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Guest Celestial Dung

Old School Southern Style

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Guest Celestial Dung

Hello I'm a everyday lurker who doesn't watch wreslting anymore as much as read about it because.


A. I'm Cableless


B. It's more fun to read analysis then actually watch the stuff. yeah I know, I thousand bad names you can call me but eh...it's out in the open.


Anyway. The local alternative paper "Metropulse" has run a article detailing wrestling history as it involves Knoxville Tennessee. Thought it might be of interest to some. Half of it is repeated gripes and memories of the industry but it does contain some local flavor. Quotes from Les Thatcher, Ron Fuller, Bob Armstrong.


And if you heard the rumors...yes Mr. Fuji did work as usher in a local movie theater but no I never saw him.





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