Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 Blackness...the sound of an icy gale howling in the night... CRACK! The screen shatters like brittle glass, to be replaced with video feed... Graphic: Zero Hour, Febuary 29th 2004 Stephen skins the cat on the ropes and doesn't fly over them and into the freezer! Instead, he quickly grabs Dan into a chokehold, and then transitions into full-nelson hold wrenching Dan nearly over the top rope. Stephen pauses and turns to look at the freezer, lengthwise perpendicular to the ring. He smiles, and the crowd catches on. Dan makes a lunge to get free, and Stephen snaps the full nelson back, jumping backwards off the ring apron, pulling Dan Black over. JR BY GAWD ALMIGHTY! Jesse Stephen Joseph risked it all with a out of the ring Finality. JR Dan Black is FINALIZED into the Arctic Freezer! The crowd POPS big time, standing on its feet and crowding into the guardrails as indeed, Dan Black is finalized into the Arctic Freezer, taking the modified Stunner across the lip of the freezer bottom, snapping his neck back and falling back first hard into the freezer! Stephen turns around and pulls the door closed , straining against the pain in his lower back from the landing. It lands with a thud and its closed, the last image of Dan Black writhing in pain etched in. A referee comes over quickly with the Adrenaline title, and hands it to Stephen. Our crowd is ape and Stephen quickly goes from celebrating into a trance, staring at the sledgehammer Eskimo tried to use on him Jesse The Heartless bastard is thinking of using the sledge! Stephen, HHH-esque, pulls the sledge up, climbing on top of the freezer. He looks out to the crowd, the ravenous masses, raises the sledge over his head.... and... clenching his mouth, biting his tongue almost, brings it back down throwing it almost as hard as he can into the freezer. The sledgehammer bursts the freezer and lunges about a foot deep inside of it, right where Dan's head would be. He wrenches it out, bloody on the end, and standing on the freezer with a red sledgehammer and a new title belt, Stephen Joseph is your new Adrenaline Champion. This is most certainly not Big Poppa Popick. His grin is far, far too wide. The camera freezes on the jubilant face of Stephen Joseph, until the screen fades to darkness once more... BOOM! BOOM! BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM! Pyro blasts light up the screen as RATM's "Guerilla Radio" kicks in, revealing another packed crowd as IntenseZone is on the air! Cue: Generic cowboy music Good ol' JR waddles out, waving to the fans, who mostly ignore him. JR stumbles down the ramp to the announce table, where he dons the mic: JR Good evening and welcome to IntenseZone! We're just days removed from Zero Hour, where Stephen Joseph won a brutal, bloody battle with Dan Black to become the Adrenalin Champion and take part 1 of their war! After that match Dan Black was hospitalized, and we still have no word as to whether he will be in attendance tonight. Let's get to the action! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 PRL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 As we return, Gary Cappetta is in the ring, preparing to announce the next match, when- the lights go out. JR What the- Cue: "Quiet" The fans buzz in excitement in the dark... JR That's Dan's music- but he can't be here, BAH GAWD! HE TOOK A SLEDGE TO THE HEAD! A white spotlight falls on the entranceway. The music cuts- and Dan Black appears. The crowd gasps at his appearance. The usually suave Dan does not wear his regular sharp suit, but a long black robe, hood up obscuring most of his face. Black walks down to the ring in silence, the spotlight following him. Dan enters the ring and takes a microphone. For a moment we hear nothing but his breath. JR This is spooking me! I'm glad Jesse will be hear soon! BLACK So...I lost... Fans cheer, but most are listening attentively. BLACK Into the cold I went...not the first time...sure as hell won't be the ice...stabbing... JR What? Dan isnt making any sense! BLACK Shattered ice...the glass...cutting...blood my eyes... JR This isn't right! He should still be in hospital! Dan shakes his head suddenly, and with the spotlight still on him, lifts his hood. A huge bruise covers the left side of his face where Stephen's sledge shot connected. Hundreds of tiny cuts run all over his cheeks, nose, forehead from the smashed glass inside the freezer. JR MAH GAWD! BLACK Look upon this, Stephen. Look upon your work. The shattered glass- so many versions of my own face- so many eyes- so much blood- the freezer... JR Dan Black is in a bad way! Being locked in that freezer, battered, bloody, with only his own broken reflection to look at- it has to have taken some deep psychological harm! BLACK But though you confined me, stole from me...its not over. You know that. Anglemania awaits us both. This - will - be - history. Strike one to you, Stephen. Strike two will be the blow that ends this. And by my hand, so I shall strike you down. For if you thought the freezer would unhinge Dan Black- oh my Stephen, where you ever wrong. You didnt unhinge Dan Black. You UNLEASHED him. Dan throws down the mic and reaches into a pocket of the robe. His hand comes out with a shard of mirror. Black holds it up, gazing at his gruesome reflection, before taking on edge and running it down the side of his face slowly, blood springing under the glass. JR Oh my god... Black grins maniacally, his face shaking. Dan slips the mirror back into his robe, and throws back his head in the spotlight, blood welling down over his neck, covering half his face. The spotlight vanishes. The crowd is silent. JR Mah gawd... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 PRL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 JR Welcome back! I'm glad to be joined once again by Jesse Ventura! JESSE Thanks, Jim Ross. With Dan Black in the state he is, I can come and go as I like! JR It's good to have you here. I was a little scared by Dan, I don't mind admitting. JESSE You always were a coward, Jim Ross! A skinny bald man stands in the corner of the ring having had no ring introduction) JR: C.W. McLooza making his Intense Zone debut tonight folks Jesse: Is he really here to wrestler or was he one of the catering crew? (lights go dim and a guitar riff begins to play. Just as the music hits “Here I am!” the Blurricane pops up in the entrance way. The crowd gets to their feet and pops big time as the lyrics “Rock you like a Hurricane!” follow. Hurricane proceeds to the ring) JR: It was only one week ago that Blurricane got involved in new comer Scott Lunde’s match for the North American Title Jesse: Let’s be honest JR. Blurricane cost Lunde the match. (Blurricane enters the ring, removes his cape and the bell rings to start the match) Blurricane and McLooza tie up to start. Blurricane whips McLooza into the ropes and hits him with a dropkick. Blurricane picks McLooza up to his feet and snap suplex him. McLooza rolls out of the ring and reaches around to the small of his back. The crowd begins shouting at McLooza and he responds by shouting back. Blurricane takes the opportunity, bounces off the ropes, runs to the other side and does a sommersault plancha over the top rope nailing C.W. The crowd goes hysterical over the high flying move. Blurricane rolls C.W. McLooza back into the ring and proceeds to climb to the top rope. JR: What’s he gonna do here? Jesse: This is how mistakes happen JR Blurricane stays perched on the top rope and awaits C.W. McLooza to stand up. As McLooza gets to his feet dazed Blurricane jumps from the top and hits the Blurred Reality! The fans go nuts and as Blurricane covers McLooza the fans get ready to chant the count along with the ref. 1 2 3!!! (The sounds of The Scorpions once again fill the auditorium and Blurricane rolls out of the ring and heads back up the aisle) JR: That poor kid didn’t stand a chance Jesse: Looks like its time for him to go back to setting up the buffet for the real wrestlers JR…wait a minute, what’s he doing up here? (Blurricane strikes a pose on the top edge of the rampway near the two broadcasters and points out to the fans) JR: He’s just having a little fun with the fans Jesse (Blurricane begins to go to the otherside) Jesse: He won his match, he should head to the back now and show some respect (As Blurricane stands on the edge of the opposite side Scott Lunde comes running out wearing his trunks and a black t-shirt) JR: What the hell is he doing? (Blurricane continues to admonish the fans unaware of Lunde’s presence. Lunde grabs Blurricane by his tights and collar and proceeds to throw him off the stage! Blurricane lands hard on the production table below that holds wires, water bottles, and other junk. The table breaks and the items fly into the air and scatter, some landing on Blurricane) JR: Bah Gawd! That sick bastard just threw Blurricane 12 feet down to a table and concrete (Lunde stands there for a moment admiring his work and then walks back with a large grin on his face. Paramedics pass him with a stretcher and make their way down to Blurricane where they begin to prep him and load him ont to the gurney) JR: That man is going to have hell to pay! Jesse: Blurricane just learned an important lesson JR. You don’t stick your nose into the affairs of other people. JR: Regardless what he did, you don’t treat another human being like that! (Fade to commercial as the paramedics wheel Blurricane to the back on the stretcher) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 ::A trumpet blares. The planet Earth is shown. The camera zooms in on the United States. The camera zooms in on Detroit, Michigan. The camera does a bird’s-eye view of the CGI Detroit before zooming in on the Pontiac Silverdome. The camera zooms into the inside of the domed stadium. “Fight” plays as spotlights circle the Silverdome. A close-up is shown of the CGI ring. Finally, there is a shot at the top of the CGI Silverdome. Fireworks explode from the ring, and spotlights shine on the OaOasT AngleMania III logo. The OaOasT AngleMania III logo stands in the center of the ring as spotlights shine on it. A small ticker is placed underneath the logo. All together it saids “OAOAST ANGLEMANIA III 27 DAYS AWAY.” Fireworks explode again as “Fight” stops playing.:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 (edited) For the second time in 3 weeks, the ring is covered in red carpeting for this very special occasion. A mini-cage is in the ring where a STRIPPER is dancing. A giant banner hangs above the IZtron -- ANGLESAULT B-DAY EXTRAVAGANZA! The theme from "Happy Days" plays, as streamers, balloons and red, white and blue confiti fall onto the crowd. Fireworks BLAST from nearly every position -- ringposts, jumbotron, the lighting rigs. T-Bod walks to the ring, wearing custom-made sunglasses, a bandage on his forehead, dressed in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, throwing t-shirts reading: "I survived Anglesault's B-Day Extravaganza!" JR T-Bod looks like an outcast from "Average Joe 2: Hawai" -- JESSE Except he never gets rejected. JR (CONT'D) ...dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, prehaps trying to take attention away from the bandage he's sportin' after the ass-kickin' he received at the hands of Anglesault a few nights ago on The Body Shop at Zero Hour. If you didn't see Zero Hour, I strongly recommend you order the replay, what a night of action it was. The only type of action you'll see from the OAOAST. Of course, next month's pay-per-view event is the Super Bowl of E-Fed entertainment -- AngleMania III on March 28. Call your cable or satellite provider to order now. You can also pre-order the webcast at Order in the next two hours and receive the official AngleMania t-shirt and program guide, only those attending AM III will get to buy a piece of history; these won't be available in stores. TONY Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you tonight as Tony. Tonight's a very special night, calling for me to break character. JR To him, breaking character is slandering somebody's elses good name. TONY (CONT'D) We are gathered here today to celebrate the birthday -- no, not Jesus' -- this man is even more important than the big man upstairs. JR Gimme a break. This is already absured. TONY (CONT'D) As a matter of fact, this man deserves his own holiday so we can take our children downtown where we can burn this man's t-shirts, video games, hardware products, and of course...his clothing line. We are here to celebrate the birthday of the so-called Mr. OAOAST -- but we all know it's yours truely -- Anglesault. The crowd cheers. TONY (waving to the crowd) Thank you, I knew you people -- my people -- think of me as the real Mr. OAOAST. JR They were cheering for Anglesault, the two-time OAOAST champion, Mr. OAOAST, and the man who's gonna kick you ass Sunday night, March 28 at AngleMania III, jackass. TONY As you can see, I have provided the entertainment (pointing towards the stripper's cage) for tonight's party. But it gets better. Oh yes. You see, using my connections at E! Entertainment Television, I executived produced a very special "E!: True Hollywood Stories" about our guest of honor, who's hiding backstage to avoid the ass-whippin' he'll received if he brings his ass out here. Anglesault, I forgive you. I know you must be watching the show in a runned-down motel, but put your hand (pointing his hand towards the camera) on the television screen and feel my sorrow. Without any further ado, I give you "Anglesault, the E!: True Hollywood Story". Various rapid-fire pictures of AS as a toddler, teen and current form, mixed in with home footage and OAOAST footage. NARRATOR Born Hubert F. Angle, the "F" is for Fuck, to the unproud parents, who refused to allow their names to be used due to the shame Anglesault has brought to the family, everyone knew this ugly baby would one day walk the earth as the leader of a wannabe street gang called the aWo. What you don't know is the True Hollywood Story of a shy man who used his love for wrestling and idol Tony "The Body" to break into the E-Fed Entertainment business by co-creating his own company. This is E's True Hollywood Story: Anglesault -- "The little asshole who could." The opening of THS flashes onscreen. NARRATOR Growing up idolizing international wrestling and movie star Tony "The Body," (footage of Tony with a Ric Flairesque 1980s hairdo), Anglesault seeked out his idol. From the start AS bugged the handsome Tony. OAOAST co-creator Tony "The Body". TONY This kid kept coming up to me saying how great I was, I was his hero, etc. Quite frankly I wanted to throw him into oncoming traffic. NARRATOR OAOAST Co-creator CWM. CWM 'Sault is an asshole. NARRATOR Friend and foe, Stephen Joseph aka "Big Poppa Popick." STEPHEN (from OAOAST/aWo feud angle) AS is an asshole. NARRATOR HeldDown consultant, and the name who defeated AS for the OAOAST title at AngleMania II, Zack Malibu. CAMERAMAN'S VOICE Just say 'asshole' Zack. ZACK (in a rush to get inside arena) Asshole. (clip job) Anglesault -- asshole. P.S. HeldDown -- sucks -- hard! Dan -- Black -- rocks! Word. NARRATOR In the spring of 2002, like he always has, AS whined about not getting a elected as one of four Moderator spots for well-known forum TSM. His whining lead to newly elected Mod Tony to make a historic ruling. TONY He kept bitching so I came up with the OAOAST idea. NARRATOR With the help of fellow board member CWM, the OAOAST was officially launched on April 7th, 2002. It was an instant success. TONY I knew with me onboard this ship was gonna sail. NARRATOR The summer of 2002 saw the OAOAST hit hard times. With constant reports of favoritism going on, Tony stepp down as OAOAST Executive Producer in March 2003, naming AS as his successor. TONY I took the hit for things that were not my fault, and I did make mistakes -- very few I might add. Despite never doing anything in the front office, I thought AS would be the perfect guy to represent the OAOAST and smoothe the waves the company was facing. So I resigned and took a position as Executive Consultant to the OAOAST. Instead his role as Executive Producer was nothing more than a figurehead position. He let guys like Zack Malibu and Dan Black do all his work while he was at the beach or sticking thumbtacks to his Jeff Weaver baseball card. NARRATOR In the spring of 2003 the OAOAST branched off into two brands to milk the money the company was making. Later that year IZ hit rock bottom. AS, not caring about what was going on with the OAOAST, let his contract with HeldDown expire and unofficially retired. Zack Malibu and Stephen Joseph were promoted to Executive Producers, as was Dan Black in late 2003 for his efforts trying to revive IZ. In early 2004 Dan Black approached Tony about the idea of signing Anglesault to a contract. TONY When Dan told me the idea I was jacked. This would of given IZ the start it needed to combat the train known as HeldDown. NARRATOR In Feburary 2004 AS turned down IZ's contract, which angered Tony. TONY I mean, who the hell did this guy think he was. IZ needed help and Dan Black told him to name his price. Hell, he was using HeldDown's check book so we couldn't give a shit how much he wanted. So I beat him. My good close personal friend Sean Connery once told me there was no way he would do other James Bond movie because there were only two things he ever wanted -- a golf course and a bank. He has the golf course and he's made so much money, he's a walking bank. I may have beaten him up, but at AngleMania I'm taking his pride. NARRATOR At AngleMania III, T-Bod vs. Anglesault. In a world where loyalty is considered a joke, one man will stand up to the evils this world holds, that name is T-Bod. A real friend. A true American. The crowd boos as the True Hollywood Story ends. JR That was just sad. No surprise it was totally one-sided. TONY 'Sault, you heard me say I'm going to take your pride at AM, that's only a little warning. Let me show you something. Please make you attention towards the IZtron. OAOAST Championship Match TheSoleSurvivor vs. Anglesault (Champion) COURTESY: ANGLESLAM May 26, 2002 OAOAST Home Entertainment TheSoleSurvivor runs back at AS and gives him the CLOTHELINE OF ALMOST CERTAIN DOOM~! AS flips in mid-air. TSS flexs his muscles to the crowed. He picks up AS and starts to punch him over to the edge of the cell. AS is on the edge of the cell, barely standing. TSS backs up and positions himself for another CLOTHSLINE OF ALMOST CERTAIN DOOM. He runs at AS, but AS flips him over! TSS goes flying off the cell, and crashes through the other announce table! AS puts his hands up in victory. Paramedics run over to TSS and race him off into the back. Winner: Still OAOAST World Champion, AngleSault! The crowed is going nuts, when all of a sudden AP comes out of the back. He looks up at AS and AS looks down at him. AP gets into the ring, and starts climbing up to AS! The crowed doesn't know what to think. When AP reaches the top of the cell, the two look each other dead in the eyes. AP reaches his hand out to AS. AS shakes AP's hand, and the two do the aWo sign As the two hug, ropes fall down behind them, and down come two masked men Angleplex notices at the last second and tries to warn a battered Anglesault, but as Anglesault ducks a clothesline by MASKED MAN #1, the clothesline connects with Angleplex. AS forgets about Masked Man #2, and MM2 locks in a TaZZmission and pulls AS to the edge of the cage. In a move soon to be called the SYNCHRONICITY BOMB, MM2 turns the TaZZmission suplex, throwing AngleSault down to the ground. The Masked Man reaches for his mask and pulls it off. The crowd gasps, its BIG POPPA POPICK! End tape. TONY AS abused our mother-ship, IZ. You don't abuse women unless it's a matter of life or death. If you thought that fall was bad, wait 'til you see what I do to AS at AngleMania. AS, we're 26 days away from meeting at your Stairway to...Hell! And I'm going to enjoy watchin' your flesh burn. Our mothership will be avenged. 26 days. 26 days! JR My God! What could he have in store that would would top the Stairway to Heaven fall. "Dream On" cues up. The crowd is on the edge of their seats. A large BROWN TIP crashes through the IZtron. It's ANGLESAULT drving... THE OSCAR MYER WEINERMOBILE! JR I'll be damned if this isn't the most exciting thing I've ever been apart of. The Weinermobile slams against the ring, cause the front half of the ring to cave in. The stripper cage falls (stripper included) to the arena floor. The caving in of the ring sends Tony crashing face first into the tip of the Weinermobile. A little dazed, Tony notices his sunglasses have broken. He looks like he wants to cry. A hand taps his shoulder, he turns around and gets rocked with a right hand. AS slams him across the ringpost before hitting the ANGLESLAM on the stripper cage, denting it. JR (chuckling) Fans, I've seen it all now. This is the OAOAST! ANGLESAULT Oh, and one more thing T-Bone... (A Fan screams T-BOD) ANGLESAULT Are you fucking kidding me? Do us all a favor and leave now and play Russian Roulette with an uzi. (Crowd ROARS) ANGLESAULT Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, Tony, you pathetic disco hold over, there is no such thing as a "Stairway to Hell." The FUCK? I know you're not original or clever or witty, but damnit, man, you just confused Zeppelin with AC/DC! My MOM doesn't do that! (Big reaction) ANGLESAULT It seems I'm gonna have to relate a bit better to you, Tony. So, DANCING QUEEN, I'll just leave you with his one little warning. Anglemania III. 26 days from now. The dead won't be rising. But 100, 000 other people will be there to watch me dance all over your face! AS throws packs of weiners into the cage. He then goes back into the Weinermobile and takes out a limited edition AngleMania III lunchbox (order it today!), climps on top of the WeinerMobile and pulls out a couple of Hotdogs with everything on it, from the lunchbox, and takes a bit while celebrating ontop of the Weinermobile. Which sends the crowd into a stunning redition of the Oscar Myer jingle while "Dream On" continues playing in the background. JR If I were an Oscar Myer weiner... Happy birthday Anglesault. Oh, hell yeah! COMMERCIALS Edited March 3, 2004 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 JR: Welcome back fans, and it is main event time on IntenseZone. It has been an incredible night on this show, as we experience the fallout from Zero Hour: Night of the X, and begin the countdown to our next pay-per-view, the biggest pay-per-view of them all, AngleMania III. Sunday, March 28th, live from the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan. If you can’t see it at the Silverdome, then you can order this once-in-a-lifetime five-hour event live on pay-per-view. The Silverdome has been sold out for months in advance, and we already have some matches already made for AngleMania. We will have the first ever House of Mirrors Match between Stephen Joseph and Dan Black. AngleSault will take on T-Bod, the man formerly known as Tony “The Body”. And in the IntenseZone main event, the Puerto Rican Championship will be defended in a one-on-one contest. The Champion, Puerto Rican Lightning will take on The Mad Cappa and if Cappa loses, then he must retire from wrestling forever. But the question now is whether or not that match will even take place. Last Sunday at Zero Hour, The Mad Cappa and PRL signed the contract for their historic matchup, but afterwards, The Lightning Crew did a brutal beatdown on Mad Cappa, hitting him with their finishing moves, hitting him with a stun taser, and branding him with spray-paint leaving him a bloodied mess. ::The OaOasT logo flashes by on the screen. The IntenseZone logo flashes by on the screen. Cut to OaOasT Zero Hour: Night of the X last Sunday. A caption reads “ZERO HOUR: NIGHT OF THE X. COMING SOON TO OAOAST HOME VIDEO!” Cut to after Mad Cappa and PRL sign the contract for their AngleMania III match.:: PRL (with a sadistic smile.): Maybe, just maybe, I don’t know. I…I just—just get a feeling. An inkling. Call it a sixth sense if you will. A feeling in my gut, my stomach, that just, I get a feeling that (PRL’s smile fades into a cold, sadistic frown): You’re not going to make it to AngleMania! JR: OH MY GAWD~! ::Colombian Heat clotheslines the back of The Mad Cappa. The crowd boos loudly as PRL and Colombian Heat beat down on Mad Cappa with kicks.:: “Mean” Gene Okuerland: OH MY! That’s it! I’m getting out of here! Donald Trump: Whoa! Security! Security! Get out here! JR: Mad Cappa was pearl harbored from behind by Colombian Heat and now is being beat on by these two. ::”Mean” Gene Okuerland and Donald Trump exit the ring as PRL and Colombian Heat beat on Cappa. The two Lightning Crew members pick up Cappa as the crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Suddenly, the crowd becomes hyper as The Mad Cappa starts to fight back. He nails Lightning and Heat with lefts and rights.:: JR: And now Cappa is fightning back! ::Cappa knocks heads with PRL and Heat, not noticing the crowd’s boos as Vitamin X runs into the ring with the stun taser. Cappa beats on Puerto Rican Lightning, when suddenly, Vitamin X runs to Cappa and puts the stun taser on his back. TMC screams and crumbles to the mat.:: JR: AND THAT DAMN TASER! THAT DAMN TASER HAS JUST BEEN USED ONCE AGAIN ON THE MAD CAPPA! Jesse: I think we are getting the AngleMania III match early! And with the same result! JR: The Mad Cappa is recovering from that taser shot, but this has given The LC the advantage. ::The crowd boos The Lightning Crew loudly and throw garbage into the ring as PRL, Colombian Heat, and Vitamin X lay into Mad Cappa with boots. Cappa screams and holds his back as PRL puts his boot to Cappa’s throat, making him gasp for air. Cuban Wall, PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member, Thomas Rodriguez, and Spanish Fly run into the ring and join in on the beatdown. Mr. Boricua and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez follow with Boricua joining the beatdown. The crowd continues booing loudly as The Mad Cappa gets beatdown by The Lightning Crew 8-to-1. Donald Trump meanwhile is calling for security.:: JR: The numbers game has affected The Mad Cappa and now he is getting beaten up by The Lightning Crew! Jesse: Finally! Everytime The Lightning Crew has tried to beat Mad Cappa, he has always gotten the advantage. Well now it is time for The Lightning Crew to get THEIR payback! HA! HA! HA! JR: WILL SOMEBODY COME OUT HERE AND STOP THIS? ::The Lightning Crew all stand back and taunt The Mad Cappa, who is breathing heavily and crawling around the ring. PRL kicks Cappa in the gut and then spits in his face. Security runs into the ring, but are held off by The Lightning Crew. Meanwhile, Colombian Heat grabs the suitcase that is still on the table and waits for The Mad Cappa to get up. The LC laugh and then when Cappa gets up, Colombian Heat smashes the suitcase across the back of Cappa’s head opening up the back of his head. The crowd boos very loudly and continues throwing garbage in the ring as blood oozes out from the back of Cappa’s head. He struggles to get up, shaky from the taser shot, but The Lightning Crew continues beating on Mad Cappa. Security tries to run into the ring, but are beaten by The LC. The crowd chants “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” but Cappa is still on the mat.:: JR: THE LIGHTNING CREW. FIGHTNING OFF SECURITY! THEY ARE BEATING THE HELL OUT OF THE MAD CAPPA! Jesse: Just like on May 27, 2003. The night The Mad Cappa got his larynx crushed by Puerto Rican Lightning! This is great! Once again, The Lightning Crew is beating up The Mad Cappa for injecting himself into The Lightning Crew’s business! This is wonderful! I love this! JR: THE DAMN LIGHTNING CREW IS LAYING INTO THE MAD CAPPA! CAPPA IS BLEEDING FROM THE BACK! CAPPA IS BUSTED OPEN! I DON’T BELIEVE THIS! AND IT LOOKS LIKE THEY AREN’T DONE YET!!! ::PRL and Vitamin X grab the chairs from the table and wait for him to get up. PRL smashes a chair over Mad Cappa’s head. The crowd groans and then boos. TMC gets down on his knees, and is met by another chair shot from Vitamin X to more boos. Cappa falls to the mat, unconscious, and bleeding from his forehead. PRL and X pose with the chairs and are met with loud boos. PRL spits at the crowd and sneers, he laughs evilly and then tells Mr. Boricua to pick up The Mad Cappa. The crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Boricua picks up Cappa and clutches his right hand over Cappa’s throat. The crowd boos loudly.:: JR: Oh no! Don’t tell me! He’s not going to do this! No! Not like this! Oh Gawd! No! ::Mr. Boricua lifts up Mad Cappa and chokeslams him through the table to loud boos. TMC lies in the wreckage of the table, bleeding profusely, unconscious. The Lightning Crew taunts Mad Cappa and laugh evilly. They high five each other.:: JR: THE MAD CAPPA IS LYING ON THE MAT, BLEEDING PROFUSELY! HE MUST BE IN SERIOUS PAIN! HE IS BLEEDING! HE HAS JUST BEEN SENT THROUGH A TABLE! THIS IS JUST HORRIBLE! Jesse: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? THIS IS GREAT! THE MAD CAPPA HAS JUST BEEN ANILIHATED BY THE LIGHTNING CREW! I LOVE THIS! PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING HAS JUST SOFTENED UP THE MAD CAPPA FOR ANGLEMANIA! JR: WILL THE MAD CAPPA EVEN BE READY TO COMPETE FOR ANGLEMANIA IS WHAT I’M WONDERING! Jesse: IF HE IS NOT ABLE TO COMPETE, EVEN BETTER! JR: IT LOOKS LIKE THIS ISN’T OVER! NOW COME ON! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! NOT RIGHT AT ALL! COME ON! HE’S HAD ENOUGH! HE’S HAD ENOUGH! ::The crowd continues booing loudly and chanting “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” PRL tells the crowd to “SHUT UP!” and then picks Cappa up and gives him the P.R. Nightmare.:: JR: P.R. NIGHTMARE ON THE MAD CAPPA! ::The crowd throws garbage into the ring, as Colombian Heat heads to the top rope. Heat leaps off with Straight From Da Street, which connects, on Cappa. Heat then grabs Mad Cappa and kicks him in the gut. He gets behind him and grabs his arms, lifting him up and flipping him in the air. He spins around and brings him down with the Colombian Necktie.:: JR: BAWD GAWD~! THE COLOMBIAN NECKTIE HAS BEEN HIT BY COLOMBIAN HEAT! I DON’T BELIEVE WHAT I’M SEEING! Jesse: I have no problem with what I’m seeing. ::Colombian Heat laughs evilly and poses. He throws gangsta signs and then grabs his testicles and sneers. He spits at the crowd as Spanish Fly picks up the bleeding Mad Cappa and places him on the top rope. The crowd boos and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Garbage continues getting thrown in the ring as Spanish Fly gets in front of Cappa, grabs his arms, and leaps off the top rope with Cappa behind him, causing Cappa’s head to hit the mat. The Fly Swatter. The Lightning Crew cheer him on and slap hands with Spanish Fly, as Fly sneers at Mad Cappa, who is lying face down on the mat. Blood has covered the back of his head and has gone down the back of his shirt. The crowd continues booing as Vitamin X begs PRL for a chance to beat Cappa. PRL allows Vitamin X to pick up Mad Cappa. X kicks Cappa in the gut, heads to the ropes, jumps off the ropes, and hits Mad Cappa with a springboard DDT, X-Marks-The-Spot. X then heads to the top rope…and comes down with a flying elbow drop. X curses Mad Cappa out and spits in his face. PRL laughs evilly as X applies the Lethal Injection screaming. Cappa is knocked out and does not tap out.:: Jesse: AND THAT’S WHAT HE GETS FOR BEATING THE MAD CAPPA AND GIVING HIM A TASER SHOT! JR: This is just a brutal beatdown! A brutal beatdown! I have never seen something so horrific in my life! This is just terrible. Cappa’s blood has stained the mat. He is unconscious. Jesse: This is all done just to soften Cappa up for their match at AngleMania III. JR: Is this match even going to happen? ::Mr. Boricua picks up the dizzy, dazed, and bleeding Mad Cappa and powerbombs Cappa. Cuban Wall picks up Cappa and slaps his face. Cappa wakes up, his face covered in red. His shirt stained in blood. He is bleeding front and back, and Cuban Wall trash talks him and spits in his face. He lifts Mad Cappa up and places him over his right shoulder. Wall yells out and drops Mad Cappa down with a backbreaker completing the Wallbreaker. PRL laughs evilly as Mr. Boricua lifts up Cappa for the Lightning Crew Bomb. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez then picks up Cappa and gives him the Lindsay-Curanna. She then picks him up again and gives him the Latin Bitch Jam (Bulldog). Puerto Rican Lightning orders PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member to pick up The Mad Cappa. PROTOTYPE yells and does so.:: JR: This is just so brutal. I cannot believe what I’m seeing. I—I—have no words for this. I’m speechless. Utterly, utterly speechless. I—I—I can’t believe this. I CAN’T SPEAK THROUGH THIS! Jesse: You do that. I’m going to sit back and relax and watch The Mad Cappa get his ass kick. ::PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member picks up the dazed, confused, bleeding Mad Cappa and places him in front of him. He lifts him up in a pump handle slam position. He then puts him up for a Powerbomb, and brings him down with a sitdown Powerbomb for the PROTO-PLEX. PRL applauds him and then orders him to continue. PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member yells, snorts, and growls and then picks up Mad Cappa once again and places The Mad Cappa back first over his shoulders. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” PROTOTYPE walks around the ring with Mad Cappa on his shoulders and then does the PERFECT Finishing Move on Mad Cappa causing Cappa’s face to once again hit the mat. The Mad Cappa lies on the mat, covered in blood from head to toe. His face, his shirt is blood stained. The Lightning Crew surround The Mad Cappa and laugh evilly. They spit in his face as garbage is thrown into the ring. PRL, Colombian Heat, and Vitamin X hold The Mad Cappa in place and talk to Cuban Wall. They all laugh evilly and taunt The Mad Cappa as Cuban Wall heads to the ropes, leaps over Cappa, bounces off the other ropes and splashes The Mad Cappa completing The Lightning Crew Splash. The crowd groans and then boos as Mad Cappa screams. Wall laughs as PRL picks up Cappa and gives him another P.R. Nightmare. PRL, X, and Heat pick up Cappa and hold him up for Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. The crowd continues booing the loudest they booed for PRL. Lindsay smiles evilly and kisses Mad Cappa, then slaps him in the face. The crowd chants “SLUT! SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!” as Thomas Rodriguez beats on Cappa. PRL picks up Mad Cappa and flips the crowd off. He jaws with the fans and then kicks The Mad Cappa in the gut and delivers a P.R. Nightmare on The Mad Cappa.:: JR: I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SEEN! THAT WAS JUST BRUTAL! THAT WAS HORRIBLE! WHAT A PAINFUL EVENT WE JUST SAW! THE LIGHTNING CREW HAS BEATEN THE HOLY HELL OUT OF THE MAD CAPPA ONCE AGAIN, AND INFACT THIS BEATING WAS MORE VIOLENT THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE! Jesse: THE LIGHTNING CREW HAS PAID BACK THE MAD CRAPPA FOR ALL THOSE TIMES PRL HAS BEATEN THEM! THAT WAS FOR THE LIGHTNING CREW GAUNTLET! THAT WAS FOR ALL OF THAT! PLUS MORE! THE LIGHTNING CREW HAS JUST LAID THAT CRAPPA TO WASTE! WHAT A GREAT MOMENT IN LIGHTNING CREW HISTORY! IN OAOAST HISTORY!!! ::Puerto Rican Lightning poses and then gives the crowd the “UP YOURS!” sign. He sneers and then spits at The Mad Cappa. He slaps him in the face and rubs his blood across his chest. PRL picks up Cappa again and takes blood from his face and paints it on his face. He slaps him again and grabs the Puerto Rican Championship belt and raises it for the crowd to see. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” PRL ignores the chants and laughs evilly. He trash talks the fans and then rips The Mad Cappa’s shirt off. He places it over his right shoulder and then tells Colombian Heat to go underneath the ring. Colombian Heat obliges as garbage continues being thrown into the ring.:: JR: Now what are they doing? Jesse: I haven’t the slightest idea what, but whatever it is, it doesn’t look good for The Mad Cappa. JR: Colombian Heat is now searching underneath the ring for something. He found a toolbox. What would he do with a toolbox? Jesse: I think I know what? Remember the nWo? JR: Oh no. You don’t mean. ::The Lightning Crew all pose and jaw with the fans in the ring with The Mad Cappa lying on the mat in the center. Colombian Heat smiles evilly and enters the ring with the toolbox. He opens it up to reveal two spray-paint cans in it. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS!” as Colombian Heat grabs one of the spray-paint cans and shakes it. The crowd boos even louder as Colombian Heat smiles evilly and hands the spray-paint can over to PRL. He laughs as Colombian Heat, Vitamin X, and Thomas Rodriguez hold Cappa in place.:: Jesse: The Lightning Crew are going to brand The Mad Cappa! JR (disgusted): This is making me sick. How dare The Lightning Crew go so low! Jesse: I love this, Jim Ross! ::Tha Puerto Rican spray-paints “LC 4-LIFE” and “PRL” in black on The Mad Cappa’s body.:: Jesse: And now, the icing on the cake! :.R. kicks Cappa in the stomach causing him to roll over. The crowd boos loudly as P.R. puts the spray-paint can away and grabs the other spray-paint can. Tha Puerto Rican shakes the can and spray-paints a yellow line across The Mad Cappa’s back. He then spray-paints “COWARD” on Cappa’s back and “CAPPA SUX” and “LOSER” on Cappa’s back. He spits in Cappa’s face and then poses with the Puerto Rican Championship belt. The crowd boos loudly. PRL sneers at the crowd and jaws with them. The Lightning Crew pose in the ring with The Mad Cappa behind them, face-first on the mat, breathing heavily, unconscious, and bleeding profusely. “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds starts playing in the arena as The Lightning Crew pose in the ring with garbage being thrown in their direction.:: JR: THOSE NO GOOD BASTARDS!!! THEY COULD HAVE JUST CAUSED THE MAD CAPPA HIS CAREER!!! DAMN YOU PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! BAWD GAWD DAMN YOU PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! DAMN YOU P.R.!!! DAMN YOU!!! Jesse: EASY J.R.! EASY!!! THEY JUST SOFTENED THE MAD CAPPA UP FOR THE ANGLEMANIA III MATCH!!! JR: BUT IS THAT MATCH EVEN GOING TO TAKE PLACE? WHAT HAS JUST HAPPENED MAY HAVE JUST JEOPARDIZED THAT MATCH!!! Jesse: Hey! If it gets The Mad Cappa off PRL’s back, then everything’s okay. JR: AW, KISS MY ASS JESS! THA PUERTO RICAN SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE! THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH HAS JUST ATTACKED THE MAD CAPPA AND BRUTALLY ATTACKED HIM ONCE AGAIN! I DON’T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW! THAT WAS GROTUEQSUE! THAT WAS BLOODIED! THAT WAS BRUTAL! I DON’T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW! THAT WAS TERRIBLE! ::The camera cuts to The Mad Cappa lying on the mat. Bloodied and spray-painted. The crowd boos loudly as “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds continues playing. Garbage is thrown in the ring and The Lightning Crew pose in the ring with Puerto Rican Lightning in the center with the Puerto Rican Championship belt. PRL grabs the contract and then grabs the pen and stabs Mad Cappa repeatedly with the pen. He then uses the pen to soak in Cappa’s blood from his head and then signs the contract again with Mad Cappa’s blood. He drops Cappa’s head on the mat and sneers.:: JR: What a sick, sick man! A sick man! Jesse: He maybe a sick man, but he may have just prevented his match against Mad Cappa at AngleMania III. JR: Is Cappa even able to compete? Will he be ready to fight in time for OaOasT AngleMania III?! Jesse: Hopefully not. JR: HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRUEL? THAT DAMN PRL HAS JUST COMMITTED A BRUTAL CRIME! THAT EVIL BASTARD HAS JUST DONE SOMETHING WRETCHED!!! DAMN HIM!!! DAMN YOU PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! DAMN YOUR SOUL TO HELL!!! ::The Lightning Crew poses in the ring with Mad Cappa lying on the mat. Puerto Rican Lightning is in the center of the ring posing with the Puerto Rican Championship belt.:: ::The OaOasT logo flashes by on the screen. The IntenseZone logo flashes by on the screen. Cut back to Jim Ross in the announcer’s table.:: JR: Earlier tonight, PRL held a mock funeral for The Mad Cappa’s career, promising victory at AngleMania. Rumors have it that The Mad Cappa was injured following the chokeslam through the table, and has suffered a vast loss of blood. PRL stabbing Cappa’s forehead with a pen did not help matters, concerning Mad Cappa. Cappa has yet to make an appearance tonight, and now it is the main event. Lightning Crew member Spanish Fly takes on OaOasT newcomer C.W. McLooza. McLooza is making his debut tonight and it is against one of the LC’s best. The countdown to AngleMania III continues, let’s take it to the ring for the main event! *DING DING DING* ::Cut to the ring with Gary Michael Cappatetta. The crowd cheers loudly as GMC begins to speak.:: Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the main event of this week’s IntenseZone and is scheldued for one fall with a one-hour time limit. Introducing first, already in the ring. From Paris, Texas, weighing in at 140 lbs. He is making his OaOasT debut, C.W. MCLOOOOOZAAAAAA!!! ::Mild applause for the newcomer. McLooza waves his hands to the crowd and smiles. He is a small white male who is bald with blue eyes. He wears a singlet and boots. He smiles and stands in the ring.:: JR: C.W. McLooza, hoping to make an impact in the OaOasT. He will have to take on one of The Lightning Crew’s best, Spanish Fly, who is making his return to the ring tonight. ::A deep, slow voiced man saids "LIGHTNING". The crowd boos very, very loudly as the AngleTron shows Spanish Fly's picture on it, letting the fans know he is coming out. The Lightning Crew entrance video plays on the AngleTron as the lights go out in the arena. Smoke fills up the entrance as the crowd waits for Spanish Fly to come out. Finally, Spanish Fly comes through the curtain to boos. He looks at the crowd and jaws with them a bit as "No Chance In Hell" by Bradley Boyds continues to play. The lights go back in the arena as Spanish Fly makes his way to the ring.:: GMC: And his opponent, making his way to the ring. From Tijuana, Mexico. Weighing in at 199 lbs. Representing The Lightning Crew. SPANISH FLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! JR: Spanish Fly is wrestling his second OaOasT match. He first match was against The Mad Cappa in the first part of The Lightning Crew Gauntlet back in December. He lost that match and The Mad Cappa was able to move on and eventually have a match against Puerto Rican Lightning for AngleMania III. Fly had to beg Lightning for forgiveness, which PRL accepted. Fly is now going to have a chance to redeem himself against C.W. McLooza. ::Spanish Fly jumps over the top rope and poses to loud boos as a single spotlight shines on him as “No Chance In Hell” continues to play. He flips the crowd off then jumps on a turnbuckle and poses some more. He jumps back down and bounces off the ropes doing some karate moves while waiting for his opponents. The crowd boos and chants "P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!" Spanish Fly removes his t-shirt and throws it to the crowd as "No Chance In Hell" by Bradley Boyds dies down.:: JR: Fly is a member of The Lightning Crew. The most sadistic group of wrestlers in the OaOasT today. Fly may just be just as psychotic and just as evil as his leader, Puerto Rican Lightning. But now it is main event time and Spanish Fly, who took part in the beatdown on Mad Cappa last night, will take on C.W. McLooza. *DING DING DING* Main Event: Spanish Fly vs. C.W. McLooza: Spanish Fly and C.W. McLooza circle each other to start as the crowd calms down. JR: And here we go with the main event for this week’s IntenseZone. Spanish Fly and C.W. McLooza lockup. Fly gets a waistlock, but McLooza reverses. C.W. goes for a German Suplex, but Spanish Fly stops that from happening and grabs C.W.’s head and gives him a rube bulldog. He goes for the cover. 1… 2… KICK OUT!!! JR: Fly with the first cover of the match. Fly with a headlock on McLooza. C.W. pushes Spanish Fly off, and heads to the ropes, but Fly takes him down with a spinning wheel kick. JR: Spinning Wheel Kick! The cover! 1 Count! Spanish Fly and C.W. McLooza get up at the same time, but Fly takes C.W. down with a shoulder. Fly heads to the ropes, leaps over C.W., and gives him a dropkick to the knee. Spanish Fly then does a spinning legdrop and goes for the cover. JR: 1! 2! And McLooza kicks out just in the nick of time! The crowd starts to boo loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Fly tells the crowd to shut up and then kicks C.W. in the gut several times. Fly heads to the top rope and waits for C.W. to get up. JR: Fly is about to fly. What move will he use on McLooza? I wonder what it will be? Spanish Fly waits for C.W. to get up. When he does, Fly leaps off the top rope with a flying crossbody. It connects. 1… 2… Thre—NO!!! JR: And he kicked out right in time! Spanish Fly continues the assault, not allowing McLooza to get up. Spanish Fly heads to the ring apron. He waits for McLooza to get up while the crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Fly comes off the ropes with a springboard hurricarana on C.W. McLooza. He goes for the cover. It gets a two count. Fly applies an arm-bar on McLooza. JR: Spanish Fly dominating McLooza. But McLooza seems to be making the comeback. The crowd boos the Lightning Crew member as C.W. gets on one knee. C.W. lifts Fly up for a back suplex. JR: A Back Suplex! McLooza has just hit a back suplex on Spanish Fly! His first offense in this matchup! Cover! 1… 2… Thre—KICK OUT!!! C.W. McLooza whips Spanish Fly into the ropes, and follows with a dropkick to a face pop. C.W. applies an arm-bar on Fly. Fly quickly gets up and gets Irish Whip into the ropes. C.W. puts his head down, so Fly leaps over McLooza and goes for a sunset flip pin. It gets two. Fly and McLooza get up at the same time. Spanish Fly goes to kick C.W. McLooza, but McLooza grabs his right leg. However, Spanish Fly hits an enzuguri on the back of C.W.’s head to groans. C.W. crumples to the mat. JR: BAWD GAWD What an enzuguri! Spanish Fly with an amazing enzuguri on C.W. McLooza. What a move. Spanish Fly covers C.W. 1… 2… KICK OUT!!! JR: Spanish Fly continues his assault. The crowd starts to boo loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Fly punches C.W. and then Irish Whips C.W. into a turnbuckle. Spanish Fly whips C.W. into another turnbuckle and he falls to the mat. McLooza lies on the mat as Spanish Fly heads to the top rope. JR: Spanish Fly heads to the top rope once again. What else does he have up his sleeve? Fly hits C.W. McLooza with a missile dropkick. He goes for the cover. 1… 2… Thre—KICK OUT!!! The crowd cheers. JR: The match continues. Spanish Fly has beaten and dominated McLooza for the majority of this contest, but he has yet to put him down long enough for a three count. Fly with a dropkick. Spanish Fly whips C.W. into a turnbuckle once again. Fly beats on C.W. in the turnbuckle while the crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Fly trash talks with the fans and spits in their direction. He flips the crowd off and hits C.W. with a right jab that sends him to the mat. As C.W. struggles to get up, Fly heads to the top rope. He clutches C.W.’s baldhead…and follows with a Tornado DDT to loud boos. The crowd boos loudly as C.W. lies on the mat, breathing hard and sweating. C.W. lies on the mat in pain breathing hard. JR: I think that Tornado DDT just took out the energy of both Spanish Fly and C.W. McLooza! These two men are on the mat. Spanish Fly slowly gets up, spitting in the crowd’s direction. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” as Fly slowly heads to the top rope. JR: Fly is once again at the top. He is now suffering from fatigued, but is still going to the top. I have a feeling that his next move may take all the energy out of him along with C.W. McLooza. Fly sneers at the crowd and flips them off. He does a 450 Splash on McLooza to loud boos. Fly smiles evilly. JR: A 450 Splash! A 450 Splash! Spanish Fly has just hit a 450 Splash on C.W. McLooza! And I think that one move may finish this match. This match could be over. The referee goes to count. 1… 2… 2 ½ 2 2/3 2 2/4 2.9999999999999 Thre---NO!!! C.W. McLooza kicks out at 2.9999999. JR: BUT WAIT! McLooza is still in this match-up. McLooza kicked out of the 450 Splash and this match will continue. Can McLooza do it? Can he pull the upset? Can he defeat Spanish Fly and make Spanish Fly’s OaOasT record 0-2? Or can the Lightning Crew member get his first victory in his OaOasT career? Spanish Fly becomes pissed. He jaws with the referee saying it was a slow count. He curses in Spanish and then attacks C.W. just as he gets up. JR: Spanish Fly is pissed off. And it does not look good for C.W. McLooza. Spanish Fly beats on C.W. and Irish Whips him into a turnbuckle. The crowd boos loudly as Fly puts C.W. on the turnbuckle. The crowd stands up and boos loudly as Fly kicks C.W. in the face several times, trash talking in between the kicks. JR: And it looks like we maybe seeing the end of the match. Spanish Fly looking for the Fly Swatter, giving C.W. McLooza his first lost in his first match in the OaOasT. Fly has C.W. on the ropes. The crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” as Fly positions C.W. on the top rope. Fly smiles evilly and then gets in front of McLooza and stands up on the second rope. He grabs his arms, yells, and leaps off the turnbuckle with the Fly Swatter (Unprettier from the top rope). The crowd groans. C.W. McLooza’s head bounces off the canvas and then falls face first. The crowd boos. JR: And there it is. The Fly Swatter! Spanish Fly’s finishing move! Can this be it? Can he do it? Spanish Fly covers C.W. McLooza to the crowds boos. JR: The cover. 1… 2… 3!!! *DING DING DING* JR: And this match is over! Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this contest, SPANISH FLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! ::”No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds starts playing over the sounds system. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” The referee raises Spanish Fly’s arms up and then Fly takes them away and sneers. He trash talks to the crowd and flips them. He looks down at C.W. McLooza, who is still on the mat face down breathing hard in disgust. He spits in his face and then raises his arms once again to boos.:: JR: Spanish Fly gets his first win in the OaOasT taking on C.W. McLooza. McLooza put up a fight but in the end it was a Fly Swatter, which put him down on the mat for good. It is another victory for The Lightning Crew, who have been on a roll as of late since this past Sunday at Zero Hour: Night of the X. PRL may have lost the Super X Cup, but he took down The Mad Cappa one month before their big AngleMania III match. ::”No Chance In Hell” continues to play as Fly stands in the ring, watching C.W. trying to get up. Fly runs up to him and beats on C.W. to boos. He kicks C.W. down to the mat and chokes him with his right boot. The referee tries to stop him but Fly shoves him away and continues beating on him. The bell rings several times, but Fly still beats on C.W.:: JR: Now come on! That’s enough. Will somebody—will somebody please stop this? Come on ref, the match is over. Spanish Fly won, he doesn’t—he doesn’t have to continue beating on C.W. McLooza. McLooza is in pain. Stop this. ::C.W. continues getting beat on when the crowd’s boos become louder as Mr. Boricua, Vitamin X, Colombian Heat, Thomas Rodriguez, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, and Puerto Rican Lightning, wearing the “DIE, CAPPA, DIE” black t-shirt, blue baggy jeans, Puerto Rican flag bandana, gold chain, earring on the left ear and black sneakers enter the ring. They all laugh evilly as C.W. McLooza gets up and is brought down by a giant clothesline by Mr. Boricua. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” and throw garbage into the ring, as The Lightning Crew beatdown on C.W. McLooza. They begin chanting “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” PRL spits in the crowd’s direction and then has Colombian Heat and Vitamin X hold up C.W. McLooza. PRL smashes the Puerto Rican Championship belt across C.W.’s face. C.W. holds his head in pain, but is brought back up by PRL.:: JR: The Lightning Crew beating the hell out of C.W. McLooza. Just like The Lightning Crew did to The Mad Cappa Sunday at Zero Hour: Night of the X. They are on a roll and PRL is certainly more arrogant and cockier following what happened this past Sunday. ::”P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” chants are still heard as PRL and Vitamin X hold C.W. McLooza up for Heat. C.W. is dizzy, dazed and in pain as Colombian grabs both clocks around his neck and smashes them across C.W.’s face. Garbage is still thrown in the ring as Heat grabs C.W. and gives him the Colombian Necktie to boos. The Lightning Crew all pose in the ring to boos and “P.R. SUCKS!” chants, but PRL flips the crowd off, and jaws with the fans raising the Puerto Rican Championship belt and clear the ring of garbage. The Lightning Crew continues beating down on C.W. McLooza. Vitamin X picks up C.W. and gives him the X-Marks-The-Spot. He then applies the Lethal Injection as Colombian Heat heads to the top rope and hits the Straight From Da Street.:: JR: Will somebody please stop this!? The Lightning Crew is being allowed to do whatever they want and they are hurting this young man who is just starting his OaOasT career. The LC are dominating. ::Mr. Boricua grabs C.W. McLooza and clutches his neck with his right hand. Mr. Boricua lifts C.W. up and brings him down with a chokeslam. Boricua yells loudly, grunts, snorts, and cracks his knuckles. C.W. shakes on the mat like he is having a seizure. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” as Puerto Rican Lightning orders The Lightning Crew to stand back.:: JR: This is a brutal attack. 6-on-1 and 7 if you count Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. ::Puerto Rican Lightning waits for C.W. McLooza to get up. The crowd continues booing and throwing garbage into the ring as PRL looks at C.W. psychotically and sneers. C.W. slowly gets up, nearly collapsing. Puerto Rican Lightning trash talks to McLooza, kicks him in the gut…and delivers the P.R. Nightmare on C.W. McLooza. Tha Puerto Rican gets up and yells. He laughs evilly and stares at the fallen C.W.:: JR: P.R. Nightmare! Could PRL be trying to send a message to The Mad Cappa? Could P.R. picture C.W. McLooza is The Mad Cappa? Could this be a preview of what is to come at AngleMania III on March 28th, if The Mad Cappa is not at 100%? Cappa is nowhere to be found, but The Lightning Crew does not care. They think they got the job done this past Sunday and are now attacking someone else for no reason! That damn Lightning Crew has struck once again! ::The Lightning Crew all shake hands and high five each other. Colombian Heat pulls something out of his sweat suit. He smiles evilly and reveals it to be a Mad Cappa mask. The crowd boos loudly and chants “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” as PRL grabs the mask and spits on it. He places it on C.W. McLooza’s head and gives him another P.R. Nightmare.:: JR: And Tha Puerto Rican is now sending a message to The Mad Cappa. But no one knows where exactly he is. We have not seen The Mad Cappa since last Sunday, and he maybe injured. Tha Puerto Rican is confident, as we saw earlier tonight in that mock funeral, that he has finished off The Mad Cappa for good, and that there may not be an AngleMania III match. ::The crowd boos and chants “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” P.R. jaws with the fans and tells them that Cappa is not coming. He does the “UP YOURS!” hand sign and then spits in their direction. Colombian Heat grabs a spray-paint can from his warm-up jacket and spray-paints “PRL” on C.W.’s chest. PRL gives C.W. another P.R. Nightmare and then has Colombian Heat pick him up.:: JR: WILL THE LIGHTNING CREW PLEASE LEAVE THIS YOUNG MAN ALONE?! FOR GAWD SAKES, THIS MAN HAS TAKEN ENOUGH PUNISHMENT FROM THE LIGHTNING CREW! HE DOES NOT NEED THIS! HE DOES NOT NEED THIS AT ALL! THAT BASTARD, PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING IS PROUD OF WHAT HE HAS DONE! HE IS PROUD THAT HE ATTACKED THE MAD CAPPA LAST SUNDAY! HE IS PROUD THAT HE MAY HAVE INJURED HIM! IT MEANS THAT HE DOES NOT HAVE TO FIGHT HIM AT ANGLEMANIA III! ::Colombian Heat holds up C.W. McLooza, who is still wearing The Mad Cappa mask. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez slaps C.W., and then PRL punches him in the face. P.R. then gives him a third P.R. Nightmare. The crowd boos loudly and throws garbage into the ring. They chant “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” and “MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA! MAD CAP-PA!” The Lightning Crew stand in the ring over the hurt C.W., who is lying on the mat back first with the Cappa mask on.:: JR: The fans are chanting for The Mad Cappa to come out! Will Cappa make an appearance? Will Cappa return? ::The Lightning Crew stand in the ring, when suddenly the lights go down in the arena. The opening trumpet blare causes the crowd to explode. PRL freaks out.:: JR: OH MY! DO YOU THINK? COULD IT BE? IS HE HERE?!!! ::”Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool begins playing. Spotlights circle the arena causing the crowd to stand up and cheer. Some even dance to the beat. They chant “GO CAP-PA! GO CAP-PA! GO CAP-PA! GO CAP-PA!” awaiting his appearance. Tha Puerto Rican freaks out, screaming and sweating awaiting Cappa to arrive. Mr. Boricua throws C.W. McLooza out of the ring.:: JR: THE MAD CAPPA’S MUSIC HIT AND WE ARE NOW WAITING FOR HIM TO ARRIVE! CAPPA IS HERE! CAPPA IS HERE! CAPPA IS HERE! ::”Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” continues to play. The crowd stands up waiting for Cappa to arrive. The spotlights stop and one spotlight appears in the entrance. The crowd stands up, but instead of Mad Cappa coming out, Cuban Wall and PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member come out through the curtain with a mannequin. The crowd’s boos become louder and louder as Puerto Rican Lightning laughs in the ring. He rolls around on the floor laughing as Wall and PROTOTYPE wheel the mannequin to the ring. The mannequin is white wearing a bloodied t-shirt, blue baggy shorts, white tennis sneakers, and a Mad Cappa mask. The Lightning Crew all laugh but the crowd boos loudly and throw garbage in the ring chanting “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!”:: JR: Oh no. This is ridiculous. This is just horrible. The Lightning Crew continues their pathetic actions. Fooling these fans into believing The Mad Cappa was here. It looks like The Mad Cappa in not in this building tonight. And now they’re doing this. Dressing up a mannequin as The Mad Cappa. The funeral wasn’t enough. They have to continue mocking him. They have to continue reveling in their evilness. The Lightning Crew have spent the entire night in control and it looks like it will continue. ::The Lightning all laugh evilly as Cuban Wall and PROTOTYPE: The PERFECT Lightning Crew Member bring The Mad Cappa Mannequin into the ring. Colombian Heat dances to mock Cappa and so does PRL. The garbage continues piling up in the ring and the “P.R. SUCKS!” chants continue as Cuban Wall and PROTOTYPE place The Mad Cappa Mannequin in the middle of the ring. “Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool stops playing as P.R. acts like he is afraid of the mannequin. Colombian Heat gets into a fight position and slaps the mannequin’s head. The Lightning Crew laugh at the sight of the Cappa Mannequin.:: JR: Can somebody stop this? This is beyond wretched. The Lightning Crew are allowed to do whatever they want. The Mad Cappa is not anywhere near the building, so they can mock him and not be afraid to suffer the consequence. ::The crowd boos loudly and chant “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” The chant continues as The Lightning Crew beat up on the mannequin. The crowd boos as they toss the mannequin all over the ring. P.R. gives The Mad Cappa Mannequin a P.R. Nightmare. Tha Puerto Rican grabs the microphone as The Lightning Crew pulls the mannequin back up and holds him in place. Vitamin X kicks the mannequin the “stomach” as the crowd boos. The Lightning Crew all smile and laugh evilly. They taunt the mannequin as PRL smiles evilly, checking the mannequin. He laughs and then speaks.:: JR: Now what? What are they doing now? Puerto Rican Lightning: YOU TELL HIM! COME ON TELL HIM! TELL HIM! TELL HIM THAT I’M THE MAN!!! TELL HIM THAT I AM THE GREATEST PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER THERE EVER WAS!!! MAD CRAPPA!!! YOU ARE NOT IN MY LEAGUE!!! ::The camera does a close-up of The Mad Cappa Mannequin. PRL puts the microphone to its face, and then continues speaking. The Lightning Crew all take shots at the mannequin while PRL continues speaking.:: PRL: IF YOU ARE LUCKY AND ARE ABLE TO MAKE IT TO ANGLEMANIA 100%, IF YOU CAN EVEN MAKE IT TO ANGLEMANIA, YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF THE MOST ELECTRFYING MAN IN PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!!! AT ANGLEMANIA III, INFRONT OF 74,000 IN THE PONTIAC SILVERDOME, I WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN WITH A MIGHTY FIST!!! I WILL MAKE YOU BLEED ONCE AGAIN!!! I WILL BRING YOU DOWN WITH THE P.R. NIGHTMARE!!! I WILL MAKE ANGLEMANIA A NIGHT YOU WILL NEVER FORGET!!! MARCH 28TH!!! PONTIAC SILVERDOME!!! DETROIT, MICHIGAN!!! YOU!!! ME!!! PUERTO RICAN CHAMPIONSHIP!!! I WILL BEAT YOU AND END YOUR CAREER!!! PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING WILL MAKE HISTORY ON MARCH 28TH, AND I WILL DO SO BY MAKING SURE YOU NEVER EVER FORGET THE NAME, PUERTO….RICAN…LIGHTNING!!! AND THAT’S THE TRUTH, RUTH!!! JR: A vile, hateful, bittered, cynical, cocky, arrogant, overconfident, evil, psychotic human being, Puerto Rican Lightning is all that and more. He is the most hideous person I’ve ever seen. He is evil personified. This psychotic bastard brings pain and misery to all who have come in his way. And I for one can’t wait until AngleMania III on March 28th, to see PRL get what he deserves! But no one knows where Mad Cappa is. He has not been seen since last Sunday and it puts the AngleMania match in question. ::Puerto Rican Lightning slaps the mannequin’s head. He punches the mannequin’s head and then shoves it down to the mat. The Lightning Crew beat on The Mad Cappa Mannequin as “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds starts playing. The crowd boos loudly, louder than usual, and throws garbage into the ring, chanting “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Tha Puerto Rican poses with the Puerto Rican Championship belt. He flips the crowd off and jaws with them. He looks at the Cappa Mannequin and laughs evilly. The Lightning Crew all stand in the center of the ring and raise their arms in victory. PRL poses in the center. He smiles with a psychotic look and laughs evilly. Tha Puerto Rican sneers at the crowd as “No Chance In Hell” continues to play. The crowd boos loudly and throws garbage into the ring, chanting “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” The Lightning Crew all jaw with the fans and then stand in the center of the ring posing once again. The camera cuts to the fallen mannequin and does a close-up of The Mad Cappa mask.:: JR: Well, we end the show with The Lightning Crew on top once again! These superstars have been on a roll since last Sunday and look to not be stopping anytime soon. Thanks for tuning in tonight. I am “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross saying goodnight and I have to ask the question that everyone is thinking: Where is The Mad Cappa? Come back Mad Cappa! Wherever you are! We need you! Come back Mad Cappa!!! COME BACK!!! ::The Lightning Crew all pose in the center of the ring. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” and throws garbage into the ring. Colombian Heat beats on the mannequin until he has to be pulled back by Puerto Rican Lightning and reminded that the mannequin is not real and not the actual Mad Cappa. The LC takes shots at the fallen mannequin. The last image is of The Lightning Crew standing in the ring, smiling and laughing evilly as “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds continues playing.:: ::FADE OUT:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2004 CREDITS FrigidSoul Dan Eskimo PRL Tony Anglesault! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites