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I haven't tried doing a diary off of EWR before, but thought i'd give it a shot and see how it goes. I've done one month already so it won't be as detailed as the rest.


Basic Story: Russo has left and Jarrett is in control now and running the show.


My current roster consists off:


Main Eventers:

Jeff Jarrett (h) (NWA Champion)

Raven (f)


Upper Mid

AJ Styles (f)

Chris Harris (f)

Chris Daniels (h)

D'Lo (f)

Glenn Gilbirti (h)

Jerry Lynn (h)

Juvi (f)

Konnan (f)

Low Ki (h)

Nicho El Millionaro (f)

Ron Killings (f)

Shane Douglas (h)


Mid Card

Abyss (h)

BG James (f)

Chris Sabin (f)

Erik Watts (f)

James Storm (f)

Kid Kash (h) (X champion)

Legend (h)

Sonny Siaki (Tweener)

Super Crazy (f)

The Amazing Red (f)


Lower Mid Card

Doug Williams (f)



Kevin Northcutt (h)


Development Deals

Alex Shelley (f)

Alexis Laree (f)

Andy Douglas (h)

Burchill (f)

Chase Stevens (h)

CM Punk (h)

Desire (h)

Elix Skipper (tweener)

Goldylocks (h)

Hade Vansen (f)

Jack Evans (h)

Jimmy Jacobs (h-uss!)

Johnny Kashmere (h)

Johnny Swinger (h)

Jonny Storm (f)

Juilo Dinero (h)

Keven Martel (h)

Micheal Shane (h)

Mr. Aguila (f)

Nick Dinsmore (h)

Nova (h)

Paul London (f)

Rob Conway (h)

Chark Boy (f)

Simon Diamond (f)

Sonjay Dutt (f)

Teddy Hart (h)

Tj Wilson (h)

Trent Acid (h)



Alicia Webb (f) - Chris Sabin

Bobby Hennan (h) - Abyss

James Mitchell (h) - CM Punk, Julio

Jamie Koeppe (f) - The Amazing Red

Joel Gertner (h) - Legend, Northcutt

Vanessa (f) - Chris Harris, James Storm


I've tried to keep the roster by and large intact with only a few additions. I plan on using the format of the X Cup eventully but for now i have the majority of the the teams in devlopment. I changed the AAA team into team Mexico getting rid of Hector Garza and Abismo Negro and brought in Super Crazy and Nicho El Millionaro. I also formed a Team FWA (UK) consisting of Doug Williams, Jonny Storm, Hade Vansen and Burchill.


Fueding at the moment is:

Jeff Jarrett vs Ron Killings

Raven vs Abyss

Chris Sabin vs Kid Kash

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Here's a brief rundown of whats happenend so far:


Show 1

- Raven Demanded an NWA Title shot as its his destiny etc, found backstage later unconcious.


- Kid Kash attacked Sabin with the X belt making his intentions that he wants a shot known.


-Daniels attacks Styles, Lynn runs down for the save but turns on Styles turning heel in the process.


-D'Lo and Low Ki faced off with Low Ki coming out on top.


-Chris Sabin and his manager Alicia cut a promo hyping up Sabin's title defence tonight against the returning Amazing Red


-Chris Sabin beats the Amazing Red but is attacked with a steel chair by Kash after the match


-Raven managed to return to action even after being knocked unconcious and beat Shane Douglas but was vicously assulted on his way back up the ramp by Abyss.


-Jarrett cut a promo saying how he had to defend the title tonight due to the 30 day stip so picks an opponent of his choosing, he decides on Konnan.

-NWA Title Match against Konnan which Jarrett wins, he then assults Konnan after the match leaving him bloodied to send a message to the rest of the locker room.


Show 2

-Ron Killings does a backstage interview saying how he's not intimidated by Jarrett and he's not going to let him do what he did to his buddy Konnan last week to anyone else.


-Jarrett comes down to the ring and makes his own match for the main event. Jarrett vs BG James to show Killings who the boss is around the place.


-Low Ki vs Juvi - Low Ki wins via cheating.


-Kid Kash backstage says he's just talked to Jarrett and he's made a match tonight for the number one contendership to the X Divison title to make it all official that Kash is going to be challenging for the title, its going to be Kash and Lynn vs Sabin and Amazing Red. If Kash's team wins he's the number one contender, if Sabin wins he can shoose who he wants to face at the PPV at the end of the month, and in the unlikely event that Red scores the pinfall he'll be the number one contender. (Can Sabin trust Red after beating him last week?)


-Lynn/Kash vs Red/Sabin: Kash scores the pinfall after the illegal man Lynn hits a Cradle Pilddriver behind the refs back.


-Bobby Hennan and Abyss backstage reveal without a shadow of a boubt that it was Abyss who knocked Raven out last week. He did it as a favor to Jarrett at Jarrett dosen't want Raven having anything to do with the NWA title.


-Raven in the ring after this irate cuts a promo on how he's going to destroy Abyss en route to the title, also hypes his match with Legend briefly.


-Legend vs Raven ends in a no contest due to Abyss interference, Legend and Abyss both beat down on Raven.


-Interview with 3LK: BG James talks about how he's going to pin his ass tonight even without Killings who is banned from ringside and Konnan who isn't here this week.


-BG James vs Jarrett: Jarrett beats James by the usual methods, Jarrett goes to get the steel chair, Killings runsdown to ringside, before he can get to Jarrett though, Black Shirt security hop over the railings and lay a beating on Killings. Black Shirts hold up a broken Killings in the ring while Jarrett berates him, and tells him how he might of won this title once, but he's the man who took it from him, and he's never climbing back to the top of the mountain ever again.





Well thats the first two shows done , building towards the title match at the first ppv. Trying to keep the actual escence of TNA there by having Jarrett on top and making it fairly storyline oriantated than all workrate.


Comments/Feedback would be welcomed from anybody that would like to give some.

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Show 3

-Raven called out Abyss and the two brawled around the building


-Low Ki talked about his upcoming match with AJ Styles


-Low Ki vs AJ Styles: AJ Styles wins cleanly.


-Christopher Daniels vs Amazing Red: Christopher Daniels wins cleanly.


-"The Brain" and Abyss cut a promo on D'Lo. They then move onto Raven and say that theres no way he's going to get his title shot because he has to get through Abyss first.


-Abyss beat D'Lo clean.


-Kid Kash cuts a promo about how the X Division title is coming home to the TNA Management camp just like the NWA title is staying with the TNA management camp.


- X Title match Sabin vs Kash: Kash knows he's beat and gets him self intentionally dq'd.


-Its announced that Ron Killings cheduled title match wih Jarrett tonight is postponed as Jarrett is injured. Killings will now be facing Glenn Gilbirti. Gilbirti cuts a promo on how Killings won't win the title from Jarrett as he has all the "stroke" around TNA.


Gilbirti vs Killings: Gilbirti wins after Jarrett who was never really injured interferes on his behalf.


Show 4


- Raven challenged Abyss to a match at the PPV next week.


- Raven was then interviewed about challenging Abyss to the match and gave his thoughts on Abyss and the match itself.


-Backstage interview with "the brain" and Abyss, they talk about how how Ravens destiny is going to become his worst nightmare this Sunday.


-D'Lo vs Gilbirti: D'Lo goes over clean.


- Joel Gertners backstage with Jeff Jarrett and Legend, Jarrett has scheduled a tag team match between himself and legend vs AMW tonight.


-Legend and Jarrett vs AMW : Jarrett and Legend win.


-Kid Kash backstage he says after Jarrett just won that match he was in such a good mood he made a rematch of Kash vs Sabin for the X title from last week as Jarrett says he was "unfairly dq'd"


-Kash vs Sabin: Kash wins via cheating, he runs off through the crowd raising the title above his head.


- Gertner and Northcutt backstage, they talk about how this is Killings last stop before the PPV match against Jarrett for the title, theres only going to be pieces of Killings going into that match as he's going to tear him apart tonight.


- Killings vs Northcutt: Killings beats Northcutt clean.




PPV - Quote the Raven


- Gilbirtis back stage, Jarretts made a rematch of last weeks Gilbirti vs D'Lo match as Gilbirti was robbed.


-Gilbirti vs D'Lo: Gilbirti wins via cheating.


- Last minute interview from Raven on his match with Abyss.


-Raven vs Abyss: Abyss beat Raven after outside interference from Jarrett.


- Kash cuts a promo saying that without a shadow of a doubt he's going to retain tonight in the return match against Sabin.


-Kash vs Sabin: Kash wins cleanly after Sabin missed a dive over the ropes and was brought back in and given Kashs finisher twice after kicking out of the first one.


- Ron Killings interviewed, he says tonights his night and he's going to win the title again, not just for him, but the 3LK and the people.


- Ron Killings vs Jarrett: Jarrett retains after making the match a No DQ match when he can't beat Killings and simply destroying him with a chair.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Nice stuff so far, although a little more match detail and star ratings might help to improve.

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That will definatly be coming with the next batch, i'd already done a months worth of shows when i decided to start this and i didn't really want to start again so i was writing all those out of memory with the aid of the past events section on the game.

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Guest Corino 1000

"Show 1

- Raven Demanded an NWA Title shot as its his destiny etc, found backstage later unconcious.


- Kid Kash attacked Sabin with the X belt making his intentions that he wants a shot known.


-Daniels attacks Styles, Lynn runs down for the save but turns on Styles turning heel in the process."


Your shows are good but there are many flaws. I mean dude three attacks in row. It kind of takes the fun out of an attack, you know what I mean? There are many other things I don't to point out.

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Shit, i didn't even realise i'd done that, i was so busy trying to get everything moving i didn't really think about it. Thanks for the constructive criticism as it will help me improve in te future.

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Guest Corino 1000

No problem man. But besides that your show was pretty good. Keep working on it though.

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