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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

More feedback from letter on Rob Feinstein

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

More feedback from letter from wrestler on Rob Feinstein


In response to the anonymous wrestler's defense of Rob Feinstein, I think he really missed the legality of the issue, and that is what will determine Feinstein's fate in a court of law.


I am very close with someone who was raped. Now, granted, this is a different situation, but sitting in that court room, seing the (eventually convicted) defendant, it was almost impossible for me to contain myself. This is cliche and straight out of a movie, but if I had five minutes alone with that guy, he'd be dead. No question.


Looking back, is that morally right? Some would say yes, but I don't think so. I was taught to forgive and let God judge, although that is a very difficult thing to do and much easier said than done. But regardless of whether I or anybody else thought this man deserved to die, walk free, or anything in between, the punishment is not for society to decide. It's for a judge and jury to decide.


If Feinstein did in fact go after a 14-year-old boy, it doesn't matter if it is morally objectionable or acceptable. This is where the wrestler missed the point. He thinks it's not entirely wrong. The law says it is, and the law is what will ultimately decide Feinstein's fate.


Jim LeMond


First of all, I would like to thank whoever the WWE employee was who wrote the initial letter to which this is a response too. Thanks for the lecture on the difference between legal and moral acts. I find it very ironic that an employee of a company which has produced more immoral acts in the past 5 years than I care to remember feels to need to speak on this.


You talk about Rob Feinstein's guilt, possible entrapment and his "former lover" as well as thoughts on the differences between cheating. Now I'm no lawyer but I always thought that the minute you tell someone you aren't a cop, that throws any possible entrapment out the window. Feinstein knew this and still went through with his actions. You mentioned that if we actually look that the chat content without bias, we would find Feinstein is more honest than you expect a closeted, successful semi-famous business. I personally don't care for honesty when it comes from someone who goes after underage boys. Especially those who lie about their sexuality to start with (which he has). The former lover that Feinstein speaks of has since gone public and says not only did he not live with Feinstein for 2 straight years like was claimed, but he isn't even homosexual. Does that question Feinstein's "honesty"? As for comparing cheating on a diet and dealing with homosexual tendencies, are you having a laugh? I can't believe this even needs a response. Simply put, one act is illegal and one isn't. Simple black and white. Not a single shade of grey.


You also write about the facts of the situation. Let me add some facts to the argument. It is a fact that sex with minors is illegal. It is a fact that Rob Feinstein told "Brandon" to pretend he didn't say he was 14 and pretend he was 18 years of age. It is a fact that Rob Feinstein not only had internet chat conversations signalling his intentions but also had phone conversations and Instant Message conversations continuing those intentions. It's also a fact that Rob Feinstein drove 40 miles to pursue sex with a minor and then ran away when confronted.


As for "Brandon" possibly not looking his age, are you suggesting that it's okay to have sex with minors as long as they don't look their age? The second Rob Feinstein found out he was talking to a 14 year old boy, the conversation should not have led where it did.


Like yourself, when I was 14 I was making serious choices about my life, goals, sex, alcohol and drugs. I thought was I knew of the consequences of my actions. I'm now 23 years old and I know now that what I knew when I was 14 was absolutely nothing. Any grown adult would tell you the same if they have grown at all in their lives. I would have died and gone to heaven if I had sex with a 32 year old woman when I was 14 but that was my thoughts then. What do you think most parents would do if they found out their 14 year olds were having sex with grown adults more than 15 years older than them? Is there a big difference between 17 years, 364 days old and 18 years old? Not really. Is there a difference between 14 year old and 18 year old? Hell yeah there is. If you seriously think different then you are seriously kidding yourself.


One of your last lines absolutely infuriated me. "Do not be a sheep. Be a shepherd and determine for yourself, without prejudice and bias, just how immoral Rob Feinstein is". Who are you? How do you know that every single one of us with an opinion on the subject indeed did not determine their opinions for themselves? Do you have this ability to read minds that the rest of us don't? Be a shepherd? How does posting your opinion on a wrestling site on a subject in which it's details you know exactly what we know and not posting your name in fear of your job make you a shepherd? I do feel somewhat sorry for you considering your job I appreciate you have the right to withhold your name. Just don't talk about shepherds and sheep when you aren't willing to put a name to your comments. On a personal note, I work for an international company bigger than World Wrestling Entertainment and I wouldn't think twice about speaking my mind on something I felt as strongly as I do this about even if it cost me a job I worked 7 hard years to keep.


I do agree with you on some lines though. Rob Feinstein is a troubled young man with serious issues. A victim however? My arse! Adults who have sexual intercourse with minors are paedophiles and I wish the same for Feinstein as I do for every other paedophile walking the Earth. This very well might come off as babbling on my part. I'll still put my name to it though.



Rob Harvey

[email protected]


Hey Dave,


I would like to throw in my two cents regarding the comments that have been e-mailed to you about the wrestler's feelings on Rob Feinstein.


Here are my thoughts:


OK, I have read many of the comments posted. I see a lot of people passing their judgments on how a 14-year-old thinks, acts, and what the general mindset is of a 14-year-old. To this I say, STOP IT! "Brandon" is a grown man. You cannot take into account the relevance of what a REAL 14-year-old boy would have said or done. It's not fair to use "Brandon's" "age" when in fact "Brandon" is probably some overweight, bald, 40-year-old with a ton of time on his hands. And although "Brandon" presented himself as a 14-year-old, it doesn't hide the fact that he wasn't. I read the transcript in it's entirety and nowhere in there does "Brandon" present himself as a NORMAL 14-year-old boy. It's impossible to imitate how a 14-year-old would act if you are not indeed 14-years-old. Now with that said, would it not be fair to say that since "Brandon" IS a grown man, that his TRUE age bled through. Basically, acting his own age, while impersonating a young boy. Arguably, "Brandon's" REAL personality is represented, not that of a 14-year-old in the transcripts. So why would Rob not be attracted to someone who has the personality of grown man?


Now that I have cleared up the age factor, let's move onto the professionalism of Perverted-Justice.com. I am utterly appalled that Perverted-Justice.com is handling this situation in their domineer. While I read the transcripts I began to feel as though this website was making a mockery out of Rob. This entire situation has turned into a ridiculous sideshow at a bootleg circus. The added comments within the transcripts, from the guys at Perverted-Justice.com, are unnecessary. What type of vehicle, and the price of the vehicle, Rob has is irrelevant. What he does for a living and how much he earns is also irrelevant. Poking fun at him for being a "lazy, rich guy" is unrelated to the situation. This website, while I feel are trying to do something commendable, are in turn handling themselves in such an unprofessional manner that they need to be stopped. First of all, the website needs to have: An objective stand point (personal comments are not necessary), ethics (it's a no-no to encourage people reading the transcript to call Rob on his various numbers, and then provide the numbers -- ever heard of privacy?), professionalism (making fun of Rob for being a wealthy, well-known person is wrong on more levels than one). Second of all: Assess the situation at hand (you have to evaluate the situation based on various factors, not just one), know your boundaries and allow the appropriate parties to take action. In other words, know when to stop. If Perverted-Justice.com had handled this situation better, rather than turning it into a worldwide joke, I feel the opinions of others may have had a different outcome. The damage is already done, though.


On another note, I am not an attorney, but I feel what Perveted-Justice.com did can best be defined as entrapment. I refer you to what my good friend, Amanda Perez, a law student at Rice University, has said:


"A person who is induced by the police, or an individual to commit a crime that he or she would not have otherwise undertaken can claim the defense of entrapment. To prove the defense, the person must show that the idea for committing the crime originated with a law enforcement agent, or an individual, that the individual persuaded him or her to commit the crime, and that he or she was not predisposed to commit such a crime. A person cannot successfully claim the defense of entrapment if the police officer, or individual merely furnishes the person with a favorable opportunity to commit crime—for example, by pretending to be intoxicated in order to catch a pickpocket who has been targeting drunk individuals.


However, to better answer your question I have reviewed the transcript. I feel confident that if Rob Feinstein is indicted for solicitation of sex with a minor, entrapment would be a feasible defense. There is no doubt in my mind that the transcript would be admissible as entrapment. But there will be numerous deciding factors, and I have yet to hear the entire story. So I cannot say what will exactly happen if this case should go before a judge and/or jury. I can say that since Feinstein states his former lover was 18, at the time the relationship started, the prosecution will depict Feinstein as a man who enjoys relationships with young boys. There are many determining factors. I need to know ALL of these factors to state a probable outcome.


Keep in mind that allegations haunt you forever. In a court of law, you are proven guilty or not guilty, you are never proven innocent."





P.S. I have a response to this, "I know it's not really possible but I wish there was a test that would

judge whether a person was legal based on their maturity, not their chronological age. Jason Parker." Jason, there is. Have you not heard of a child committing murder and then being prosecuted as an adult? It's in the news right now. Two 13-year-old boys murdered their 13-year-old friend while they were both 12-years-old. They will be tried as adults.


I am sure that you have probably gotten many responses about the letter you printed about the WWE performers views on Rob Fienstien. I read them with an open mind honestly, but after reading I remember just how screwed up many in this business really are. I mean I get the late night calls from guys that were big names in the 80's that are so fucked up they can barley speak. But this was ridiculous.

In this country we are told that people are innoccent until proven guilty, and I agree but in many cases we do not need a judge to tell us when someone is guilty. Or at least partially guilty. This friend of Rob I'm sure is looking out for him buddy, but I don't understand why you printed it? Since no name was attached with the piece it meant nothing. Whether the performer asked to remain unknown or not, if he wanted his words heard than he would have been man (or women) enough to post his name. A very good source lead me to believe who wrote the article. To me it is sad that the morals of people are so screwed up in this industry.

When I first started getting involved in the inner-workings of this business I remember an article that you wrote. In it you said something along the lines that if many "really" knew what went on in this business it would totally turn off it's audience. You were correct, I see and hear it all the time!

While I am shocked you printed it. I do want to say I really apperciate all that you have done for educating people about this business.

Thanks, Matt Farmer


Credit: WrestlingObserver.com

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Jesus, dude, post this in the RF thread, or at the very least post all the feedback in one damn thread. Sheesh...What are you - Meltzer's personal shillboy?

I think he's too old to be...oh you said shill boy. n/m.


I just hope this RF crap dies soon (not RF, I mean the situation for those who can't read english). It's starting to get annoying when stuff is posted in multiple threads. It was funny for about a week, but now it's stale.


I can bet no one really gives a shit anymore unless it's brought up.

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