Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 17, 2002 -This is a part 1 of 2-3 sets on this tape, cause i dont have the time to save, post save etc. -Monday Night Raw: Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. "Dr." Tom Prichard (w/ Jim Cornette): I had Kid/Jannetty vs. Qeubecers & Kid/Ramon vs. Quebecers on the tape before this but it got severly damaged so i had to throw it out. So now all my tapes have been presserved x-cellently. Old school raw, except no Manhatten Center. Fine card girl today,er, that day. "You screwed Bret" chants start. Just kidding. No signs in the crowd just about. Im guessing this is late february. Lockup and go behind by Pichard reversed by Bret but Dr. Tom gets an armdrag in. Bret this time with the lockup and armbar with a reversal by Prichard and takedown side headlock, Bret with the kip up breaks it. Hammerlock by TP(lol) reversed into a armbar by Bret into a side headlock. Irish whip by Prichar,d Bret scores a shoulderblock and runs into a drop toe hold, but soon recovers the advantage with a armbar and knees to the wrist. Cheap shot in the corner by Prichard and a knife edge chop. Roundhouse rights by Bret takes the advantage and scores a back bodydrop followed by a dropkick, which sends Prichard to the outside where Cornette consults him. Hammerlock again by Bret into a takedown armbar. (dont ask, its like he pushed him down). Prichard with a handful of hair and gets in a slam, but an elbow misses as Bret goes back to work on the left shoulder. NIKOLAI!! IN HIS ONLY SUIT!!! If hes so poor how does he get front row seats? I guess Vince felt sorry for him or somethin. Shoulderthrusts in the corner by Prichard and Bret comes back wioth a roundhouse right and headbutt followed by a snapmare and armbar. Commercial. Bret gets a 2 count for somethin. Eyerake by the Bodie. Bret stiffly eats a buckle and gets choked. Donny Walburg on the phone. He sound slike Savage after busting his tongue from Crush;s ass whoopin. Snap Suplex. By WMX, i only saw WM's 2-9. took me 14 yrs after it occured to watch it. Chinlock applied by the doctor followed by a headlock. Jawbreaker releases the hold and Bret with a backslide for 2. Eyerake by tom and he goes back to work. Snapmare and chinlock with a knee to the back. Ala Psycho Sid. Modified Surfboard now applied.Tom is using his whole body to inflict pain to the Hitman. Lets go Bret chants. Knee to the back just as when bret reverses the hold. Savage talks some smack about winning the title next week. Prichard with a choke on Hitman. Jimmy with! Savage throws him to the floor and takes the racket. Russian Leg Sweep after break by Bret for 2. Backbreaker and 2nd rope elbow gets 2, as does a Victory roll. Bret gets knocked to the floor. Owen comes out, and throws Bret back into the ring.Owen yells he always needs my help. Bret with a snap suplex and Sharpshoote rgets the submission win at a well extended 12:18. Daymn that was a pretty good match, i never took time to acknowledge it. ***1/2. Bret and Owen have a staredown afterwords. -Wrestlemania X Report. Wrestlemania banner is waving like a flag. Todd Pettingle!! Heres the run down of the card so far. Well celebrities, Little richard, burt Reynolds, donnie Walburg, Jenny Garth, bucky & Vinny.........who?! Sy Sperling, Rhonda Shears. Matches! Savage vs. Crush in a falls count anywhere match. You have 60 seconds to get back in the ring. Razor Vs. HBK for the IC Title in a ladder match. Quebecers vs. M.O.M for the tag titles. Alundra Blayze has no opponent yet. Quake Vs. borga! Doink & Dink Vs. Bam Bam & Luna in a mixed tag team match. Also, Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart, Lex Luger Vs. Yokozuna, and Yoko/Lex Vs. Bret Hart! -Ray Rogeau interview with "IC Champion" shawn Michaels, who ends up sitting atop the ladder. Raven (aka Johnny Polo) is always entertaining to listen to on the stick. -Wrestlemania X report again! Only thing new is Gunns, Tatanka, Kid, Plugg Vs. Shrinkers, IRS, Jeff Jarrett, Rick Martel. WWF Superstars of Wrestling: -Bret "Hitman" HArt Vs. Adam Bomb (w/ Harvey Wippleman): Bret with a go-behind doesnt work as Bomb pries Brets fingers apart. Rake to the eyes by Bomb, Cross body cought and Bomb slams Hart, and yes, misses an elbow. Bret With with 3 clotheslines sends Adam Bomb 360ing to the floor. Bomb pulls Bret to the floor and unloas with a few roundhouses. Bret doedges a 4th and Adam hits the post. Bret with some roundhouse rights and runs into a big boot followed by a series of elbows. Three to be exact. Didnt polo manage Bomb at one time? Owen is in the entrance way looking on. Wippleman chokes on Bret while the ref back is turned. Spinning Elbow by AB gets 2. Hiptoss by Bomber followed by a stiff clothesline. Boots to the midsection in the cirner and misses a charge to the corner(!). Headbutts by Bret and a shot to the midsection, russian leg sweep!! 2nd rope elbow drop misses!!! Powerbomb is blocked with a backdrop and wippleman eats fist. Sharpshooter and thats it as Bomb submits at 4:59. Nothing really significant, but worthy of **. -Lord Alfred Hayes shows some pictures of a younger Bret & Owen. -"The Rocket" Owen Hart Vs. Bart Gunn (of Smoking gunns): This is from a Wrestling Challenge a few weeks before Wrestlemania X. I belive its MSG this match. Lockup. Shoulderthrust by Owen in the ropes. Armbar by Owen reversed several times and Owen connects with an armbar to a hammerlock. Kneedrops to the shoulder. Shoulderblock off the ropes and runs into a drop toe hold into a Gunn hammerlock. Kicks to the arm by Gunn. Owen with a kneelift and chops. ENSIGURI OF DOOM! Legdrop to the back of the head of Gunn. Series of European Uppercuts and a spinning heel kick for 2. We want Bret chants. Gunn with a huge backdrop and midair clothesline.Powerslam & Suplex reversed with a russian leg sweep. Sharpshooter ends the match at 4:50. Owen the winner obviously. **. Just a squash match, but pretty decent. -Wrestlemania X report.....AGAIN. Quake Vs. Bomb is the change to the card this week. -funeral Parlor with Owen Hart. I guess with Taker gone, this was all Bearer had left. -Recap of the previous interview and Bret/Bomb. -Wrestlemania Moment: Ray Charles singing the national anthem at WM2. I always liked his version best. -WWF Superstars of Wrestling: Earthquake Vs. Bastion Booger: Polo is laughing like a psycho. Wait, itsa a sound machine playing the psycho music. I have a bad feeling bout this match. His names has stretch marks in it says Polo. Who would request this!?! Booger just BUGLES out. Double shoulderblock does nothing but make tittys jiggle. Mainly Boogers. Polo plays some 60s music. Dropkick by Quake(!!) sends Booger to the floor. Booger with a series of forearms to the back. Quake powerslams him after a Bogger Dance and nails a big fat elbow. With a Springy noise by Polos machine. Quake with the Vertical splash ends this dog at 2:34. DUD. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. -WWF March To Wrestlemania: Lex Luger Vs. "Jigalo" jimmy Delray (w/ Tom Prichard & Jim Cornette): Lugers theme sucks monkey testicles, until he teams with a year. Delray makes me vomit GOD DAMN IT. Wait, its the cheesy theme from Summerslam 1993 and on. Still sucks. I spot a Coliseum video banner. Jigalo dances, Luger poses. Move that annoys me most #1 by Luger. (if ya dont know, its headlock/shoulderblock). Repeat. Polo rings a buzzer. USA chants start up. Luger is NO Hogan. nuff Said. Clothesline by Luger after a hiptoos is blocked. Eyerake by Tom. gorilla Press Slam by Luger! Luger flys to the floor as Polo plays organ music. Dr. Tom with a slam on the floor and he puts the boots to him. Kneedrops by Jigalo. More working on the back. Cornny with a choke in the ropes. Headlock and knee to the back by Delray. God this match stinks. Jigalo with a knee to the back as a submission. Gutwrench suplex by the sleey guy for 2. Moonsault misses and Luger catches a second wind. Elbow to the midsection and a series of roundhouse rights. Spinning elbow drops the Jigalo. HUGE Back Bodydrop. Running clothesline after he knocks Dr. tom to the floor. Powerslam follows up and finally the Torture Rack ends it at 8:36. Nothing really good. *. Luger catches Cornette and makes him his prison bitch with it. -WWF Wrestlemania Hotline! 1-900-454-4WWF!!!! -Wrestlemania X Report. Ihave them magazine with WM1-9 still but its in bad condition. Polo interview with Hitman. -Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji): This is the last match im doing for tonight, ill pick up with Tatanka/Yokozuna and so on tommorow. fuji is managing Crush for a 2nd time in his WWF stint. What luck i have, 3 Bret Hart matches in a span of 2 hours. WM X at 4:00pm, 1pm Pacific. I remember now, lol. Polotells the kid who gets Brets glasses to go see a dentist. He is fuinnier then Lawler. go-behind by bret and of course, Crush breaks the hands apart. Test of Strength teased. Polo plays a crying baby cause of Savage whining about last week. Crush makes Bret beg in the TOStength. Bret back up and back down. Bret chants. Bret breaks out and Crush bails to the floor after Bret reverses it with a painful reversal. Series of roundhouses by Bret and a hart attack like clothesline for 1(!). Sleeper Hold applied but Crush snaps him off his back and misses a fist drop which Bret capitalizes with a running forearm sending Crush to the floor. STIFF Cresent Kick by Crush. This i belive gives Bret a Black Eye i believe. Eye rake by Crush. Since when is Hawaii part of Japan by the way? 2nd rope fist to the back by Crush. Backbreaker gets 2 for Kona man. Armbar/Head Scissors by Crush. Bearhug now applied. Crush loses control but takes it back witha STIFF roundhouse. Hebner CATCHES Fuji going after Bret. Crush from behind makes Bret eat Steel Steps. Back in Crush gets a 2 count. Bret fights back but runs into a backbreaker for 2. Gutwrench backbreaker gets another 2 count. School boy by Bret gets 2. Crush takes the control with a headbutt but eats a boot. Bret on the 2nd rope comes down witha bulldog for 2. Victory Roll by Bret gets ANOTHER 2. Russian Leg Sweep for 2!! 2nd rope Elbow Drop connects. 10 punches of doom reversed with an inverted atomic drop! Backbreaker by Crush, and he goes to the top rope and misses a kneedrop. Sharpshooter is prevented as Fuji gets on the apron . Crush accidentally nails him and Bret scores an inside craddle for no count. Owen pushes Crush on top for 13:36 behind the referees back, a DEFINITE upset here. ***. Bret is pissed off, not at Vince. "He was robbed" I guess he took his own advice. -that raps up the 1st part of this compiliation rant. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted May 12, 2002 Pretty good tape review. Can't wait to see parts 2 and 3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites