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Mystery Eskimo

OAOAST IntenseZone - 3/9/04

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We open with a black and white MONTAGE; no music, just ANGLESAULT and a wrestling ring in an empty arena.


1) Wearing a Walkman radio, AS runs laps around the ring.

2) AS doing squats, pushups, sit-ups, chin-ups.

3) 'Sault running the ropes, taking bumps.

4) Shadow boxing; Sparing with a jobber

5) Preforming the Screams of No Reply and AngleSlam from various positions, as well as attempting counters to the Out of Body Experience spinebuster


Anglesault looks directly into the camera and mouths "19 days."




March 28, 2004






Surround by 6 bodyguards, T-Bod marches backstage, heading to Dan Black's office.




T-Bod motions to one of his bodyguards, who then KICKS DOWN the door. Dan is talking on a speaker phone, he pauses.



(to speaker phone)

Hold on a minute.

(sarcastically: to T-Bod)

Come in.




I hope I'm not interupting anything.



Not at all. I was just ordering some take out... or in you case, drive-in.



Fish and chips?




Just because I live in England doesn't mean that's all I eat. So please do not stereotype. What can I do for you?



You saw what happened last week.



Yes, fantasic ratings. I should of put it on last.



Screw your damn ratings! Nobody gave Anglesault permission to interupt my birthday party for him. He made me look bad in front of the entire world. I'm tired of putting up with his crap; he thinks he's the shit and can do whatever the hell he wants. Well, Danny, I want Anglesault tonight.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute tiger. I can't do that. The OAOAST has too many things going down right now. I have problems, you have problems, we all have problems. I can give you interview time though.



Interview time? We have enough talkin' already. Gimme the match tonight!



You're quite right. I can't believe I didn't think of it: Problems equal ratings, ratings equal problems. You got your match... against Stephen Joseph.



What the hell? I don't give a shit about him. I want AS.



Everybody wants AS. The "Today" show, GMA, CNN, Fox News, Ellen; I have ESPN calling and e-mailing me every 5 minutes, asking for him to appear on "Cold Pizza". Have you seen that show? God, it sucks.



Dan, buddy... we're not liked by the fans, man -- we gotta stick together, you know.



True. But I to put a great product out there. You don't know the pressure I'm under. G'day.


T-Bod points at his bodyguard...



Get the bags.


The men exit Dan's office.



(over speaker phone)

What will it be Mr. Black?



I forgot I had you on the line. Fish and chips, thank you.




RATM's Guerilla Radio hits out, pyro burns, men shout, women scream- Jim Ross waddles down to ringside and we're on the air!

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As we return, Dan Black lies on a psychiatrist style couch in his office. On a chair next to him sits an attractive young woman, with a note pad in hand.



Dr. Jones, I understand the boards concern after my little outburst last week, but really, a full pyschological examination? It's not needed.



Mr. Black...


BLACK (sitting up, with a grin)

Please, call me Dan.



Very well...Dan...you took a shard of broken glass to your own face. You were barely coherent. The board has a right to be worried about your capabilities of leading IntenseZone into Anglemania.


BLACK (frowning and lying down again)

The board...the board...can go screw themselves. Do any of them know what it was like inside that freezer? The cold, the sharp edges, the blood everywhere and a goddamn SLEDGEHAMMER in my head? Do they? Do you? You want to try?



Please, Dan, I'm not here to-



What are you here to do? I've never heard of a psychiatrist that specialises in pro-wrestling. What are you, some kind of ring rat? You get off on getting into the heads of athletes like me?


Jones makes copious notes.



Hey! What the hell are you writing?


Jones ignores him and continues.



I said-


Dan grabs the notepad.


BLACK (reading)

"Delusional, misguided sense of own power and importance. Egotistical, aggressive towards women. Unstable character further weakened by experience of "Arctic Freezer" match. Recommend intensive therapy."


Dan stands and looks at Dr. Jones, then rips the paper in half.



You dare come here and write this about me? Do you know anything about the OAOAST? About me?



Well, I havn't-



Exactly. If you had, you'd know my struggle. IntenseZone is falling away from me, you understand that? Something drastic has to be done. Stephen Joseph is a symbol of everything I have to achieve. We've been nose to nose, eyeball to eyeball for so long, all the things I dislike about him are merging into one big wall of hate. At Anglemania, I break through that wall. I break through Stephen. I win, I get my salvation. The glass will shatter. The Black Ages will begin afresh.


Dan stalks out, leaving Dr. Jones looking shocked and confused.



MAH GAWD! We all knew Dan was desperate to beat Stephen, but its become an obsession! Dan believes if he can win at Anglemania, he can save himself- its just weeks away folks!

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"Simply Ravishing"


Wearing a Dallas Cowboys uniform -- complete with shoulderpads and helmet -- a visibility upset T-Bod powerwalks to the ring, bodyguards in-tow



T-Bod is padded like a cocoon. AS would be crazy to come out here with broken ribs, surround by T-Bod's personal security force.


Just as T-Bod picks up the micophone, the crowd begins singing the Oscar Myer jiggle... "If I were an Oscar Myer weiner..."


Tony stares at the crowd for a moment.



I'm just a bit pissed off! For those of you who've been watching TNT, let me refresh your memory... or should I say broswer?


Last week, out of the goodness of my heart I organized a worldwide birthday party for Anglesault. I had adult entertainment, a beautifully done "True Hollywood Story," the whole works. Every minute was planned for good-clean-fun. But for some reason one man took offense to that. I thought he would love it. Much like the beating he's going to enjoy at AngleMania III.


Crowd chanting: "Anglesault! Anglesault! Anglesault!"



I got news for ya, he doesn't give a shit about your cheers morons. Where was I... or yes. What does that egomanic do? He drives the WeinerF'Nmobile to the ring and wrecks my party. He embarrssed me in front of my people. Despite nearly breaking my nose when the ring collasped -- costing my friend Dan Black $10,000 for repairs -- he Angleslammed me on the stripper cage, then he... he threw packs of weiners at me.


The crowd laughs. Chants: "You suck!"



I'm pissed off! And you won't like me when I'm pissed off. While Anglesault was at home watchin' 'The Sopranos' season premiere, gulping down his Rice Krispies Treats; I was at my mansion listening to my favorite soprano -- the lastest Charlotte Church CD -- coming up with a war plan.


I tried to be a good guy, but damnit, I am the Goddamn company. Everybody here has been jealous of me from the day I gave this place direction. I did the one thing nobody else knew how. I've seen guys come and go but one thing has stayed the same... me! No matter how hard those sons of bitches backstage throwing their little idle threats try to remove me from the company I BUILT -- fuck yes, I said it, the company I BUILT, nofuckingbody else -- I'm still here motherfu...! Remove this! (T-Bod throws the middle finger at the camera)


Anglesault! Anglesault! I know you're backstage, haul your ass to the ring, bitch! Don't be afraid...



What? Are you kiddin' me? Anglesault vs. T-Bod in a New York/Texas street fight, live tonight on IZ? Can it be? Will it be? Find out next. Same OAOAST thread. Same OAOAST folder!



March 28 2004


Where it all... is posted again!

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"Dream On" is playing, has been since break. Tony "The Body" aka T-Bod is standing alone in the ring, no referee, just his bodyguards positioned ringside like lumberjacks.



Welcome back, fans. Since we went to break, Anglesault has appeared on stage. He's been eyeing T-Bod from the entranceway, looking at his surroundings. As you can see, common sense says this is a trap. But AS is known to have more guts than brains, so we'll see.


AS pretends he's headed backstage... then charges towards the ring. T-Bod's eyes get wide, he's shocked and excited at the same time. Through his facemask he arrogantly smirks. He knows he's protected, how can AS hurt him?


AS enters the ring through the bottom rope, T-Bod immediately stomps him with the cleets he's wearing. Repeated kicks to the head opens up a small cut on 'Sault's forehead. T-Bod quickly takes advantage of this by pounding AS with his fists -- tape fists -- opening that wound even wider. Taunting the crowd T-Bod rips Anglesault's NYY jersey, wiping his bloody face with it, then stuffs it insultingly into Anglesault's mouth.



Disgusting, just disgusting. It is as it's advertised -- a street fight. There ain't no referee here, folks, just two guys fighting. You do have to be concerned with T-Bod's own securtiy force -- bodyguards, hitmen, whatever you wanna call 'em -- gettin' involved in this.


T-Bod sends AS into the ropes... OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE! He signals one of his bodyguards to enter the ring.


Tony with the cover.








T-Bod jumps around celebrating his "victory".



That doesn't count. Somebody come out here and put a stop to this. Come on! I know Anglesault is seen backstage as a traitor who deserted IZ, but c'mon now.


Tony shoves AS into a corner -- WHAP! Knife-edge chop. Again. And again. T-Bod floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee, acting like he's Muhammed Ail, connecting with a number of punches -- jabs, upper-cuts, kidney punches, and yes... even hitting below the belt. T-Bod turns AS around, he points 'Sault's head towards the camera then bites him, nawning away like a savage animal.


The self-proclaimed real Mr. OAOAST mockingly tells Anglesault, "Say hello to mama, big boy!" while spitting out blood. Tony casually tosses the former two-time OAOAST champion over the ropes. His bodyguards remove their belts and begin WHIPPING Anglesault like a government mule. He fights back... punching and kicking his way through the group but there's just too many. Almost instantly, welts appear on 'Sault's back. His head gets rammed into the steel post while a couple of guards buckle their belts together, forming a leather chain. T-Bod places the belt around 'Sault's neck; a bodyguard holds the belt for T-Bod until he gets back into the ring. He pushes his weight back... AS is HUNG OVER THE TOP ROPE!



Somebody put a stop to this now, damnit! Anglesault isn't an animal. He's being hung for show like a rabbit or cat is at as Chinese restaurant.


T-Bod's original opponent, Stephen Joseph runs out with a 2x4... TWHACK! The crowd ROARS as he whacks T-Bod across the back, forcing him to let go. Stephen taunts the bodyguards who proceed to chase him backstage, leaving AS & T-Bod all alone. But both men are down.


An "Anglesault!" chant breaks out.



Stephen Joseph may be the only man here who's willing to help out Anglesault. This isn't the first time him and T-Bod have crossed paths. Both joined the OAOAST only a few weeks apart of its debut in the Spring of 2002; a falling out lead to them facing each other at Bloody, Battered & Beaten in December of that year. They sorted out their differences and joined forces with team OAOAST to combat a hostile takeover attempt by, ironically enough, Anglesault and the aWo. They had another falling out last year (not surprising to some) which lead to a showdown during TBS at Zero Hour, where Stephen once again helped AS. They were supposed to meet tonight, but we know what happened.


Anglesault's neck rests on the ring apron, a whoozy T-Bod grabs the belt still wrapped around Anglesault's neck. 'Sault turns around -- throws a CUP OF BEER at T-Bod, blinding him for the moment. He quickly removes the belt and enters the ring. T-Bod leaps towards AS ala Vader but AS moves, sending T-Bod bouncing off the ropes. AS flicks the belt at the facemask, it catches on, much like a Cowboy uses a lasso on a cow, allowing AS to pull T-Bod towards him.





The son of a bitch should've worn a visor.


AS grabs the helmet and pulls on it till it pops off. 'Sault looks at the famous blue star, shines it with his hand and BASHES it over T-Bod's head.


AS whips T-Bod into the corner. AS gets down on one knee, acting like a quaterback, complete with play-calling.


"I-8-U on 1. On 1. Break." Anglesault claps his hands on "Break."


Now in the center of the ring, "Down. Set. Hut!" Using the helmet as a football AS steps back. He's looking for an open receiver. He keeps looking until he spots T-Bod wide open in the corner. He throws the hemlet... hits T-Bod right in the face, he goes down to the canvas.


AS jumps up and down, pissed off. T-Bod was wide open and he dropped the "ball".


"Shit! Shit! Shit! And you were wide opening, too." qulps AS.


Anglesault hammers away on T-Bod. With ease he lifts him up... ANGLESLAM!


'Sault gets up and celebrates the move ala Kurt Angle. Then he notices a trickle of blood on the canvas. He touches his head, sees blood on his hands -- not just any blood, his own. Anglesault stares at his bloody hands until his face begins to tremble... He lets out a SCREAM like never before. Filled with rage AS removes one of the cleets and drives into T-Bod's forehead. Within seconds blood is flowing down T-Bod's face like a river -- a river of blood!




My God! This is brutal. I've never seen An--glesault... like this... Till next w...



OAOAST Enterainment

All Rights Reversed.

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