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Guest wildpegasus

House SHow 3/06/04 Lords of Pain/Observer

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Guest wildpegasus

WP -- Possable Wrestlemania spoilers! The guys who sent in the reports gave some details of the matches between Jericho/Christian and the triple threat between Benoit/HHH/Michaels. Some spots could be ruint for Mania by reading this so of course read at your own risk.





From the Lords of Pain website



WWE Raw House Show Results from Elmira, NY 3/06/04

Submitted by Matthew Tremley on Saturday, March 6, 2004 at 5:51 PM EST




Justin T sent in the following report:


HBK and RVD came out to sign autographs at ringside before the show.


1. Dudley Boyz d. La Resistance


La Resistance got the heat of the night. Both teams use lots of cheap heat tactics and Elmira bought it big time. Fun match, Dupree didn't do his little dance though, unfortunately. *


2. Stevie Richards d. Test


Richards was announced as the GM of Sunday Night Heat. That angle is so...weird. Match was pretty boring w/Test doing nonstop bearhugs. Richards tried to win with an elevated DDT or whatever he uses but I guess Test thought it was just a normal DDT cause he just fell head first into the mat. Looked horrible but it pinned him anyways. 1/4*


3. Rico d. Horshu


This match was horrible. Gayda's breasts got the most attention of the bout. If Horshu died his hair blonde he'd look like a mini-me Brock Lesnar. You know, w/out the wrestling skills. DUD


4. Matt Hardy d. Nick Dinsmore


Hardy was the first major pop of the night. He played the face because the crowd forced him to. Solid 10 minute match that ended w/the Twist of Fate. **


5. Chris Jericho d. Christian


Both these guys were quite over. Jericho bumrushed to start but Christian cheated his way on offense anytime Jericho got something going. Jericho tried the Liontamer about 5x before finally getting the submission win w/it. The angle of the match was Jericho landing on his knee wrong on a Lionsault and ruining his knee which Christian went to work on even using a REALLY nice Texas Cloverleaf. ***


6. Batista d. Hurricane


Fun match. Batista tore him apart for the most apart. Helms got a Blockbuster but got hit with the powerbomb two seconds later anyways. I'm not exactly a Batista fan but seeing him in person is kind of surreal. He is absolutely HUGE, especially his shoulders which look like he's wearing

bowling balls. Very impressive in person. **


Stacy Keibler interview


Coach interviewed Keibler who gave a Mania "match" preview by lifting her skirt and shaking her ass for the crowd. I hate T&A but yet again, in person things are different, those legs are... something amazing.


Chris Benoit interview


Coach interviewed Benoit and said Benoit was the man in WCW and Smackdown but now he's on Raw and "you're no HHH". So Benoit but him in the Crossface and we went to intermission. Benoit didn't get that great of a pop but

he's almost heelish with the way he totally ignores the crowd.


7. Victoria d. Molly Holly


Ok match other than a messed up dropkick. Girls got totally disrespected by the crowd which was quite disheartening since they were trying pretty hard. Ok match that Vic won w/the Widow's Peak. *1/4


8. RVD & Booker T d. Jindrak & Cade


Ok match, Kindrak may as well be invisible with his charisma and presence but Cade looked really great. *1/4


9. HHH d. Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels


AWESOME match. Michaels got all his finishing offense in the middle of the match so you knew he wasn't winning. HHH beat up on both of them the whole time as any time Benoit or Michaels got up on Hunter the other would take him out. At the end Benoit destroyed everyone and had Shawn in the

Crossface and in the Spot of the Night, RIGHT when Shawn's arm was coming down to tap, Hunter crawled over and grabbed his arm at the last second before the mat and punched Benoit off. That was great. Finish had Hunter in the Crossface and Shawn Superkicked the CRAP out of Benoit's ear but after bragging about it got hit w/the Pedigree for the pin. About 20-25 minutes, ***3/4 If that's just the warm-up, Mania will be AWESOME.


Advertised but did not appear: Kane, Randy Orton, & Ric Flair.


Biggest Pops:


1. Shawn Michaels

2. Benoit Crossfacing Coach

3. Chris Jericho


Most Heat.


1. La Resistance

2. Christian

3. Tie -everyone else-


Overall a really fun show that started pretty awful but picked up pretty hot by the end.


Justin Transue

The Pro Wrestling Oratory





From the Observer website:


WWE house show report 3-6 Elmira, NY




by Jim Bennett


WWE Raw in Elmira, NY

March 6, 2004

First Arena

Report by Jim Bennett


Building was probably about 80% full


The national anthem is interrupted by La Resistance. They went on to challenge any team in the back which led to,


1. The Dudley Boys defeated La Resistance with the 3D. Conway attempted to hit one of the Dudleys with the French flag but Spike intervened and allowed Bubba and D-Von to get the win.


2. Steven Richards defeated Test. Test yelling "Yeah Baby" about 50 times during the match was the only thing i remember. Richards won with a horrible looking X-factor type of move.


3. Rico, with Jackie, defeated Horshu. Horshu wore black, Rico wore makeup, and Jackie wore pants with the buttcheeks cut out. Yep this is WWE. Rico won with something so weak i dont even remember it.


4. Matt Hardy defeated Nick Dinsmore. Dinsmore now has very long hair and a shaggy goatee, kinda looks like Matt Borne. I asked Matt for a Mattfact and he said "The fact is, THIS GUY SUCKS," so we started a YOU SUCK chant for Dinsmore. Dinsmore had some nice offense including a Northern Lights Suplex. However, Matt hits the Carolina Jam and the twist of fate for the win.


5. Chris Jericho defeated Christian. Jericho got a monster pop, probably because his face was all over the local advertising. Christian was being ridiculously heckled by some funny teens sitting behind us yelling, "THE BROOD" and "GIVE HIM A BLOODBATH" and my personal favorite "BRING BACK GANGREL." Good back and forth action but nothing too exciting. Christian at one point locked Jericho in the Texas Clover leaf which promted me and the guys behind me to call for Dean Malenko, but to no avail. Jericho wins with his WEAK Boston Crab. I refuse to call it the Liontamer or even the Walls.


6. Batista defeated the Hurricane. I proposed a 3 -count reunion to Hurricane and he seemed to like the idea. Hurricane got about 3 moves of offense in before Batista gives him the sit down powerbomb for the win.


Coach started to do some pub for Wrestlemania XX and promted Stacy Keibler to come out. She came out and danced for a bit. Thats about it.


Next, Coach called out Chris Benoit. He told Benoit how great he was but that he was no HHH. Benoit slapped on the Crossface and made Coach tap.




Coach came back out now wearing a sling and catching alot of guff from the crowd.


7. Victoria defeated Molly Holly. Not much here, Victoria wins with the Widow's Peak, the BEST finisher in wrestling.


8. Booker T and RVD defeated Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade. I kept asking Garrison where Lance was but he didnt seem to know. Mostly dominated by them champs and they won with the Axe kick, 5 star combo.


9. Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit in a 3 way match. Mostly slow paced action with 1 guy always resting. Benoit hit triple Germans on both opponents and had a Crossface on HHH until Michaels Superkicked him. Michaels also Superkicked HHH. HHH won with a pedigree on Michaels after Benoit was thrown out of the ring. Afterwards Michaels and Benoit had a forced handshake.


Biggest Pops


1.Shawn Michaels


3.Booker T

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Pretty interesting to read how the two reporters differed on their view of the Triple Threat match.


However, I'm sure there will soon be people complaining about how Benoit was punked out in this pre-Mania match. Doesn't fail.

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Rico won with something so weak i dont even remember it.


That would be the Spin Kick! Obviously. ;)

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Why would they make Benoit look strong off screen when they don't even make him look strong on screen?

It is the WWE.

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