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The Amazing Rando

What is "heat"?

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It seems that there is not a very clear definition running around as to what exactly "heat" is or what it means to get, steal, or stop heat.


I was always under the impression that "heat" was to a heel what a "pop" is to a face. Am I right?



What could be the reason that some wrestlers get heat only during their entrances? (i'm not talking canned heat...i'm talking LIVE).



Is silence a form of 'heat'? by that i mean "we hate you, so we ignore you"... or is that X-pac heat (Even though I always say that kind of heat as "yes we see you, now get the fuck out of here")



Now...if silence IS IN FACT a form of heat... then some wrestlers need to stop acting as though the fans are booing the fuck out of them and actually ACKNOWLEDGE the silence. The whole point of the crowds is to annoy the fuck out of the heels while cheering on the face. In some matches, the fact that there is silence could be seriously played up as "the crowd simply ignoring what the heel is doing" ...it will NEVER be played that way... but it wouldn't hurt to try it.


This would ESPECIALLY help Orton... and that is NOT an insult or a flame to him or anyone else... but the simple fact that he comes out and does his poses and thinks he is hot shit to ALMOST silence makes me think he should just tell the fans to screw off and be silent if they want...and call it an "awe of silence" ...that would more than likely make the fans liven up just to piss him off. I mean, as a mark...I would seriously hate the guy... just cause he acts like a pompous ass...but if he told me the reason I wasn't saying anything is because I was in awe of him...then as a mark I'd be throwing out "asshole" and "you suck" chants like crazy... ya know, to get my point across as a fan that "hey, I hate you".


This could also apply to anyone that runs around Raw and Smackdown now that has either a) no heat or b) less than desirable heat.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

If a wrestler's gimmick/persona is over, thus he is getting popped or booed, then he has heat on him.


I've said this about Randy Orton... he's in the middle - he's not as over as he would like to be when he's on his own.


End by re-reading the first paragraph.

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