly up against the ropes, and connects with three overhand chops to the chest. PRL then whips Sly off to the ropes, and tries to catch him with the Latin Slam. However, Sly is able to shove PRL's arm away, and run to the other side. Sly comes off of the ropes at the other end, and catches PRL with a flying headscissors...into the Cravateface! MC: Yet another new angle for that move to have come out of! CABOOSE: Damn Jimmy Rave ripoffs... Lightning is able to get his forearm up by his face, to prevent Sly from locking in the Cravateface fully. Sly tries moving PRL's arm, but ends up giving Lightning an escape route. Both men get back up, and Sly runs right into a drop toe hold from PRL, sending him face-first into the middle turnbuckle. PRL gets to his feet, grabs Sly's kneeled body in a waistlock, and connects with an impressive release German suplex, dropping Sommers on top of his head! COACH: I think Sly's lights are on, but nobody's home! PRL then gets on top of Sly, picks his head up by the hair, and goes for a series of brutal crossface shots. But, Sly is able to grab Lightning's arm for the fourth one, pull him down to the mat stomach-first, and lock in the Cravateface! Sly gets the move locked in fully, but PRL is able to make it to the bottom rope quickly, using up his first rope break. Sly keeps ahold of PRL as he gets to his feet, and signals for the piledriver. Sly grabs PRL, and tries to put him in position. However, Lightning catches his senses quickly, and performs a double legsweep on Sommers. PRL follows up with an Alligator Clutch (fall-forward cradle; PRL on top with Sly folded up, ala Nigel McGuinness).........1............2.........kickout. PRL gets to his feet, and pulls Sly up. PRL then turns Sly up around, then turns around himself while hooking Sly's arms, lifts his opponent, and locks in the Che Guerera Special (Gory Guerrero Special). MC: Looks like Lightning's adding extra pressure to Sly's back and neck by bending over slightly with the move. Sly tries to fight out, but PRL is able to forearm him in the chest to keep him from fighting the hold off. After keeping the hold locked in for over fifteen seconds, Lightning realizes he won't be able to get Sly to submit to it. So, he lets go of the arms while sitting down quickly, splatting Sly's face and chest onto the mat. PRL then scoots himself back a little, hooks his leg around Sly, does a bridge, and locks Sly by the chin. Lightning then turns the move around, creating a Mutalock. Sly continually reaches outward, until he becomes aware that he cannot move anywhere to get a rope break. So, Sommers starts tilting his weight back and forth, before eventually picking up the momentum to roll the move over while hooking PRL's chin, reversing the Mutalock into a Mutalock of his own. Seconds later, PRL gets enough momentum to move the hold forward, with both men cranking on each other's necks while on their knees. MC: Dueling Mutalocks! Both men throw forearms at each other's faces, until they both break their Mutalocks. They both shrug pain from their necks off, and then get to their feet. Sly nails PRL with a forearm, but PRL fires back with a harder forearm. Sly shrugs it off, and goes for another forearm. But, PRL blocks, hooks Sommers, and connects with a big Latin Slam. PRL then heads up top...and connects with a big Mad Cappa Crusher 2003! MC: I think that might be it! Lighting goes for the cover...........1............2..........kickout! Lighting shows a look of shock on his face, but immediately gets up while pulling Sly up, and puts Sly's head in between his legs. PRL picks Sly up, and looks to be going for the Lightning Bolt. However, as Sly's body dangles, Lightning takes way too much time signalling for something. Sly takes advantage of this by pulling himself out while reversing into a cradle...........1.............2.........kickout! Both men are back up, and PRL punches Sly square in the mouth! BUFFER: Ladies and gentlemen, as goes with the rules of this contest, Puerto Rican Lightning has lost his second rope break. He has one left. Lightning looks pissed off, but grabs Sly's hair to keep him standing. Lightning takes off his elbow pad, and looks to be going for a huge forearm. PRL swings...and Sly ducks. Sly grabs the arm, twists underneath, hooks PRL's head, and connects with the One Hit Wonder! Both men are down, and neither are in condition to go for the pin. The referee starts counting down...........1...............2.................3...............4............5. ..............6..........both men start stumbling up..........7........PRL's up thanks to assistance from the ropes, and goes to kick Sly in the gut. But, Sly grabs the ankle, brings Lightning down, and switches into an attempt at the Cravateface! MC: He just won't give up on that move, will he? PRL is somehow able to roll out of the move, and both men make it up to their feet very quickly. PRL tries to hook Sly's head for the Cappa Killa, but Sly slips his head out, and shoves PRL off to the ropes. Sly then connects with a high dropkick. Both men back up, and Sly connects with a series of loud chops. Sly then whips PRL off to the ropes, and goes for a tilt-a-whirl. He tries to position Lightning for the Sommerset at the end of the tilt-a-whirl, but PRL slips out the back end, and shoves Sly off to the ropes. Sly bounces off of the ropes stomach-first, and PRL connects with a LOUD rolling elbow to the back of Sly's head, sending him down in a heap. PRL signals that he's going for the kill, and goes up top. PRL then takes off for his big San Juan Jam....and MISSES! COACH: The window of opportunity is WIDE open for Sly...let's see if he can take advantage of it! Both men again slowly crawl up by the referee's count.................1.......................2........................3........ ....... 4...........5..........6..........7............8.........both men are back up. Sly and PRL block each other's forearm attempts three times, with forearm strikes to the other man's forearm. Both men clutch their arms for a second, and then charge at each other. Doe-si-doe in mid-ring, and they both send each other to the ropes. Sly ducks a running forearm from PRL. PRL keeps going as Sly stops in a halt. PRL comes back, and is somehow to use his momentum to reverse a drop toe hold from Sly into a takedown of his own, sending Sly throat-first onto the middle rope. PRL backs up a bit, runs, and.....MISSES with the 7-8-7, as Sly moved, and Lightning crotched himself on the middle rope. COACH: The margin of error for victory this late in this match is tiny, and I think PRL might have just gone over the limit! CABOOSE: But remember: strange things happen late in these type of matches. Sly staggers around, and then hooks PRL from behind. He goes for the USA High Angle Backdrop...and connects! Sly rolls through....and locks in the Cravateface, in the center of the ring! COACH: He got it! He has the Cravateface locked in! PRL struggles to reverse, but he can't. So, he pushes and crawls and struggles...and gets to the ropes! The referee orders a clean break. So, Sly lets go...for about a second, before grabbing onto PRL again, dragging him center-ring, and locking the Cravateface in again! PRL crawls to the ropes, and grabs onto the bottom rope. But, the referee has to remind Lightning that he's used up all of his legal rope breaks, so he can't get out of the hold without reversing! PRL scratches and claws, but Sly won't break the hold. Sly has enough of PRL trying to get out of the move, so he cranks back with it as far as he can! PRL's head literally turns purple from all the pain he's feeling....and HE TAPS! MC: He tapped! He tapped! COACH: That was one hell of a finish! CABOOSE: I guess it's now official: fear the Cravateface! Sly gets his belt from the timekeeper, and holds it up in celebration. PRL slowly stumbles to his feet, with the referee's help, while holding his neck. Lightning extends his hand out to Sly in respect. Sly sticks his out, and then puts it through his hair, doing to PRL what PRL did to Black Diamond earlier in the night. Sly leaves the ring, holding his belt in the air, as Lightning slowly walks to the back. MC: We now have one of the two finalists in this tournament determined, as Sly Sommers will be going on to face the winner of Jacob Lyne versus "Shooter" Jay Darring. Let's go backstage, where Intense Zone's Jesse "The Body" Ventura is standing by with "The Shooter". Jesse? (Cut backstage; Ventura and Darring are in front of a Intense Zone background as Darring is shadow-boxing in preparation.) VENTURA: Jay, you've already conquered one opponent for tonight in former X-Division Champion Mad Matt. Your next opponent exemplifies exactly the type of competitor you've been saying you've wanted to test yourself in this tournament against, to see how far the "New Breed" of the OAOAST could possibly pass the current guard by. The man you're facing tonight's probably the single most innovative high-flier the OAOAST has, in "The Role Model" Jacob Lyne. DARRING: Like I've said in countless interviews leading up to this tournament, the reason why I signed up for this tournament is because I, being probably one of the most established cornerstones in this company, know that my time could be up at any time, whether it be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. If I have to go, I want to at least know that the guys that are taking my spot are at least as good as me, and I hope, for this company's sake, even better. I'll admit, I had a bit of trouble with Mad Matt. But his fault was, he not only doesn't have the mental capacities to defeat a man of my caliber, he made the mistake of coming into the match with his right knee still wrapped up from an earlier injury. To any veteran, that should be the sign, much like bulls with the color red, that you go in and go for the kill. So I did, and I made him tap. But now I move on to Jacob Lyne, "The Role Model". I've heard so much about this guy. Whether it be about how he possesses the best damn brainbuster in this country, or about how he has the agility of the cat, or even about his spectacular Crop Circle Shooting Star Legdrop. With those skills, he can be a star. But, tonight, I want to test this guy to see if he has the basics; the skills that make you a superstar. It's not going to be easy for either him or I, but I know this, Sly Sommers: whoever wins this contest tonight will give you the toughest fight of your life, because if I can't win this tournament and go on to Anglemania to challenge for the X Title, I'll make sure someone even more deserving will. (Cut back to ringside) MC: It sounds like Jay really respects the youngster, but at the same time wants to make it be known that respect doesn't mean anything once you step into that ring. COACH: It sounds cliched, but tonight, the old guard of OAOAST will collide head-to-head with the new revolution. CABOOSE: With that said, let's go to the ring, for our final semi-final contest! (Cut to a wide shot of the ring, and then the entrance, as "Nitro" starts up, and out comes Jacob Lyne.) BUFFER: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is our second and last semi-final contest of the evening, in the 2004 Super X Cup Tournament. Introducing first, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Dahlonega, Georgia, he is "The Role Model" Jacob Lyne! COACH: Jacob Lyne looks confident, but not too confident, as we all know that cockiness is a major part of the formula for losing in the squared circle! ("Shin-Jingi Naki Tatakai" starts up, and out comes "Shooter" Jay Darring, to a really big ovation.) BUFFER: And his opponent...from Boston, Massachussettes, weighing in at 175 pounds, give it up once again for "Shooter" Jay Darring! COACH: I can tell the fans are certainly on the side of "The Shooter" here tonight! MC: The odds probably are too. (bell rings) Both men step to the center of the ring to shake hands, and then back up to near their respective corners. They both do some minor stretching quickly, and then go mid-ring to lock up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Lyne is able to get Darring moving backwards. But, Darring switches directions, and is able to catch Lyne off-guard enough to get the advantage on the tie-up. Darring is able to get Lyne into a corner, but Lyne powers out and get Darring back-first on the ropes. They switch positions on the ropes all the way to the other corner, before the referee literally steps in between them to attempt to break it up. They simply step further apart and walk away from the corner while still in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. They both attempt to twist their way in the same direction out of the lock-up at the same time, and end up just moving over a few feet. They struggle in the move for about six more seconds before Lyne attempts to monkey flip his way out of the lock-up. However, Jacob doesn't get Lyne over, and they both land with Lyne on his back on the mat, with Darring on top of him, while still in the lock-up. MC: This is one of the most relentless collar-and-elbow tie-ups I've ever seen! COACH: It shows you the importance of this contest if their opening lock-up is this intense. Lyne is able to turn the position over, so that he is on top, while still locked up. Darring turns the position over, and gets on top momentarily, before Lyne quickly does the same. Both men end up in the ropes, and the referee finally orders the move to be broken up. Both men seperate, and then go back to seperate corners. They get to their feet, and then walk back to the center of the ring. Both men stick their hands out to start a Greco-Roman knucklelock. They lock hands, but Darring quickly tries to score with a single-arm legsweep. Lyne, obviously prepared for an attack on his legs, is able to drop the knucklelock, do a pivot spin, and score with a quick Oklahoma roll, which Darring rolls out of. Both men back up to their feet, and they go back to the collar-and-elbow tie-up. COACH: So far, this has been one fine technical chess match. CABOOSE: But this isn't the Super Chess Cup. Sooner or later, something's going to blow over, and when it does, watch out! Lyne gets a headlock, but Darring quickly slips out, and scores with a reverse single-leg takedown. Jay attempts to go for some sort of ankle submission, but Jacob rolls out of the move. Both men get back to ther feet, and Lyne ducks under a forearm attempt from Darring, and goes for a backslide attempt. However, the momentum sends Darring rolling back onto his feet. Lyne's still on his knees, and Darring goes for a kick to the side of Jacob's head. But, Lyne grabs Darring's leg, pops to his feet, and connects with a dragon screw that sends Darring back-first into a corner. Lyne then connects with one front roundhouse kick to Darring's stomach, and goes for another. However, Darring saw it coming, and grabs the leg. He uses his free hand to shove Lyne down, and then goes for a leglock. However, Lyne sticks his other leg up, grabs the only part of Jay that he can, that being Jay's arm, and brings him over with an inverted monkey flip. MC: It looks like Jacob Lyne, due to his notable agility, saw that his legs would be a target, and has worked on reversals out of various compromising positions for his legs. CABOOSE: Even I have to admit that Jacob Lyne is looking a lot smarter and technically sound than some people give him credit for. Lyne gets on top of Darring, and tries to go for a keylock on Darring's right arm. However, Darring switches positions, and gets on top of Jacob. Darring then connects with three stiff forearms to the face before going to a side headlock. Lyne tries to push his way out of the vice-like headlock, but Darring has it in quite tightly. Lyne eventually is able to grab Darring's right thigh, and turn him over into a pinning predicament......1......2.....Darring comes back down on his rear end, and into the side headlock. Darring keeps it sinched in for another five-six seconds, but then Jacob is able to grab Darring and again turn him back over into a cradle...............1..............2............Darring comes back down into the side headlock. Darring tries cranking back on it, ala a Crippler Crossface, but Lyne reverses that into the third side cradle.............1............2......Darring comes back down on his rear end, and works his way to a standing position while keeping the headlock locked in. COACH: Jay Darring seems to be confused by the fact that Jacob Lyne's able to keep him on his toes at all times, even with a move as basic as the side headlock. MC: I do like, however, how Jay's attempting to both slow down Lyne, gas him out with the side headlock, and seemingly work over his neck all at the same time. Lyne grabs Darring by the waist while in the headlock, and both men go back to the ropes. Lyne tries to shove Darring off to the other end, but Darring is able to stay intact by simply switching arms on the headlock. Lyne again tries to squeeze his head out of the headlock, but he still cannot, due to the tightness of the lock. So, he grabs Jay's wrist, and attempts to reverse into a hammerlock. However, Jay grabs his left wrist with his right hand, and makes sure the headlock keeps locked in. Darring then scores with a headlock takeover, back to the original position. COACH: Jay Darring is definately emphasising the basics in order to get the advantage on his more high-impact-based opponent, like he said earlier, which sure is working. After two failed attempts in a row, Jacob Lyne finally gets his legs around Darring's neck, and locks in a headscissors to break the headlock. Darring tries to push Lyne's legs open to get out of the move, but Jacob's leg power is too much for him. So, Darring re-positions himself, so that his head is now facing straight down to the mat, and then performs a headstand. Jay then pushes himself out of the hold using his arms, and tries to go back to the side headlock. But, Lyne sees it coming, and brings Darring over in a crucifix cradle......1......Darring rolls out, and both men roll onto their feet for a stand-still, as the audience applauds this tremendous technical competition thus far. MC: These two have gone hold-for-hold thus far, and, though I respect his talents, I'm honestly shocked that Jacob Lyne's been able to keep up with Jay Darring! Darring dives at Lyne's legs to take him down, but Lyne, ever so light on his feet, is able to jump over Darring, and stay standing. Darring stays at all fours, and stalks Lyne like his prey, continually chasing after achieving a legsweep at the very nimble "Role Model". Eventually, after five failed attempts, Jay is able to score a double-leg takedown on Lyne, and tries to go for some form of a Cloverleaf. However, Lyne is able to bridge into a headstand, and then twists himself quickly, sending Darring flying out to the floor, in between the top and middle ropes. Lyne then kips up, heads to the other end, bounces off of the ropes, runs back, and teases a dive over the top rope. But, Darring slides back into the ring quickly, as Lyne is able to think on his feet, grab the top rope, and attempt to skin the cat. However, Jay is able to think on his feet as well, and connects with a basement dropkick to Lyne's face, sending Jacob down hard on the apron. COACH: Great sequence of maneuvers there, ending with Jay Darring, being the ring general that he is, blocking another of Jacob Lyne's beyond-amazing aerial manueverings. Darring pulls Lyne into the ring by the head, as Lyne is stomach-down on the canvas, and then jumps on top of him to lock in a rear naked choke. Lyne struggles for a few seconds, but is eventually able to turn Darring on his back, and then attempt a bridge out of the choke. However, Darring moves his leg vice from the waist to the thighs, keeping Lyne grounded, flat on his back. Darring keeps the move locked in, and turns himself and Jacob onto their sides. Lyne can't figure out a reversal for the choke, so he ends up headbutting Jay in the jaw repeatedly, before Jay's jaw becomes too hurt for him to be able to ignore it. Darring lets go of the choke, as he goes to hold his jaw. Both men get up, with Jacob noticeably breathing hard. COACH: I think Jay Darring's strategy of wearing down his faster, more acrobatic opponent is starting to work. Darring locks in a waistlock on Lyne, but Lyne reverses with a go-behind, and connects with a reverse DDT, dropping Jay neck-first on his knee. Jacob pops up in one motion, and attempts to go forward with an Ace Crusher. However, Darring is able to keep on his feet, and get Lyne to break the neck vice with a series of clubbing forearms to the side of Lyne's head. Darring then hooks Lyne's head from behind, and connects with a reverse suplex. Darring rolls backwards, into a straddle position on top of a face-down Lyne, and locks in an inverted camel clutch; applying the pressure into a reverse chinlock-type neck crank instead of a chin crank, continuing with his strategy of attempting to gas out Lyne. Darring seemingly gets too confident with his dominance over Jacob, and tries to switch the chinlock into a Dragon sleeper crank. But, Lyne has enough fight to crawl out during the split second in which his head is free, and gets to the ropes. MC: That's one thing about Jacob Lyne: if you're wrestling him, he's the one guy you never want to underestimate. Darring tries going after Lyne, but Lyne is able to pull his legs up with the middle rope, and locks in a vice with his calfs around Jay's neck. Jacob attempts a rana attempt to send Darring over the top rope and to the floor, but Darring holds onto the top rope, and skins the cat to get back into the ring. Lyne's still down when Darring makes it back into the ring, so Darring connects with a loud toe kick to Jay's gut. Darring then pulls Lyne up by the hair, and sends him back-first into a corner. Jay then connects with five repeatitive European uppercuts to Lyne's jaw. Darring then whips Lyne off to the other corner, and Lyne runs chest-first into the turnbuckles. Darring runs right behind him, and connects with a stiff forearm to the back of Lyne's neck. Darring then grabs Lyne in almost a standing chokehold, with his left forearm over Jacob's throat, drags him to about the center of the ring, and drops him with a combination of the Eye of the Hurricane and a sleeper drop. MC: Jacob Lyne isn't the only one who can innovate around here! Darring goes for the cover, with his forearm placed firmly on the side of Lyne's head...............1..............2...........kickout! Darring jumps on top of Lyne in a straddle position, and throws brutal hammer forearm shots. But, Lyne is able to cover up in order to block the shots. So, Darring holds Lyne's arms down, and starts viciously headbutting Jacob in the face. Lyne develops a large bruise on his forehead, and his right eye begins to swell up. Darring moves from that position, to locking Lyne in a Dragon Sleeper. Lyne refuses to give up, so Darring angles Lyne back, putting more pressure on the neck and spine. Lyne still won't submit, so he starts forearming him in the chest. CABOOSE: Give credit where credit's due: even if Jacob Lyne loses this match tonight, this is one hell of a gutsy effort he's putting in! Somehow, Lyne is able to wiggle his legs from Jay's clutches, and roll backwards onto his feet. Lyne hooks the head of Jay Darring's in a reverse DDT position as he rises to his feet, making Darring lose his grip on the Dragon Sleeper. Darring then spins himself and Darring around at a rapid pace, possibly going for a variation on Sly Sommers's One Hit Wonder. But, Darring stops the twist half-way, and locks in a standing version of the Dragon Sleeper. Lyne is near the ropes, so he simply grabs ahold of Darring's shoulders, bounces his legs onto and off of the top rope, and brings it back for an inverted version of the Sliced Bread Number Two! MC: Jacob Lyne is still busting out innovation, but out of desperation! Both men are down, as the referee starts the ten-count................1...................2.............3................4....... ..both men start to get up............5......Darring's on one knee..........6.......Lyne's using the ropes while holding his back in pain..........7...........8....both men are back up. They both walk to the center of the ring, and Darring nails Lyne in the face with a stiff forearm. Lyne replies with one of his own. Both men then go back-and-forth with forearms, each connecting with five apiece. Lyne then bends down in pain, screams in frustration, stands back up, grabs Darring by the back of the head, and nails four rapid-fire forearms to the face. Darring's still standing, but dazed. Lyne goes back to the ropes, and runs at Darring. Lyne attempts a rolling (roaring) elbow, but Jay ducks, and shoves Lyne from behind into the ropes. Lyne bounces chest-first off of the ropes into a charging elbow to the back of his head by Darring. Lyne's barely standing, as Jay then takes off, and bounces off of the ropes. Darring goes for a stiff lariat, but Lyne somehow is able to go under the arm, hook Jay's head, and pick him up....Lyne connects with a brainbuster! MC: Out of nowhere, the match might have just concluded! COACH: He dropped Darring completely vertical, right on his head! Lyne holds his back for a moment, and then drapes his arm on Darring for the pin................1................2...............kickout! Jacob cannot believe it! Lyne gets to his feet, and signals for the Crop Circle. He pulls Darring closer to a corner, and then goes up to the top rope. Lyne has to struggle to get to a totally standing position on the top rope due to his back being worked over. Lyne then takes off.....and Darring rolls out of the way! CABOOSE: That's why they call it high-risk; you're taking a huge risk every time you dive off of that top rope! Both men are down in pain, but the referee gives them all the time they need to get up. After nearly fifteen seconds, using the ropes to pull themselves up, both Jacob Lyne and Jay Darring make it to their feet. Out of desperation, Darring runs at Lyne with a Yakuza kick. However, out of nowhere, Lyne is able to duck the kick, clutch Darring, lift him, and bring him down with a devastating Lyne Driver! MC: This HAS to be it! Jacob cradles Jay's legs for the cover............1..................2...............NOOO! Kickout! Lyne falls back to a laying position, both out of exhaustion and frustration. Lyne gets to his feet slowly, and then signals that he's going to the top rope. Lyne takes an awful long time going to the long time, due to the toll this match has taken to him. By the time he makes it up top, Jay's able to get to his feet, and runs to the corner to attempt to slam Lyne off of the top rope. However, Jacob grabs onto the top rope with one hand, and connects with three vicious toe kicks to the back of Jay Darring's head, sending him down on his back again. Lyne then gets to a standing position again, launches off, and.....nails the Crop Circle! MC: My god! COACH: This HAS to end it! CABOOSE: How he was able to hit that type of move after this type of match is beyond me! Jacob goes for the cover.................................1........................................2 ...................................3! MC: He got him! He got him! COACH: What a finish! After taking everything Jay Darring had to offer, Jacob Lyne just had a little bit more to offer and delivered with an incredible Crop Circle to close the deal! Lyne gets to his feet, and then waits until Darring comes to. When he does, Lyne extends his hand, and helps Jay Darring up to his feet, and then they hug to a tremendous ovation. Lyne then helps Darring to the back. MC: What a great show of respect! COACH: Tonight, we've seen the torch passed. Sure, Jay Darring still has plenty of great days to come in his career, but by beating "The Shooter" tonight, Jacob Lyne has upped his stock in the wrestling world tenfold! MC: Jacob Lyne has done something that men with experience beyond anything he's accomplished thus far in this industry could not do, and that is pin "Shooter" Jay Darring here tonight. Even if he loses in the finals, defeating a man the caliber of Jay Darring here tonight, especially this early in his career! CABOOSE: Eh, if he thinks he can be this hunky-dory with Sly Sommers in the finals, he'll be eliminated in mere seconds! COACH: While I doubt that's true, I do agree that, in wrestling a competitor like Sly Sommers, you CANNOT trust him at all in any type of match, even if he's saying he's going completely pure-style tonight. MC: Speaking of the devil...our own Josh Matthews is standing by with Jacob Lyne's opponent in the finals of this tournament, Sly Sommers! (Cut backstage, where Josh Matthews is sitting beside Sly Sommers, both of whom are sitting on a bench in the locker room, as Sly's looking forward, very intensely.) JOSH: Coming up in a few short minutes, you, Sly Sommers, have without a doubt, the single biggest match of your career, as you will be facing the man who just defeated without a doubt, one of the biggest stars in the history of the OAOAST in "Shooter" Jay Darring. SLY: Tonight's events were thought up to create stars. Sure, Anglemania is where stars are born. But this, this is where stars make themselves. Tonight, myself and Jacob Lyne...we've both beaten two other guys. We've both won inter-promotional matches. Sure, Jacob got the biggest win of his life so far against Jay Darring a few seconds ago, but that's nothing compared to what both of us have coming up. Me and Jacob are, by competing in the finals of this tournament, aren't just representing ourselves, but representing the entire X-Division. If we go out there and disappoint the people with a less-than-average match, our division's dead. But, if we go out there, tear the house down, and bring our best performances possible, we've made not only ourselves, but the entire division. Everyone here, from St. Andrew all the way up to the champ himself, AJ Flaire....we'd have elevated everyone. That weight's on my shoulders. Plus, the stip with the winner facing AJ Flaire for the X belt at Anglemania III, the biggest show of the OAOAST's history. Holding that brass ring above any man's head will motivate him to go above and beyond anything he's ever done in his life. Both me and Jacob have reached up to grab a few minutes, we're gonna find out which man can reach higher and clutch that ring. In just a few minutes....we make history! (Sly storms out of the room) JOSH: It looks like Sly Sommers is motivated to win the X Cup tonight. Back to you at ringside! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 (edited) COLE Well, the Super X Cup has been awesome so far.. CABOOSE ... but, OAOAST regulations require we put on an IntenseZone match. So, ladies and gentlemen, here's JR and Jesse! ::A trumpet blares. The planet Earth is shown. The camera zooms in on the United States. The camera zooms in on Detroit, Michigan. The camera does a bird’s-eye view of the CGI Detroit before zooming in on the Pontiac Silverdome. The camera zooms into the inside of the domed stadium. “Fight” plays as spotlights circle the Silverdome. A close-up is shown of the CGI ring. Finally, there is a shot at the top of the CGI Silverdome. Fireworks explode from the ring, and spotlights shine on the OaOasT AngleMania III logo. The OaOasT AngleMania III logo stands in the center of the ring as spotlights shine on it. A small ticker is placed underneath the logo. All together it saids “OAOAST ANGLEMANIA III 28 DAYS AWAY.” Fireworks explode again as “Fight” stops playing.:: ::Cut back to the announcer’s table with Jim “J.R.” Ross and Jesse “The Body” Ventura.:: JR: Fans, that is right. In 28 days, less than a month from now, you will bare witness to what is without a doubt, the single greatest event in OaOasT, and most likely, professional wrestling history, OaOasT AngleMania III. Jesse Ventura: That’s right, Jim Ross. Wrestling fans talk about what is the greatest wrestling show of all-time. WWF WrestleMania III in front of 74,000 fans witnessing Hulk Hogan take on Andre The Giant for the WWF Title. NWA Great American Bash 1989 featuring Ric Flair take on Ricky Steamboat for the NWA Heavyweight Championship. WWF WrestleMania X-Seven in front of 60,000 plus watching Stone Cold Steve Austin win the WWF Title from The Rock. But this event, in my humble opinion, will surpassed them all and be an event that many wrestling fans will remember for a long, long time. JR: We are going to be live from the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Detroit, Michigan. March 28th at 7:00 p.m. Live only on pay-per-view! It is an event that is three years in the making. The One And Only AngleSault Thread will bring you its greatest event ever. And speaking of AngleMania III, coming up next is the contract signing for one of the most anticipated matches coming up at AngleMania III. For the Puerto Rican Championship, Puerto Rican Lightning, who as we saw earlier tonight, was eliminated from the Super X Cup Tournament by Sly “The Sly” Sommers from HeldDOWN, will take on The Mad Cappa, his arch-rival, and if The Mad Cappa loses, then Cappa must retire from wrestling forever. Jesse: I tell ya, JR, AngleMania III will have some incredible and anticipated matches, the House of Mirrors Match between Stephen Joseph and Dan Black, the X Division Championship Match, we may also see a Battle of the Giants Match between Gibraltar and Brock Auustin. My main man T-Bod will take on the owner of the OaOasT Anglesault. And don’t forget, we still don’t know whom Calvin Szechstein, our noble OaOasT Heavyweight Champion will be facing, as he won the Royal Rumble himself last month. But without a doubt, one of the most anticipated matches on the card is the PRL/Mad Cappa Puerto Rican Championship Match, and I, for one, look forward to seeing PRL retire that punk Mad CRAPPA in the biggest stage of them all. Mad Cappa is going to be embarrassed in front of 74,000+ in the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan on March 28th and I cannot wait! JR: This all came about this past Tuesday on IntenseZone. The Mad Cappa had defeated Colombian Heat in The Lightning Crew Gauntlet the previous week, and was demanding to know when he would have his one-on-one match against Puerto Rican Lightning. PRL came out and said that that match would not happen, and let’s just say Cappa was not pleased… ::The Zero Hour: Night of the X logo flashes by on the screen. The IntenseZone logo flashes by on the screen. Cut to last Tuesday on IntenseZone. A caption reads “INTENSEZONE LAST TUESDAY”:: ::The OaOasT Zero Hour: Night of the X logo flashes by on the screen. The IntenseZone logo flashes by on the screen. The camera does a pan of the crowd and then cuts back to Jim Ross and Jesse “The Body” Ventura.:: JR: And so it will happen at AngleMania III. One-On-One. Finally. For the Puerto Rican Championship. Career vs. Title Match. This is without a doubt, the most important match in these two men’s lives. A match one year in the making. The Mad Cappa vs. Puerto Rican Lightning for the Puerto Rican Championship. And now, it is time to make that match official. We are now going to go to the ring for the contract signing between these two superstars. Let’s now take it to “Mean” Gene Okuerland in the ring. Jesse: How were we able to get Mean Gene? JR: Let’s now take it to “Mean” Gene Okuerland in the ring. Jesse: You didn’t answer my question— ::The camera cuts to the ring where “Mean” Gene Okuerland is standing. The ring has been covered with a red carpet. A large table is set in the center of the ring with two seats at opposite corners. A suitcase lies on the table. Donald Trump is standing behind Mean Gene. The crowd cheers for the appearance of the WWF/E interviewer. Okuerland begins to speak.:: “Mean” Gene Okuerland: All right, thank you JR, Jesse. Alright, fans, on Sunday, March 28, 2004, history will be made as the One And Only AngleSault Thread proudly presents it’s third annual AngleMania spectacular. It is going to be a five-hour card full of exciting matches. Grudges will be settled. Legends will be made. Heroes will be born. And careers and lives will change forever. And one of that show’s matches had already been made and tonight, in front of all these fans, at Zero Hour: Night of the X, the two competitors will meet face to face and sign the contract for their epic encounter at AngleMania III. The Mad Cappa… ::Crowd POPS~!:: Mean Gene: Will take on Puerto Rican Lightning… ::Crowd BOOS~!:: Mean Gene: In a one-on-one match for the Puerto Rican Championship. And should The Mad Cappa lose this match, then he will be forced to retire from professional wrestling. ::BOOS:: JR: It’s in the stipulations. It was the only way PRL would go ahead with the match. Jesse: And it was a very smart idea from PRL. If Mad Cappa wants to get his hands on PRL so much, then he must put his career on the line. JR: Cappa is making a huge sacrifice in accepting this match. Jesse: And if he loses, then he asked for it. “Mean” Gene Okuerland: Now, originally IntenseZone General Manager “Ice Heart” Dan Black and “Big Poppa Popick” Stephen Joseph were suppose to join me for this contract signing, but they are recuperating from their Artic Freezer Match earlier tonight. So instead, joining me to preside over this contract signing is OaOasT Co-Owner, “The Donald” Donald Trump! ::The crowd applauds Donald Trump. Trump waves to the crowd and smiles and then shakes hands with Mean Gene. A small “DON-ALD” chant starts up.:: JR: He was revealed this past Tuesday on IntenseZone to be the co-owner. Jesse: And then he had the nerve to fire Tony “The Body” from OaOasT Corporate! JR: I think his name is T-Bod, Jes. Jesse: His name doesn’t matter. OaOasT Corporate screwed him and now he must face Anglesault at AngleMania III. All Anglesault had to do was sign with IntenseZone and none of this would happened! “Mean” Gene Okuerland: And now, here are the wrestlers who will compete for the Puerto Rican Championship at AngleMania III. First, from San Juan, Puerto Rico. ::The crowd boos.:: “Mean” Gene Okuerland: Weighing in at 223 lbs. He is the Puerto Rican Champion, PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! ::A deep slow voiced man saids "LIGHTNING CREW." A lightning bolt hits the stage and "No Chance In Hell" by Bradley Boyds begins playing. The crowd boos loudly as smoke fills the entrance. PRL arrives and sneers at the crowd. He walks to the ring, wearing a black Lightning Crew t-shirt, baseball cap backwards, blue baggy jeans, and his wrestling boots, with the Puerto Rican Championship belt over his left shoulder. He walks to the ring and sneers at the crowd. He enters and does the HBK pose while pyro goes off behind him. He poses on the turnbuckle and flips the crowd off.:: Jesse: Here is the champion! The very man who will end The Mad Cappa's career on March 28th! JR: How can you be so sure? Cappa has alot of heart. He can win at AngleMania III. Jesse: Cappa is in no way able to compete with The REAL Great One. ::PRL stands in the ring with his Puerto Rican Championship belt over his left shoulder. The crowd boos loudly but begin cheering knowing who is coming out next. PRL sneers at the camera and trash talks to a couple of fans. The fans chant “YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT!” JR: The fans making reference to Puerto Rican Lightning tapping out to the Cravate-Crossface earlier tonight against Sly “The Sly” Sommers. Jesse: He may have tapped out fair and square, but he put up a hell of a fight. Something that The Mad Cappa will NOT do at AngleMania when PRL wipes the floor with him. “Mean” Gene Okuerland: And his AngleMania III opponent. From Anacostia, Washington, D.C. ::The crowd pops. PRL sneers.:: “Mean” Gene: Weighing in at 185 lbs. He is a Revolution Cup Finalist. The Mad One. The MAD CAPPA!!! ::The opening trumpet blare brings the fans to their feet. "Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)" by DJ Kool starts playing. Spotlights circle the arena, as some fans dance and chant "GO CAP-PA! GO CAP-PA! GO CAP-PA! GO CAP-PA!" A spotlight shines in the entrance where Cappa's back is turned. He dances and then smiles at the crowd. He walks to the ring slapping hands with the fans along the way. Cappa circles the ring slapping hands with the fans at ringside.:: JR: The Mad Cappa is still popular with the fans! Jesse: I can't believe this fool is actually popular. It's disgusting. JR: PRL is disgusting. Not Mad Cappa. Jesse: That's ridicolous and you know it! ::The Mad Cappa gets into the ring and engages in a staredown with Puerto Rican Lightning. The crowd is still hyper as the two men trash talk each other. They have to be held back by Donald Trump, who is having trouble doing so. The crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” and “YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT!” while “Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool continues playing.:: JR: It looks like they’re ready to get it on right now! Jesse: PRL should just take out Mad Cappa now and get it over with! JR: Will you stop? The Donald is having trouble keeping these two men apart. Jesse: He should just let them go at it. Save us 28 days of wait. ::The crowd is going wild. Trump finally is able to hold PRL and Cappa back. The two however, continue staring at each other. Okuerland: All right, keep things civil gentlemen. You’ll have your chance on March 28th. Jesse: Let them go at it! Let them at it! ::”Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool stops playing. The crowd chants “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” PRL sneers at the crowd, while Cappa smiles.:: Donald Trump: Now if you could please, gentlemen, take your seats. And we can get this contract signing underway. ::The crowd is buzzing, as Puerto Rican Lightning and The Mad Cappa take their seats. They stare at each other, as Donald Trump unlocks the suitcase and takes out a piece of paper, the contract, and a pen, and places the items on the table.:: JR: Look at those two. They are not taking their eyes off of each other. Jesse: What can you expect? PRL and The Mad Cappa absolutely detest each other. The very sight of each other makes them want to vomit. They hate each other more than they hate anybody else. At AngleMania III, this feud they’ve had could end because Cappa could retire if Tha Puerto Rican is able to beat him. JR: “Able?” Are you starting to doubt that PRL can win? Jesse: Oh, PRL will win. Without question. PRL will wipe the floor with CRAPPA on March 28th. Donald Trump: Now, here is the contract for the Puerto Rican Championship Match at OaOasT AngleMania III on March 28, 2004. The Mad Cappa, if you would, sign the contract first. ::Donald Trump passes the contract over to The Mad Cappa. Cappa signs the contract and then goes back to staring Puerto Rican Lightning. Trump checks the contract and then passes the contract and pen over to PRL.:: Trump: And now, Puerto Rican Lightning, if you would, please sign the contract to make this match official. ::PRL signs the contract and then curses Mad Cappa under his breath. He passes the contract to Donald Trump and then continues staring at Mad Cappa. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Cappa sneers Lightning. Trump looks at the contract and then speaks.:: Donald Trump: Thank you, men. The contract is signed. The match is official. ::The crowd pops.:: Trump: On March 28, 2004, from the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan, for the Puerto Rican Championship, the Champion, Puerto Rican Lightning along with The Lightning Crew, defends his Title against the challenger, The Mad Cappa. And if The Mad Cappa loses this match, then he must retire from the sport of professional wrestling. ::Puerto Rican Lightning and The Mad Cappa stand up from their chairs and engage in a staredown in the center of the ring. PRL sneers as cameras flash and the crowd cheers. “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” chants are heard throughout the arena.:: JR: These two are bound to explode at any moment. Jesse: I tell ya, Jim Ross, March 28th, will be the greatest day in PRL’s career. He will finally get rid of that thorn on his side, The Mad CRAPPA, and then can move on with his life. He’s been wanting to do this for a year now, and it will finally happen at AngleMania III. I am looking forward to this. JR: The Mad Cappa has been wanting to get back at PRL for crushing his larynx, and nearly ending his career. But if he does lose, his career will be over, so Cappa is fightning for more than just revenge on March 28th. “Mean” Gene Okuerland: All right, gentlemen, the contract has been signed, the match is official. The Mad Cappa vs. Puerto Rican Lightning for the Puerto Rican Championship and if The Mad Cappa loses, then he must retire. Gentlemen, do you have any last words? The Mad Cappa: Puerto Rican Lightning, you nearly took my career away once. I will NOT let you take it away this time. Sunday, March 28th, Pontiac Silverdome, Detroit, Michigan, get ready, cuz I’m coming to fight! You talk the talk, but you can’t walk the walk, and deep, deep down you know, in that black heart of yours, that you CAN’T BEAT ME! You have been running away for a year now, but at AngleMania III, you will get what is coming to you. You will get exactly what you deserve. I will never, NEVER forgive you for what you did. At AngleMania, not only will I take your precious Puerto Rican Championship belt, but I will also LEAVE YOU BLOODY!!! If you think that you will end my career, think again, because, Puerto Rican LOSER, remember, PAYBACKS…ARE…HELL!!! ::The crowd cheers loudly. They chant “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” as PRL gulps and shakes nervously. Cappa continues staring PRL down as PRL gains a few moments to compose himself.:: JR: Powerful words from The Mad Cappa. Jesse: This is just talk, JR. Cappa has no shot against PRL. Not a chance in hell. Not a chance in Heaven, Hell, In the World, NO CHANCE in the universe in beating Puerto Rican Lightning. Nothing at all. JR: Give me a break. ::PRL and Cappa staredown.:: “Mean” Gene Okuerland: PRL. Do you have anything in response to that? Puerto Rican Lightning: PAYBACKS ARE HELL? I’M GOING TO GET WHAT I DESERVE? Do you seriously think that you can beat me? I’m going to have to answer that with a resounding “HELL NO!” Cappa, you’re not as bad as I thought you were, but you’re not good either. You are just some bum that is riding a wave of luck, but you know what, at AngleMania III, your luck runs out. If there’s any event more appropriate to see your retirement, it’s AngleMania III. I will kick your ass from one side of the Pontiac Silverdome to the other. I am SO much better than you that it is silly. I will put you back on a hospital bed on March 28th, which is where you belong you son-of-a-bitch. And you know what? Now, that I think about it. Maybe our match at AngleMania could be in jeopardy. Maybe this match will somehow, someway not happen. ::The crowd becomes hyper as PRL continues speaking.:: PRL (with a sadistic smile.): Maybe, just maybe, I don’t know. I…I just—just get a feeling. An inkling. Call it a sixth sense if you will. A feeling in my gut, my stomach, that just, I get a feeling that (PRL’s smile fades into a cold, sadistic frown): You’re not going to make it to AngleMania! JR: OH MY GAWD~! ::Colombian Heat clotheslines the back of The Mad Cappa. The crowd boos loudly as PRL and Colombian Heat beat down on Mad Cappa with kicks.:: “Mean” Gene Okuerland: OH MY! That’s it! I’m getting out of here! Donald Trump: Whoa! Security! Security! Get out here! JR: Mad Cappa was pearl harbored from behind by Colombian Heat and now is being beat on by these two. ::”Mean” Gene Okuerland and Donald Trump exit the ring as PRL and Colombian Heat beat on Cappa. The two Lightning Crew members pick up Cappa as the crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Suddenly, the crowd becomes hyper as The Mad Cappa starts to fight back. He nails Lightning and Heat with lefts and rights.:: JR: And now Cappa is fightning back! ::Cappa knocks heads with PRL and Heat, not noticing the crowd’s boos as Vitamin X runs into the ring with the stun taser. Cappa beats on Puerto Rican Lightning, when suddenly, Vitamin X runs to Cappa and puts the stun taser on his back. TMC screams and crumbles to the mat.:: JR: AND THAT DAMN TASER! THAT DAMN TASER HAS JUST BEEN USED ONCE AGAIN ON THE MAD CAPPA! Jesse: I think we are getting the AngleMania III match early! And with the same result! JR: The Mad Cappa is recovering from that taser shot, but this has given The LC the advantage. ::The crowd boos The Lightning Crew loudly and throw garbage into the ring as PRL, Colombian Heat, and Vitamin X lay into Mad Cappa with boots. Cappa screams and holds his back as PRL puts his boot to Cappa’s throat, making him gasp for air. Cuban Wall, PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member, Thomas Rodriguez, and Spanish Fly run into the ring and join in on the beatdown. Mr. Boricua and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez follow with Boricua joining the beatdown. The crowd continues booing loudly as The Mad Cappa gets beatdown by The Lightning Crew 8-to-1. Donald Trump meanwhile is calling for security.:: JR: The numbers game has affected The Mad Cappa and now he is getting beaten up by The Lightning Crew! Jesse: Finally! Everytime The Lightning Crew has tried to beat Mad Cappa, he has always gotten the advantage. Well now it is time for The Lightning Crew to get THEIR payback! HA! HA! HA! JR: WILL SOMEBODY COME OUT HERE AND STOP THIS? ::The Lightning Crew all stand back and taunt The Mad Cappa, who is breathing heavily and crawling around the ring. PRL kicks Cappa in the gut and then spits in his face. Security runs into the ring, but are held off by The Lightning Crew. Meanwhile, Colombian Heat grabs the suitcase that is still on the table and waits for The Mad Cappa to get up. The LC laugh and then when Cappa gets up, Colombian Heat smashes the suitcase across the back of Cappa’s head opening up the back of his head. The crowd boos very loudly and continues throwing garbage in the ring as blood oozes out from the back of Cappa’s head. He struggles to get up, shaky from the taser shot, but The Lightning Crew continues beating on Mad Cappa. Security tries to run into the ring, but are beaten by The LC. The crowd chants “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” but Cappa is still on the mat.:: JR: THE LIGHTNING CREW. FIGHTNING OFF SECURITY! THEY ARE BEATING THE HELL OUT OF THE MAD CAPPA! Jesse: Just like on May 27, 2003. The night The Mad Cappa got his larynx crushed by Puerto Rican Lightning! This is great! Once again, The Mad Cappa is getting beaten up by The Lightning Crew for injecting himself into The Lightning Crew’s business! This is wonderful! I love this! JR: THE DAMN LIGHTNING CREW IS LAYING INTO THE MAD CAPPA! CAPPA IS BLEEDING FROM THE BACK! CAPPA IS BUSTED OPEN! I DON’T BELIEVE THIS! AND IT LOOKS LIKE THEY AREN’T DONE YET!!! ::PRL and Vitamin X grab the chairs from the table and wait for him to get up. PRL smashes a chair over Mad Cappa’s head. The crowd groans and then boos. TMC gets down on his knees, and is met by another chair shot from Vitamin X to more boos. Cappa falls to the mat, unconscious, and bleeding from his forehead. PRL and X pose with the chairs and are met with loud boos. PRL spits at the crowd and sneers, he laughs evilly and then tells Mr. Boricua to pick up The Mad Cappa. The crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Boricua picks up Cappa and clutches his right hand over Cappa’s throat. The crowd boos loudly.:: JR: Oh no! Don’t tell me! He’s not going to do this! No! Not like this! Oh Gawd! No! ::Mr. Boricua lifts up Mad Cappa and chokeslams him through the table to loud boos. TMC lies in the wreckage of the table, bleeding profusely, unconscious. The Lightning Crew taunts Mad Cappa and laugh evilly. They high five each other.:: JR: THE MAD CAPPA IS LYING ON THE MAT, BLEEDING PROFUSELY! HE MUST BE IN SERIOUS PAIN! HE IS BLEEDING! HE HAS JUST BEEN SENT THROUGH A TABLE! THIS IS JUST HORRIBLE! Jesse: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? THIS IS GREAT! THE MAD CAPPA HAS JUST BEEN ANILIHATED BY THE LIGHTNING CREW! I LOVE THIS! PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING HAS JUST SOFTENED UP THE MAD CAPPA FOR ANGLEMANIA! JR: WILL THE MAD CAPPA EVEN BE READY TO COMPETE FOR ANGLEMANIA IS WHAT I’M WONDERING! Jesse: IF HE IS NOT ABLE TO COMPETE, EVEN BETTER! JR: IT LOOKS LIKE THIS ISN’T OVER! NOW COME ON! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! NOT RIGHT AT ALL! COME ON! HE’S HAD ENOUGH! HE’S HAD ENOUGH! ::The crowd continues booing loudly and chanting “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” PRL tells the crowd to “SHUT UP!” and then picks Cappa up and gives him the P.R. Nightmare.:: JR: P.R. NIGHTMARE ON THE MAD CAPPA! ::The crowd throws garbage into the ring, as Colombian Heat heads to the top rope. Heat leaps off with Straight From Da Street, which connects, on Cappa. Heat then grabs Mad Cappa and kicks him in the gut. He gets behind him and grabs his arms, lifting him up and flipping him in the air. He spins around and brings him down with the Colombian Necktie.:: JR: BAWD GAWD~! THE COLOMBIAN NECKTIE HAS BEEN HIT BY COLOMBIAN HEAT! I DON’T BELIEVE WHAT I’M SEEING! Jesse: I have no problem with what I’m seeing. ::Colombian Heat laughs evilly and poses. He throws gangsta signs and then grabs his testicles and sneers. He spits at the crowd as Spanish Fly picks up the bleeding Mad Cappa and places him on the top rope. The crowd boos and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Garbage continues getting thrown in the ring as Spanish Fly gets in front of Cappa, grabs his arms, and leaps off the top rope with Cappa behind him, causing Cappa’s head to hit the mat. The Fly Swatter. The Lightning Crew cheer him on and slap hands with Spanish Fly, as Fly sneers at Mad Cappa, who is lying face down on the mat. Blood has covered the back of his head and has gone down the back of his shirt. The crowd continues booing as Vitamin X begs PRL for a chance to beat Cappa. PRL allows Vitamin X to pick up Mad Cappa. X kicks Cappa in the gut, heads to the ropes, jumps off the ropes, and hits Mad Cappa with a springboard DDT, X-Marks-The-Spot. X then heads to the top rope…and comes down with a flying elbow drop. X curses Mad Cappa out and spits in his face. PRL laughs evilly as X applies the Lethal Injection screaming. Cappa is knocked out and does not tap out.:: Jesse: AND THAT’S WHAT HE GETS FOR BEATING THE MAD CAPPA AND GIVING HIM A TASER SHOT! JR: This is just a brutal beatdown! A brutal beatdown! I have never seen something so horrific in my life! This is just terrible. Cappa’s blood has stained the mat. He is unconscious. Jesse: This is all done just to soften Cappa up for their match at AngleMania III. JR: Is this match even going to happen? ::Mr. Boricua picks up the dizzy, dazed, and bleeding Mad Cappa and powerbombs Cappa. Cuban Wall picks up Cappa and slaps his face. Cappa wakes up, his face covered in red. His shirt stained in blood. He is bleeding front and back, and Cuban Wall trash talks him and spits in his face. He lifts Mad Cappa up and places him over his right shoulder. Wall yells out and drops Mad Cappa down with a backbreaker completing the Wallbreaker. PRL laughs evilly as Mr. Boricua lifts up Cappa for the Lightning Crew Bomb. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez then picks up Cappa and gives him the Lindsay-Curanna. She then picks him up again and gives him the Latin Bitch Jam (Bulldog). Puerto Rican Lightning orders PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member to pick up The Mad Cappa. PROTOTYPE yells and does so.:: JR: This is just so brutal. I cannot believe what I’m seeing. I—I—have no words for this. I’m speechless. Utterly, utterly speechless. I—I—I can’t believe this. I CAN’T SPEAK THROUGH THIS! Jesse: You do that. I’m going to sit back and relax and watch The Mad Cappa get his ass kick. ::PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member picks up the dazed, confused, bleeding Mad Cappa and places him in front of him. He lifts him up in a pump handle slam position. He then puts him up for a Powerbomb, and brings him down with a sitdown Powerbomb for the PROTO-PLEX. PRL applauds him and then orders him to continue. PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member yells, snorts, and growls and then picks up Mad Cappa once again and places The Mad Cappa back first over his shoulders. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” PROTOTYPE walks around the ring with Mad Cappa on his shoulders and then does the PERFECT Finishing Move on Mad Cappa causing Cappa’s face to once again hit the mat. The Mad Cappa lies on the mat, covered in blood from head to toe. His face, his shirt is blood stained. The Lightning Crew surround The Mad Cappa and laugh evilly. They spit in his face as garbage is thrown into the ring. PRL, Colombian Heat, and Vitamin X hold The Mad Cappa in place and talk to Cuban Wall. They all laugh evilly and taunt The Mad Cappa as Cuban Wall heads to the ropes, leaps over Cappa, bounces off the other ropes and splashes The Mad Cappa completing The Lightning Crew Splash. The crowd groans and then boos as Mad Cappa screams. Wall laughs as PRL picks up Cappa and gives him another P.R. Nightmare. PRL, X, and Heat pick up Cappa and hold him up for Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. The crowd continues booing the loudest they booed for PRL. Lindsay smiles evilly and kisses Mad Cappa, then slaps him in the face. The crowd chants “SLUT! SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!” as Thomas Rodriguez beats on Cappa. PRL picks up Mad Cappa and flips the crowd off. He jaws with the fans and then kicks The Mad Cappa in the gut and delivers a P.R. Nightmare on The Mad Cappa.:: JR: I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SEEN! THAT WAS JUST BRUTAL! THAT WAS HORRIBLE! WHAT A PAINFUL EVENT WE JUST SAW! THE LIGHTNING CREW HAS BEATEN THE HOLY HELL OUT OF THE MAD CAPPA ONCE AGAIN, AND INFACT THIS BEATING WAS MORE VIOLENT THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE! Jesse: THE LIGHTNING CREW HAVE PAID BACK THE MAD CRAPPA FOR ALL THOSE TIMES PRL HAS BEATEN THEM! THAT WAS FOR THE LIGHTNING CREW GAUNTLET! THAT WAS FOR ALL OF THAT! PLUS MORE! THE LIGHTNING CREW HAS JUST LAID THAT CRAPPA TO WASTE! WHAT A GREAT MOMENT IN LIGHTNING CREW HISTORY! IN OAOAST HISTORY!!! ::Puerto Rican Lightning poses and then gives the crowd the “UP YOURS!” sign. He sneers and then spits at The Mad Cappa. He slaps him in the face and rubs his blood across his chest. PRL picks up Cappa again and takes blood from his face and paints it on his face. He slaps him again and grabs the Puerto Rican Championship belt and raises it for the crowd to see. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” PRL ignores the chants and laughs evilly. He trash talks the fans and then rips The Mad Cappa’s shirt off. He places it over his right shoulder and then tells Colombian Heat to go underneath the ring. Colombian Heat obliges as garbage continues being thrown into the ring.:: JR: Now what are they doing? Jesse: I haven’t the slightest idea what, but whatever it is, it doesn’t look good for The Mad Cappa. JR: Colombian Heat is now searching underneath the ring for something. He found a toolbox. What would he do with a toolbox? Jesse: I think I know what? Remember the nWo? JR: Oh no. You don’t mean. ::The Lightning Crew all pose and jaw with the fans in the ring with The Mad Cappa lying on the mat in the center. Colombian Heat smiles evilly and enters the ring with the toolbox. He opens it up to reveal two spray-paint cans in it. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS!” as Colombian Heat grabs one of the spray-paint cans and shakes it. The crowd boos even louder as Colombian Heat smiles evilly and hands the spray-paint can over to PRL. He laughs as Colombian Heat, Vitamin X, and Thomas Rodriguez hold Cappa in place.:: Jesse: The Lightning Crew are going to brand The Mad Cappa! JR (disgusted): This is making me sick. How dare The Lightning Crew go so low! Jesse: I love this, Jim Ross! ::Tha Puerto Rican spray-paints “LC 4-LIFE” and “PRL” in black on The Mad Cappa’s body.:: Jesse: And now, the icing on the cake! :.R. kicks Cappa in the stomach causing him to roll over. The crowd boos loudly as P.R. puts the spray-paint can away and grabs the other spray-paint can. Tha Puerto Rican shakes the can and spray-paints a yellow line across The Mad Cappa’s back. He then spray-paints “COWARD” on Cappa’s back and “CAPPA SUX” and “LOSER” on Cappa’s back. He spits in Cappa’s face and then poses with the Puerto Rican Championship belt. The crowd boos loudly. PRL sneers at the crowd and jaws with them. The Lightning Crew pose in the ring with The Mad Cappa behind them, face-first on the mat, breathing heavily, unconscious, and bleeding profusely. “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds starts playing in the arena as The Lightning Crew pose in the ring with garbage being thrown in their direction.:: JR: THOSE NO GOOD BASTARDS!!! THEY COULD HAVE JUST CAUSED THE MAD CAPPA HIS CAREER!!! DAMN YOU PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! BAWD GAWD DAMN YOU PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! DAMN YOU P.R.!!! DAMN YOU!!! Jesse: EASY J.R.! EASY!!! THEY JUST SOFTENED THE MAD CAPPA UP FOR THE ANGLEMANIA III MATCH!!! JR: BUT IS THAT MATCH EVEN GOING TO TAKE PLACE? WHAT HAS JUST HAPPENED MAY HAVE JUST JEOPARDIZED THAT MATCH!!! Jesse: Hey! If it gets The Mad Cappa off PRL’s back, then everything’s okay. JR: AW, KISS MY ASS JESS! THA PUERTO RICAN SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE! THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH HAS JUST ATTACKED THE MAD CAPPA AND BRUTALLY ATTACKED HIM ONCE AGAIN! I DON’T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW! THAT WAS GROTUEQSUE! THAT WAS BLOODIED! THAT WAS BRUTAL! I DON’T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW! THAT WAS TERRIBLE! ::The camera cuts to The Mad Cappa lying on the mat. Bloodied and spray-painted. The crowd boos loudly as “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds continues playing. Garbage is thrown in the ring and The Lightning Crew pose in the ring with Puerto Rican Lightning in the center with the Puerto Rican Championship belt. PRL grabs the contract and then grabs the pen and stabs Mad Cappa repeatedly with the pen. He then uses the pen to soak in Cappa’s blood from his head and then signs the contract again with Mad Cappa’s blood. He drops Cappa’s head on the mat and sneers.:: JR: What a sick, sick man! A sick man! Jesse: He maybe a sick man, but he may have just prevented his match against Mad Cappa at AngleMania III. JR: Is Cappa even able to compete? Will he be ready to fight in time for OaOasT AngleMania III?! Jesse: Hopefully not. JR: HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRUEL? THAT DAMN PRL HAS JUST COMMITTED A BRUTAL CRIME! THAT EVIL BASTARD HAS JUST DONE SOMETHING WRETCHED!!! DAMN HIM!!! DAMN YOU PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! DAMN YOUR SOUL TO HELL!!! The Lightning Crew pose in the ring with Mad Cappa lying on the mat. Puerto Rican Lightning is in the center of the ring posing with the Puerto Rican Championship belt. He smiles and laughs evilly along with The Lightning Crew as we cut to a shot of a group of backstage workers are dragging a huge industrial freezer down to ringside, as the crowd looks on, not knowing what to expect. JR Would you look at the size of that thing, Jess? JESSE That's what my wife always says, Jim Ross! JR Can you be serious here? That freezer is huge, and one of these men is going to get locked in it! JESSE Hey, both guys know what they're in for. This isn't going to be a picnic, Jim Ross. JR Well fans, you all know the history between these two men, and at Anglemania III they will meet in a final match to end this bloody war. But here tonight, there's a chance they won't even make it to 'Mania. The Adrenalin Title is on the line, let's go over to Gary Michael Cappetta. GMC Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is for the OAOAST Adrenalin Title! To win the match, the opponent must be thrown into the Freezer and the door locked securely- and there is NO disqualification! Introducing first... "Aww Naww" hits up, and the arena rises to greet the former BPP, OAOAST originator Stephen J. GMC From Atlanta Georgia, weighing is STEEEEPHEN JOOOOOOOOOOSEPH! Stephen walks down to the ring without any fuss, stepping through the ropes and stretching out, wearing white trunks and matching boots. JR Stephen has a chance to wear that Adrenalin Title, which has already developed a strong history, Jess- SpiderPoet and Dan Black had two wars over that belt, and now here comes another one! JESSE That title is important, Jim Ross, and it'll be added sweetness for SJ to strip that belt away from Dan. SJ's music cuts out, to be replaced by the grinding riff of Smashing Pumpkins' "Quiet". Floods of black smoke pour from the entranceway, and bright bursts of white pyro explode amongst it. Eventually Dan Black strides through the storm to collosal boos from the hostile crowd. GMC Aaaand his opponent, from London England, weighing 237lbs...he is the reigning and defending Adrenalin Champion...."Ice Heart" Daaaaaaan BLACK! Dan pauses to turn and flip off every side of the building, before walking down to ringside. Clad in long black trenchcoat, with black shades, Dan has the title belt slung over his left shoulder. Black pauses next to the freezer, touches it's lid to feel the cold and nods approvingly. Dan removes his shades and coat, and hands the belt to a ringside official. Stephen paces back and forth in the ring, waiting for Dan to step in, but Black remains next to the freezer. The referee for this match stands at the ropes and shouts at Dan to enter. Dan grabs the lid and with an effort pushes it up and over, leaving the freezer hanging open. Dan looks inside and a strange expression appears. JR What? What the hell is in there, BAH GAWD?! The camera pans around- and the bottom and walls of the freezer are covered in glass- a mirror! JR It's all mirrors down there! This must be Stephen Joseph's idea- at Anglemania these men meet in a House of Mirrors match! JESSE Whoever get's locked in that freezer is going to have to come face to face with himself, Jim Ross! I've been informed that the light in this freezer is very special, and it will NOT go out when the door is closed! There's a sick look on Dan's face, and he suddenly slides into the ring and charges at SJ! Stephen meets him head on, and the two men begin to exchange forearms in the middle of the squared circle! The crowd heats up as the two show no signs of stopping! Standing toe to toe, arms swinging, bone cracking into bone, eyes set, jaws clenched! At last, SJ rocks Dan back, and swings him around with an Irish whip to the ropes. Black bounces back and SJ drops in front of him, tripping Dan to the mat with a drop toe hold. From there Stephen scoots into a side headlock on the mat, but Dan is standing and draws SJ up with him. Black tenses and runs forward, pushing SJ off to the ropes. Stephen rebounds as Black stands, and SJ solidly shoulderblocks Dan down to the mat. JR These men know each other very well, both in and out of the ring. It's going to be had to spring any surprises here. JESSE You're right Jim Ross- it won't be a surprise that wins this match, it'll be which ever man is prepared to put their body and soul on the line to do it! Black scrambles back up, but Stephen is on him quickly, pushing him back into the corner and- CHOP! Stephen lashes Dan's pectorals with a stinging knife edge! The crowd WOOOO!s its approval! CHOP! Dan's face contorts in pain as he clutches his hand to his chest, but SJ pushes his arm away and- CHOP! A third cutting blow- but Dan reaches out and rakes the eyes of Stephen, sending him faltering back. The referee gets in Dan's face, but Black just sneers and shoves him away! JR Get your hands off that official, Black! JESSE There's no DQ here, Ross. Dan can do what the hell he likes! Black spins SJ to face him and CRACKS him with a chop of his own, before grabbing his neck and giving him a quick snapmare down to the mat. Dan grabs SJ by the neck again, pulls him up and snapmares him again! A third snapmare! JR Dan trying to dizzy Stephen, perhaps? JESSE If your opponent is dis-orientated, it'll be that much easier to pick him up and throw him into the freezer. With SJ sitting on the mat, Dan grins, steps back, and swings in with a big kick to the back of the head- but SJ spins around and knocks Dan's standing leg out from under him, so the Black tumbles down to his back. Stephen rolls up, and as Dan gets to one knee Stephen just drop kicks him in the face! The crowd draws in it's collective breath at the impact, which sends Dan rolling to the edge of the ring, with the freezer just inches away from him! Stephen tries to shove Dan out under the bottom rope to the floor, but Dan holds onto the rope and won't go. SJ backs away, running to the ropes on the other side of the ring, and sprinting at Dan! SJ slides in with a baseball slide dropkick, but Dan rolls out of the ring as he comes, and Stephen's legs collide with the side of the freezer! A huge CRASH rings out, as Stephen shouts in pain and clutches his right ankle! Dan stands up outside the ring with Stephen half on, half off the apron, and slams an elbow directly into the groin of his opponent! JR Awww c'mon Dan! Fight fair! JESSE He doesn't have to, Jim Ross. And with a man like Dan Black, that's a very dangerous environment. Dan drags SJ out of the ring to the floor, where he begins to put the boots to the OAOAST veteran. The crowd BOOS Dan as he pauses to grin maniacally, before continuing to stomp SJ down. Black picks up SJ and goes to whip him into the side of the freezer- but SJ reverses, and it's Dan who's SLAMMED hard, back first, into the unforgiving steel! Dan is spread out on the side of the freezer, grimacing in pain! Stephen is quickly over and tries to pick Black up and into the cold storage, but Black fights him off with a couple of forearm shots. Dan, clutching his back from the impact on the freezer, slides back into the ring. Stephen makes to follow, but his eye catches something, and he walks over to pick up a steel chair from ringside! JR Oh my! These two aren't wasting anytime in getting down to it! JESSE And why should they? This match can't end with a lucky roll up or a submission hold out of nowhere. The opponent has to be battered, brutalized, knocked out in order to be locked in that freezer! Stephen climbs into the ring, chair in hand, and advances on Dan Black, who holds up his hands in a gesture of reconciliation. JR Too late for that, Danny boy! Stephen charges and swings the chair viciously! Dan ducks aside at the last minute, and the chair fizzes past his skull. Black tries to grab the chair from SJ, but Stephen shoves him down to the mat and swings again! But again Dan rolls away! The referee interferes, asking Stephen to lose the chair, and the brief interuption allows Black to attack from the side, knocking Stephen to the mat. JR Damn interefeing referee! Just let them go! JESSE For once you're right, Jim Ross! Black sets up the chair in the middle of the ring, and picks SJ up. A couple of CHOPS, and Dan whips SJ to the ropes. As Stephen comes back, Dan gives him the classic drop toe hold onto chair! SJ's face SMACKS off the seat of the chair, and Black gets to his feet, grinning! With the chair still standing, Black grabs SJ and double underhooks his arms! JR Dan's going for his Pitch Black! Spinning tiger driver! JESSE And he's going to do it onto the chair! JR MAH GAWD! Dan tries to hoist SJ up, but Stephen fights back and backdrops Dan up, over- and onto the chair! Dan lands back first onto the steel with a huge CRASH! The chair is bent in half, and SJ struggles to get to his feet! JR Dan's spine may have been SHATTERED! MAH GAWD! Black starts to roll out of the wrecked chair, clutching his back. Stephen is up and scoops Dan up, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and his black trunks. SJ runs with Dan, and hurls him out of the ring under the bottom rope, straight at the open freezer! Dan lands with a SMACK in the mirrored bottom of the freezer to a huge pop from the crowd! JR This could be it! It could be over already! Stephen steps out of the ring, and grabs the lid of the freezer! SJ starts to heave it up! But Dan grabs the side and hauls himself up so he's hanging on the edge. Stephen shrugs and carries on lifting the lid! JR MAH GAWD! Dan's going to get crushed under that huge lid! Black panics and loses his footing, as Stephen gets the lid up and shove it down towards Dan! Dan yells, jumps, - and makes it out just as the heavy lid closes with a SLAM! JR If Dan had been under that he would be on his way to the ER right about now! JESSE Stephen clearly has no regard for Dan's wellfare at all! As it should be! Dan lies on the floor, breathing heavily, and Stephen strolls over. SJ picks Dan up around the waist, turns, and drops him face first onto the top of the freezer! A huge CLANG off bone on metal, and Dan stumbles away. Stephen is back after him, and slams his face onto the ring apron! Dan grabs at the bottom rope, trying to escape, but SJ is remorseless and SLAMS Dan into the guardrail! Black collapses to the floor, barely moving, and Stephen decides its time for the freezer to open again. As he lifts the lid, Dan starts to stir. Stephen gets the freezer open, but as he picks Black up Dan stings him with a forearm. Another forearm, and Dan rolls him back into the ring. JR Dan just took a hell of a beating on the outside- looks like he wants the action back in the ring. Indeed, Dan immediately applies a simple surfboard style hold to Stephen, grabbing both his arms back and sinking his knee into the shoulderblades. The crowd boos Dan's approach, as he just throws back his head and sneers. With the fans getting behind him, SJ starts to power out, getting to his feet and freeing an arm, which he elbows back, catching Dan in the midsection. Stephen turns and whips the winded Black into the corner. SJ follows up with a charge and a SPLASH in the turnbuckle! With Black prone on the ropes, SJ drops back and hammers him with a kick to the thigh, the stomach, the chest- and finally, using the ropes to spring up, a kick to the head! JR What impact on those kicks! Stephen working over Dan brutally! As Black slumps to the floor, SJ grabs him into a frontface lock and delivers a high vertical suplex. SJ rolls through it, and hits another suplex! Again the roll through, and this time Stephen spikes Dan's face into the canvas with a vicious DDT! JESSE What a combination! And there's more! SJ has Dan up once again, and grabs him up into a gorilla press! The crowd pops for the display of strength, as Stephen tries to throw Dan out over the top rope- and onto the freezer! But Black wriggles, and slips free, landing behind Stephen, where he hooks in a full nelson, going for a Dragon suplex! SJ immediately breaks the nelson, but only drops Dan's arms to his waist- and Dan drags SJ over with a German suplex! Both men are down, as the official checks on the two rivals. Dan crawls to the ropes, which he uses to pull himself up, as Stephen slowly rises also. Stephen turns and charges at Black, just allowing his body to collide with Dan's, and both men fall out over the top rope- and both land onto the top of the huge freezer! JR MAH GAWD! These two men just keep absorbing punishment! How many more times can they make contact with that freezer and keep getting up! We can see the impact has opened a cut on Dan's back, and a similar injury on SJ's arm. Both men, stunned, roll off the freezer and try to steady themselves. Dan leans on the freezer itself, while SJ slumps against the ring. The crowd starts to chant "Let's go Stephen! Let's go Stephen!", and SJ nods his head in time with the chant. SJ stands and climbs onto the ring apron, walking along next to Dan on the floor and gesturing for him to turn. Dan stands, staggers forward, and turns- and SJ jumps off with a neckbreaker from the apron! Stephen springs back up and raises his arms in celebration, before going to the freezer and prying it open once more. Stephen grabs Dan up, applies a front facelock and lifts him up into the vertical suplex position, back facing the open freezer! JR MAH GAWD! Stephen's going to suplex Dan right into the freezer! Stephen steps back, let's go, and Dan's body CRACKS into the open bottom of the freezer! Some of the glass breaks, and Dan howls in pain! SJ stands and makes his way over to the huge lid, and begins to close it, to a big pop from the packed crowd! JR IT'S OVER! NEW CHAMPION! NEW CHAMPION! Stephen takes a little longer to push the lid up, but it's closing! Dan stirs slightly in the bottom off the freezer, as we take a shot of him from above and see blood spreading out from under him. The lid is up, but so is Dan Black is half up, and dragging himself out! JR What resilience from Dan Black! The man is a son of a bitch but he's a tough one! Stephen abandons shutting the freezer and goes after Dan instead. Black stands in the freezer, as Stephen moves over and CHOPS him hard! Stephen tries to push Dan down into the freezer again, but Black just headbutts him across the face to send Stephen falling back. Dan climbs up and stands on the edge of the open freezer, as Stephen turns back towards him. Black jumps forward at Stephen, wrapping his legs around SJ's head and dragging him over with a modified 'rana! JR Mah gawd! I've never seen Dan Black do that before! JESSE This is such a big match! He'll try anything to win! Both men are down, and we see now that the back of Dan has been cut multiple times by the suplex into the glass bottomed freezer! Dan rolls to the guard rail and tries to drag himself, pulling a sledgehammer from underneath, climbing up up as SJ uses the ringsteps to do the same. Both men crawl back into the ring. Stephen turns his back to Dan, groggy from the beating so far. Dan spies Stephen standing and begins to square the sledgehammer up, but his leg buckles. Screaming, Dan's yelling pulls Stephen back to reality and he turns around just as Dan lets the sledge fly. JR/Jesse HOLY SHIT~! Stephen takes the Sledgeshot in his chest, pushing him hard towards the ropes. The sledge falls forward, clunking on the mat. Dan's on both feet having regained his footing, and begins to plod over to Stephen, picking up his sledge. Over to where Stephen is now resting against the ropes, Dan swings the sledge at Stephen's head, but this time he is aware of the oncoming threat and grabs it from Dan, tossing it near the Freezer. Dan takes this time to grab Stephen's hair, pull him unto himself, and throw Stephen out of the ring, trying to launch him into the freezer! Stephen skins the cat on the ropes and doesn't fly over them and into the freezer! Instead, he quickly grabs Dan into a chokehold, and then transitions into full-nelson hold wrenching Dan nearly over the top rope. Stephen pauses and turns to look at the freezer, lengthwise perpendicular to the ring. He smiles, and the crowd catches on. Dan makes a lunge to get free, and Stephen snaps the full nelson back, jumping backwards off the ring apron, pulling Dan Black over. JR BY GAWD ALMIGHTY! Jesse Stephen Joseph risked it all with a out of the ring Finality. JR Dan Black is FINALIZED into the Arctic Freezer! The crowd POPS big time, standing on its feet and crowding into the guardrails as indeed, Dan Black is finalized into the Arctic Freezer, taking the modified Stunner across the lip of the freezer bottom, snapping his neck back and falling back first hard into the freezer! Stephen turns around and pulls the door closed , straining against the pain in his lower back from the landing. It lands with a thud and its closed, the last image of Dan Black writhing in pain etched in. A referee comes over quickly with the Adrenaline title, and hands it to Stephen. Our crowd is ape and Stephen quickly goes from celebrating into a trance, staring at the sledgehammer Eskimo tried to use on him Jesse The Heartless bastard is thinking of using the sledge! Stephen, HHH-esque, pulls the sledge up, climbing on top of the freezer. He looks out to the crowd, the ravenous masses, raises the sledge over his head.... and... clenching his mouth, biting his tongue almost, brings it back down throwing it almost as hard as he can into the freezer. The sledgehammer bursts the freezer and lunges about a foot deep inside of it, right where Dan's head would be. He wrenches it out, bloody on the end, and standing on the freezer with a red sledgehammer and a new title belt, Stephen Joseph is your new Adrenaline Champion. This is most certainly not Big Poppa Popick. His grin is far, far too wide. JR Stephen Joseph is your new Adrenaline Champion Jesse At what price JR? At Dan's life? At his? Stephen (now with mic) Last year, at AngleMania, I won the rights to a World Title shot. I was denied winning. Not this year. Not by Dan Black. Not by Tony the Body. Not by Zack Malibu. Not by Calcin Szechstein. No one. Mark my words. Dan Black's Final Hour will be at AngleMania. And no one, will deny me a reign that which I have earned, that I deserve, and that the fans want. Mark my words Dan Black. I will bring home the World Title to iZ. By any means necessary, and certainly, after AngleMania...over your dead body. Edited March 2, 2004 by Chuck Woolery Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 Cue: “Man in the Box” by Alice in Chains COLE And here comes the X Champ! ANNOUNCER The Following Contest is an Eight Man Classic Elimination Match! Introducing Team Firm! First, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in tonight at Two Hundred and Fifteen Pounds, He is the OAOAST X Division Champion of the WOORRRRRRRLLLLLDDDDDD, A! J! FLLLAIIIIIRRRRRRRRREEEEEEE!!!! COLE Classic Elimination Match coming up, and guys, a few scores to be settled here! CABOOSE You’re not wrong Michael, both teams have severe issues with one another, and they will all come to a head tonight at Zero Hour! AJ Flaire finally makes his way out to ringside, X Division Championship shining around his waist. He walks up the ring steps and steps gingerly into the ring. COLE Now there’s a story. AJ Flaire’s back still has not recovered from that Ladder Match two weeks ago, even with all this rest! Cue: State Prop (You Know Us) The pyro goes off and the fans ERUPT as the 24/7 Champion, PANTHER, appears at the entrance ramp and greets the packed crowd in attendance. ANNOUNCER From Philadelphia Pennsylvania, weighing One Hundred Ninety Eight Pounds, He is the OAOAST Twenty Four Seven Champion… PAAAAAANNNNNTHERRRRR!! He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring, before starting to talk at AJ Flaire. COLE The Firm already going over strategy here, and they will need to get the early advantage, because of AJ’s back. Panther is, from what I am told, at One Hundred Percent Health at this point in time, and he told me earlier today that he was looking forward to getting his hands on Axel and Gunner Sharps! COACH AJ’s gotta have his mind on the Super X Cup as well as this match though Michael, he finds out tonight just who he will be facing at AngleMania Three! CABOOSE That’s right Cole, AJ’s been the X Division Champion for over three months now, and has gone through some great title defenses, including the X Invitational and the I Quit match against Mad Matt last month at Anglepalooza. Cue: "Oh Hell Yeah" by H-Blocx ANNOUNCER From Fall River, Massachusetts, weighing Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds, PETERRRRRRRRRRRR KNNNNNIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTT!! PK comes down to ringside to a nice return pop, and greets his fellow team mates in the ring, a serious look on his face. COLE Now we haven’t seen PK for a few weeks’ guys, he’s been off resting his injuries, and taking time away from wrestling. He is though, looking forward to getting to Axel and Gunner tonight as well, because we all know the Axel-PK rivalry that started way back when Axel first joined Totally Endorsed. CABOOSE Some people say that Peter Knight has Axel’s number at times, beating him at Bloody Battered and Beaten and everything in between. But I believe tonight that he will finally get what he deserves. Cue: "Kick Start my Heart" by Motley Crue The crowd again POPS as The Leader of the Firm, K MONEY, struts cockily out to the ring. He oozes confidence, and as he struts through the ropes and into the ring, a loud ‘MON-EY, MON-EY’ chant breaks out amongst the fans around the arena. COLE This man will lead his troops into battle against four guys that have no limits to what they will do to win. ANNOUNCER And the CAPTAIN of Team Firm, from Hollywood, California, weighing Two Hundred Pounds even, THIS IS. KAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MOOONNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! CABOOSE K Money better hope that his team is completely focused tonight, because I know that Team Torture is. COLE Team Torture? I can’t think of a more appropriate name for those guys. Cue: “TNT” by AC/DC ANNOUNCER And their opponents, TEAM TORTURE! First, at a total combined weight of Three Hundred and Eighty Eight Pounds; they are the OAOAST Tag Team Champions of the WOORRRRRRRLLLLLDDDDDDDD, Tyler Bridges and TJ Burns, TEEEEEEEEEE-ENNNNNNNNNNN-TEEEEEEEEE!!! Cue: “The Game” by Disturbed ANNOUNCER And their partners, at a combined weight of Five Hundred and Ninety Pounds, two of the most feared men in the OAOAST, GUNNER SHARPS and the CAPTAIN of Team Torture, AAAAAAAXXXXXEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! *DING DING DING* Peter Knight and Tyler Bridges start off the match, as their partners go to their respective corners. The two men lock up, with PK having the leverage advantage and applying the side headlock. Tyler pushes PK into the ropes, and PK comes straight off with a hard shoulder block, knocking Tyler Bridges down. COLE Peter Knight has the strength and height advantage, but I think Tyler is faster. PK runs to the ropes, Tyler gets up quickly, leapfrog by Tyler, PK comes off the other side, but Tyler is waiting, and he takes PK down with a hiptoss! Tyler picks PK up and hooks in a front face lock, and he takes PK over with a Snap Suplex! Cover by Tyler, but only a one count. COACH The technical skills of Tyler Bridges on display here, PK had better utilise his power soon! Tyler grabs PK again and this time hooks his waist, before taking him over, this time for a northern lights suplex! One… Two… Kickout by Peter Knight. COLE Tyler Bridges in firm control and TJ might be tagged in here. TJ Burns calls for the tag, and gets it as Tyler grabs PK by the hair. TJ comes into the ring and gives PK a straight kick to the midsection, before spring boarding off the middle rope and connecting with a kick to the head of Peter Knight. TJ springboards off the ropes again, and this time hits a lionsault! COLE Beautiful rotation by TJ Burns, not like Hayabusa! CABOOSE Don’t you knock my man Hayabusa! One… Two… Kickout by Peter Knight, again at 2. TJ grabs PK and pushes him over to the Team Torture corner, before tagging in Tyler Bridges yet again. Tyler starts chopping away at the chest of Peter Knight, before landing stiff kicks to the midsection. COLE Axel and Gunner are quite content to let TNT do all the early beating here, and I think that’s good strategy. CABOOSE Of course it is Michael! Axel wants to be fresh so he can take out AJ Flaire and K Money, and Panther, and… hey, Axel as issues with everyone on the opposing team, doesn’t he? COACH He isn’t a popular man amongst The Firm members, ‘Boose. Tyler brings PK over to the middle of the ropes and Irish Whips him across. Tyler goes for a clothesline, but PK ducks under and comes off the other side! Tyler tries a back elbow the second time and PK again ducks under, and puts on the breaks! Boot to the midsection by Peter Knight, hooks Tyler up, and hits an STO! COACH PK may have turned the tables here if he can make a tag! COLE Great STO there by Peter Knight, but he has to make this tag! Peter Knight crawls over to the Firm’s corner as Tyler pulls himself up with help from the ropes. PK lunges forward… …and tags in K Money! COLE K Money is in for the first time in this match up! Money EXPLODES out of the corner with a hard clothesline! Tyler is up quickly, but Money just hits a Jumping Wheel Kick! K Money covers! One… Twoooooo… No! Tyler kicks out at 2! Money quickly grabs Tyler by the hair, and takes him over to the Firm’s corner, before tagging in Panther, the 24/7 Champ. Panther does like his teammates and goes straight to work on Tyler Bridges. Panther hooks Tyler up, and hits a T-Bone Suplex, taking Tyler down, flat on his back! Panther points to the top rope, and starts to ascend the turnbuckles! COLE Panther going for some high risk! CABOOSE He had better be careful! Panther gets to the top rope, and TJ Burns tries to come into the ring, causing the referee to stop him and take his eyes off Panther! Axel comes over to the ropes, and shoves Panther down to the floor below, with Panthers head bouncing off the steel barricade! COACH That was a sickening thud! CABOOSE Yeah! Go Axel! Axel grabs Panther and throws him into the ring as Tyler Bridges recovers! Tyler goes for a cover, hooking the leg and the arm of Panther… One… Twooooooooo… No! Panther just gets a shoulder up! COLE How close was that! Axel having an early impact on this match! Tyler Bridges signals for the end, and waits for Panther to get up! Panther staggers to his feet, and Tyler tries to apply the Full Nelson! CAOCH Going for the London Bridge! Tyler tries to get the Full Nelson locked in, but Panther lands an elbow to the head! Tyler staggers back, and runs at Panther, Panther ducks and gets Tyler on his shoulders! Panther spins him around, and plants Tyler with The Deep End! COLE The Deep End by Panther! That Samoan Drives just planted Tyler Bridges! Panther dives over to AJ Flaire and tags him in! AJ goes straight to the top rope, and dives off… EXTRA SPECIAL! COACH Twisting Four Fifty! ONE… TWOOOOOOO… THREEEEEEEE!!! COLE YES! ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, TYLER BRIDGES has been ELIMINATED! COACH AJ Flaire eliminated Tyler Bridges with that Extra Special! Great move by AJ Flaire to eliminate Tyler! TJ Burns comes straight into the ring as AJ Flaire is getting up, runs at the ropes, springboards off the second, and hits a beautiful clothesline! CABOOSE Great move by the ever-impressing TJ Burns! AJ gets to his knees, and TJ comes off the ropes, hitting a front dropkick right to the face of AJ Flaire! Cover by TJ Burns! One… No! AJ Flaire kicks out before the referee can even count to two! TJ grabs AJ and brings him over to the Firm’s corner, bouncing his head off the top turnbuckle for good measure, before tagging in The Dark One, Axel! COLE Axel into this match for the very first time! Axel grabs AJ Flaire and hooks in a front face lock, before suplexing him high into the air! Axel leaves AJ in the air, letting the blood rush to his head! COACH Show of strength from Axel. Axel finally drops AJ down to the mat, head first for a brainbuster! Axel gets up and comes off the ropes, before dropping a HUGE elbow. Cover by Axel on AJ Flaire. One… Twooo… No! AJ kicks out just after two. Axel throws AJ into the corner and connects with a number of blows to the head and kicks to the midsection, before bringing AJ out to the middle of the ring. Axel lifts AJ up by the hair, and hooks his head. Axel does a half-crucifix pose, and then drops AJ head first for an Evenflow DDT! Cover again! One… Twooooo… No! AJ Flaire kicks out again! COLE Axel firmly in control of AJ Flaire, hitting high impact moves that are wearing the X Champion down. AJ slowly gets up again, and is met by the ‘Dark One’. Axel grabs AJ again, and picks him up for a Sidewalk Slam! Axel brings AJ down over his knee, delivering a devastating backbreaker to the already injured lower back of AJ Flaire! CABOOSE Great psychology by Axel, working on that already injured lower back. Axel lifts AJ up again and continues to connect with hard right hands. Irish whip by Axel, AJ comes off the ropes, Axel goes for a Harlem Sidekick, but AJ ducks under! AJ comes off the other side and hits a Crossbody! COVER! One… No! Axel kicks out quickly! AJ rolls over to his corner and tags in Peter Knight straight away! COLE PK has a score to settle! He gets his chance now! Peter Knight comes into the ring, and measures Axel. Axel turns around, and PK lands solid right hands to the temple of Axel, each one eliciting a pop from the crowd, and each one sending Axel staggering backwards! Axel finally can’t go back anymore, and is backed up against the ropes! COACH Peter Knight is beating the holy hell out of Axel! PK grabs the left arm of Axle and Irish Whips him toward to ropes, Axel comes off the ropes, and PK sends him flying over with a BAAAAAAAAACK Body Drop! COLE Peter Knight is settling the score! PK comes off the ropes, but is met by a blow to the back of the head by TJ Burns! PK staggers, before turning around and NAILING TJ in the head, before talking some trash, to a huge pop from the fans! COACH TJ got what he deserved! PK finishes talking trash to TJ and turns around… …only to run into a Harlem side kick from Axel! CABOOSE Haha! Peter Knight was too busy running his mouth to notice that Axel was up again! Axel walks over to his corner slowly, holding his back, before tagging in Gunner Sharps! COLE The big man is in! Gunner grabs PK and scoops him up, before slamming him on his back, hard. Gunner comes off the ropes, and hits a BIG Splash! COLE All three hundred and Fifty pounds on the prone anatomy of Peter Knight! One… Twoooooo… NO! PK kicks out! Gunner lifts PK up and puts him between his legs, all the while taunting The Firm! COLE Gunner Sharps talking trash! Gunner lifts PK over his shoulder… All Guns Blazing, launching Peter Knight across the ring! COLE What power! ONE… TWOOOOOOO… THREEEEEEEE!! COACH And Gunner Sharps evens the score! ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, PETER KNIGHT has been ELIMINATED! CABOOSE An amazing show of strength by Gunner Sharps, throwing Peter Knight halfway across the ring for that All Guns Blazing, that Over-the-shoulder Powerbomb! Gunner goes over and tags in TJ Burns, while K Money comes in from the other side. TJ runs at K Money again, but K Money ducks under, and waits for TJ to turn around! Money hooks TJ’s head and runs up the turnbuckles! SLICED BREAD NUMBER THREE BY K MONEY! COLE Might be a quick response by The Firm! Money tags in AJ Flaire, who steps into the ring and waits for TJ Burns to get up! TJ turns around, and AJ gets a kick to the midsection! COACH Here we go! AJ Flaire puts TJ Burns between his legs, and lifts him up for a Piledriver! AJ Flaire hits THAT’S PHENOMENAL on TJ Burns! Cover by AJ! ONE… TWOOOOOOOO… THREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! COACH Team Torture is down a man again! ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, TJ BURNS has been ELIMINATED! COLE AJ Flaire hit That’s Phenomenal to eliminate the other half of the tag team champions, TNT! Gunner Sharps points at AJ Flaire as AJ challenges him to come into the ring! CABOOSE Tazz is wrong on a regular basis, but I can honestly say: Here Comes the Pain! Gunner steps over the top rope with ease, and AJ Flaire runs at the huge Enforcer. Gunner puts up his left leg, and floors AJ with a big boot! COLE What impact! Gunner grabs AJ with both hands and literally THROWS him across the ring, to the corner of the Firm, challenging K Money to fight him! COACH He wants to take The Firm apart one by one! K Money tags AJ Flaire as AJ is staggering to his feet, and steps into the ring. Money charges at Gunner, but Gunner grabs Money by the throat in his left hand! Gunner hoists K Money up in a Gorilla Press, and turns around to talk trash to the rest of the members of the Firm! COLE What an amazing power display by Gunner Sharps! This is amazing! COACH Money is giving up an amazing Hundred and Fifty Pounds to this monster of a man, and Gunner is showing the weight difference here! Gunner tries to drop K Money down for a Spinebuster to complete the Tortured Soul Slam, but on the way down K Money counters and hits a DDT, sending Gunner’s Head crashing into the mat! COACH What a counter by Panther! CABOOSE Gunner took way too much time taunting The Firm there; he should have planted Money and THEN taunted his stable mates. K Money uses all his strength to roll Gunner over, and then goes for a Cover! One… TwNO! Gunner powers out before the referee can count two, throwing K Money halfway across the ring! CABOOSE Again, phenomenal power shown by Gunner Sharps! Gunner gets to his feet as K Money tags in Panther. Panther charges at Gunner and tries to hit a Spinning Wheel Kick, but Gunner catches him in mid air! Gunner grabs Panther by the throat, and turns it into a devastating Chokeslam! COLE What a Chokeslam! How do you keep this man down! CABOOSE Only the best can do it Michael, only the best. Gunner grabs the fallen Panther with two arms by the throat, and pulls him up to his feet! Gunner then hoists him up into a Gorilla Press, just like he did with Panther! Gunner drops Panther down quickly, and hits the Tortured Soul Slam! Cover by Gunner Sharps! COLE This could be over! One… Twoooooo… NO! Panther just gets a shoulder up! Axel leaves the apron and goes over to the timekeepers table, telling the ring announcer to get the hell out of his way. COLE What in the hell is Axel doing? Meanwhile, Gunner grabs Panther and gives him a strong Irish Whip. Gunner goes for a big boot, but Panther ducks under! Gunner turns around, and Panther hits a PANTHER CUTTER! COACH PANTHER CUTTER!!!! PANTHER HAS GUNNER HERE! COLE Panther might have Gunner here… Wait a minute! Axel has the 24/7 Championship belt! Axel grabs Panthers belt and tries it on around his waist, and Panther sees him out of the corner of his eye, with Gunner still down! AJ Flaire tries to enter the ring, but the referee stops him and holds him back, diverting his attention! COLE Keep your eyes on the job ref! Panther sticks his head out of the ring to send Axel a special greeting with his middle finger! Axel laughs, turns his back to Panther, grabs the belt, and in one quick motion he turns around, and waffles Panther right in the forehead! CABOOSE What a shot by Axel! COACH Panther is reeling, and Gunner is up! Panther turns around, dazed, with Gunner waiting! Gunner charges like a Rhino possessed, and hits a MOTHER FUCKING IMPACT SPEAR on the 24/7 Champion! Gunner gets the cover! ONE… TWOOOOOOOOOOOOO… COACH Not like this! THREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! CABOOSE Yeah! That’s what you get when you mess with Axel and Gunner! ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, PANTHER has been ELIMINATED! COLE Now that’s not right! Axel hit Panther square in the forehead with the 24/7 Title belt, and Gunner Sharps hit that Sharp End spear to eliminate Panther. We are down to four men! AJ Flaire goes straight up to the top rope, and measures Gunner! Gunner gets up to one knee, but AJ comes off the top and hits Elegance, knocking him straight back down! COLE Great move there by AJ Flaire to knock Gunner Sharps down! COACH AJ took advantage of the fact that Gunner Sharps was on the ground after pinning Panther, and I can’t say that I blame him! AJ ascends the turnbuckles yet again, and comes off with another EXTRA SPECIAL! COLE Another Twisting Four Fifty by AJ Flaire! The Firm is keeping Gunner Sharps down! AJ runs over and tags in K Money, who also goes to the top rope! Money comes off the ropes, and hits a picture perfect Moonsault onto Gunner Sharps! CABOOSE Let him get to his feet! COLE Why? Why should they? Money grabs Gunners legs, and desperately tries to turn him over for the Bounced Check! COLE Money going for the Bounced Check! Can he turn Gunner over?? Money tries to turn Gunner one way, but he won’t go! Money tries to go back to the other side… …and TURNS GUNNER OVER! COACH Yes! The Bounced Check locked in! That Elevated Crab locked in! Gunner Sharps tries to make it over to the ropes, and he inches closer! CABOOSE He’s too strong for Money; he’s going to make it to the ropes! Suddenly, AJ runs into the ring, and knocks Axel off the apron! CABOOSE What a cheap shot! COLE What, just like Axel with the 24/7 title earlier? AJ runs over to Gunner Sharps, and applies the Fujiwar Armbar! COACH Double submission! Now Gunner can’t get to the ropes! Gunner Sharps tries desperately to get out of the painful submission holds but he can’t! Gunner raises his arm… CABOOSE This isn’t legal! Get AJ out of there! …AND HE TAPS OUT! COLE YES! CABOOSE NO! ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, GUNNER SHARPS has been ELIMINATED! COACH The beast was slain by K Money and AJ Flaire! Great double team submission move to eliminate the Three Hundred and Fifty pounder- Wait a minute! Gunner Sharps gets up, grabs AJ Flaire by the hair, and launches him out of the ring! K Money comes from behind with a double axe handle, but Gunner just shrugs it off, and grabs K Money by the throat! COLE He’s got him by the throat! Gunner lifts K Money high into the air, and plants him down with a vicious Chokeslam! COLE Dammit ref, get him out of the ring! He can’t do that! Gunner grabs K Money and puts him between his legs, before telling Axel to go up top! COACH Oh no, we’ve seen this before guys! Gunner lifts Money up for a Powerbomb, as Axel stands on the top rope! Gunner hoists Money higher, and Axel comes off the ropes, catching Money and taking him down for a Spinebuster! CABOOSE They simply call that move: Evil. Axel gets the cover! ONE… TWOOOOOOOO… COACH Kickout Money! Kickout! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! COLE Dammit no! ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, K MONEY has been ELIMINATED! COLE And we are down to two! Gunner Sharps absolutely destroyed K Money after he was eliminated, and then Axel and Gunner hit that absolutely devastating double team move aptly named EVIL! Axel and AJ Flaire remain in the ring, and both want this win badly! Axel and AJ Flaire both stand in the ring, facing each other. The atmosphere in the arena is electric, as they know that this one could go either way. Axel and AJ step into the centre of the ring, and square off. Axel steps back, and then delivers a blistering right hand! AJ comes back with one of his own! The two men exchange hard rights, and Axel gets the advantage! Irish whip by Axel, AJ comes off the ropes and hits a Spinning Heel Kick, taking Axel down! Axel is up quickly, and the two men stand in fighting stance again. COLE Both of these men at a stalemate early on. Axel walks up to AJ, and AJ steps back, and hits a hard chop to the chest of Axel, that echoes throughout the arena! COACH Whoo! What a hard knife edged chop! Axel comes back with a chop of his own! Both men exchange chops just like they did right hands a second ago, and this time it’s AJ with the advantage! AJ tries the Irish whip, but Axel reverses! AJ comes off the ropes, and Axel hits a Spinebuster! CABOOSE Yeah! Here comes the Axel Grinder! Axel grabs AJ’s left leg, and turns him over to lock in the Elevated Single Leg Crab! COLE Can AJ get through the pain? AJ’s got to get to the ropes! AJ starts to crawl toward the ropes, and gets to within arms reach, but Axel just pulls AJ back into the centre of the ring! CABOOSE Yes! AJ’s going to tap! AJ lifts his arm as if to tap, but instead he crawls along to the other ring ropes! AJ lunges forward… …and gets to the ropes!!! COLE AJ just got there! Axel’s gotta break the hold! Axel breaks the hold, and then goes over the other side of the ring, playing to the crowd and doing the crucifix pose, to which the crowd replies with heavy boos. COACH I don’t think Axel is too popular around here. Axel turns back around to AJ Flaire, who is just at hit feet. Axel runs at AJ, but AJ catches Axel’s left arm and applies the Fujiwar Armbar! COLE Both men exchanging submission holds! Will Axel tap out? Axel is in immense pain as he reaches for the bottom rope! AJ wrenches Axel’s arm back even further, eliciting a cry of pain from Axel! CABOOSE Come on Axel! Get to the ropes! Axel shouts in pain and he makes one last gasp effort for the bottom rope… …and he gets it!! CABOOSE Go Axel! Break the hold AJ, break the hold! AJ breaks the hold, and signals to the crowd for the end! COLE AJ might be looking for That’s Phenomenal here! AJ measures Axel, and Axel turns around! Boot to the midsection by AJ, AJ tries to lift Axel up for That’s Phenomenal, but AJ can’t get him up! Axel blocks A twice, and then gives him a low blow! COACH Blatant cheating by Axel! Axel grabs AJ’s legs, and lifts him over for a back body drop! AJ gets up quickly, and runs toward the ropes! COLE What’s AJ going for? AJ goes for a clothesline, but Axel ducks under! Axel picks AJ up on his shoulders, for a Reverse Death Valley! COLE Uh oh, we know what’s coming! Axel drives AJ Flaire down with an AXEL SLAM! COVER BY AXEL ON AJ! ONE!!!!!! TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! CABOOSE YES! YESS!!! *DING DING DING* Cue: “The Game” by Disturbed ANNOUNCER Here is your winner, and Sole Survivor, AXXXXXXELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! CABOOSE YEAH! Axel has done it! He is the Sole Survivor of this match! He beat the X Division Champion! He beat K Money! COLE Axel has won this match up! I can’t believe this! Axel celebrates in the middle of the ring as Gunner Sharps comes down to join him. Axel does the crucifix pose, while the fans erupt in a chorus of boos. Gunner raises Axel’s hand, as he blows a kiss into the camera and says ‘That one’s for you, Crystal.’ COLE Oh, come on! Blowing a kiss at Crystal! Axel is just asking for a beating, and one day, he is going to get it! CABOOSE Axel said that he was going to win tonight, he told Crystal last week on Held Down. He was right! He outlasted everyone in the ring, he had a hand in Panthers elimination, and he pinned K Money and AJ Flaire! Axel was the difference in this match up! COACH But you have to give K Money and AJ Flaire credit. They fought through this whole match, AJ pinning both of the Tag Team Champions, and K Money pinning Gunner Sharps. Remember this though, Panther was screwed by Axel! COLE Well we know that there will be repercussions this week on HeldDown! I’m sure Panther, for one, will have some scores to settle with Axel and Gunner, not to mention K Money and AJ Flaire! CABOOSE Say what you want guys, but the bottom line is, Axel is the sole survivor in this match, and he had to pin the X Division Champion, as well as K Money, to do it! COLE What else is going to happen tonight, at Zero Hour? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 COLE Here we go ladies and Gentleman......Ryan Smith’s career is on the line. ANNOUNCER The following match is scheduled for one fall with no time limit. Ryan Smith’s job is on the line in this contest which is now a NO DISQUALIFICATION match! COACH What!? When did that happen? *The OU Fight Song hits as the fans erupt. Ryan Smith appears on the stage in a pair of MMA-style tights that say OU on the side. His usually neat blonde hair is everywhere as he makes his way to the ring. The fans cheer as Smith slaps some hands as he goes by.* ANNOUNCER Making his way to the ring.....from Norman Oklahoma weighing in at 232 pounds, RYAN SMITH!!!! *Smith gets into the ring with a look of quiet determination on his face. He slowly pulls out a pair of red and white fingerless gloves and slips them onto his hands as the fans cheer.* COLE He’s getting ready for a fight guys. CABOOSE He’d better be ready, Skull Mask scares even me! *Suddenly all of the lights go out in the arena. The fans sit in stunned silence. “Scarecrow Man” by the Misfits begins to play as the fans all stand up to see smoke billowing out of the entrance way as yellow and orange lights shine on it. The fans all begin to boo as Skull Mask slowly walks out of the entrance way. Skull slowly and methodically begins to head to the ring, almost looking past Smith.* ANNOUNCER And his opponent! From Mexico City weighing in at 320 pounds........SKULL MASK!!!!!! *Skull Mask climbs onto the apron and begins to step over the top rope but Smith is on him. Smith runs forward throwing his body into Skull Mask sending him spilling to the floor. Mask hits the ground like nothing happens and begins to sit up but Smith is on him. Leaping off the apron and throwing expertly placed punches to the Skull’s face.* COLE Ryan Smith getting the jump on the monster! COACH But I don’t think he’s hurting him! *The Coach proves to be right as Skull Mask stands straight up and pie faces Smith to the mats. Smith more embarassed than hurt leaps to his feet only to be met with a thunderous clothesline putting him right back on his back. Showing no emotion Skull Mask slowly lifts him off the ground by his neck and then throws him into the ring post. Smith hits the post and ricochets to the ground banging his face on the mat when he hits.* COLE That monster just shows no emotion! He could’ve killed Smith! CABOOSE Where did Damaramu dig up this guy? You know it’s things like this that make him such a great asset to the company. COLE What!? Having our starts killed!? He’s like a hitman and mob boss rolled into one! *Smith tries to stand but Skull Mask is on him grabbing him by the back of his neck and his trunks and tossing him head first into the guardrail. Smith grabs his head as the beast continues to bring his onslaught. Skull lifts Smith up over his head with a gorilla press and tosses him through the middle ropes and into the ring. Smith starts to fight to his feet but Skull Mask is already climbing over the top rope and coming in after him. Smith makes it to his feet and Mask comes in with a clothesline. Smith ducks! Smith starts to deliver a couple of punches to his ribs and then to the back of his head! Skull Mask is unphased! The crowd erupts in support! Smith with a standing dropkick! Skull is still on his feet! Smith hits the ropes and goes for a bulldog! Mask has him! Smith manages to get his arms around Skull’s head but the monster just holds on and picks Smith up in position for a backdrop driver! Smith begins to wildly punch Skull Mask in the head but he just throws Smith to the mat!* COLE Smith valiantly tries to fight back. COACH You just can’t beat this monster though! *Smith lays on the mat looking more perplexed than hurt. However he quickly feels pain as Mask comes in and stomps him in the back. Smith cries out but Skull picks him up by the head and throws him into the corner.* CABOOSE He’s just manhandling him like he’s nothing! I love it! *Skull comes into the corner and begins to deliver hard clubbing punches to Smith’s face and chest. Skull steps back and lifts one leg putting a choke with his foot on Smith. Smith fights for a second but is at the mercy of the monster. Skull steps back as Smith falls out of the corner into his waiting hands. Skull has him in a double choke! Skull’s face is still emotionless as he shakes Smith around before finally lifting him high over his head with both hands choking Ryan out!* COLE Oh come on! This isn’t even fair! *Skull tosses Smith to the mat as he lays there in pain. Skull comes up behind him and yanks him to his feet picking him up for a sidewalk slam! Skull drives Smith into the mat and then leans over for the cover.* 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3!!!!!!!!!!!KICK OUT! *Smith manages to kick out and the crowd erupts.* COLE He’s taken a pounding from this monster but he refuses to quit! *Skull still shows no emotion as he stands back to his feet and sends Smith into the ropes. Smith comes back on the rebound but goes low with a chop block to the front of Skull’s legs. Skull falls to the mat grabbing his right knee and Smith is on him. Smith comes over delivering hard stomps to the knee as Skull Mask tries to get to his feet. But Smith is still on him pulling up the leg and kicking the back of his knee. Smith drops an elbow and wraps it up trying to wrench the big man’s knee. Skull Mask reaches forward and has long enough arms to wrap them around Smith’s face and gouge at his eyes! Smith screams and continues to wrench on the knee causing Skull to release his hold and lay back on the mat. Smith finally releases the hold and waits for the beast to limp to his feet. Smith hits the ropes and comes back in with a low dropkick taking him off of his feet again.* COLE It’s the oldest strategy in the book but perhaps the best! Take the giants legs out! *Smith pulls the leg up and signals for the figure four as the fans go nuts! Smith wraps them up and lays back on the figure four! The fans erupt as Skull Mask sits up. Seemingly in pain but you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at his face. Skull Mask reaches forward and tries to grab at Smith but Smith is laying back on the mat bouncing trying to get as much pressure as possible!* COACH For the first time in this contest I think Skull Mask is in trouble! CABOOSE He’ll bounce back! *Skull’s shoulders hit the mat!* 1!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!! He sits up! 1!!!!!!!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!! He sits up! 1!!!!!!!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SITS UP AND GRABS SMITH AROUND THE THROAT! *Skull now has his vice like grip around Smith’s neck causing him to release the hold. Skull Mask slowly rises to his feet on one leg favoring his right one. Smith delivers a few kicks to the knee but Skull Mask shows determination by weathering the blows and pushing Smith backwards through the ropes. Smith hits the mats on the outside as Skull Mask comes over the top rope and after him. Skull grabs Smith by the back of the head and sends him into the ring post! Smith lays on the mat for a second and then tries to stand as blood begins to drip from his face. Smith turns around into a Skull Mask big boot! The fans all wince in pain as the smack is heard throughout the arena. However Skull can’t put any weight on his bum leg and hits the mat’s beside Smith.* COLE Both men down on the outside! Smith really did a number on that knee! *Smith begins to stand as Skull Mask does to. Skull lumbers over but Smith shows to be quicker on the draw and quickly drops down with a drop toe hold that drops Skull right into the ring post! The fans erupt as Smith stands to his feet. Suddenly the fans are booing as DAMARAMU appears running to the ring! Smith doesn’t notice him as he stands over Skull Mask who is slumped face first into the ring post and begins to ram his face into the post. Damaramu runs around the corner of the ring and spears Smith right off of Skull Mask!* COLE Now it’s become 2 on 1! He could barely take Mask on his own! *Damaramu begins to punch the fallen Smith as the fans go crazy in anger! Damaramu pulls Smith up and sends him into the ring. Skull Mask rises to his feet and Damaramu grabs a chair as the big man comes in after Smith. Damaramu signals with a cut across his throat for Mask to end it! The fans all stand in unison as Skull pulls Dama down into position for the helicopter powerbomb! Skull Mask lifts Smith up and quickly spins around with enough force to propel a helicopter and drives Smith into the mat! Skull goes for the cover!* 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!SMITH GETS HIS FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE! *The fans go absolutely nuts as Damaramu loses his composure and pulls out the chair! Dama yells at Skull Mask to step aside and wildly runs in with the chair to Smith who is standing up against the ropes! Dama’s wildness proves to be his undoing as Smith ducks sending Damaramu over the top rope! He drops the chair in the ring and the bloody Smith is quick on the draw! Scooping the chair up and jabbing it into the ribs of Skull Mask who was coming in!* COLE Smith is coming back! COACH The roof is about to blow off of this place! *Smith steps back and like a baseball bat swings the chair into the top of the bent over Skull Mask’s head! Skull falls to the mat as Smith goes for the cover!* 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3!!!!!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!SKULL MASK KICKS OUT! COLE How did he survive that blow! *Smith looks like he’s about to explode and the fans all sit back in confusion and boo. Smith pulls Skull up and around hooking him in position for the Dragon Suplex! The fans are going crazy.......NO! DAMA IS BACK IN THE RING! HE HAS THE CHAIR! BAM!!!!! SMITH IS NAILED IN THE BACK!* COLE That bastard! Smith had this thing won! *Damaramu delivers another hard chair shot to the back of the fallen Ryan Smith! Skull Mask steps back a few steps as Damaramu pulls Smith to his feet and begins to punch him in the face. Dama slaps Smith and then kicks him hard in the gut..........DDT! Smith is spiked! Damaramu yells for Skull to finish him off again!* COLE Come on! Do we really need to see another Helicopter Bomb!? COACH Dama wants it.......and he always gets what he wants! *Just as Smith is put into position the fans erupt! CHARLIE HOSS IS BACK FOR REVENGE! The fans go crazy as the chief of security races to the ring!* COLE IT’S CHARLIE HOSS! HE’S BACK AND HE’S PISSED AT DAMARAMU!!!!!!! CABOOSE THIS IS NONE OF HIS BUSINESS! COACH He’s the chief of security! And one man’s job security is at stake! *Hoss leaps into the ring and runs right into Damaramu taking him to the mat. Hoss begins to deliver wild punches to the fallen Damaramu! Hoss gets back to his feet and lifts Dama up off the mat and quickly takes him back down with a clothesline! Skull Mask sees this and shoves Smith to the mat! The fans erupt as the two giants meet in the middle of the ring for the first time! Suddenly both begin to punch one another. Lefts and rights going back and forth as the two big men collide! Hoss gets the better of Skull Mask but Damaramu jumps up and wraps himself around Charlie’s legs preventing him from moving! As Dama holds Charlie there Skull Mask runs in with a big boot sending the chief of security to the mat! The wind is taken out of the fans sails again as Charlie is out!* COLE Dammit! You can’t stop either one of them! *The fans go nuts suddenly!* COACH LOOK AT SMITH! HE’S GOT THE CHAIR! *Ryan Smith is back on his feet and he’s pissed! Damaramu turns around into about the hardest chair shot ever to the face! The chair dents as it cracks against Dama’s skull putting him down and out! The fans are now on there feet going nuts as the roof threatens to fly off! Skull Mask spins around and Smith delivers an even harder shot to his face bending the chair! SKULL MASK IS STILL ON HIS FEET! SMITH STEPS BACK AND RAPID FIRES TWO SHOTS TO SKULL MASK’S FACE! HE’S STILL ON HIS FEET! SMITH HITS THE ROPES AND COMES BACK WITH A RUNNING SHOT! SKULL IS DOWN! THE FANS ARE ON THERE FEET! 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YES!YES!YES! *The fans go absolutely fucking nuts as the OU Fight Song hits over the arena’s speakers!* COLE HE DID IT! HE DID IT! HE’S BACK! ANNOUNCER The winner of this match and now with a spot back on the Helddown roster.......RYAN SMITH!!!!!!!!!!!! *The fans go nuts as Smith stands up to celebrate. Charlie Hoss comes up and lifts Smith’s hand high over his head!* COLE He was having trouble with Skull Mask! He won the advantage and Damaramu came out and swung it back to Skull Mask! Smith had to face both men but with the aide of Charlie Hoss he beat the odds! Ryan Smith is BACK! *Smith and Hoss both exit the ring as Damaramu with blood trickling down the front of his face stands and stares straight at Ryan Smith. Smith stops at the top of the ramp and both men stare one another in the eyes with fire burning in both. Damaramu slowly mouths the words “Anglemania” and Smith nods his head in agreement.* COLE Did he just say what I thought he did!? Folks this has just begun!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 (edited) Match Deleted by Stephen Joseph... A copy has been given to Tony149 Edited March 3, 2004 by Stephen Joseph Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 COLE Well, we certainly can't follow that. COACH So, YO~!, here's another IntenseZone segment! "Welcome to the Jungle" plays as we head into... THE BODY SHOP WITH JESSE THE BODY VENTURA Jesse is standing in the ring, where his desk and a couple of chairs facing each other are positioned. JESSE THE BODY VENTURA Alright. Welcome the return of The Body Shop. I am your new/old host Jesse The Body, and I'm here to tell it like it is. On MY show we get answers not question dodging. The only rules are The Body's rules. Which means there are no rules. This ain't "Meet The Press," it's TBS! Our debut show -- oh, I'm pumped about it; in a matter of minutes I'm going to bring out two guys who have started a bitter feud. This is like getting the Presidents of the United States & Iran to meet. Hate meets hate. I present to you the case of T-BOD vs. ANGLESAULT: THE OFFICIAL CONTRACT SIGNING! "Simply Ravishing" JESSE T-Bod claims he attacked Anglesault for 'not helping the family' and refuses to wrestle Anglesault at AngleMania III. AS seeks revenge on the man who gave him his spot as Executive Producer of OAOAST Entertainment, at AngleMania. But today on TBS they will meet for the official contract signing. Making his way to the ring, a man I most admire for his sportsmanship. The man who could be my son if I was 20 years old. Ladies and gentlemen, he's bigger, badder, more sexy than ever, the artist formerly known as Tony The Body --T-Bod! T-Bod and Jesse extend their hands like they're going to shake, they pause and look at each other, a grin appears on both their faces as they hug -- a manly hug. JR And Jesse calls himself an 'independent'. JESSE Now, would you please welcome a man many people claim is Mr. OAOAST-- JR 'Claim'? You gotta be kiddin' me. Folks, no matter how you feel about Anglesault, he is Mr. OAOAST. This man mirrors New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner -- both are firece competitors who will do anything and everything to win. JESSE (CONT'D) ...please welcome the former two-time heavyweight champion of the World, Anglesault. The crowd roars, along with a chant of: "Anglesault!" "Anglesault! "Anglesault!" as "Dream On" plays. AS struts his way to the ring, one eye on T-Bod, the other behind his back. If anybody knowns the tricks of the trade, it's 'Sault, a master of dirty tricks and cheapshots. JESSE Gentlemen, thank you for coming on. Please, sit. T-Bod & AS take a seat, their eyes locked on to each other like a heat-seeking missles. JESSE Let's try to keep it clean. Higher ups don't wanna pay for any damage caused by you two. T-BOD Jesse, you don't have to worry about me acting up. If somebody goes nuts it won't be me. But let me advise you Anglesault, you provoke me in any way I won't be afraid to defend myself unlike others. Random comment of the week: You teenage bastards working at fast food stores, you better handle the food with care. When I'm eating a pizza, burger, etc., I better not find any form of body hair. Should I, I think I have all the right in the world to jump over the counter and beat the shit outta you. So wash your hands and wear hair nets, assholes. ANGLESAULT Tony, Tony, Tony...the only thing I'm threaten of is you actually being around by the end of this interview. You like to dose off after a few weeks, do we not? T-Bod, clearly upset, does nothing. T-BOD Jesse, I made a promise to you that I wouldn't get out of control and I won't. I'm civil. ANGLESAULT Of course you are. You fought in it. JR Wow. Just wow. AS continues to piss off T-Bod. If I didn't know any better, and I don't, I'd think AS wants to hook 'em up, like "Cowboy" Bill Watts would say. JESSE AS, this is the big boy table, if you can't act like an adult I'm going to have to ask you to leave. T-BOD That or a fist implanted in your face. AS jumps outta his seat and goes right for T-Bod. Both men are now face-to-face. Jesse leaves his desk to get in between the two. JR Man-oh-man, this is gonna get ugly. These two aren't gonna keep it civil, just let them go at it. They want it, the people want, the board of directors don't want it till AngleMania III but who gives a damn what the man wants. T-BOD When you take a shit, you know when you're ready to wipe your ass only to notice the shit is stuck on his ass cheeks like peanut butter, that's what you are 'Sault: The shit stuck to my BUTT cheeks. And pinning you at AM III will be the toilet paper wiping the shit off...then comes the flus-- *BOOM* JR To hell with that. To hell with TBS. We thought we were going to see a productive sit down interview but today's wrestlers just wanna get it on, and getting it they are. We got a brawl now! You better get out of the ring Jess. Jesse quickly leaves the ring while the fans cheer AS, who's pounding T-Bod with right hands much like T-Bod did to him two weeks ago. AS shouts, "You want fight?! Now we're fighting!" Double leg takedown by T brings AS to the mat. Both men counter a series of amatuer wrestling moves which leads to AS attempting the ANKLE LOCK but T-Bod pushes 'Sault away with his feet. T ducks a clothesline and then attempts one of his own only to see AS duck as well, leading to T-Bod getting ANGLESLAMMED on Jesse's desk, which DOESN'T BREAK! AS flips the desk onto T-Bod. The crowd is just loving this. JR What action! What action! This is the type of intense action you're gonna see March 28, live on pay-per-view at AmgleMania III. And this is the intense action you'll see every Tuesday night (God willing) on IZ. JESSE (now back at the booth) Uncalled for Jim Ross. This is all the OAOAST's fault. Its a setup. Watts planned this on the relaunched TBS just to screw me and T-Bod over. I won't stand for it. JR Then go back to politics, ya big baby. JESSE I'm gonna go back to knock you on your ass if you don't shut up farm animal molester. JR I haven't been on a farm in ages. JESSE That's because the animals placed a restrainting order on you. After going outside the ring to grab a chair, AS nails T-Bod right in the head. T goes down in a heap. The chair is placed in the center of the ring like it was just two weeks ago where we saw AS go through it. But now it's going to be T-Bod going through it. Irish whip into a Spinebus-- NO! Dan Black jumps onto the ring apron, causing AS to lose his focus, allowing a now bloody T-Bod enough time to counter it by delivering an elbow to the back of Anglesault's head. JR Why is Dan Black out here? This is no way a General Manager should act. You don't see Magic Johnson running onto the court to distract the opposing player. JESSE You wouldn't want that. But Dan Black is evaluating talent. Every GM owns it to his team and fans to ensure the talent on the field, in this case the ring, is top-notch. It's not his fault AS has a wandering eye. You wouldn't blame a fan for causing Kevin Garrett to miss a key free-throw; he should make it regardless. JR Go to Chicago and tells the fans it ain't Steve Bartmen's fault for the Cubs missing the World Series. Bartmen may be in the OAOAST for all we know. JESSE Chicago is like Boston, they blame everybody but themselves for their weak efforts. T-Bod grabs the steel chair and plasters AS in the back. On his knees AS looks Tony right in the eyes and motions his hand in a "bring it bitch!" manner. T-Bod positions himself like a baseball player standing in the box and takes a home run swing... JESSE Back, back, back, back, back...gone, Jim Ross! JR Down goes Anglesault! Down goes Anglesault! Down goes Anglesault. What a thud! What a sicking thud! Shades of A-Rod in Yankee Stadium. JESSE More like Nomar hittin' the series clinching home run at Yankee Stadium, game 7 of the American League Championship Series. JR AS won't like hearing that. JESSE AS is an A-S-S. And you know what that spells. JR AngleSault's Sister? JESSE (scoffs) One can only imagine - if they dared so - what she'd look like. George Steinbrenner's body with Jeff Weaver's face. (shutters) JR Now he really isn't going to like that. T-Bod tears off Anglesault's shirt, stuffs it into 'Sault's mouths and flips his over to his stomach. Dan takes handcuffs out of his pocket and cuffs AS, stomach first, to the bottom rope. JR Get help out here! Where's the help?! JESSE Backstage. JR Well get them out here. JESSE Who's gonna wanna help AS, huh? He's pissed off HeldDown for not renewing his contract there, and he's pissed off IZ for not signing there and help the family. You think somebody wants to help him? JR Somebody back there must have compassion. JESSE AS didn't show it to them; they won't show it to him. Tied to the bottom rope AS has no choice but to suffer the painful chairshots to his ribs at the hands of T-Bod, who along with Dan Black, is smiling at his suffering. "How do you like it, how do you like it?" sings T-Bod. JR Disgusting. Dan Black stomps on 'Sault's ribs, as T-Bod jumps off the second rope, bashing the tip of the chair into Anglesault's lower back. Then repeatedly bashes the chair against AS's back until... STEPEHN JOSEPH runs out to help AS. JR Yes! About time somebody comes to Anglesault's aid. This man deserves it for everything he's done for the OAOAST. JESSE He tried to put you outta a job during the failed aWo takeover. As a matter of fact T-Bod was one of the men fighting for your rights. Don'tcha respect the men who fought for your freedom? JR knows he can't counter that fact, so he doesn't reply. JESSE Just telling it like it is. T-Bod bolts as does Dan, but not before Stephen lands a couple of right hands on IZ's GM. T-Bod & Dan head to the back, chest sticking out, obviously proud of the job done. Security removes the handcuffs off AS and Stephen helps him up. AS wants no part of Stephen, as he pushes him away. Stephen can only look at a dizzy AS leave the ring under his own power (no help), but clearly hurting very badly. JR I know we'll hear more about this soon. Maybe as soon as this week on IZ. ANGLEMANIA III Sunday, March 28 WHERE IT ALL... IS POSTED AGAIN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 COLE "Well, folks, next up is the culmination of one of the most heated rivalries in the entire OAOAST -- the unsanctioned, backlot brawl between CWM and Hoff. Now this contest is not endorsed by the OAOAST. On the record books, it will never have happened. But the emotion behind this match is very real." COACH "Folks, you might want to put the kiddies to bed. This match is gonna be insane in the membrane." CABOOSE "Insane in the membrane?" COACH "Yeah, you know, like Cypress Hill. Insane...insane in the brain..." CABOOSE "A goof like you doesn't have any business calling this serious of a match. Or, any match." Caboose smiles smugly as Coach sulks. COLE "...Folks, let me explain to you just what is entailed in this contest. In just a few moments, CWM and Hoff will make their way into the back parking lot of the arena. From there, it's a good lod fashioned street fight. There are no rules, there is no referee. This isn't about winning or losing. For CWM, it's about getting revenge, and for Hoff...well, I can't imagine what must be going through Hoff's head right now." CABOOSE "You know, Hoff might be slime, even I can agree on that, but you've got to feel for him. What does he have to be thinking? CWM has metamorphosized into an animal; a raving lunatic who is hell bent on taking Hoff out, permanently." COLE "And remember what general manager Northstar said this past Thursday on HeldDOWN: if Hoff doesn't show up, he's fired." COACH "But is it worth his career? I mean, I still want that PS2 and all, but--" CABOOSE "Will you stop." COLE "--Folks, I'm getting word now that CWM has entered the parking lot, which means it's time for this match to begin. Let's take you to our cameras in the back." The fans turn their attention to the AngleTron as the cameras cut to a wide angle shot of the parking lot. A lone figure is seen pacing back and forth under the lights. The cameras zoom in to a close up of CWM, a grim look on his face. CWM "HOFF!!" The cameras pan out and we see CWM's full figure, clad in jeans and a t-shirt, wrists taped. In his right hand, he holds his tire iron, swinging it back and forth. He bangs it on the hood of a car as he paces by. CWM "Hoff! Get out here, you big son of a bitch!!" CWM stops and looks around for any sign of Hoff, but there's no one else present. CWM turns around, but as he does, the door into the building opens, and out steps Hoff. COLE "There he is!" Hoff is also clad in a t-shirt and jeans. He takes a few steps towards CWM, but the gravel under his feet attracts CWM's attention. The veteran whirls around, and his eyes widen. CABOOSE "Here we go." CWM charges at Hoff, and before the big man can react, CWM spears him back into the door he just came from! CWM climbs onto Hoff and unloads with a barrage of right hands! COLE "And CWM is out of the gate, and looking for blood!" CWM unloads a few more right hands on Hoff, then climbs off of him. Hoff is crumpled against the door, and CWM kicks him in the ribs for good measure. CWM turns around, and starts...searching the ground. COLE "What is CWM doing?" COACH "Don't you see, he's looking for his tire iron! He must have dropped it when he charged at Hoff." CWM continues to search in the low light as Hoff gets to his feet. Finally, CWM bends down and picks up his weapon of choice! A huge cheer goes up from the crowd as they watch on the AngleTron. CWM walks over to Hoff, who is still lying against the door. CWM reaches overhead and prepares to bring the iron down across Hoff's head, but Hoff quickly kicks CWM in the kneecap! CWM's knee buckles, and he drops the iron again! COLE "What a cheap shot by Hoff." CABOOSE "That's a smart move, Cole. Hoff saw an opening and went for it. CWM holds his knee in pain as Hoff gets to his feet. Hoff looks at CWM, scowls, and levels a stiff kick to the side of CWM's knee. CWM goes down with a yell of pain. Hoff stalks around CWM, who is on his hands and knees, and delivers another stiff shot to CWM's ribs. CWM collapses in a heap. Hoff stomps CWM once, twice, three times, then turns around and begins looking over the parking lot ground. COLE " looks like Hoff's looking for that tire iron!" COACH "Oh, MAN! He does not need a weapon. Although neither does CWM." Hoff searches the ground, unaware of CWM slowly collecting himself. Hoff stops suddenly, bends over, and picks up the tire iron! Hoff turns around, but CWM springs to his feet! Hoff charges but CWM catches him with a tackle to the ribs! COACH "DAYUM!" Hoff falls to the pavement as CWM hits his feet again and unloads a furious barrage of kicks and stomps on Hoff! The big man tries to cover himself, but CWM is on fire! He lays one, two, three, four, FIVE boots into the small of Hoff's back! The fans are going insane as CWM starts cursing Hoff out! CWM "You fucking son of a bitch, I'll KILL YOU!! Do you hear me?! DO YOU?!?" COLE "Whoa!!" CABOOSE "Well, it looks like Hoff may have been right about CWM leaving him for dead..." CWM bends over to yell in Hoff's ear, then picks him up by his shirt collar. CWM looks into Hoff's eyes for a second..and then throws him into a nearby car! Hoff hits the side of the car back first...and CWM follows him in with a running knee lift! Hoff crumples, but CWM picks him up and begins unloading with right hands! COACH "Now CWM's got Hoff right where he wants him!" Just then, almost if Coach is destined to be wrong, Hoff blocks a right hand and fires back with one of his own! CWM throws another, but Hoff counters again! CWM staggers back a bit, and Hoff whips him back into the car! COLE "That car is getting pretty banged up..." CABOOSE "Yeah...not to mention, you know, the WRESTLERS." CWM's back arches in pain before Hoff kicks him back into the car door. Hoff moves in, and hits CWM with a series of slow right hooks. COLE "Hoff is methodical with those big punches; he knows that CWM's ribs and back, especially, are nowhere near 100%." Hoff lands a few more hooks, then steps back as CWM doubles over in pain. Hoff charges forward with a running knee lift, but nobody home as CWM rolls to the side! Hoff SCREAMS in pain as his knee hits the car! Hoff stumbles back...and CWM catches him with a hip toss to the pavement! COACH "Nice move by CWM!" COLE "Looks like Hoff hit his head hard on that landing!" Indeed, Hoff is holding his head and rolling on the ground. CWM stands over Hoff for a second...then yells "GET UP!!"" The fans cheer wildly as CWM motions for Hoff to get to his feet. Hoff gets to one knee...then to his feet...but he's facing away from CWM! Hoff stumbles a lillte as CWM sizes him up...and plants a field goal between Hoff's legs!! COACH "OH!! That is SO not cool!" CABOOSE "A cheap shot, but it's what CWM needs to do to gain the advantage." Hoff's eyes bug out and his jaw drops as he sinks to his knees, then falls to the ground. CWM allows himself a little smirk, then picks Hoff up and hooks him in a front face lock... COLE "What's CWM gonna go for here?" ...and PLANTS Hoff with a DDT! The crowd begins to chant "C-W-M" as the man gets to his feet and stares at Hoff's barely moving form. CABOOSE "Hoff may be seriously hurt here." Hoff rolls over, and a streak of blood is visible on his forehead. Hoff sits up slightly...but is met with a diving dropkick to the face! COLE "Well maybe CWM is feeling better than we all thought!" CWM rolls to his feet, then picks Hoff up by the hair. CWM leans in and yells even more obscenities at Hoff...then points to a nearby car's window. COACH "Don't tell me he's gonna do what I think he's gonna do..." CWM, still carrying Hoff by the hair, walks over to the car, rears his arm back, and slams Hoff's head through--NO! Hoff gets his leg up and blocks the blow!! Hoff elbows CWM in the face, and CWM lets go of the hold. Hoff, seizing the opportunity, grabs CWM by the back of his head...and PUTS HIM THROUGH THE CAR WINDOW!! COACH "DAAAAAMN!!" COLE "Hoff just plastered CWM's face through the car's side window!!" CABOOSE "Well, this is what you have to do, Michale, and Hoff is getting it done." A small "holy shit" chant goes up through the crowd. Blood trickles from Hoff's forehead as he pulls CWM out of the car. He grabs CWM by his hair and yells "what's up now?!" Hoff then grabs CWM and throws him onto the top of the car! COLE "Oh no." Hoff climbs up the trunk of the car, then onto the top. CWM tries to get to his feet. His face is a bloody mess of cuts. CWM begins crawling up Hoff's legs as Hoff just stares down at the fallen hero. COLE "What is Hoff planning here..." Hoff looks at CWM for a second...then pulls him to his feet. Hoff, slowly, hooks CWM's arm around the back of his head... COACH "NO!" COLE "He wouldn't." CABOOSE "Oh yes he would..." ....and Hoff delivers a Rock Bottom to CWM on top of the car!! COLE "My God, this is sick. Sick." The car's roof collapses as CWM falls halfway into the automobile. Hoff, also dazed by the impact, shakes it off and slides off the car roof. CWM slowly rolls over...and falls off of the car and onto the pavement. Hoff looks down on CWM's fallen form for a long moment, and finally turns away to leave. COACH "So is that it?" COLE "It has to be. My God, CWM has had enough. He can barely more, and he-- "HOFF!!!!!" Hoff whirls around, dumbfounded, to see CWM dragging himself up the side of the car, and onto his feet! CABOOSE "No damn way." Hoff looks absolutely horrorstruck as CWM, a bloody mess, his face and hair matted in red, pulls himself to his feet...and manages to stand ounder his own power! Hoff's jaw drops even further as another "holy shit" chant goes up from the live crowd. CWM takes a tenative step towards Hoff, then another. Hoff responds by storming back to where CWM is standing...but CWM catches him with ANOTHER blow below the belt!! The fans go wild!! CABOOSE "Come on. COME ON." COLE "Oh, like he doesn't deserve it. What guts, what raw adrenaline this man must have right now." CWM keeps screaming obscenities at Hoff while picking him up. The veteran unloads a series of right hands, and a vicious kneelift to Hoff's face! Hoff SNAPS back and hits the pavement!! COACH "Yeah baby!" The "C-W-M" chant begins again as suddenly, CWM eases off the attack...and walks away from Hoff. COLE "Wait, what is he doing?" Hoff's face drips crimson as he lies prone on the ground. CWM keeps walking, stops, bends over...and picks up his tire iron. Another cheer goes up from the crowd. CABOOSE "CWM may have just regained the advantage." CWM stalks over toward Hoff and picks him up. CWM steps back, swings...but Hoff catches his wrist, but NO! CWM kicks Hoff in the gut, pulls his arm free as Hoff hunches over...and brings the tire iron down across the back of Hoff's head!! Hoff falls like a stone as CWM hoists his weapon into the air and lets out a passionate scream!! COLE "Now, NOW CWM is in control!" Still holding onto the tire iron, CWM whips Hoff into the wall near the door Hoff originally came out of. Hoff slams hard into the wall, CWM follows him in, and lays into Hoff's midsection with the tire iron! Hoff doubles over, but CWM picks him back up and strikes him again!! Hoff slides down the wall, falling off his feet and onto his backside. CWM picks him up, measures, and swings for Hoff's head...but Hoff ducks just in time, and CWM hits the wall! CABOOSE "Ha, nice shot by CWM." Hoff ducks under CWM's outstretched arms, and catches CWM with a thumb to the eye as he turns around. Hoff grabs CWM by the hair again, and this time slams him into the arena door! CWM reels back, and Hoff opens the door hard into CWM! CWM falls to the pavement hard. COACH "Hey! They're coming in here!" Hoff picks CWM up and throws him through the open doorway and into the arena. Hoff follows him in, and throws him into the near wall. COLE "Now remember folks, Northstar said that CWM is not allowed in an OAOAST ring until cleared by the doctors...but knowing these two, they may end up out here anyway!" Hoff walks toward CWM, but CWM rises off the wall and pushes Hoff back into a stack of wooden crates against the back wall. CWM steps back and smiles. CABOOSE "What's he smiling about?" Hoff shoots CWM a confused look...and suddenly, a crate falls on his head!! COACH "HA!! That was awesome!" Hoff shouts "DAMMIT!!" as he cradles his head in his arms and falls to one knee. CWM, seizing the opportunity, grabs Hoff in a side headlock and bulldogs him onto th arena floor!! COLE "A bulldog on the floor?" CABOOSE "Hey, they do what they have to do." CWM pulls Hoff up. Hoff's head starts to gush blood a bit quicker. CWM steps back, and looks at Hoff...then whips off his shirt! COACH "Whoa, hey, what?" CWM looks at Hoff, then wipes Hoff's face with his shirt! CWM smears the blood across Hoff's face, then stuffs the shirt down his mouth! COLE "CWM is possessed. I have to believe he is not here mentally." CWM yells "TASTE YOUR BLOOD, ASSHOLE!" while shoving the shirt down Hoff's mouth, drawing a pretty big pop from the fans. CWM then tears the shirt out of Hoff's mouth. Hoff coughs a couple of times, but CWM quickly puts a stop to that with a sharp right hand. Hoff's jaw snaps back and he turns around, and CWM follows him, then grabs him by the hair and drags him down the hall. COACH "Where they headed now?" CWM stops suddenly and throws Hoff head-first through a doorway! Shrieks can immediately be heard from the inside! COLE "What the hell?" The cameras follow CWM as he walks into the room...where Jackie Gayda is clad in only a towel!! Hoff stumbles blindly towards her, drawing another shriek! COACH "T-t-t-t-t-t-TITTAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" COLE "Would you stop?" Jackie, clinging to her towel, uses her free hand to slap Hoff across the face! Hoff turns around...right into the waiting hands of CWM, who throws him out of the room and onto the floor!! CWM follows Hoff out, and bends over to pick him up, but Hoff suddenly jerks his leg up and kicks CWM directly in the grapefruits! CABOOSE "Yes. Turnabout is fair play." Hoff rises slowly, then picks CWM up. Hoff whips CWM down the hall...but yanks him back, and catches him with a short-arm clothesline! The live crowd jeers loudly as Hoff wipes the blood off of his face with his hand, and flings it down onto CWM! COLE " CWM could be back in trouble." Hoff shouts "WHO'S THE BIG MAN NOW, ASSHOLE?!" The fans are LIVID as Hoff picks CWM up and carries him down the hall and to a corner. Hoff stops, scoops CWM up...and rams his back into the corner!! COACH "Oh man, that is SICK!" CWM yells in pain, as Hoff steps back and repeats the maneuver. Hoff drops CWM then, and the veteran holds his back in writhing pain. Hoff stomps CWM once, then walks down the hall...and then back. COLE "What, did he see something?" Hoff comes back to CWM, picks him up, and yells... HOFF "You want me in the ring? Well you got it!" COLE "Are...are they coming where I think they are?" CABOOSE "You knew they were sooner or later." The fans' cheers pick up again as Hoff drags CWM down the hall, and around a bend. The cameras follow as CWM and Hoff walk past some cables, lighting equipment, a tech guy...then past some curtains and... COACH "Here we go!!" The cameras switch to a shot of the entrace ramp...but CWM and Hoff don't appear. COLE "I don't get it...they were on their way... The cameras linger on the entry way...then cut to the back, where CWM and Hoff are busy guards!! Hoff and CWM are each slugging their way out of a horde of security! One tries to grab Hoff's arm and twist it behind his back, but the big man simply hip tosses him away! Another jumps on Hoff's back, but he snapmares the man over! Meanwhile, CWM throws fist after fist after fist to three guards! The fans roar as, for a split second, CWM and Hoff have forgotten each other and started slugging it out with security! CABOOSE "This is madness!" COACH "This is the OAOAST, baby!" COLE "I can't believe this." CWM and Hoff each manage to disable the last of their guards. The twm men turn to each other, and CWM rakes Hoff across the eyes! CWM grabs Hoff by the hair, walks between the curtains... COACH "Yes, here we go, here we go baby!" CWM hurls Hoff down the ramp! The fans SCREAM as CWM walks out of the entranceway. His face still a bloody mess, CWM takes a moment to salute the fans, who pick up a HUGE chant of "C-W-M, C-W-M!!!" COLE "These fans are electric!!" Hoff gets to his feet and heads to the ring. He leans on the apron and attempts to collect his breath, but CWM immediately catches up to him and grabs him by the hair! CWM rears back and rams Hoff's heads into the ringpost!! Hoff bounces back, and CWM catches him with an Irish Whip that sends Hoff into the ring steps!!! CABOOSE "This might be it guys, this is CWM's element! Hoff's still a rookie, and if they get in this ring it HAS to be over!" CWM roars in triumph as the fans chant his name! He picks Hoff up off of his feet...and rolls him into the ring!! COLE "This is it, there's nowhere left to go!" Hoff crawls to the corner as CWM rolls into the ring himself. Hoff climbs up, turns around...and is met with a HUGE knife edge chop! FANS "WOOOOOOOOOOO!" CWM lays a few chops into Hoff, then whips him across to the far buckle. CWM runs in after him, and catches him with a corner splash!! COLE "Great move by CWM!" Hoff falls out of the corner and to the mat. CWM picks Hoff up, grabs him from behind, hooks the grapevine and takes him down with a Russian legsweep! CWM gets up slowly, but surely, as Hoff holds his head in pain. CABOOSE "Hoff's taken a lot of hits to that big head of his, and I don't know--" Caboose is cut off by the roar of the fans as--CWM FLASHES THE POLLYCUTTER SIGN!!! COACH "AW BOO YEAH~!" COLE "The Pollycutter! if CWM hits this...well, there's no referee, but all the same this one WILL be over!!!" CWM picks Hoff up...measures the big man...hooks in the 3/4 facelock--but Hoff pushes him off!! CWM hits the ropes, comes back, and SPINEBUSTER~!!!! COLE "Wow, what a desparation move by Hoff!" CABOOSE "He may have just saved his life!" CWM lies prone after the huge spinebuster, and Hoff is also out on the canvas. COACH "Where's the 10 count?" COLE "There is no 10 count! This is simply a battle of wills!!" Both men roll around on the canvas. The fans again pick up their CWM chant...but it's to no avail as Hoff gets to his feet first! Hoff looks out across the now-booing fans...and cries out "H BOMB!!" COLE "The H-Bomb! We saw this at the Royal Rumble! If Hoff can hit this..." COACH "Isn't that the Harris Brothers' move?" COLE "Call it what you will, but I dunno if CWM can even take this right now. I mean...he could get hurt." CABOOSE "Good! Let him! He wanted this so bad, let him pay for it!" Hoff picks CWM up off the mat, and sets him up for the devastating powerbomb/spinebuster combo. Hoff grabs CWm around the midsection, lifts him up in the powerbomb position...but CWM slides off! CWm lands on his feet...and hits Hoff with a THIRD low blow!! CABOOSE "All right, enough is enough! Three low blows is totally--" COLE "Stuff it, Caboose! This is CWM doing what it takes! Thi is CWM finally getting his revenge!!" CWM grabs Hoff's head in a 3/4 facelock... COACH "This is it!!" VOICE: "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!" CWM drops Hoff and turns to the aisleway to see... COLE "Northstar?! The GM of HeldDOWN, what's he doing here?!" Northstar heads down the ramp with a mic in hand, accompanied by Charlie Hoss and another team of security guards. NORTHSTAR "No no no no NO!!" Northstar stops in front of the ring. CWM looks angrily at the HeldDOWN General Manager. NORTHSTAR "DAMMIT, man! I told you, CWM. I said you could have Hoff, as long as you kept it out of the ring. But you couldn't have that, could you? You couldn't just leave well enough alone? Well SCREW YOU, CWM! I'm not getting sued or worse because you have a death wish! Boys...get this man out of my ring." The security team enters the ring. CWM attempts to fight them off, but there's simply too many, and CWM is overwhelmed. Two men hold his arms back as another one handcuffs him. NORTHSTAR "Until further notice, sweetheart, consider yourself suspended." The fans get extremely angry at this announcement. They boo tremendously as CWM is escorted out of the ring and up the ramp. Northstar turns to watch him off, then turns back as Hoff staggers to his feet. COLE "Is Hoff even aware of what just happened?" Hoff blinks as he looks around him. His gaze finally settles on Northstar. NORTHSTAR "And you, darling...don't you forget that I just saved your ass." Northstar grins as Hoff stares at him blankly. Suddenly, Hoff walks toward Northstar, leans over the ring ropes...and spits in the General Manager's face. Northstar's jaw drops. COACH "Whoa! What is Hoff doing?" Dumbfounded, Northstar can only look on as Hoff exits the ring. As he walks by the GM, he pauses and levels an icy glare at Northstar. Then without warning, Hoff heads up the ramp and out of the entranceway. Northstar blinks twice, wipes the spit off of his cheek, and walks away. COLE "Fans, I have no idea what just happened. Northstar just threw CWM out of the building, and suspended him on top of it..." CABOOSE "Come on, Cole, CWM knew the rules and he broke them." COLE "But he wasn't in an official OAOAST match! What's the big problem?" CABOOSE "The problem is that CWm was told not to set foot in an OAOAST ring and he did anyway! He broke the rules." COLE "Well, I don't know about that. I do know that CWM was sure pissed, and I doubt this think with he and Hoff is really over." COACH "Yeah, and did you see the look Hoff gave Northstar? I don't think HE wanted the match to end, either!" CABOOSE "...Did you just actually offer insight?" COACH "Who knew?" COLE "Well fans, I guess only time will tell what will happen next in this saga, but one thing is for sure: there is a score yet to be settled." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 COLE The next contest here at Zero Hour is going to be a change of pace from the exciting X Division action we've seen tonight. This next match, while it has all the makings of a classic, is really about a struggle between two men. One desperately trying to overcome addiction who is seemingly losing his grip on reality, and another man who has remained the cornerstone of our company but has been told he's losing his edge. And it's all being done with no disqualifications or infractions to count against the competitors. CABOOSE One man's lost his edge, the other is over the edge. Ragdoll seemingly has Zack's number after this past Thursday, and showed that he's finally got nothing left to lose, INCLUDING his mind. Ragdoll put his hands on Candie, he hit Zack right in the heart, he hit him hard, and he doesn't look to be letting up. COLE Some reciprocation. CABOOSE For what? Letting Ragdoll almost die two weeks ago? COACH C'mon, Booze, we all know that Zack never put the needles in his arm. CABOOSE He may as well have, although knowing how selfish Zack is, he probably would have kept the stash for himself. The lighting dims, and "Handsome Devil" by The Smiths cues up, and the boos overtake the beat of the song. Strutting out of the back, cigarrette in his mouth, comes Austin Baker, aka Ragdoll. COLE He wants our sympathy, but does nothing to invoke it. CABOOSE The man almost died! COLE He almost broke Candie's neck! CABOOSE Bitch deserved it. She's too good for Malibu. COACH Well, we know she had her eye on me, but I can't do that to my main playa Zack. CABOOSE Oh please. The only girl you could get is of the inflatible variety. Ragdoll stands on the entrance stage, then takes a few steps, sneering to the crowd before flicking his cigarrette into the sea of fans. He's out here alone tonight, no girlfriend, no Rat Pack. Nobody but himself. He enters the ring and stands, legs apart, in the center, turning his head and smirking evily to the crowd, as pyro goes off around him. His taunts only make the boos grow (as if they could get any louder), until his song fades out. The sound of piano keys replaces The Smiths, and the fans erupt, looking out to the entranceway for the arrival of The Franchise of the OAOAST, Zack Malibu! Once the first chorus hits, through the smoke on the stage, one!? CABOOSE Ha! Chickenshit Malibu, probably hiding under Candie's hospital bed. COLE No way. This isn't like Zack at all. COACH I dunno MC, I didn't see Zack around earlier today... Ragdoll walks over to the ropes and looks on, laughing at the no-show. "Bring Me To Life" continues to play, and suddenly fans do start popping, as Zack Malibu comes through the crowd on the other side of the building, clad his tights and a "Malibu: Established 1980" T-shirt. Zack hops the rail and quickly picks up a chair, as Ragdoll waits on his entrance, not seeing him sneak in! Zack comes up behind him with the chair, and raises it, but Ragdoll turns and sees Zack, ducking and rolling out of the ring just as Malibu looked to bring it down on his head! Ragdoll bitches at ringside, taunting Zack, but Zack simply tosses the chair down at him, narrowly hitting him, but then launching himself over the top rope with a pescado and taking him out! CABOOSE What a cheat. And these people eat it up with a spoon! COLE Seems like Zack might be gaining some of that edge back, eh Caboose? CABOOSE Please. He's as soft as a plush toy. Malibu pulls Ragdoll up and starts wailing on him, pounding on his forehead and temple with right hands. Zack then reaches down and picks Ragdoll up, pressing him in the air, and then dropping him down chest first across the guardrail! Ragdoll leans over the guardrail, trying to catch his breath, but Malibu won't allow it. He turns Ragdoll around and kicks him in the gut, then grabs him in a front facelock...then hooks his leg...POP DROP~!...NO! Ragdoll kidney punches Zack several times to break the hold! Zack comes at him again, but Ragdoll kicks Zack in the ribs, then takes him by the head and tries to smash it into the ring apron, but Zack gets his hands out to block, and then rams Ragdoll's face into the apron! Zack tosses him back in under the bottom rope, and climbs back in. Ragdoll pushes himself up to his knees, but backtracks when he sees Zack coming, and begs for mercy from his opponent. COACH Haha, make him beg, Zack! CABOOSE This isn't an animal tricks show you twit. Zack stands above Ragdoll, looking out to the crowd, who give him a resounding "NO" when it comes to showing mercy. Zack pulls Ragdoll up by his hair, but catches a thumb to his eye. Ragdoll then takes Zack and Irish Whips him into the corner, where Zack crashes hard back-first, then gets crushed as Ragdoll charges in and blasts him with a running clothesline! Ragdoll pulls Zack out of the corner, and stands to the side of him, dropping him with a Russian Legsweep, but rolling through, to his feet, and then immediately after hitting a standing legdrop across Zack's throat! With Zack down, Ragdoll goes over to the corner, and undoes the top turnbuckle, exposing the steel portion of the corner! Zack starts to get up, and Ragdoll grabs him as he is, and tries ramming his head into the metal turnbuckle, however Zack gets a foot up and blocks it. He tries to ram Ragdoll's head, but Rags puts HIS foot up, and blocks the shot as well! Ragoll turns and knees Zack in the gut, then starts hammering on him before grabbing his arm and trying an Irish whip into the corner again, only this time Malibu puts on the brakes and turns back towards Ragdoll, booting him in the midsection and then pulling him up onto his shoulders, and driving him into the canvas with a sitout powerbomb! The referee makes the count as Zack keeps him cradled, but Ragdoll gets a shoulder up at two! Malibu gets up to his feet, and as Ragdoll does the same, Zack grabs him by the head and snaps him HARD back to the canvas, then mounts his shoulders and starts raining punches on him, UFC-style! After beating on Rags, Zack picks him up and sends him into the ropes, but Ragdoll hooks his arms on the top rope, putting the brakes on, and then takes a powder out on the floor! Not having any of this, Zack comes out to the apron and jumps down to the floor, giving chase. He spins Ragdoll around, but suddenly gets a fistful of powder tossed in his eyes, blurring his vision! COACH Dammit! I should have known he'd have some type of powder on him. CABOOSE Maybe it's anthrax. That'll get these damn marks out of here quick. With Zack blinded, Ragdoll pulls up some of the cables from the floor, and wraps one around Zack's neck, choking him out! Ragdoll then turns so that he and Zack are back to back, and pulls the cable over his shoulder, taking Zack's feet off the floor and hanging him across his back! Zack tries to fight, but can't do it, as Ragdoll pulls harder on the cable, cutting off the airflow that Zack needs! COLE He's choking the life out of him right in front of us! He could kill him. CABOOSE If that happens, I'll pay for the casket out of sheer enjoyment. Ragdoll holds on, but Zack is able to reach the apron with his feet, and kicks off, floating over Rags' back and landing in front of him! Quickly, Zack clotheslines Ragdoll with the cable, and wraps it around HIS neck, standing behind him and choking him! Ragdoll gasps for air, and tries to fight it, but when Malibu releases, he grabs Ragdoll in a waistlock, lifting him up in a seated position and then running towards the corner, ramming Ragdoll's midsection into the steel post! Zack drops Ragdoll to the floor and puts the boots to him, stomping him down, then stops and goes to recover the steel chair he had earlier on. COLE I think Malibu's ready to knock one out of the park! Ragdoll slowly gets to his feet, holding his mid-section, as Malibu looks ready to swing the chair. Malibu then gets a running start on his chairshot, but Ragdoll falls back to a seated position, and Malibu only connects with the ringpost. Ragdoll gets to his feet, and forearms Zack from behind, leaving Malibu in a bent position. Ragdoll places the chair on Zack's back, and then climbs to the apron. Ragdoll gets a running start...and connects with a devastating double-stomp, onto the chair and Malibu's lower back! COACH That, my friends, is how you crack a spine! Ragdoll immediately gets up, and puts the boots to Malibu's back. Ragdoll then pulls Malibu to his feet, places Zack's head in between his legs, and lifts Malibu for an over-the-shoulder powerbomb. Ragdoll runs, but right before he launches Zack off into the crowd, Zack slips out the back end, causing Ragdoll to go stomach-first into the guardrail! Zack then charges forward, and nails a Yakuza kick to the back of Ragdoll's head that sends Ragdoll over the guardrail and into the front row! Malibu goes back to the apron as Ragdoll is getting up. Zack then charges forward, and nails an amazing flip dive from the apron to the crowd, onto Ragdoll! COLE: Air Malibu! Air Malibu! Zack then straddles Ragdoll, and nails a series of repeated, rapid-fire punches to the face. Malibu pulls Ragdoll up, and hot shots him across the guardrail. Zack then takes a few steps back, charges forward, and connects with an amazing slingshot Diamond Dust over the guardrail and to the other side that sends Ragdoll flying back into a set of chairs! Malibu gets up, and climbs back into the crowd. Malibu stomps on Ragdoll as he crawls forward. Malibu pulls Ragdoll up by the pants, and hooks him in a side suplex-like predicament. Malibu lifts Ragdoll, and crotches him on the edge of a chair! Zack then takes a few steps back, charges forward, and brings Ragdoll down, face-first, onto a set-up chair! COACH Malibu is just decimating Ragdoll here! Malibu pulls Ragdoll up, and slams him onto the concrete. Zack then climbs onto two chairs. A fan hands Zack a chair, which he then clutches to his chest, and comes down upon Ragdoll with, with a Chairsault! Zack goes for a pin...........1.............2........kickout! Zack pulls Ragdoll up, and drags him behind by the back of his head. They walk over a set of stairs that lead to the rising seats on the floor. They climb to the tenth step, and then Zack starts pounding Ragdoll with right hands to the forehead. Zack takes a step back, and goes for a charging forearm, but Ragdoll ducks, and then shoves Zack down the steps! Ragdoll then dives off of the steps, and connects with a tremendous diving elbow, straight onto Zack's chest! CABOOSE See, Rags can go airborne whenever he wants to! Ragdoll goes for the cover...............1.................2................kickout! Ragdoll then pulls Malibu up, and superkicks his dazed body onto, and flipped out of, a set-up chair! Ragdoll pulls Malibu up, and stands him up using the guardrail. Ragdoll then chops Zack stiffly three times in the chest, and then takes a few steps back. Ragdoll charges forward for a forearm, but Zack ducks under and backdrops Ragdoll onto the concrete floor on the other side! Zack then starts grabbing chairs from people, and tossing them into the ring. He ends up tossing ten chairs. Malibu climbs over the guardrail, and stomps Ragdoll in the head. Zack then pulls Ragdoll up, picks him up over his shoulder in powerbomb fashion, and then charges forward, driving Ragdoll's shoulder right into the ringpost and dropping him like a sack of potatoes on the floor! COACH Ragdoll looks like a torn-up rag right now! Ragdoll clutches at his shoulder as Zack plays to the crowd, who want to see Ragdoll's blood. Zack smiles an almost sadistic smile as he looks back towards Ragdoll, who is struggling to get to his feet. Zack moves towards him...WHAM!! Zack clutches at his stomach as Ragdoll pulls his leg back. The donkey kick knocked the wind out of Zack, giving The Doll enough time to stand and turn...WHAM!! Zack falls to the mats, clutching the back of his head. COLE HUGE clothesline from Ragdoll! That nearly decapitated Zack! CABOOSE It should have! Try harder, Baker! -Ragdoll clutches at his shoulder again, that clothesline obviously taking a lot out of him. He rolls his arm a few times before grabbing Malibu by his preppy hair. Ragdoll slowly picks him up and rolls him into the ring. Ragdoll slides in quickly as Zack gets to his knees. Ragdoll runs the ropes as Zack looks up........WHAMM!!!!!!!! Zack crumbles to the mat, clutching his forehead as Ragdoll stares at the sea of booing fans. The Devil Doll connected. COLE DAMMIT!! NO! CABOOSE YES!! Ragdoll drops slowly, making a non-chalant cover... 1... 2..... ThNO!!! The fans erupt as Ragdoll's eyes go wide. He turns quickly to see Zack's shoulder just barely off the mat. COLE ZACK KICKED OUT OF THE DEVIL DOLL!! CABOOSE Dubya...Tee...Ef... Ragdoll stands quickly and grabs one of the ten chairs. He turns back to Zack, who miraculously is getting back up to his knees...and rebounds off the ropes again! He runs full speed at Zack, putting the chair in front of his knee...DEVIL DOLL!!...DUCKED!!! The fans roar as Zack, now moving on pure adrenaline, grabs another chair and swings for the fences...WHACK!! Ragdoll screams in pain as he drops the chair next to his knee, which he now clutches at. Zack hops up....WHACK!! The fans groan as Ragdoll's head makes a huge dent in steel chair, which is still hanging on his head. Zack drops to the mat slightly, still groggy, as Ragdoll stumbles forward. With all the energy he can muster, Zack rises to his feet, and in one fluid motion.......WHAM!!!!! The fans cheers grow deafeningly loud as Ragdoll falls to the mat, completely knocked out. Zack dives for the cover. COLE SCHOOL'S OUT INTO THE CHAIR!! COACH 1!!! 2!!! 3!!!!! DING DING DING!!! "Bring Me to Life" starts up again as Zack, now completely spent of energy, rolls off of Ragdoll, who's head is now covered in blood. GMC YOUR WINNER...THE FRANCHISE....ZACK....MAL-I-BUUUUUU!!!! A minute passes before Zack finally starts to stir. Ragdoll does as well, and in no time, the two are back on their feet. Zack, still clutching his head, stares at Ragdoll, who runs his left hand through his blood soaked hair, slicking it back. The two lock eyes...and Zack extends a hand? Ragdoll stares at Zack's hand before running both hands through his hair. Ragdoll slowly reaches out to Zack's hand...WHACK!! Zack clutches at his face, which now has a bloody imprint of Ragdoll's hand on it. The fans boo as Ragdoll flips off Zack and slides out of the ring. He walks slowly up the ramp, looking down. Zack stands in the middle of the ring, a combination of sadness, anger, and humiliation imprinted along with the bloody hand on his face. We fade out on that image... ...and fade in on this one. COLE Sly Sommers! Jacob Lyne! This is what it all comes down to, people! One on one, with the Super X Cup and a shot at AJ Flaire on the line! You won't want to miss this! 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Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 (edited) MC: It is now time for the match we have all been waiting for the entire night. It is now time to determine who will be the first-ever holder of the Super X Cup, and go on to face "The Phenomonal" AJ Flaire for his X Title at the year's biggest show, Anglemania III. COACH: Both of these men have had two battles that would take the wind out of any normal wrestler's sails, and leave them worthless for a third match. That's what makes the X-Division different from everyone else in the business. When things get tough, the X-Division doesn't get upset; they get better. MC: Let us remind you of the rules of this match, and exactly how we got here. First off, how our finalists got to this final contest...Jacob Lyne beat St. Andrew in his first round contest with his signature Lyne Driver, and went on to score the biggest win of his life thus far, defeating the former Big Japan Jr. Heavyweight, OAOAST North American, Puerto Rican, and Tag Team Champion, and arguably the biggest star that Intense Zone has to offer, number one seed "Shooter" Jay Darring, in one hell of a semi-final contest, after he had to bring more than the Lyne Driver due to Jay kicking out of it, and had to pull out the Crop Circle, his signature shooting star legdrop, to get the gigantic victory! COACH: As for the other finalist, Sly Sommers, after demanding that all of his matches in this tournament be fought under the rules in which the finals were already being fought under, entitled the "Pure Wrestling" rules, AND defending his WCW World Television Title, he defeated Crystal by using the strength of knowing her inside and out, yet her not being able to out-think his next move since he has metamorphisized since their feud back in the fall. Then, he went on to defeat the proven strong-style killer of the tournament, Puerto Rican Lightning, by avoiding as many strikes as he could and eventually took advantage of the rope break rule by locking in the Cravateface after PRL ran out of rope breaks, enabling him to keep the hold locked in until PRL finally was forced to tap out. MC: That leads us to this match. The "Pure Wrestling" rules, again, are as follow: A wrestler is only allowed three rope breaks; after the third, his opponent can leave a submission hold locked in as long as possible. The use of a closed fist will result in one free rope break being taken away, and a point being taken off of your score out of ten if the match goes to a draw. The second that you leave the ring, you are disqualified, and will be forfeiting the match to your opponent. CABOOSE: Without further ado, let's go to the ring for this monumental contest in the history of not only the X-Division, not only these two men's lives, but of this promotion as a whole! ("Orange Crush" starts up, and out comes Sly Sommers, with a towel draped over his head, looking down the whole way to the ring but pacing to the ring intensely.) MC: Sly Sommers, for as much crap as we give him week in and week out on television, has come into this tournament more focused and dedicated than we have ever seen him before. And for that, I give him my respect. COACH: You don't get to the finals of a tournament this huge without being more dedicated and focused on the goal than you ever have been about anything else in your life. ("Nitro" starts up, and Jacob Lyne comes out to a huge pop. He comes out with his first few steps as complete limps, but, as the crowd cheers more, the adreneline gets into his stream and he's nearly running by the time he enters the ring and goes to his corner.) CABOOSE: Jacob Lyne can be as pumped up as he wants to right now, but you must think that his tremendous match against Jay Darring from earlier has taken such a toll on him. MC: Don't forget; Sly Sommers has had to survive two matches just like Lyne, including one against the hardest-hitting striker in the tournament, Puerto Rican Lightning! COACH: Let's go to the ring, for Michael Buffer with the official ring announcements! BUFFER: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the finals of the First-Annual OAOAST Super X Cup Tournament, and according to what Sly Sommers and Northstar came to a few minutes ago, a match for the WCW World Television Championship! It is set with a sixty-minute time limit. Throughout this night, both of these men have had to fight two tremendous battles, and have survived their way into the elite of this tournament and this promotion. Now, it is the final battle on two men's paths to the glory of not only being the man who gets to fight AJ Flaire for the X-Division Title at the biggest show in OAOAST history, Anglepalooza. Are you ready? (good pop) I said, ARE YOU READY?!?! (huge pop) For the thousands in attendance and the millions watching on Pay-Per-View....LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE! (big pop) First off, the rules. This contest, like all of the others, will be contested under the "Pure Wrestling" rules. They are, again, as follow: A wrestler is only allowed three rope breaks; after the third, his opponent can leave a submission hold locked in as long as possible. The use of a closed fist will result in one free rope break being taken away, and a point being taken off of your score out of ten if the match goes to a draw. The second that you leave the ring, you are disqualified, and will be forfeiting the match to your opponent. MC: These rules are set up to enforce that this match will determine who the better wrestler is, not who the better anything else is. BUFFER: Now, the participants. Introducing first, the challenger to the WCW World Television Championship. He's defeated both St. Andrew and "Shooter" Jay Darring in order to earn his slot in the finals of the Super X Cup...from Dahlonega, Georgia; weighing in at 220 pounds, here is "The Role Model" Jacob Lyne! (fans applaud) BUFFER: And his opponent...He is a former OAOAST X-Division Champion, and the current, reigning, and defending WCW Television Champion of the WOOOOOOOOORLD!...from Bayside, California; weighing in at 195 pounds...he defeated Crystal and Puerto Rican Lightning to advance to the finals of tonight's tournament...ladies and gentlemen, Sly Sommers! (bell rings) Sly and Jacob walk to the center of the ring, stare each other down nose-to-nose, and then slap hands in a show of respect. They then walk back to their corners, and start to circle the ring, while keeping an eye on each other. Both men then stick their hands out for a Greco-Roman knucklelock, but Lyne quickly pulls out because he thinks Sly might be pulling a fast one over him. They circle around for a few seconds more, before they both lunge in for a collar-and-elbow tie-up. But, Sly pulls himself out of it a couple of seconds later. COACH: I think both men realize they have an hour to work with here, and don't have to try and rush through the contest since neither one has to go on to another match later in the night. Both men circle around again, before Lyne sticks his right hand out for a Greco-Roman knucklelock. Sly then locks hands with Jacob. Both men reach out, and after configuring their fingers, lock in their hands to complete the Greco-Roman knucklelock. Both men struggle, jocking for position. After figuring out that he can't power the larger Lyne over, Sly decides to attempt to bring both knucklelocks together. He is able to power both hands together, and then delivers a knee strike to the hands, to provide enough diversion to free himself of the knucklelock and lock in a side headlock on Jacob. Sly reverses to a reverse hammerlock. But, Lyne gets a go-behind and reverses that into a reverse hammerlock of his own. Sly then reverses that into a reverse hammerlock of his own. Lyne then reverses that into a reverse hammerlock of his own, and spins Sly around so he's forced to use a rope break. MC: Sommers is quite upset, as Jacob Lyne just pulled out a very, very smart tactic and forced Sly to use one of his three rope breaks! Both men circle around the ring again, and then lock horns with a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Both men apparantly go for the same move, as they twist around the same way in the tie-up, ending up with them going back to where they started. Lyne then locks in a side headlock. Sly tries shoving Jacob off, but Jacob keeps the headlock locked in. Sly then locks his arms around Lyne's waist, brings him over and down onto the mat, and pops up to lock in a standing leglock on Lyne. Jacob thinks for a second, then bridges up using his free leg, turns himself over, places his leg on the back of his other knee, pushes down to bend the leg, and then brings Sly down with an inverted headlock takedown. Sommers tries to squeeze his head out of the headlock, but can't. Sly then brings his legs over, and reverses into a headscissors. Jacob turns himself so that he's standing on his toes while being in the headscissors, then does a handstand, and pushes himself upward, landing into another headlock on Sly. COACH: Damn, Jacob Lyne is determined to keep that headlock locked in! MC: In a match like this, you must be able to rely on your basics early to out-wrestle the opponent, and there is nothing more basic than a side headlock. Sly again tries to squeeze his head out, but can't. Sommers then works his way to his feet, as Lyne stands up with him, keeping the headlock applied. Sly tries shoving Lyne off, but he can't. So, he grabs Lyne and picks him up off of the ground. He then tosses Jacob off of him, and Lyne lands on his feet. Sly then locks in a reverse waistlock. Lyne attempts a standing switch, but Sommers reverse that mid-reversal with an inverted drop toe hold, and straight into a laying ankle twist. Lyne tries to pull his leg out of the move, but can't, so he repeatedly kicks Sly in the ribcage area until Sly has to let go of the move. Both men crawl on the mat, and then get to their feet. Sly dives in for a collar-and-elbow tie-up, but Lyne hooks Sly's head and locks in a front facelock. Sly reaches around for something, and tries to squeeze his head out, but again can't get a break. Sly then drops down to his knees, and nails a single-leg takedown, reversing the front facelock. Sly then grabs the leg for a standing leglock. Jacob sits up, pulls Sly in, and goes for a small package. Both men then start rolling backwards, eventually into the ropes. COACH: I guess that, because of the nature of the move, the rope break doesn't count against either man. Both men get off of the mat, and then Sly goes for a reverse waistlock. Sommers then scores with a go-behind legsweep, and then locks in a half-crab. However, Lyne is able to make sure that Sly isn't able to angle the leg that much, and therefore not be able to deliver that much damage. Lyne again uses his other leg to kick Sly, this time in the face, to get out of the move. Sly falls backwards, and Lyne locks in a reverse chinlock. Sly slowly squeezes his wrist in between Lyne's arm and his own neck, and is able to break the hold, commandering Jacob's arm in the process. He uses that arm to manuever himself around, and eventually turns Lyne around into a single leglock on the mat. Jacob cannot figure out how to manuever his way out, until he starts scraping the bottom of his free boot across Sly's hands, until he is forced to let go of the leglock. MC: It looks like both men have picked their body part to pick apart, as Sly Sommers is going after the leg, and Jacob Lyne is going after the neck. COACH: Smart strategy on both ends, as Lyne can't fly around without his leg, and all of Lyne's big finishing manuevers attack the neck area, plus Lyne obviously wants revenge for Sly targeting the neck in their twenty-minute Ironman match on HeldDOWN~! a month ago after Lyne took a bad fall in the crowd. Both men walk around, with Sly stretching out his neck and Lyne shaking off his leg. Sly then dives after Jacob's leg, but Lyne then puts his good leg on the other side of Sommers's head, locks in a headscissors, and then spins around, as both men are now in a sitting position. Lyne then grabs Sly's head, and cranks Sly's neck even further. Sommers can't think of a way out, so he bites Lyne's fingers, and Lyne scoots off of Sly as an instant reaction. Sly shakes his head, and then gets to his feet. He immediately goes after the legs, but Lyne again pulls him in for a small package........1.........2........kickout! COACH: That's the first pin attempt of the match, which is unusual in this fed, to have a match go this long without any pin attempts. Both men back up, and Lyne goes for a headlock takedown. But, Sly positions his legs, and stays still. Sly then forearms Lyne in the side, hooks the targeted leg, and brings him up and down with an inverted atomic drop, dropping Lyne's knee down on his own. Lyne falls down as Sly keeps ahold of the leg. He then locks in another standing leglock, twisting the knee. Sly bends down, and Lyne is able to grab him by the back of the head. Sly gets him off by slapping the arm away. But, at that moment, Lyne positions his other leg underneath Sly's armpit, and brings him over with a cradle.......1............2........Sly rolls back for another half-crabl, but Lyne puts the other leg back under the armpit and rolls him forward..........1............2.............kickout. Both men up, and Sly goes for a legsweep. But, Lyne grabs Sly's head in a front facelock, rolls back with him, and gets a choke-like maneuver locked in. MC: Both men are acting like sharks going after blood when it comes to working the body parts! Sly is able to manuever himself so he can pull Lyne onto his stomach on the mat, and then locks in an inverted legscissors on the leg of Lyne, putting them in the same position you would for a drop toe hold, and bending the knee. He keeps that hold locked in for a good ten-to-fifteen seconds before Lyne is able to get his free leg in between Sly's grip on the targeted leg, and free the bad leg. Lyne then rolls catty-cornered, into another front facelock on the mat. Sly tries rolling out, but Lyne rolls with him. Both men then work their way onto their feet as Lyne keeps the front facelock applied. Sly tries throwing Lyne off of him, but Lyne keeps the hold locked in, and drops back onto his feet. Sly tries it again, and the same result concurs. Sly then grabs at, and hooks the targeted leg of Jacob's, shoves and rolls forward, and bridges into a cradle........1.......2.......kickout! COACH: Both men are going hold-for-hold here; the definition of catch-as-catch-can! Jacob keeps ahold of the front facelock as he twists Sly back over to his stomach. Both men then again work their way to their feet as the hold is kept applied. Sommers then twists his own head around, and picks up Lyne in a fireman's carry position. Sly grabs the targeted leg, and drops Lyne down in four inverted atomic drop-like moves, dropping Lyne knee-to-knee. Sommers lets go on the third, as Jacob hobbles around on his feet. Sly scores a single-leg takedown, and applies an inverted spinning toehold, twisting around the leg quickly and then sitting down while pulling on the leg. Lyne goes for a kick to the fact, but Sly shoves the leg over, turning Lyne onto his stomach, and goes for an STF. But, Lyne immediately rolls out of it, and both men are back onto their feet! MC: I think we have a stalemate here! CABOOSE: So far, this has been one hell of a pure wrestling clinic! Both men lock up again. Lyne then attempts to climb up Sly, starting with his bent knee. But, Sly grabs the leg, is able to put Lyne down on his back, and then turns Lyne onto his stomach. Sly places his foot on the back of Jacob's knee as he grabs the foot, and jumps down, basically stomping on the knee and applying more pressure. Sommers then repeats this two more times before Lyne is able to do an inverted handstand, and kip up with a slight flip. But, Sly keeps ahold of the leg as Lyne lands on his feet. Sly pulls Lyne to him by the leg, hooks the leg, picks Jacob up, and drops him with another inverted regular atomic drop, dropping knee-to-knee. Sommers then sends Lyne down on his back, and nails a version of the Hennig neck snap, going after the leg instead. COACH: I think Sommers is trying to rip the leg off of Jacob Lyne! Sly then rises to his feet, and again twists the ankle with a standing ankle pick. Sly then hooks the leg under his arm, and after having trouble getting Jacob over, he locks in another half-crab. Sly is able to get more torque on the move than the previous attempt, but not by much. Lyne gets out of the hold by spinning himself around, which makes Sly end up in an inverted sunset flip cradle........1..........2.......kickout. Sly gets up as Lyne attempts to, and is able to kick Jacob in the side of the head. Sly then pulls Lyne up, and hooks him fisherman's-style, hooking the untargeted leg. Sly then picks him up, and drops him so that he lands straight on the bad leg, using Lyne's own weight to punish the leg. Sly repeats this two more times before bringing him over with a fisherman's suplex.........1..........2......kickout! CABOOSE: It looks like Sommers's strategy is succeding; Lyne needs to get on the ball before he is no longer in any shape to make a comeback. Sly pulls Lyne up, and nails a snapmare. Sly then goes to the side facing Lyne, and attempts a running version of the previous Hennig leg snap he did. But, at the last second, Lyne is somehow able to block it with a kip-up rana! Jacob goes for a cover..........1.........2......kickout. Lyne pulls Sly up, and shoves him into a corner. Lyne then nails Sly with three stiff chops to the chest, and then goes for an Irish whip. Sly goes flying into the opposite corner, but Lyne falls down due to the pain that his leg is in. Sly shakes the cobwebs off, and then walks over towards Lyne. But, it's all a ruse, as Lyne pulls him down for a small package.........1...........2.......kickout! Both men are up, and Sly connects with a knee to the side of Lyne's head. MC: Sommers somehow is able to maintain the advantage, even in times of doubt. Sly pulls Jacob up, and nails an STO, tripping Lyne's bad leg up. Sly rolls through for an inverted leglace cradle........1........2........kickout. Sly then grabs the leg as he rises to his feet. Lyne is able to balance himself on one foot as Sommers teases a dragon screw leg whip, but then just falls back with a single-leg DDT. Sly then rolls through, and pulls back on the ankle in a sitting position. Lyne kicks Sly in the face four times, using his free leg, and then rolls Sly with the free leg into some sort of inverted crucfix cradle.......1.........2.......kickout. Both men back up, and Sommers scores with a front chop block on the bad leg. Sommers then gets up, grabs the foot, and drops a legdrop on the leg. Sly repeats what he just did, and then comes off of the ropes, and nails a falling headbutt on the bad knee. MC: Sly is revering to rather unorthodox methods to attack the leg. Sommers then grabs the foot as Lyne attempts to roll away. Lyne crawls forward with his hands as Sly keeps ahold of the leg. Lyne eventually gets to the corner, climbs up the ropes until he gets to the top, and kicks Sly in the face with the bottom of his boot, sending him flying backwards. Sly charges at Lyne again, but Lyne drops down, and Sly goes head-first into the top turnbuckle. He falls down into a sunset flip cradle from Lyne..........1............2...........kickout. Lyne gets up, pulls Sly to his knees, and plasters him with a knee to the neck. Jacob goes for another, but Sly grabs the boot, and spins Lyne around. Jacob falls down to a seated position immediately due to the weakness of his leg, and Sommers then rolls him back into a wheelbarrow position. Sly picks him up, lets go of the untargeted leg, and drops Jacob knee-first across his own knee. COACH: The contest is turning into more and more of a struggle as we go along! Sly then wraps his shin around Jacob's, and falls back for an inverted Indian Deathlock. Lyne doesn't want to use up one of his rope breaks, so he starts cranking on Sly's neck in response. Neither man is willing to budge an inch, so after thirty seconds in this state, the referee makes both men break their holds as a stalemate. Sly gets to his feet as Lyne uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Sommers charges for a chop block, but Lyne pushes himself up with the ropes, and ends up with Sly holding him in an electric chair position. Sly tosses Lyne up, and brings him down, with the bad leg being driven across Sly's bent leg. MC: The X-Division is all about innovation, and that was a very innovative way to attack the leg! Sommers then picks up Lyne's leg by the foot, and repeatedly kicks it. Sly closes up the kick series with a brutal front dropkick to the elevated knee. Sly then picks Lyne's leg up by the foot again, elevates it over his head, and throws it down on the mat. Sly picks up the foot again, and repeats. Sly picks up the leg, and goes for it again, but this time, he brings the knee down across his own bent knee. Sly immediately hooks the leg again, and locks in another half-crab! Jacob desperately tries to twist his way out, but he cannot. He then tries rolling out, but Sly is sitting down with it, getting as much torque as he possibly can on it. All Lyne can do is crawl forward and use one of his rope breaks, which is what he ends up doing! MC: It looks like Sommers is trying to use other submissions to get Lyne to use the rope breaks up, and then he might lock in the Cravateface so that it cannot be broken up with a rope break. Sommers attempts to pull Lyne away from the ropes by his bad leg, but after a few feet, Jacob is able to balance himself on one foot, and then kick Sly in the face with an inverted enziguri. Both men back up slowly, and Sommers goes for a punch. Lyne blocks, and clocks Sly with a forearm. Sly goes for another punch, but Lyne blocks again and forearms Sly in the face. Jacob then nails five repeated forearms to the face. Lyne whips Sly off to the ropes, while going down himself due to putting too much weight on his leg. As Sly comes back, Lyne gets a sprint of energy, pops up, and nails Sommers with a stiff clothesline. Jacob goes for the cover............1............2............kickout! Lyne pulls Sly up, and sets him up in the corner. Lyne then nails two shinkicks to the mid-section, and steps up on the top rope to knee Sly in the face. But, his knee once again gives out, and he hangs himself upside-down in the ropes. COACH: Jacob Lyne made a rookie mistake there, letting his adreneline rush dictate his next move, and it cost him. Sommers stumbles around for a second, and then lifts Jacob's head. Sly hooks Jacob's head underneath his armpit as his legs are tangled in the ropes...and brings him down with an inverted One Hit Wonder! Sly goes for the cover.........1............2.........Jacob gets his leg on the bottom rope, using his second rope break! Sly pulls Lyne up, and puts his head in between his legs. Sly then pulls Jacob up for the Piledriver. But, Lyne is able to kick Sly in the face twice to get out of it. Lyne backs up into the ropes as he gets up, and both men charge at each other....and collide heads in the middle of the ring! MC: Both men are down, and the referee's starting the count! 1.................................2............................................. .3....................................4............................ 5..................................6...............Sly starts stumbling upward..........7..............8........Lyne's pulling himself up with the ropes as Sly's on one knee...................9..........Sommers is up, as Lyne's on one knee by the ropes. Sly tries to kick Jacob in the head, but Lyne moves, and Sommers crotches himself on the middle rope. Lyne gets up, goes to the middle rope behind Sly, pushes off with his good leg, and nails the Idolizer (rolling Tomikaze/Unprettier)! Lyne goes for the cover..............1.............2..............kickout! Lyne pulls Sly up, forearms him twice in the back, and goes for the Lyne Driver. But, the knee gives out, and Sly rolls it into a small package............1............2..........kickout! Both men back up, and Lyne rolls Sly back with a backslide.........1..........2......Sly rolls back onto his feet, and connects with a stiff knee to the face! Sommers picks Lyne up, facing upward with the head underneath his armpit, and spins him around for another One Hit Wonder! As soon as he hits the mat, Sly pops up with Lyne's head clutched over his shoulder, piggybacks "The Role Model", and brings him down with the Sommerset! COACH: Tremendous way to string together two of his signature moves! Sly goes for the cover..........1............2.........kickout! Sly then pulls Lyne up, and goes for the Overnight Sensation (cradle DDT). Sommers hooks the head, but Lyne is able to bring Sly over with a bridge........1...........2........kickout! Both men back up, and Sommers dropkicks Lyne's bad knee. Sly then lifts Lyne, clutches him, and nails the USA High Angle Backdrop! Sly goes for the cover, but with only one arm drapped over Jacob........1.............2...........kickout! Sly looks infuriated, and pulls Lyne up. Sly lifts Jacob, and places him on the top turnbuckle. Sommers goes to mid-ring, and charges at Lyne...but Jacob moves, and Sly accidentally places himself in the Tree of Woe! CABOOSE: If Jacob can capitalize on this, he's got the win! Lyne slowly gets up due to his bum leg, and then hooks Sly in a half-nelson. Lyne spins Sly around as he lifts him, and drops him with one hell of an inverted brainbuster! Jacob takes a second to rub his hurt knee, and then goes for the cover.................1..................2..............kickout! Lyne pulls Sly up, and again tries to go for the Lyne Driver. Jacob lifts Sly, but Sly slips out the back end. Sly then spins Jacob around, and drops him with his own Lyne Driver! Sly goes for the cover..........1...........2.......kickout! Sly pounds the mat in frustration, and then drags Lyne closer to the center of the ring by the legs. Sly then slowly climbs up top. Sommers takes off...and misses a big flying elbow drop! Sommers is on one knee as he holds his arm in pain. Lyne pushes himself to his feet, spins Sly around, and brings him down with a small package.......1...........2.........Lyne's knee gives out, and has to let go. MC: One injury like that could effect your entire game, as Lyne just displayed there! Lyne tries limping up to his feet as Sly gets to his. Sommers then charges at Jacob, and nails a devastating Yakuza kick to the back of his head, sending him flying face-first into the corner. Sly then goes mid-ring, slaps his knee for a signal, and goes for another. But, Lyne gets out of the way, and Sly ends up wishboning himself, with his knee bent over the top rope. Lyne sneaks up behind Sly, is barely able to get all of Sly's weight up on his shoulders, and brings Sly down with one of HIS own signature moves, the Cut Day! Lyne goes for the cover...............1................2............Sly barely kicks out! COACH: All is fair in hate and war! CABOOSE: It STILL didn't work, proving that only Sly Sommers is the master of the move! Lyne pulls Sly up, and again attempts a brainbuster. But, on the way up, Sommers hooks his leg around Lyne's bad knee, and stops the move immediately. Sly rolls that all the way through to another standing position, where he attempts to bring Lyne down for the Cravateface. Sommers struggles to bring Lyne down, but Jacob hooks Sly's leg, rolls through, and ends up with a three-quarter nelson cradle........1..........2........kickout! Both men back up, and Jacob tries to throw a forearm. Sly catches the arm, and again goes for the Cravateface. Lyne stays stationary, and again tries to roll through. But, Sommers hooks Lyne's legs as he rolls, throws them back down, and gets Lyne down with his arm trapped. Sommers repeatedly attempts to hook Lyne's head for the move, with Jacob squirming away with every attempt. Finally, pretty close to the ropes, Sly gets the head locked in a cravate, and starts cranking! MC: He has it! The Cravateface is locked in! CABOOSE: It's ALL over now! Lyne has to immediately reach out and use his final rope break. Sly backs off for a second, and then turns Lyne around while dragging him to mid-ring. Sommers clutches the head, and now has the Cravateface fully locked in at center-ring! Lyne struggles for the ropes for over ten seconds, until he finally hears the referee reminding him that he no longer has any rope breaks left. Lyne struggles to wiggle his head out of the move, but he cannot get out of the clutch. COACH: I think this is it! Lyne starts wearing down, slowly looking more and more unconcious. Lyne's body goes limp as the referee starts to check for a pass-out by raising his arm and dropping it........1...........2........Lyne keeps his arm up! Sommers looks utterly shocked! Lyne starts using his good leg to repeatedly kick Sly in the back of the head, yet Sommers refuses to let go. Lyne runs out of energy to kick, leaving him again in the prone clutches of Sly's Cravateface. Lyne suddenly gets a burst of energy, switches his legs around, hooks them around Sly's far arm, and brings him over with an inverted crucifix.........1..........2........kickout! COACH: Wow...Jacob Lyne found a reversal for the Cravateface! CABOOSE: It's called adaptation; it's something all great wrestlers perform. Both men slowly work their way back up. Lyne connects with three forearms to the face. He then forces Sly back to the ropes, and goes for an Irish whip. But, Sly reverses and short-arms Lyne into a snap powerslam. Sly goes for the pin while hooking the leg back...........1.........2.........kickout! Sommers pulls Lyne up, and hooks Lyne's head underneath his arm. Sommers then cradles Lyne's legs, making sure to hook the bad leg at a higher angle. Sly then drops Jacob with the Overnight Sensation! Sly goes for the cover........1.........2........kickout! Sommers pulls a nearly-unconsious Jacob Lyne up, by the hair, and signals for the kill. He then sticks Jacob's head between his legs, and goes for the Piledriver. But, Lyne clings himself onto Sly's shins, therefore making it nearly impossible for Sly to lift him. Sly tries to lift once more, but Lyne falls back, with Sly in a back bodydrop position, and bridges for a pin.........1.........2........kickout! MC: Again, Lyne was SO close to winning the X Cup! Both men crawl around on the mat, attempting to make it to their feet. They both stop as they're on their knees, and start forearming each other in the face, back-and-forth. They rise up to their feet slowly, as the forearms keep coming, stiffer and stiffer. Both are now on their feet, and Sly hooks the arm as Lyne misses a forearm. Sly hooks Jacob for a side fisherman's contraption. Sly lifts, but Lyne lands on his feet behind Sly. Lyne spins Sommers around, knees him in the mid-section, and starts going crazy with repeated left knee strikes (the good leg) to the face of the bent-over Sly Sommers. CABOOSE: He might strike through Sly's damned face! He lets go of Sly's hair and stops striking, as Sly stumbles around. Lyne attempts to lift Sly for the Lyne Driver yet again, but Sly lands in a standing position behind Lyne, and hooks the head underneath his armpit. Sly then spins around Lyne, and Lyne happens to go right into piledriver-position. Sly lifts Lyne, and drops him so hard on his head with the piledriver, Lyne's entire body folded up! Sly spins Lyne around slowly, and goes for the pin...... 1!........... 2!............ KICKOUT! MC: HOLY FREAKING CRAP! COACH: That is the first time I've seen ANYONE kick out of Sly's piledriver since he started using it! Sly suddenly freaks out, repeatedly pounding the mat in a frantic motion. Sommers cools down, and gets up as he pulls Lyne to his feet. Sommers lifts Jacob up on his shoulders for the Cut Day, and tries to bring him down with it. But, Sly's too dazed to realize his positioning, and ends up sending Lyne into a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Sly then tries improvising, and climbs up the turnbuckles. But, Lyne is able to forearm Sly three times in the face, sending him down to the mat hard. Lyne signals for the Crop Circle, and slowly tries to stand up on the top turnbuckle. But, every time, his leg gives out on him. He ends up trying for so long that Sly is able to get back onto his feet, and forearms Lyne back down to a seated position. Sly then climbs up to the top rope, right beside Lyne, and stands him up.... CABOOSE: Oh no, this DOESN'T look good! MC: No, it doesn't. Sommers brings Lyne to a standing position on the top turnbuckle. Sly then lifts Lyne onto his shoulders in Cut Day position, as nearly the entire building rises to their feet simultaniously. But, learning from the mistake from HeldDOWN~! last week, Lyne starts punching Sly in the face so he doesn't have to try and reverse the Cut Day in mid-air. Sommers eventually lets Lyne down so he doesn't have to endure any more punches to the face. Lyne stands on the top turnbuckle beside Sly, and in one gigantic adreneline rush, as every flashbulb in the place goes off, he lifts Sly and brings him down with a TOP ROPE KNEELING LYNE DRIVER!!! COACH: This is Pay-Per-View, right? HOLY SHIT! CABOOSE: Holy shit is right! My lord! MC: SLY SOMMERS IS DEAD! SLY SOMMERS IS DEAD! Lyne jumps on top of Sly for the pin as the crowd counts along..... 1!......... 2!........ 3!!......... MC: Jacob Lyne has done it! BUFFER: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner and YOUR 2004 OAOAST Super X Cup winner, "The Role Model" Jacob Lyne! COACH: This is a proud moment in not only mine, but I'm sure everyone in this building's lives as fans of professional wrestling! This young man defines the word "deserving"! He said on HeldDOWN~! last week that he'd prove that he was the current big star instead of the 2004 future breakout star, and damn it, tonight he proved it! The other X Cup contestants from tonight, minus Puerto Rican Lightning, plus Lyne's regular tag partner and friend Leon Rodez and the HeldDOWN~! GM Northstar (with the gigantic X Cup trophy) come out to congratulate Lyne. Rodez and Crystal help Jacob to his feet, as Northstar grabs a mic. NORTHSTAR: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for these eight fine competitors who gave you every tear, every sweat, and every drop of blood in their body tonight to not only give you the greatest show possible, but to prove that they are the best pure wrestlers this company has to offer! (the standing ovation gets even louder) Most importantly, let's give it up for the winner of the first-ever Super X Cup tournament, a man deserving of the nickname, "The Role Model" Jacob Lyne! (the arena turns into a near-riot with the amount of applause Lyne gets) Jacob, look me in the eye for a second. Listen, I'll be the first to admit, I never wanted you here. When you first came here, my main goal was to get rid of you and your Underground buddies. Hell, even when you split off from them, I still thought you didn't belong here. But tonight my friend, you put on one of the gutsiest performances I think I've ever seen in a wrestling ring. You beat three men in a row, including a living legend in this promotion. You battled through a knee injury for a half-hour of pure balls-out wrestling, and you and Sly had one of the best damn matches I personally have ever seen! (Sly gets helped up, as Lyne and Sommers hug to a gigantic ovation) Tonight, Jacob Lyne, I'm damn proud to say that you are a shining star on MY brand! (crowd cheers again as Northstar hands the trophy and the mic to Jacob Lyne. Lyne grabs the mic, throwing the WCW World Television Title into the audience to a huge pop before speaking.) LYNE: Wow...I don't know what to say. I mean, this is freaking huge...first off...uh...gotta thank my buddy Leon here. Man, when times got the toughest, you were the one there for me, and I will always be thankful for that. Second.... ("Man in the Box" suddenly blares, and the entire building, including everyone in the ring, looks in confusion as AJ Flaire, decked out in really nice dress clothes with his X Title belt slung over his shoulder, walks to the ring with a giant smile on his face. He enters the ring, and tightly hugs Jacob Lyne. He then grabs the mic out of Jacob's hand.) FLAIRE: Hey, awesome job tonight! I'm proud of you, Jacob, and I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your HUGE victory tonight! Listen, Anglemania's gonna be awesome, isn't it? (Lyne grabs the mic from Flaire.) LYNE: Yeah, it is. Now, as I was saying, I want to thank....(Flaire snatches the microphone back) FLAIRE: Dude, really...any time you need any help with anything before the match at Anglemania III, just say the word and I'll have your back. I'm just so proud of you! YEAH! (Lyne grabs the mic back.) LYNE: Okay, okay...I got the point, thanks, man. Now....(Flaire grabs the mic back) FLAIRE: Wait...are you ignoring me? LYNE: I'm just trying to give a speech here. FLAIRE: I think you're ignoring me. I think that you think you're better than me just because you won this thing. Well, you got another thing comin'! All of a sudden, AJ Flaire nearly knocks Jacob Lyne's head off with a stiff belt shot to the skull! Flaire runs out of the ring, and walks quickly to the stage as everyone else in the ring either tries to chase him off or checks over Jacob Lyne, whose forehead starts bleeding. MC: WHAT IN THE HELL? COACH: AJ Flaire just made a goddamn disgrace of himself! Flaire stands on the stage, holding the X belt high in the air as he repeatedly yells, "Where's my damn respect? I'm the champ!" COACH: Folks, we honestly apologize for the immature and downright stupid actions of our current X Division Champion! CABOOSE: This was supposed to be a night of celebration, a night of greatness...this was supposed to be all about the X Division breaking out! AJ Flaire just sent that all to high hell! MC: Folks, we're running out of satellite time. We hope you enjoyed this broadcast, as we sure as hell did. You better be back on March 28th, 2004, as the OAOAST brings to you Anglemania III, the single biggest show in OUR history, exclusively live on Pay-Per-View! See you then! (The copyright graphic flashes up as we get a final shot of Jacob Lyne looking down at AJ Flaire in shock, with blood trickling down his face.) MARCH 28TH, 2004... Edited March 1, 2004 by Chuck Woolery Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck Woolery 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2004 (edited) Props List Calvin Szechstein Sly Sommers -- Read the Super X Cup for a series of truly awesome matches. Sly did a hell of a job on this one. Dan Black Stephen Joseph Nice Guy Adam Papacita Superstar and Angle-Plex -- Read the Ejaculation Chamber for the biggest laugh EVER. Kudos to you guys for not taking yourselves too seriously. T-Bod Zack Malibu Ragdoll Hoff Dama. Great show, chaps. Let's see an even better one for AMIII Edited March 1, 2004 by Northstar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites