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Guest wildpegasus

3/5 WWE Raw Syracuse N.Y.

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Guest wildpegasus

Arena Reports




House show report from Lords of pain




3/5 WWE Raw in Syracuse, N.Y.: WM20 preview - Michaels vs. Benoit vs. Hunter


Mar 5, 2004, 11:14 pm





WWE Raw house show report

Marchh 5, 2004

Syracuse, N.Y. at the War Memorial

Report by Peter Sterpe, PWTorch.com correspondent


(1) The Dudley Boyz defeated La Resistance. La Resistance interrupted the national anthem. Dudleys beat the with a 3D. No Tables.


(2) Steven Richards defeated Test. Not much heat for this match. Steven Richards won after slamming Test’s head into his leg. Don’t know the move’s name.


(3) Rico (w/Ms. Jackie) defeated Horshu. Ms. Jackie got a lot of cheers for this. Decent match. Horshu looks good. Forgot how Rico won.


(4) Matt Hardy defeated Nick Dinsmore. Hardy was the face for this one, and got a lot of cheers and V1 hand signs. Dinsmore looked like a caveman. Hardy won with the Twist of Fate.


(5) Batista defeated The Hurricane. Short Match. Hurricane attempted to powerbomb Batista (with little success). Batista won with his own powerbomb.


(6) Chris Jericho defeated Christian. Awesome match. The second best match of the night. Crowd was really behind Y2J, who won with the walls.


(7) Women’s Champion Victoria defeated Molly Holly. Decent match. Victoria won, with the fireman’s carry type move.


(8) World Tag Team Champions Booker T & Rob Van Dam defeated Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade. Great match. Crowd loved Booker T and RVD. RVD and Booker won after a Scissor Kick, and Frog Splash.


(9) World Heavyweight Champion Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit in a Triple Threat Match. Wow. Anybody who says the Triple Threat at WrestleMania is a bad idea is wrong. What an excellent match. The crowd ate it up. There was not much heat on Triple H, but the crowd cheered for the whole match. Triple H won after a Pedigree to (I think) Michaels. After the match, Triple H left, and Benoit and HBK shook hands in the ring.


Notes: Coach was ring announcer... Stacy danced for the crowd... Chris Benoit put Coach in the Crossface...


Biggest Pops:


5.Booker T & Rob Van Dam

4.Chris Benoit

3.Triple H

2.Chris Jericho

1.Shawn Michaels


Most Heat:


5.Nick Dinsmore

4.Cade and Jindrak



1.La Resistance (Interrupting National Anthem)


I forgot my pen, so I couldn’t write at the show. I think matches are in the right order, but I’m not sure.

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"(9) World Heavyweight Champion Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit in a Triple Threat Match. Wow. Anybody who says the Triple Threat at WrestleMania is a bad idea is wrong. What an excellent match. The crowd ate it up. There was not much heat on Triple H, but the crowd cheered for the whole match. Triple H won after a Pedigree to (I think) Michaels. After the match, Triple H left, and Benoit and HBK shook hands in the ring."


Well...that's either really, really good or really, really bad.

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