Guest hunger4unger Report post Posted March 16, 2004 So much has happened since my last column it's difficult to know where to begin. . . Feinstein apparently gone from ROH, WrestleMania XX, Wrestling Channel in the UK, Lesnar leaves WWE...not to mention the usual IWC shenanigans. Ring Of (dis) Honor You will all know by now the ins and outs (no pun intended) of this story - ROH co-owner and RF Video operator Rob Feinstein was recently caught out by a vigilante group trying to hook up with a child he met via an internet chat site. It sounds appalling and generally is - but I can't help but think that many people have overeacted. ROH, as a company, haven't. They had no choice but to severe all ties with RF (or at least publically claim to) - the basic gist of the story is that RF is a "peadophile" which of course, on closer inspection isn't actually quite correct, but nonetheless, that's the public conception so ROH really had no choice but to dump RF ASAP. I am not condoning the abuse of children in any way, shape or form (infact a relative of mine was a victim of child abuse for several years) BUT there is a huge difference between what RF has done and the actions of a peadophile. It is not my intention to defend RF but to merely point out some truths regarding the story: The "child" (there never was an actual child involved in the sting) RF went to meet was 14 years old and was consenting to meet RF. The "child" had also previously told RF of his sexuality and of some previous sexual experience - this is where it is wrong for anyone to claim that RF is a peadophile. I agree wholeheartedly that a 14 year old isn't quite mature enough emotionally and in most cases physically to accept the advances of a near thirty year old adult but the "child" put it over to RF that he was. There is a HUGE difference between someone luring a 6 or 7 year old into sexual practices and wanting to hook up with a consenting and, from the chat transcript, experienced young adult. Should Feinstein be prosecuted? Certainly. Is he a peadophile? No. WRESTLEMANIA XX By now you've either seen the show or at least read several reviews: there is no need for me to go through who won and who lost. Instead, a brief synopsis: Overall, a very strong show. Despite a few bland undercard matches, Guerrero/Angle, HBK/Benoit/HHH and Christian/Jericho more than delivered. Taker's return was a mark out moment until he started wrestling. They should have gone the whole hog and have him return as the original Taker but there again, in this day and age of Smarkdom of even some of the more casual fans, that gimmick probably wouldn't work. Kane repeating "I killed're not real" and the look on his face was FANTASTIC. Benoit winning the big one (which Meltzer said he knew about since December, in which case why not you know. .inform your readers? Perhaps proof that Meltzer isn't 100% independent in his journalism despite his overall greatness) was a great moment and when it really matters HHH proved that he knows how to job cleanly. BYE BYE BROCK The stories surrounding Brock Lesnar's departure from WWE were true - he is now gone from WWE. Obviously, without knowng the ins and outs of the situation and not being involved it is easy to judge Lesnar in a negative light regarding this. Lesnar of course has no real obligation to stay in wrestling for most of his life, especially if he has grown to dislike the travel and overall lifestyle BUT Lesnar could have at least said that he would stick around for tonight's Smackdown (and put someone over cleanly, I can think of a few guys that would benefit from that rub) and stick around for the UK tour that he was advertised for which commences this Thursday. There will be a lot of disapointed fans going to the four UK shows this week who, whilst didn't solely buy tickets to see Lesnar, will be miffed that Lesnar isn't on the card. I'm one of them. With Angle looking like he'll miss the shows due to a possible injury it really leaves the line ups for the shows (which have yet to be announced less than two days from the first show of the tour) in dissaray. Fingers crossed and Taker will be on the tour but they better throw in a top guy to appease the fans - someone like Austin will do. INTERNET WRESTLING COMMUNITY *LOLZ* I've taken to chatting in AOL's Sports Wrestling chat from time to time and what a weird bunch THEY are. Despite a hardcore few there is very little actual pro wrestling discussion involved - it is more like a soap opera in there. The majority of users are women in their late 20's - 40's so you can IMAGINE the shenanigans. One thinks she was previosuly engaged to Taker (I kid you not), one claims to have attended the wedding of Taker's brother despite "losing" the photos she took of the alledged wedding (I am not making this up) and another thinks she is some kind of Indy wrestling goddess by name dropping various small time workers and much to my annoyance, refers to them via nickname or first name as if she is buddies with them. They all go along with each other, seemingly believing each others insane lies and if you DARE to speak up and question the authenticity of any claims then you are done for. You will be bombarded with such hilarious taunts as "newbie" or, in my case, they will create a screen name close your own and imitate you! On the subject if the IWC, I was until recently a member of the WZForums. Yes I know, what the hell was I doing posting at such a lame site BUT in my defense, it WAS great fun being more knowledgeable than the vast majority of posters there. The reason I bring these forums up is that I was BANNED. What I do wrong you ask? Flame other posters? Spam threads? Violate any of the rules there? Nope...I told a moderator that a joke that he made wasn't funny. That shows the general level of maturity of the forums there. I did get my revenge however as the idiot who banned me (get this straight, it's a matter of principal here not that I want to actually post there) GHETTOMAN (oh what a name) was recently banned from the widely better SmartMarks Forums. What goes around comes around! Any comments to me at [email protected], whether about the RF situation, Mania, Lesnar leaving or something disturbing in the IWC...or on AIM at KevUK1. Regards, Kevin Malton. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites