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Guest Suicide King

Metal april 17th comments

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Guest Tod deKindes

Disappointed that my match wasn't chosen (it killed, I tell ya, KILLED! ) but such is life...


Oh, and is it you booking the next card, King?

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Um, who's posting the card? I sent Crusen a PM cause I don't think I'll be able to write for Crimson, just because I have a party and three projects due on Monday. By the way, that encourages me to ask another question, if I ask not to be booked for one show, I don't have to forfeit my title or anything do I? Cause that would sux-ors my box-ors.


Oh right, this is a comments thread. Great opener, and now that I've read both Frost's and Tod's versions, and heard Vanguard's was awesome, I can't imagine how close that was. Good segment by Tod in between too. Also, I AM YOUR NEW TV CHAMP BABY! I RULE YOU ALL! I WILL NOW BE KNOWN AS TNT: THE KING OF THE JOBBERS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


The only other two matches I read were Flesher's and the main event, and those were just faboo too. Anyway, I hope to read the (yawn) other matches in the morning, but right now I think I'll join Edwin in slumber land. Now, if I could...zzzzzzzzzzzz.

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Guest midnight_burn

Woo, i won, yay for me.


Haven't read the rest of the show yet, more in depth comments once i do. But upon a quick skimming it looks rather good, and congrats to the new TV champ.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Wait, so is it Suicide or Edwin who books Crimson? Either way just remember NOT TO PUT ME IN A MATCH. By the way, will the card be up within 15 minutes? I'm an insomniac, but I can't stay up forever. Should I wait another 10 minutes or just check in the morning?

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Guest realitycheck

Where to start... Well, no JL SCUM INCEREDIBLY VERBOSE COMMENTS~! (of mild eyestrain.) today, seeing as I doubt I could go through with it. You know it's not healthy when you see the Lawrence Welk band playing on the ceiling.


Anyway mega props TNT for getting the Jobbers-- erm, Television title. I sure your match was the most fantastic thing EVAR but I'm so crosseyed right now, I can't exactly back that up.


Just as an aside: Tod rules. Vanguard rules. Thought I'd mention that.


OMGODZ!?!#*%#!@#114!%$#^!!!%!!(1! XERO GOINGZ TO HAVING BE WEARING DRESS!?  To think, if he had won, he might have secured a bump to the WF. Now that he's lost, ALL of his credibility lies in Erek Taylor's capable hands. He also wrote the 'Disneyland' promo. Start worrying, Xero.


OMGODZ!!!11!$$@!!)_+^%#!@11!!1!^*&!)~($!8908!!! POISYN BEINGS HAVING VALET!!!! Shock! HORROR!! STUN!! UNBELEIVAB-- wait, who the hell is she, again? I'd probably be didgging this whole 'One' thing like a hole to China, if I didn't actually know who it is. Because I'm a genius. And you're not. Gwa' Fwahahahahahahaha!!!


Onto MY MATCH~! Mega-props to Ced for the whole 'Street Fighter' idea. Feel free to thank him, he's probably lurking around here somewhere... I'm rapidly building some sort of legend here, aren't I? So, go read this now, and when I'm a 10 time SWF champ, and you're all old and whitered, you can say to your grandkids "By gum, I remember when that Z was just a whippersnapper and he wrote those leganday promos and matches! You kid's got it too easy these days, what with your..." And so on and so forth.


Wow. These are pretty verbose as it is. Anyway, I'll close right here with this. http://www.hotpandaluv.org whodathunkit? It's actually catching on...



Oh, and I think Tom retained his Euro title somewhere in there. Good for him!

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Guest Thoth

Let it be known that Z and Ced's match is the greatest goddamn thing ever.  Though I disagree with the choice of games, your accuracy was astounding.  Bless your fighting-game loving hearts.

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Guest realitycheck

Thoth, you have my word right now, that if I am EVER in any sort of "King of the Ring" competition I will be sure to have the finals decided by a game of King of Fighters. You can take that to the bank.



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Woo, i won, yay for me.


Haven't read the rest of the show yet, more in depth comments once i do. But upon a quick skimming it looks rather good, and congrats to the new TV champ.

Meh. I no-showed...Again.


In addition to that. If anyone couldn't pick up the tone from my promo with Xero, I'm leaving for a while. I'll still be around the boards and everything, but I wanted to take a break and have a normal life for a few weeks without the burden of writing matches hanging over my head.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Bless me arcade-loving soul and all that good stuff. Props to Z too. The delivery was fantastic.


Hmm, Three-on-Three King of Fighters match? Sounds like an interesting format, don't it? Bah, why did stables have to die?


Mat Mania owns you all: One! Two! (high pitched) THREEEEE~! OK, I'm rambling incoherently...time to sleep.

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Meh. I no-showed...Again.


In addition to that. If anyone couldn't pick up the tone from my promo with Xero, I'm leaving for a while. I'll still be around the boards and everything, but I wanted to take a break and have a normal life for a few weeks without the burden of writing matches hanging over my head.

Basically, I'm repeating what he's saying.


Just replace Xero with Ben Hardy.


To break it down:


Before SJL: Little stress in life, kind of a easy going kind of life.


After SJL: Homework swooped down and bombed me like Pearl Harbor.  I made it past the first 2 matches, but after that, I kinda crashed and burned.  That was my 2nd straight no-show against Poysin/Posse/Poisyn, and I'm not gonna try for that 3rd time's a charm theory, I'm just gonna take a break.


Like MMMMMAFIAAAA, I'll be around the boards and in chat and whathaveyou, but chances are I'll be working on homework or some other wacked out thing before, during, or after both of those things.


In regards to my "good-bye" promo, I thought it was weak, and basically followed the stereotype of every big man in any wrestling federation.


Anyways, in closing...


I don't like the stress, but the stress likes me.

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Guest Insanityman

I won? Cool... anyways kudos to all winners and showers (I think Brody no-showed) and that's an awesome show. That whole Street Fight was great, heh.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Well Iam not surprised I lost.  My match sucked. I improtued most of it on the actual pm I sent to HVilleThugg, and it was still about 1000 words short of the word limit.  Between college finals and class scheduling I only had about two hours yesterday to write my match. I didn't even proofread it.  I also will sadly no show for Crimson, just a heads up.  Id would have told you not to book me, but its the only way to further my angle with Tod and TNT.  So anyway, heres most of my losing my match.


Axis: Welcome back to Metal.  Coming up right now we have Danny Williams taking on Tom Flesher.


Edwin: This is a rematch from their debut a few weeks back. Tom Flesher won the match with a beer mug shot to William’s head.


King: No he didn’t you idiot, he won it with his trademark finisher the Boiler Maker.


Edwin: Which was set up by a beer mug shot. I doubt Williams would have fail victim to the Boiler Maker, if not for......


King: Oh you and your ifs. There is no such thing as alternate universes, Flesher pinned Williams with the Boiler Maker.


Edwin: Beer Mug!


King: Bolier Maker!


Axis(annoyed): Funyon is ready with the introductions.  


Funyon: Introducing first weighing in at 2153lbs., hailing from Buffalo, New York. , he is the “Superior One” Tom Flesherrrrr.


(The arena goes dark. Over the PA, the opening strains of the Doors' "Tell All The People" start to play. A large X of Pyro sprays out across the curtain, and as Jim Morrison sings "Tell all the people that you see... follow me...." Flesher walks through the curtain posing for the crowd. He struts to the ring confidently in rhythm to the song, occasionally stopping to pose as if soaking in the adulation of a crowd that is, in fact, booing him mercilessly)


Funyon: And his opponent weighing in at 235 lbs, hailing from Louisville, Kentucky, he is “Deathwish” Danny Williams.


(The heavy grinding grooves of Dillinger Escape Plans "Calculating Infinity" blasts over the loud speakers. The titantron simply says Deathwish in white letters and follows that with highlights of Dannys Indie and New Japan Matches. Danny comes out on to the platform. He simply looks around, and shakes his head to a small chorus of boos and some cheers. He walks to the ring with a focused, no nonsense look on his face. He gets in the ring and just warms up.)


Axis: Williams won a brutal war last week against Rickman, losing one of his teeth in the process.  You have to wonder if he is fully recovered for his match here tonight.  


Edwin: Yes, Williams is messed up, but you should see the other guy.  


King: Williams is messed up all right, but more from  partying before the match, than from his match last week.


Axis: Anyway this match is not scheduled for the European Title.  


King: European Title? Bwhahahahahaha. What a worthless piece of crap.  


Edwin: It is not. It’s a coveted title that our wrestlers put their bodies on the line for, each and every night.


King: Oh I forgot, you have never held a World Title before, so naturally the European Title would seem like a big deal to you.


Axis: This match isn’t about a title anyway.  Its about Danny Williams wanting vengeance for his first SJL loss.


DING! DING! DING!  (An emotionless  Deathwish walks to the center of the ring and stares down  Flesher. However, Flesher doesn’t notice and is busy  waving at some “booing” fans.  Deathwish is patient and waits for him to finish.  Just as Flesher turns around and looks like he is ready to fight, he goes to another side of the ring and waves at some fans.  Kivell warns Flesher, but he ignores it. Deathwish shakes his head, and puts his hands on his hips.  Flesher finishes with that side and walks right pass Deathwish and starts to wave to the other side of the arena.  The fans “boo” violently.  Deathwish throws his arms up in disgust and turns his back telling Kivell to do something.  Suddenly, Flesher turns around and rolls up Deathwish with a school boy pin.)





(Deathwish kicks out and pops to his feet.  Flesher taps his head with the “Iam smarter” gesture. Deathwish flips him off,  getting a brief cheer from the crowd.)


King: Instead of sneaking up behind him and going for a pin, he should have bashed him over the head with something.


Axis: Flesher knows Deathwish can be dangerous, so he’s gonna try to take him out as soon as possible.


Edwin(sarcasm): Oh Great! It looks like we have a scientific match ahead of us.


(Deathwish and Flesher have a brief staredown before locking up.  Deathwish spins behind Flesher and locks on a back waistlock.  Flesher tries to escape, but Deathwish lifts him in the air and slams to the mat.  They crawl around on the mat amateur style, with Deathwish riding the waistlock trying to get in front of Flesher.  Flesher makes it to the ropes and Kivell forces Deathwish to releaese the waistlock.  Both men get to their feet and pace around a bit, before locking up again.  Deathwish gets the advantage with a side headlock.  Flesher lifts him up in the air for a backdrop suplex, but Deathwish flips over and lands on his feet.  Deahwish quickly takes the surprised Flesher to the mat with a side headlock takedown.  Flesher quickly raises his shoulder up to avoid the pin.)


(Flesher rolls over on his stomach and gets on his kness to ease some of the pressure on his neck.  Deathwish keeps the headlock applied, as Flesher forces them back up to a vertical base.  As soon as their both up, Deathwish snapmares Flesher back to the mat and applies a surfboard stretch.  Flesher screams in pain, as Deathwish shoves his boot into Flesher’s back adding pressure.   Flesher gets to his feet, and tries to spin out of the hold.  Deathwish strains and uses all his power to keep the hold on.  Both men have already broken a sweat, trying to over power each other.  Flesher finally wears Deathwish down and reverses the surfboard stretch. However, he lost a lot of energy trying to reverse the hold and is unable to hold it.  Within seconds the naturally stronger Deathwish reverses right back to his own surfboard stretch.  Flesher has had enough and starts walking them towards the ropes.  Suddenly Deathwish bends Flesher’s arms into a double chickenwing.  Flesher screams as Deathwish lifts him in the air and drops his head on the mat with a release Tiger Suplex.  Flesher pops back up to his feet, but staggers backwards into the ropes and falls out of the ring.)


Edwin: Wow he just dropped Flesher on his head with a  Tiger Suplex 85!


Axis: No, No, that wasn’t a Tiger Suplex 85 it was a......


King(cutting in): A dragon suplex, Edwin every body knows that.  


Axis(annoyed): Why me?


(A recovered Flesher makes his way back into the ring. Both men circle each other and lock up in the center of the ring.  Neither man gains in advantage, and a frustrated Deathwish pushes them into the ropes.  Kivell steps in and forces them to break the grapple.  They slowly release their grip and stretch their arms out showing its clean.  Deathwish backs up, and lets Flesher off the ropes. They have brief stare down, before locking up in the center of the ring again.  Both men struggle, but again neither can gain an advantage.  Deathwish pushes Flesher into a corner, and Kivell steps in.  They again slowly release their grip. This time the crowd “boos” .   As Kivell steps out, Deathwish throws an elbow, but pulls it back.  Flesher bought the fake and covers up.  Deathwish steps back and does a mocking cowardly cover up.  Flesher shoots out of the corner and quickly ties up with Deathwish.  Flesher comes out with a headlock.  He lets out a “Ha” to the crowd, drawing a loud  “boo” from the crowd.)


Edwin(bored): Wow! Flesher got a headlock.  For a while, I though they were just gonna grapple all night.  


Axis: Both of these men are so evenly matched in skill, neither can gain an advantage.  A lot of the fans at home don’t realize how difficult it is to gain win a grapple.  It may not look it, but the wrestlers are constantly thinking and looking for a slight mistake in their opponents technique or a brief opening to capitalize on.


King: Or you could skip the grapple part all together and just punch the guy in the face.


(Flesher tries to apply pressure to Deathwish’s head, but he slips out reversing the headlock to a hammerlock.  Deathwish releases the hammerlock,  turns Flesher around, and quickly locks on a headlock.  Deathwish does a mock “Ha” to the crowd, getting a few cheers.  But, Flesher drives a few elbows to Deathwish’s gut.  Giving him space to slip out of the headlock and lock on a hammerlock. Just like Deathwish, Flesher releases the hammerlock in favor of a headlock.  Flesher smiles at the fans, thinking he regained control.  It doesn’t last long as  Deathwish grabs Flesher’s arms and slowly overpowers him into a overhead wristlock.  A test of strength results, as both men dig their feet into the ground trying to take the other down.  Deathwish finally overpowers Flesher and forces him to the mat. Flesher lets out a scream as  Deathwish immediately locks on a kneeling armbar.  Flesher rolls away from the pressure, and quickly gets back to his feet.  Deathwish keeps the armbar locked, but Flesher walks him to the ropes.)


(Flesher shoves Deathwish into the ropes and sends him flying with an Irishwhip.  Deathwish hits the opposite ropes, and Flesher sticks up his foot  for a superkick.  Deathwish grabs hold of the ropes, stopping himself from running into the Flesher’s boot. Deathwish quickly charges the off balance Flesher with his arm extended for a clothesline.  Flesher ducks, Deathwish spins around, and eats a superkick to the chin.  The crowd “Ohs” the sick crack of the impact.  Deathwish falls through the second ropes and lands on the floor.  Flesher drops to one knee, with arms raised.  The crowd responds with loud “boos”.  Deathwish gets up, holding his jaw, and slowly walks up the steps to enter the ring.  Flesher lets him in, and signals for him to “come on”. )


Edwin: Finally It looks like were gonna see a fight!  


(Deathwish doesn’t keep him waiting and they lock up in a collar and elbow tie up.)


Edwin: Doh! Wake me up, when it gets good.  


(Flesher gains control with a wristlock.)


King: Look! Flesher is gonna german suplex Williams out of the ring!


Edwin: Where!........... Damn you King.


(Deathwish calmly walks Flesher in a circle looking for escape.  Deathwish quickly drops to one knee, rolls, cartwheels, and front flips, to reverse the hold.  The crowd applauds the reversal.  Deathwish gives Flesher a quick arm wringer, making him shout out in pain.  Flesher doesn’t waste anytime shoving Deathwish in the ropes, and shooting him off with an Irishwhip.  But Deathwish holds on to Flesher’s arm and reverses the Irishwhip.  Flesher bounces off the ropes and runs into a hiptoss from Deathwish.  Flesher springs to his feet but, walks into an armdrag.  Deathwish quickly locks on a kneeling armbar to the grounded Flesher.  Before Flesher can roll away from the pressure, Deathwish drops a few knees on his shoulder.  Fighting the increasing pain in his arm and shoulder, Flesher finally makes up to his feet.  He quickly runs Deathwish into the ropes.)


(As soon as Kivell steps back, Flesher catches Deathwish in the chest with a stinging palm strike.  The smack sound draws a “Woooo” from the crowd.  Flesher follows with an even harder slap  “Woooooo”.  Deathwish responds with a thumping knife edge chop to Flesher’s chest.  Theres no smack but still draws a “Woooo”.   Flesher tries to answer with another palm strike, but Deathwish to quick and catches him with a second knife edge chop “Woooo”.  Flesher backs up, but Deathwish springs at him and hits him with a third knife edge chop “Wooooo”.  This one sends Flesher back paddling along the length of the ropes to the next corner.  Deahwish follows, and lunges at him with a fourth knife edge chop “Wooooo”.  A sore Flesher slumps in the corner.  Deathwish draws back far and smacks him with a hard fifth chop. The impact nearly sends Flesher over the top rope, before he slumps back in the corner.)


Edwin: Woooo! Let the chopping began.


Axis: A frustrated Flesher has tried to turn this into a brawl, but that may not have been a good idea against the more rugged and bigger Williams.


King: Which is why he should smash him in the head with a beer mug.  Come on Flesher, grab the beer mug!    


(Deathwish grabs the dazed Felsher’s arm and Irishwhips him towards the cross corner Flesher holds on to Deathwish’s arm reversing the Irishwhip.  Deathwish  goes  flying back first into the cross corner.  Felsher chases him and crushes his face with a running Yakuza Kick. The crowd “Ohs” as a stunned Deathwish slides into the seated position in the corner.  Flesher jumps in the air in celebration.  The crowd “boos” loudly as Flesher drops to one knee in the center of the ring for his trademark taunt.  Deathwish slowly pulls himself up using the ropes in the corner.  Flesher snaps around and charges smashing Deathwish’s face with another running Yakuza Kick.  Deathwish again slides down to the seated position.  Instead of celebrating Flesher pulls the dizzy Deathwish to his feet.  Flesher grabs his arm and sends him running into the cross corner with an Irishwhip.  Deathwish hits the turnbuckles chest first and falls hard on his back.  The crowd “Ohs”.)


(Flesher confidently walks to the floor Deathwish and snatches up his left leg.  Flesher slides out of the ring, holding the leg, and slams it into the ring post.  Deathwish screams, as Flesher slams his leg into the ring post a second time, than a third, a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth.  Kivell warns Flesher, so he  lets go of  Deathwish’s leg, and slides back into the ring.  Deathwish pulls himself up with the ropes, keeping the weight off his wounded left leg.   Flesher approaches the hobbled Deathwish, but gets surprised with a hard knife edge chop.  Flesher briefly backs up, but than steps back in with a hard shin kick, flooring Deathwish.  Flesher mockingly lets Deathwish pull himself up again, before flooring him again with a hard shin kick.  Flesher grabs the wounded leg, and drags Deathwish to the center of the ring.  Flesher drops an elbow on the leg, but Deathwish catches him with a headlock.  Flesher keeps hold of the leg and locks on a knee lock.  The pain is enough to make Deathwish release the headlock.  Flesher gets back up and drops a second elbow to the leg.   Deathwish screams and tries to catch Flesher with a headlock.  Flesher slips out of Deathwish’s arms and gets back on his feet.  The crowd “boos” as Flesher locks on an ankle lock.  Deathwish pounds his fist on the mat in pain.)


Axis: Flesher has managed to mount a successful offense  in attacking the left  leg of Williams.  This could be a setup for the Figure Four or perhaps the Texas Cloverleaf.


King: I have actually heard, Flesher doesn’t take to much of a liking to the Texas Cloverleaf and is looking for a new submission hold.  Still, there is no denying the  move is effective and if he wants to become a World Champion like me, he should stick with it.  


Edwin: Screw the leg! I wanna see some more Yakawuzza kicks.  


Axis(annoyed): You mean Yakuza Kicks.  


Edwin: Yeah those to.  


(Flesher screams as he tightens the hold.  Deathwish fights the pain, and uses all his power to push himself up.  Flesher tries to keep the hold on, but Deathwish rolls on his back and gives him a hard kick to the face.  Flesher breaks the hold and flies into the ropes.  Flesher comes back off the ropes and snatches up Deathwish’s leg, puts a spinning toehold on his right knee, and drops down locking on the figure four.  The crowd gives a small “pop” for the famous hold.  Deathwish waves his arms around in pain, and manages to sit up.  Flesher clinches his teeth together as he struggles to apply pressure on the hold. From the seated position,  Deathwish fights the pain and begins scooting both men backwards to the ropes. Flesher fights it and starts scooting them back to the center of the ring. Deathwish is to weak to try to scoot them back again.  Flesher shakes his head up and down, as he uses all the strength of his legs to keep the hold locked on tightly.  A weakened Deathwish finally collapses on his back.  His shoulders are down and Kivell counts.)





(Deathwish raises his shoulder, tries to sit up again, but falls back to the mat. Kivell counts.)





(Deathwish raises his shoulder up, and keeps it up.  A very small “Deathwish” chant breaks out as Deathwish tries to turn them over.  Flesher stains to put more pressure on the hold, but he has worn himself out.  Deathwish slowly turns them over, reversing the hold.  The crowd gives a small “pop”.  Flesher shakes his head in pain, as pressure is put on his exhausted  legs.  Flesher releases the hold, and tries to crawl away.  But he doesn’t get far as Deathwish grabs hold of his legs and locks on a flowing Indian Deathlock.   Deathwish drops backwords, grabbing Flesher’s chin for the Inverted STF.  Flesher reaches his arms out for the ropes, despite being near the center of the ring.  The strain is to much on Deathwish’s legs and he can barely keep the hold on for a minute.  Deathwish releases the chinlock and Flesher drops his head face first in the mat.  Deathwish keeps the Indian Deathlock on, and sits on Flesher’s back.  Deathwish has no trouble grabbing the battered Flesher’s arms by the wrist and rolling over in to the Indian Deathlock Inverted Cradle.  The crowd counts with  Kivell counts.)






(Flesher inches his shoulder up, but can’t keep it up long.)






(Flesher inches his shoulder up again, but it soon goes back to the mat.)  






(Flesher wiggles his shoulder up, and manages to keep it up.  Once again the strain is to much on Deathwish’s injured leg and he is forced to release the hold.  Deathwish hobbles up, and uses the ropes to stand up, where he waits.  As soon as Flesher wobbles to his feet, Deathwish launches himself off the ropes and floors him with a cracking elbow to the jaw.  Flesher gets to his knees, and feels around a bit for the floor with his hands, before staggering back up.  Deathwish is right on him and repeatedly rams a right elbow to his jaw, followed by one to his temple.  The crowd “Ohs” as Flesher’s head sickly wobbles back and forth from the blows.  After taking about eight elbows,  Flesher collapses to the ground on his back.  Deathwish falls on him for the pin.)





(Flesher kicks out. Deathwish lets him up, and Flesher somehow staggers to his feet.  Deathwish stalks him from behind, and suddenly locks on the Crossface Chickenwing.  Deathwish is surprised to hear a hudge pop from the crowd.  Flesher darts for the ropes, with Deathwish hobbling behind him trying to keep the hold on.   Flesher grabs the tope rope with his free arm.  Deathwish tries to pull him off, but Flesher wisely wraps his legs around the bottom rope.  Kivell steps in and starts counting, and Deathwish is forced to release the hold.  Flesher leans over the ropes and lets out a sigh of relief.  The break doesn’t last a second before Deathwish slaps on a full nelson.  Flesher cries “NO” as Deathwish snaps backwards for a perfect Dragon Suplex pin.  The crowd again surprises Deathwish with a loud pop, as Kivell slides to the ground and counts.)  




(Deathwish quickly release the bridge pin, and holds his left leg in pain.)


Edwin: You know this the first time, I’ve ever seen a one count.


Axis: That leg work earlier in the match really paid off, and it just may have saved Flesher from defeat.


King: Oh you don’t know that, Flesher could have kicked out at two for all you know.



(A knocked out, Flesher lays on the mat face down, as Deathwish pulls himself up with the ropes.  Deathwish holds his knee, as he slowly limps to the lifeless body of Flesher.  Deathwish bends over and pulls Flesher up by his chin into a head scissors.  The crowd gives a loud ovation as Deathwish locks his arms with a double underhook to setup the Tiger Driver 91.  Deathwish strains to lift Flesher up, but he drops his knees to the ground and won’t budge.  Deathwish finally pulls Flesher to his feet, but Flesher raises his upperbody up, lifting Deathwish off the ground.  Flesher tries to backdrop him off, but Deathwish won’t release the double underhook.  Flesher just  falls backwards pinning Deathwish’s shoulder to the mat.)  





(Deathwish rolls them over, and pulls Flesher back to his feet with the double underhook.  The crowd applauds as Deathwish has Flesher right back in position for Tiger Driver 91.  Deathwish lets out a roar and goes for the lift.  Flesher quickly raises his upper body up, lifting Deathwish off the ground again.  Flesher this time jumps  in the air and drives Deathwish’s head into the mat with the backdrop driver.  The crowd “boos” as Flesher rolls on top of Deathwish for the pin.)






(Deathwish raises his arm, but it quickly falls back to the mat.  Kivell pauses and starts the counts over.)






(Deathwish reaises his arm and keeps it up.  Flesher locks fingers with the raised  hand and than does the same with the other hand, holding them down to the mat.  Kivell counts.)





(Deathwish bridges up keeping his shoulders off the ground.  Flesher raises his knees in the air and tries to come down on Deathwish’s stomach.  Deathwish quickly brings his legs up kicking Flesher into the air. Flesher keeps the fingers locked, bringing both men up to their feet and into a test of strength position.  The crowd applauds the spot.  Both men dig their feet in, this time the crowd is behind Deathwish and chants his name.  Deathwish easily begins to overpower Flesher and pushes  him to his knees.  The crowd cheers, but Flesher lets out a scream and uses all his power to get back up to a vertical base.  Flesher gets some space and kicks Deathwish in the gut.  Keeping the fingers locked, Flesher spins around Deathwish holding his arms in a straightjacket.  Without wasting anytime Flesher slams Deathwish on his head with a straight jacket suplex.  A “holy shit” chant breaks out as Flesher covers the lifeless Deathwish.)  






(Kivell waves the count off and points to Deathwish’s foot on the rope.  Flesher shakes his head in disbelief, and angrily pulls Deathwish back to his feet.  Flesher slams Deathwish back to the mat with the Lotus Suplex.  Flesher keeps his grip and rolls through, pulling them back up to their feet.  Flesher than plants Deathwish’s head in mat with the Lotus Driver.  Flesher covers for the pin.)





(Flesher pulls Deathwish’s head up and shakes his head saying “its not over yet”. )


King: What the hell is wrong with you Flesher, you had this thing won.  


Edwin: Ohhhhh, how do you know that King.  Williams could have kicked out at the last second for all you know.  


Axis: Shades of Williams match against Cutthroat, where he stopped the count to diss out more punishment.  Since the title isn’t on the line, Flesher may be feeling more confident to take a risk or two.  


(Flesher pulls the lifeless Deathwish to his feet and props him up in a corner.  Flesher walks to the cross corner and charges for the avalanche.  Deathwish collapses in the corner, before Flesher can make it to him.  Flesher stops himself midway and busts into laughter at the helpless Deathwish.  Flesher struts the rest of the way to Deathwish, with a hudge smile on his face.  Flesher signals its over and lifts the unconscious  Deathwish on the tope turnbuckle. Flesher climbs to the second rope, with his eyes on the crowd the whole time, making sure everyone in the arena is watching him finish off his rival.  Flesher even takes the time to flex his arm, at his imaginary fans.  Suddenly, Deathwish comes back to life and scoops the unsuspecting  Flesher upside down with a tilt a whirl. The crowd goes nuts and gets on their feet, as Deathwish stands on the second rope, putting Flesher in position for the Super Tombstone.)


Edwin: Hes gonna give him a Tombstone from the second rope!


King: Oh well, at least the title an’t on the line.    


Deathwish leaps of the second rope, driving Flesher’s head into the mat.  A “holy shit” chant breaks out, as Deathwish crawls on top of Flesher for the pin.  The crowd counts with Kivell.






DING! DING! DING!  (Deathwish rolls off Flesher, and out of the ring.  He limps to the locker room ignoring the “Deathwish” chant.  Flesher remains on his back, knocked out.  Kivell examines him and signals for the paramedics to come and look at him.)


Axis: Williams avenges his first SJL loss with a Super Tombstone.  And rather he likes it or not, his use of high impact moves is starting to gain him the favor of the  fans.


King: So what! The title wasn’t on the line.  The match was meaningless.  Flesher still gets to walk away with his European Title.  Even though the title isn’t worth all that much any ways.


Edwin: That’s if Flesher can walk away. Stay Tuned folks, hopefully they’ll have Flesher on his feet, and  out of the ring by the time  we come back from this commercial break.

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Guest Muzz

Jeez, 16 replies for a show. That's great.


And everything is of a very high standard, I'd applaud you if I had any hands.

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T-Bone is on to bigger and better things.




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Guest redbaron51

Here's my match, yadda yadda yadda, comment on my match yadda yadda yadda Please. Have no kick start in the arse to start my next match, all confidence went down the shitter.


BTW, Good show


*Commercial fades out as the camera is focused on the three SJL commentators; Axis, SJL Commissioner Edwin MacPhisto, and The Artist Formally Known As King of Hearts*


"As Metal comes to a close, the Smarks fans are waiting for the main event," Axis exclaims.


"That's right, the Gund fans are anxious for the main event. Erek Taylor, who managed to retain his World Title belt in the hellacious Triple Threat Ladder match," Edwin informs the millions of people watching around the world. "and now, Erek will face Xero, who challenged the winner of the Ladder Match,"


"The stipulation for this match, Erek's World Title is on the line, if Erek loses, then Xero has the belt, simple enough. But, if Xero loses the match, he will have to dance to some music, in a dress, tarnishing his reputation," Axis reads the rules.


"Edwin wants Xero to lose, so he can see him dancing in the dress," King implies.


"Yes..." Edwin states, before getting cut off.


"EDWIN IS GAY!!!" King yells.


"Gay?! I would love to see Xero to dance in a dress, so I can laugh my ass off," Edwin retract his earlier saying.


"Bah, your gayer than Elton John," King compares, "Look at that goofy looking outfit you are wearing, only gays wear a Sparkling Pink Tuxedo,"


"Will you shut up King about Edwin's appearance!" Axis yells at King. Edwin smiles, "It does make you look like an idiot though, and you will probably get the crap kicked out of once we leave the Gund Arena." Axis states. Edwin face turns beat red, as King is just cracking up.


"This is Xero's first attempt going after the World Title belt, since facing Kamien Roja back in August. Xero also faced Spider Nekura, and lost, and King of Hearts which he nearly defeated you, but thanks to Iceman, Xero did not win the belt," Axis recounts all of Xero's World Title Attempts.


"Nearly?!" King snaps at Edwin, "I was about to hit the Joker's Wild, but Iceman nailed a Cane shot on me,"


"He would have won, but you can't admit it King, can you?" Edwin puts pressure on King.


"I would have kicked his ass with ease," says a cocky King.


"Well I'm not sure about you though, but these fans are really anxious about the world title match," Axis states. The fans are shouting "We want Taylor!" and that echo is being chanted through out the Gund Arena.


"Well I can't wait any longer I gotta take a major-" King gets cut off as the lights dimmer down, "I can wait."


The lights are darker than the North Pole. The spotlights are are circling the Gund Arena, as the Armenian band System of a Down play their new single "Toxicity". Missile like projectile shoots down from the ceiling towards the stage, exploding on impact as it explodes into a giant mass of pyrotechnics at the top of the ramp. Serj Tannikan starts to sing Toxicity, as the smoke covers the curtains, making it impossible for anyone to spot at the ramp. The lights are turned on, as you can see the shadow of the World Champion, Erek Taylor. The smoke clears, as Erek turns around with the sparkling World Belt around his waist. The fans cheer wildly as X-Force Nine Member walks down the entrance ring.


"Welcome to the main event folks. This match is for one fall, and it is for the Smarks Junior League World Title Belt. Making his way first to the ring, at a height of Six feet One Inch, and weighing in at Two Hundred Five pounds. He is a member of X-Force Nine, and is the current SJL World Champion, MR. EREK TAYLOR!!!" Funyon announces.


"Erek doesn't look to healthy after suffering lots of pain during that Triple Threat Ladder World Title Match. Could that match be a factor for this match?" Edwin wonders.


Erek steps into the ring, as he walks on over towards the turnbuckles. One step at a time, Erek climbs up the turnbuckles, and raises both his arms up in the air.


Loud static is heard on the Gund Arena stereo system, as the lights are completely fade to black. The distortion of Billy Corgan's guitar is heard through the Arena, as "Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins starts to blast. Xero walks out from the curtains, and receives a small cheer from the fans, no comparison to Erek Taylor got. As Xero walks down towards the entrance way, he stops for a moment. Looking straight up to the rafters, Xero points his fingers up in the air, as a plethora of fireworks burst out behind him.


"The opponent for tonight of this World Title Match. At a height of Six feet One Inch, and weighing in at Two Hundred and Four pounds. From Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada, he is the number one contender of the World Title. He is XERO!" Funyon shouts out.


"Xero looking for respect, and what more respect can you get by winning the world title," King suggests.


"Well that could happen tonight, or he can receive an ass kicking," Axis implies.


Xero and Erek Taylor stand in the middle of the ring. Both men at the exact same height, stand eye to eye, nose to nose, mouth to mouth. Referee Matthew Kivell stands in between them. Erek Taylor slowly takes off his World Belt from his waist, and hands it towards Referee Matthew Kivell. Matthew holds the title high up in the air, showing that the World Belt is being challenged tonight. Matthew Kivell signals for the bell to get this match underway.


*Ding, ding ding*


Both men stand in the middle of the ring still, and not doing anything at all. Both men look away for a split second, and then look back at each other. Both Erek Taylor and Xero start to trade right hand punches towards each other's faces. The Cleveland crowd is in an uproar as both men barely even move.


"Its an explosive start as Xero and Erek Taylor exchange strong right hand punches," Axis states.


The quickness of Erek Taylor starts to throw more punches than Xero, slowly knocking him back a few inches. Xero shaken up from those rapid punches by Erek regains his focus. Erek with a swift kick towards the stomach of Xero, forces him to bend over. Erek reaches over and grabs a hold of Xero's right wrist. By controlling Xero's body, Mr. Taylor launches Xero right into the ropes. Xero slings back from the ropes, as Erek locks in his right arm, hip tossing Xero on to his back. Xero holding his back as Erek runs back to the ropes. Coming back from the ropes, Erek Taylor goes for an elbow drop. As he is in the air, Xero rolls out of the way, as Erek lands on his right elbow. Erek Taylor holding his elbow after all his weight came crashing down on the mat. Xero gets up on to his feet, and so does Erek. Xero sees the back of Erek, not knowing that Xero is stalking him. Erek slowly turns around, Xero shuffling his feet going for a Shuffle Side Kick. With the quick reactions of Erek Taylor, Erek grabs a hold of the foot of Xero. Xero balancing on one leg, as Erek throws Xero's leg outwards, making him spin like ball. Staggering on his feet after being spun around, Erek attempts his own Roundhouse kick of his own. Xero sees the leg of Erek and ducks in time. While on the mat, Xero goes for a leg sweep to up end the champion. Mr. Taylor jumps in the air to avoid the sweep. Xero rolls on his back further away from the champ. With all of his weight on the palm of his hands, Xero springs up on to his feet, and stands in a Karate like pose. The Cleveland fans acknowledge Xero and Erek Taylor on their impressive moves and counters they did.


"The fans really like the wrestling that has been going on so far in this match," Eddie Mac states.


"That isn't wrasslin'." King says "Wrestling is when you grab a steel chair and bash the brains out of your opponents,"


"Anybody can do that," Edwin exclaims.


Xero and Erek Taylor circle around the ring, and move closer towards each other. Xero raises his right knee and forces the knee into Erek's abdomen. Erek holding his stomach, while Xero grabs a hold of his hair, moving towards the turnbuckles. Xero spikes Erek's head off the top turnbuckle, as Xero still has control of his head. Xero using a lot of intensity hammering away at Erek's head off the top turnbuckle.


"I think you can see Erek's forehead dented in," Edwin points out.


"I'll dent you in," King replies.


"Both of you knock it off. This is my god damn show!" Axis shouts,"King your suppose to criticize on what going on in the ring, not Edwin's lame ass jokes," Both King and Edwin look sorry for ruining Axis show.


"Lame, but I'm the funniest man in Britain!" Edwin exclaims.


"The British have humor?" King says sarcastically. Edwin face lit up in anger.


Xero taking full control of this World Title match has Erek Taylor in the corner.


"Its very hard to gain any sort of momentum while you are in the turnbuckles," Axis says.


Xero throwing right and left hand jabs towards the kidneys of the World Champ. Xero reaches over to grabs Erek's hand. Xero violently whips the World Champion into the adjacent corner. After the Irish Whip by Xero, Xero sprints towards Erek Taylor who just nails the turnbuckles hard on his back. As Xero comes closer towards Erek, Mr. Taylor moves out of the turnbuckles at the last second, as Xero does not react in time, and runs right into the turnbuckles chest on. Xero holds on to his chest, as Erek Taylor stands right behind the competitor Xero. Xero slowly turns around, as Erek throws Xero's left arm over the back of his head. Erek grabs a hold of Xero's black tights by the side, and with all of his weight lifts up Xero high in the air. Mr. Taylor falls backwards, hitting the Falling Suplex, as Xero lands hard on his back.


"Erek nails the smooth looking Suplex on Xero," Axis commentates.


"He's getting some momentum back," Edwin says.


Xero still on the ground, as Erek starts to stomp on Xero's chest. After a few quick stomps, Erek rushes to make a pin cover on Xero. Referee Matthew Kivell starts the pinfall.





Tw- Xero manages to lift up his shoulder before the two count.


"Only a one count!" Edwin shouts.


"When you get a one count, you know you have a lot of work to do, to put out this ham and eager." King comments.


Erek realizes that he has a lot to do before to put away Xero and retain his belt. Xero tries to crawl towards the ropes, but Erek throws thundering kicks towards the ribs of Xero. Xero holding his ribs, and screaming in pain, as Mr. Taylor does not let up with the kicks. Xero hanging on the bottom rope, as Mr. Taylor slides out of the ring, and sees Xero hanging over the ropes. Erek grabs a hold of Xero's head and lands a punishing right hand punch towards the jaw of Xero. Xero still lying on the bottom rope, as Erek lands another right hand hook towards the jaw of Xero. Xero holds his jaw, and starts to move away from the ropes. Xero staggers to get up on to his feet, meanwhile the champion, Erek Taylor leaps on to the ring apron. Standing on the ring apron, Erek jumps up on to the top rope, as Xero bounces off the opposite ropes, and starts to walk in Erek's direction. Mr. Taylor stands up on the top rope with tremendous balance. Xero looks up and sees Erek flying through the air, connecting a Springboard Missile Dropkick. The crowd cheers a bit for the small high risk maneuver by Erek Taylor.


"What an amazing Springboard Missile Dropkick by our Champion," Axis marks out.


Xero is knocked right out of his boots after that dropkick. Erek crawls over towards Xero, and has to roll him on to his back. Mr. Taylor goes for the pin attempt again. Referee Matthew Kivell starts the pin count again.











Th-Xero is able to kick out. Erek a little ticked that the drop kick did not put away Xero. Erek grabs a hold of Xero's head, lifting him up to his feet. The stunned Xero stands up straight, as Erek nails a back hand chop right across the chest of Xero. The Cleveland fans echoes "WOOOOO!" after the first chop. Erek continues to chop Xero across the chest, and the fans after every chop echoes "WOOOOOO!" Xero has a big red mark on his chest, as he is back up leaning up against the ropes, Erek reaches over and grasp Xero's wrist. With a lot of force into the whip, Xero gets send into the ropes with a lot of force. Erek ducks early, as Xero recoils off the ropes. Xero sees that Mr. Taylor left his guard down too early, and is able to capitalize on his mistake. Xero locks on a front face lock on Mr. Taylor. Once Xero locks in the hold, Xero twist sideways, falling down on the ground, connecting the swinging neckbreaker on Erek Taylor.


"Xero gained some momentum using an opportunity that was given to him by the World Champion Erek Taylor," Axis comments.


"Even if your World Champion, you can not make mistakes that your opponent will steal the momentum you carried," King states.


Xero makes the lateral cover on top of Mr. Taylor. Xero reaches over and grabs the right leg of the champ, and raises it slightly in the air. Mr. Kivell goes and makes the pin count.








T- Erek manages to raise the shoulder up. Xero grabs a hold of Erek's blond hair with his left hand, and starts throwing quick snap punches towards the face of Erek. Matthew Kivell tells Xero to stop, but Xero does not listen. After a few seconds later, Xero slams the head of Erek down on the canvas. Xero grabs a hold of Erek's right arm, and pulls him back up to his feet. Erek staggering around, as Xero grabs a hold of Mr. Taylor's hand. Xero whips the champ, but Mr. Taylor reverses the Irish whip, and sends Xero into the ropes instead. Xero slings off the ropes, gaining more speed. Erek extends his right arm out as far as possible for a clothesline, but Xero is able to duck the arm in time. Xero rushes towards the other ropes, and gains more speed off of those ropes. Erek slowly turns around, as Xero leaps on to his shoulders, and entwines his legs around Mr. Taylor neck, and brings him down with the Head Scissors Take Down. Erek quickly gets back up to his feet though and rushes towards Xero. Xero turns around, and hooks his right arm with Erek, and does a smooth looking Arm Drag. Xero near the ropes, as Erek quickly gets back up to his feet. He turns around, and sees Xero leaning up against the ropes. Seeing this opportunity, Erek runs as fast as he can towards Xero. Xero sees Mr. Taylor coming towards him full speed, and grabs a hold of Erek's head and throws him over the top rope. Erek lands hard on the mat, with all of his weight on his left shoulder.


"Erek just came crashing down right before our eyes," Edwin says.


Xero walks out of the ring, and proceeds towards The World Champ. Xero bends down and grabs Erek by his hair, and smacks Erek face first on to the table.


"I think this is getting a little to close for me," Edwin states.


"C'mon you don't were the action is?" King asks.


Xero still smashing Erek's head into the commentary table. Erek is dazed and confused, as Xero grabs a hold of Erek's arm, and whips him towards the steel post. Erek reverses the Irish Whip, as Xero runs into the steel post instead. Xero nails the pole head first, and gets knocked out cold, laying on his back, looking up in the rafters. Erek shakes his head a bit before going after the unconscious Xero. Erek stomps on the head of Xero, and bends over to grab Xero by his head. Holding on Xero's head, Erek rolls him inside the ring. Xero holding on the ropes, trying to regain his balance. Erek slides into the ring, and sees the Xero has his back turned to him. Erek rushes over, and grabs Xero by his head. Erek leaps forward, driving Xero's face first on the mat, while Erek lands on his back with the Bulldog.


"This could be it," Axis says.


Erek makes the cover on top of Xero, and hooks the leg high up in the air. Referee Matthew Kivell goes and makes the count.








Xero puts his left leg on top of the bottom rope.



Th- Referee Matthew Kivell sees that Xero has his left leg on the rope, and calls for the rope break.


"Crafty move by the competitor Xero," King comments, "He had to survive the match, and he puts the leg on the ropes,"


"Erek should have dragged Xero's body away from the ropes in order to get the three count," Edwin suggests.

"Erek starts to throw strong right hand haymakers towards the skull of Xero," Axis commentates.


Xero standing right up against the ropes, as World Champion Taylor starts to beat down Xero with rights and lefts to the

kidneys. Xero leaning on the ropes, as Erek grabs Xero by his wrist violently, and with all of his strength throws Xero into the ropes. Xero rebounds off the ropes, as Erek bends over a bit, and lifts Xero up high in the air. Erek falls forward, and drives Xero on his back with the Diving Spinebuster.


"What a powerful Spinebuster by the champion," Edwin says.


Erek raises Xero's leg high in the air, but does not cover the body well enough. Referee Matthew Kivell makes another pin fall attempt.










Thr- NO! Xero is able to raise his left shoulder up.


"Unbelievable!" Edwin shouts, "Still Xero managed to lift up the shoulder before three,"


"Well if your eyes was opened, Edwin..." King says with such anger, "Erek did not cover Xero's body well, and was easily able to kick out of the pinfall."


"Erek Taylor is in shocked that the Spinebuster did not finish Xero off," Axis says.


Erek gets up on his feet, while Xero is on one knee, and very slowly getting up. Xero starts to get up on two feet, while the champion walks back towards Xero. Erek clutches his right fist, and throws a thundering right hand punch towards the jaw of Xero. Xero still stays on his feet though, as Erek lands another punishing blow to the jaw of Xero. Still Xero somehow manages to stay on his feet. Erek attempts to throw another punch at Xero, but Xero ducks the punch, and goes behind the World Champion. Xero locks on a reverse waist lock on Erek Taylor. Erek, desperate to get Xero off his back, throws elbows towards the head of Xero. The elbows missed Xero though, as Xero throws Erek over top of him, and lands on his upper back connecting with the German Suplex. Xero locks in the bridging pin, as the ref starts to make the three count.













Thr- NO! Erek Taylor manages to escape.


"Tremendous German Suplex by the champion," Edwin says.


"Xero gaining some momentum in this match, as he grabs Erek's head and walks on over towards the turnbuckles," Axis commentates.


Xero bounces Erek's head off the top turnbuckle, as Erek is leaning right up against the turnbuckles chest first. Xero raises Erek's left arm and puts it around his head. Xero with all of his weight, lifts the champion up on the top turnbuckle. Xero climbs up the turnbuckles, as he attempts to do a Super Back Body Drop. Xero stands on the middle rope, as Erek is standing up on the top rope. The fans rise to there feet, seeing that a dangerous move is gonna happen.


"I don't like what I see," Edwin says


"Xero is trying to do a Super Back Body Drop, but Erek is not willing for that to happen," Axis says.


Erek throws elbows towards the head of Xero numerous amounts of times. After a few attempts, Xero lets go of the hold, and gets knocked right back down to the canvas. Xero lying on his back, as Erek re-positions himself to set up some high risk maneuver.


"I don't think Xero is gonna last this long," King states.


Erek jumps off the top turnbuckle, and performs a Moonsault. Xero brings his knees towards his chest, as Erek lands on Xero legs, stomach first. Erek holding his ribs in pain, as Xero rolls forward to get back up to his feet. Xero has his back turned though, as Erek walks up closely behind. Xero looks over his left shoulder, and by his quickness, snaps a stiff Back Heel Kick towards the jaw of Mr. Taylor. Erek lands hard on his back, holding his jaw. The fans chant "WOOO!!!" after that quick snap back heel kick by Xero.


"Erek did not see that kick coming towards him," King points out.


"You can see the size 14 foot of Xero indented in the jaw of Erek Taylor," Edwin says.


"He almost broke Erek's jaw with that kick," King marks out. "Xero has some of the stiffest kicks I have ever seen in my entire life though,"


Xero makes the cover on top of Erek Taylor. The referee makes the pin count.












Thre- NO! Erek amazingly lifts up the shoulder in time.


"Holy <beep>!" shouts out Axis as he can't believe that Erek raised the shoulder.


Xero not happy about the count, as he starts yelling at Mr. Kivell's face.


"Xero's lost it," King says.


"And probably the chance of getting that belt too," Edwin adds.


Xero and Matthew Kivell have a shouting contest, as Xero protests that the count should be shorter. Xero backs Matthew Kivell into the corner, and still arguing over the last pin attempt. Erek Taylor slowly gets up to his feet, and sees that Xero is still fighting with Referee Kivell. Erek sneaks up behind Xero, and hooks his right arm between Xero legs and pulls him down for the school boy attempt. Xero kicking the air trying to escape, as Matthew Kivell goes for the pin attempt.




Three- NO!! Xero manages to escape the quick three count.


"That was very quick, the ref trying to screw over Xero!" King protests.


"I thought that was rather slow," Edwin says.


"You know what else I find slow?" King asks.


"What?" Edwin replies.


"You, ahahahaha" King laughs hysterically. Edwin just sighs.


Xero up to his feet, but Erek sends his ass straight back down to the mat with a brutal clothesline. Xero slowly to get up to his feet. Erek stalking Xero from behind, as Xero slowly turns around to face Erek Taylor. Taylor boots Xero right in the gut, as he bends over holding his stomach. Erek locks in a front face lock, and drives Xero down on the mat face first with the Evenflow DDT.


"THE EVENFLOW!" yells Axis.


"Xero's head did not even move off the mat," Edwin replies.


Erek Taylor slowly makes the cover over top Xero after the vicious Evenflow DDT. The referee Matthew Kivell makes the cover.




Erek Taylor slightly raises Xero's right leg in the air.










Three- NO!!!!! Xero manages to lift up his right shoulder just in the nick of time.


"This is incredible," Edwin states. "This has gotta be an amazing match, neither the less, it wasn't as great as the ladder match on Crimson, but still,"


"Erek Taylor is giving it his all, Xero will not give up, and it will be nice to see Xero winning that World Belt for the first time," King comments.


Erek slowly getting up, shaking his head, and saying to himself "How do I defeat this guy?". Erek looking up to the rafters in the Gund Arena, while Xero laying on his right side trying to get himself up to his feet. Erek stands right back up, and stomps on Xero's skull preventing him to get up to his feet. Every time Xero tries to get up, Erek will stomp on him, sending Xero right back down to the canvas. Erek stands up on to his feet, as he forces Xero's head underneath his arm. Erek slowly turns Xero's head and his head is rested right on Erek's shoulder.


"It looks like Mr. Taylor is gonna end this match with the Fame and Fury," Axis says.


"Its all over," Edwin states.


Erek has Xero ready to nail the Fame and Fury. Xero out of desperation, hits a quick kick right in the nuts of Erek Taylor. Erek holds his crotch as he goes down like a sack of bricks. Referee Matthew Kivell does not see Xero go for the low blow.


"What a cheap move!" Axis shouts in disgust.


"He had to do to not get defeated," King says.


"Its looks like Xero to a page out of your book on "How to cheat,"" Edwin quotes.


"Did the ref see what happened? NO! So stop bitching, and wear something other than Pink, you flamer." King says using absurd language.


Xero grabs a hold of Erek's head, and lifts him up to his feet. Xero grabs a hold Erek's arm and throws him into the ropes. Mr. Taylor recoils off the ropes, and charges towards Xero full speed. Xero grabs a hold of Erek's waist, and tosses him over with the Belly to Belly Suplex.


"Nice Suplex by the competitor," Edwin says.


"Both Xero and Erek Taylor are barely moving on the mat, as Xero can not capitalize on the Belly to Belly Suplex that he just did," Axis commentates.


Xero and Erek lay on their backs, looking straight up into the rafters. Referee Matthew Kivell sees that neither men is making an attempt to get back up to their feet. The Cleveland fans start to chant, "X-Force Nine" which is being echoed through out the building.


"The fans are really behind Erek Taylor," Axis points out.


"WHAT?!" Edwin shouts, "I can't hear you, the fans are too loud here," he exclaims.


"Maybe your shirt is too loud," King jokes, but Edwin did not hear King at all.


Referee Matthew Kivell starts the Ten Count.



















Xero pushes up with his hands, trying to get up to his feet.




Erek Taylor gets up on one knee.




Xero is on both feet, but is not completely straight up in the air. The same goes to Erek Taylor.




Xero is up on both feet, as he heads on towards the champion. Referee Matthew Kivell stops the Ten Count, as Xero clutches his right fist and throws an Overhand Punch towards the face of Erek Taylor. Mr. Taylor blocks the incoming punch, and throws a jab of his own, that connects directly to the kidneys. Xero attempts to throw another punch at Erek, but Erek blocks that punch again, and throws another Jab in Xero's kidneys. Erek stands up straight and starts to throw right hand punches that knock Xero back after each punch. The fans cheer for Erek Taylor as he gets Xero right back into the ropes. Erek Irish whips Xero into the ropes, countered by the challenger, Xero. Erek Taylor goes into the ropes instead, and gains a lot of speed after bouncing off the ropes. Erek leaps forward and nails a forearm right on Xero's forehead. The force of the forearm was so hard, that it made Xero flip in the air, and comes crashing down stomach first on the mat.


"The Diving Adelphia by Erek Taylor, as he looks to make a cover on Xero," Axis commentates the match.


Xero lying on his stomach, as Erek has to roll Xero on to his back to make the pin fall. The ref goes down for the pinfall attempt.














Three- NO!!!


"HE KICKED OUT!" Edwin shouts.


"Xero is not giving up, and  Erek Taylor just can't believe that Xero is not giving up," Axis states.


Erek peeved that Xero is still willing to put up a fight. Erek tastes that the title is close in hands, and he just needs to wear down Xero a bit more. Xero grabs the bottom rope with his left hand, as Erek reaches over picking up Xero by his head. Erek walks over towards the turnbuckles with Xero. Holding on to the top rope, Erek smashes Xero on the top turnbuckle. Mr. Taylor starts a frenzy throwing left and right hand hook punches right into the abdomen of Xero. Mr. Taylor lifts up Xero, and places him on to the top turnbuckle. Erek starts to climb up the turnbuckles, but Xero kicks Erek in the chest sending him back to the canvas. Mr. Taylor walks back towards the turnbuckles, Xero reaches over and locks in a front face lock. Xero pushes off the ropes, and spins on Erek's shoulder. Xero connects with the Tornado DDT.


"Xero Gravity!" Axis marks out.


"But Xero is not making any attempt to make the cover," King points out.


"Xero nails the Xero Gravity, but he can not seem to get enough strength to make any attempt for a cover. Desperation at its best," Edwin says.


Xero lying about a few feet away from Erek Taylor who is lying on his back. Xero slowly crawls on his hands and knees attempting to get near Erek Taylor. Xero is close enough to Mr. Taylor, as he extends his arm over Erek's chest. Referee Matthew Kivell goes for the pin count again.




















Three-NO!!! Erek raises his arm at the last second possible.


"I just can not believe it!" Edwin says, "This match will never end."


Xero slowly gets up to his feet, grabbing a hold of Erek's head. Xero throws Erek into the ropes, but Mr. Taylor countered the whip by throwing his own. Xero goes into the ropes and recoils off of them, getting more speed. As Xero is coming back towards Erek Taylor, Mr. Taylor extends his arm for a clothesline. Xero dodges the clothesline, as he stops, and waits for Mr. Taylor to turn around. The dazed Erek turns around facing Xero. Xero springs onto Erek's shoulders and wraps his legs around the neck of Erek, bringing him down with the Hurricanrana. Xero grabs a hold of Erek's legs and raises them up in the air, sitting on his chest, making the pin. Mr. Kivell goes down for the three count.
























*DING DING DING* Referee Matthew Kivell signals for the bell. The crowd is in shock, as Mr. Taylor just lost to Xero.


"I don't believe it," Axis says in shocked, "Erek Taylor lost to Xero, and it was clean too,"


Neither Edwin or King could say a word, just in awe that Xero won the match. Erek slowly gets up to his feet, and seeing that Xero is being handed the world title belt to him. "Zero" by the Smashing Pumpkins is being played in the Gund Arena as the crowd is dead silent for the new champ.


"Your winner, and new Smarks Junior League World Champion....XERO!!!" Funyon announces the new champion.


Xero grabs the world title that he had been searching for nearly two years. The words he heard for the first time ever, as he slowly climbs up the turnbuckles, and slowly raises the World Title Belt in one hand in the air. Tears flow from Xero's eyes, as he is all excited.


"Well, congratulations Xero, you deserved it," King comments.


Xero jumps down off the turnbuckles, as Erek Taylor stands in the middle of the ring looking at Xero. Both men stare into each other's eyes with more intensity that before. Erek sticks out his hand, as Xero shakes his hand.


"Erek is one of the true athlete in the SJL, congratulating on Xero defeating him," Edwin says.


Mr. Taylor walks out of the ring while still looking at Xero with an anger look.


"You know Erek will not forget this night, look how serious he is to win that belt back in his hands," Axis says. "I just can't wait for Crimson, for Edwin and King, see ya around," Axis concludes.


Erek walks back on the run way while, Mike Van Slicen, Insane Luchador, Flexxx, Renegade come out and rush towards Xero in the ring. All of those wrestlers lift Xero up on to their shoulders, as Xero has the World Title carrying on his left shoulder, while shaking his right hand high up in the air. The credits show up, and the show is now done.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Youse guys in the SJL continue to kick giant ass.


Rankings coming up in a few minutes.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Rankings Top Ten


(Hello, what's this?  Somebody new nudges his way into the top ten?  Congrats to Tom Flesher on his debut appearance here!  In other news, unless/until he returns, this will be Low Brass's final appearance in the rankings, so there's room for one more to step up.)


#1. Erek Taylor (63)

#2. Ash Ketchum (42)

#3. Low Brass (38)

#4. Insane Luchador (28)

#5. Xero (27)

#6. (tie) Flunkmasta Flexxx (23)

#6. (tie) Mafia (23)

#6. (tie) Stryke (23)

#9. Poisyn (22)

#10. "The Superior One" Tom Flesher (19)

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Guest Insanityman

Holy crap, 4th now? And if Low Brass doesn't return this instant... just whoa. Anyways I just read the rest of the show  and that truly owned too.

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