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Gavin From Gruvis Malt's Solo Song About RIAA

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I've never heard any Gruvis Malt stuff or even this song, but I thought the lyrics were too cool not to pass along.



The Great American Bottleneck


This message is to every musician speaking out against file sharing:

get your facts straight, and stop regurgitating everything the major label tells you.

Anyone still clinging to the cage-format for music is either a middleman or lazy. Squidnecks


You major label suckers make me laugh

Do you really think your label would come out and say, "Hey we cut your paycheck in half because you've got to help pay for the 250 billion copies we give away. Have they mentioned when they cut new releases by 25% sales dropped 4.1% and they blamed it on P2P? Have they mentioned that they responded to that drop by raising the cost of your CD $1 every year? Does that seem like a good business move to you? Or does that smell like fear?

Ask yourself what kind of business would cut research and development first? I'll tell you: the business that's about to make it's bed up in a mother fuckin hearse.

While Hilary Rosen and the RIAA are trying to convince you that free listeners are a bad thing, those same five labels that pay them are charging you $500,000 to buy you spins

While you're negotiating whether or not the latest Napster pays you 1/3 of a cent per download, Comcast and AOL are turning the information highway into a toll road.

you know the end is near when Britney Spears is calling it a moral issue

they've positioned you right between their wallets and your fans

they can't really expect to turn the tide with a few pathetic lawsuits

So you gotta ask yourself how does one stop a flood? You build a damn.


Comcast will have every last consumer on their knees

starting with 5.3 million subscribers to cable access high speed

they own the wires, so they can discriminate with bandwidth and queuing fees

guaranteed monopoly by the FCC so


We're standing on the verge of an artistic cleansing of biblical proportions I say bring it

when the wickedness of big business is great in the earth

and it will even try to sell the waters that it's drowning in

marching two rappers

two rockers

two composers

two programmers

onto a pirate ship

in a free-market flood

until businessmen are businessmen

and art is art again. Rock


this is not an issue of children not recognizing value in art

this is an issue of children recognizing value-less art

getting artists paid doesn't even play a part

The truth is

for the first time since it's creation, the playing field of American music

was almost leveled, and that, in the opinion of five

big wallets, is unacceptable.

Finally the world was given a voice to respond to the one-sided conversation conducted

by the music industry for the last 80 + years. Anyone who tells you that we've always

had a voice, and it's in the form of money spent, knows good and well where your money

goes when there's only one product on the shelf. You disagree? We can discuss it every four years in November

This already happened but most people weren't alive or don't remember. Radio showed up in the 20's and labels panicked, declared unlicensed broadcasts illegal, and lobbied all sorts of garbage until Capitol Records came along and broke ranks in '42. When they rose to the top of the pile, the other labels woke up and embraced radio too.

we already know how the story ends - the new technology becomes consolidated and sold to one or two old white men.


Maybe the RIAA isn't right, it's just afraid.

Afraid that artists will find a new way to get paid

maybe removing profit from the picture will expose the parasites

who spent 19 million in campaign donations every year to extend your copyrights

we'll see who's still making records when there's no compensation.

if there's no beer at the party, the only people left will be there for the conversation.

Maybe art is only art when it's depraved.

Maybe the deck is so stacked, we need to start from scratch.


We're standing on the verge of an artistic cleansing of biblical proportions I say bring it

when the wickedness of big business is great in the earth

and it will even try to sell the waters that it's drowning in

marching two rappers

two rockers

two composers

two programmers

onto a pirate ship

in a free-market flood

and though I may soon be swept away

I can't wait to see who steps in to take my place

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