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Guest DeputyHawk

NWA Wildside Hardcore Hell Pt2

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Guest DeputyHawk

from the wildside forums:


3/27 Hardcore Hell Night Two Report


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Sunday, 28 March 2004, at 5:05 p.m.


Baby, sweet baby, if it’s all the same,

Take the glory any day, over the fame.


-Lucinda Williams from “Fruits of My Labor”


The main event of Hardcore Hell ’04 delivered what was, without a doubt, one of the greatest matches in NWA Wildside history. A standing room only crowd of over 200 saw surprise appearances by A. J. Styles and Dusty Rhodes lead the God Squad to an emotional win over their betrayer, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and his partners from the dark side, the NWA Elite.


(1) Skeeter Frost beat C. J. McManus and Scott Hotshot (with unnamed but exotic looking Polynesian girl) in 5:45. Three green guys that have never worked together before is not usually the formula for success. Frost did some good spots, like the moonsault to the outside and the standing octopus. Hotshot yelled at Polynesian girl for interfering when she was standing on the floor, minding her own business. Nice way to call attention to a blown spot. Polynesian girl used her feminine wiles on sex starved ref Speedy Nelson, while Hotshot worked over Frost. Frost planted Hotshot with a flatliner. Frost hit a moonsault on the both of them for a double pin. It looked like McManus took a knee to the nuts on the landing. Frost spanked Polynesian girl. A forgettable opener except for the finish.


(2) Jerrelle Clark beat Fast Eddie (with Salvatore Rinauro) to retain the NWA World Junior Title in 8:03. A brilliant technical match for the top belt that is actually controlled by the NWA BOD, rather than TNA. Clark is one of those guys with incredible talent that lacks the size and physique. Awesome psychology. Rinauro said that HE was going to be the World Champion. Clark kept working on the arm to set up the cross armbreaker submission. Eddie kept working on the back to set up his finisher, the Fasteddious. “Kool” Seth Delay came to ringside. Eddie did a german suplex right into a half nelson suplex for a near fall. Clark did that 619 crucifix thing. Not sure what he calls it. Clark hit a beautiful springboard DDT. Eddie made the ropes to break the cross armbreaker. Delay and Rinauro appeared to be having an intense discussion. Delay had turned heel on Styles the night before. Problem was, the crowd didn’t turn on Delay. Eddie came back with THE RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP FROM HELL for a near fall. Clark did some cool neckbreakers and went to the top. Rinauro was still talking with Delay. Clark nailed a spectacular 630 for the pin. That move has to been seen in person to be believed. Rinauro was highly upset. It was ambiguous as to whether Delay intentionally distracted Rinauro or is in the midst of a heel turn.


(3) Jason Cross (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Caprice Coleman to win the vacated World TV Title in 12:50. For heat, energy and story, this match was money. For execution, it was a notch below their best stuff. Fans treated Coleman like a star. It was his first time back after being out for two months with a back injury. Coleman was pumped. He did a psychotic slingshot variation of the Silver King dive. It looked like a bad landing, but Coleman kipped up from the floor. Coleman hit a springboard missile dropkick with so much juice, that it ricocheted Cross off the ropes and out the opposite side of the ring. Bailey interfered to give Cross the advantage. Cross busted out a hanging double underhook drop for a near fall. Cross got his knees up on a senton. Coleman didn’t sell it and Cross got his knees up on the quebrada as well. Cross started working on the neck with suplexes and neckbreakers. Cross hit a dragon suplex but was slow to cover and Coleman kicked out. They collided on simultaneous springboard clotheslines. A spectacular spot that left them laying on the canvas for a nine count. Coleman hit the flatliner and went to the top. Cross shoved the ref into the ropes to crotch Coleman. Cross brought Coleman off the top with THE BEST DAMN BRAINBUSTER IN NORTH AMERICA, but Ice kicked out of the delayed cover. Cross signaled for the Crossfire. Coleman returned the favor on the crotch shot. Coleman debuted a killer inverted Comatoser. Bailey was hanging for dear life, Speedy Nelson for dear life to divert his attention. Mikal Adryan ran in with a Mafia kick on Coleman. Cross hit the Crossfire, clipping the ropes on the way down to a scary bad landing. Cross slooowly covered for the pinfall. Cross’s facial expression was like a model home. The lights were on but there was nobody there. Cross staggered and stumbled to the back clutching his prized possession, the World TV Title.


Onyx versus Ray Gordy didn’t happen. Gordy was said to be running a 103-degree fever. He legitimately looked like hell. Onyx said he didn’t want Gordy at 50%. Gordy said he wasn’t backing out of a title match. “Onyx don’t play that.” Onyx offered to do the match next week. Gordy reluctantly accepted. As Onyx headed up the ramp, there was Mikal Adryan towering over him. Adryan said that what just happened was pathetic. Adryan alleged that Gordy would have whipped Onyx even in his compromised state. Onyx told Adryan to bring it. Intense brawl here. Onyx did some ground and pound. Adryan sent ref Mike Posey flying. Adryan destroyed Onyx’s back with power moves and went for a one foot pin, but Posey said no match. Onyx came back with the Angry Man Slam and Adryan took a powder.


(4) Texas Death Club (Todd Sexton & Masada) beat Murder One & Slim J to retain the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles in 11:18. Another fine installment of this red hot feud. M-1 dominated Sexton. “I’ve got this #####.” M-1 hit a wicked skullcracker. A mad scramble between Masada and J ended with the slippery tadpole locked in a boston crab. You’ve got to love Masada. He looks like one of those people that just doesn’t give a f###. The kind of guy that would be smiling while he slit your throat. J dropped Masada in his tracks with a flying roundhouse. Masada knows how to sell for smaller guys. J had the TDC blind tag spot scouted. M-1 hit a powerslam on Sexton and called for the Zoolander, but Masada broke it up. Sexton gave J a sitout faceplant off the top rope when Nelson was distracted. TDC gave Slimmy a beating. J managed to kick out of a vicious spike piledriver. J did a huracanrana off the top to get the hot tag. M-1 hit and STO on Masada and Sexton saved. Sexton teased a suicidal russian legsweep off the apron. TDC got dumped to the floor. J did a triple jump dive that messed up and temporarily killed the crowd. M-1 hit the Zoolander on Masada, but Sexton broke up the pin. Sexton superkicked M-1. TDC hit the Double Penetration on J, but Nelson ruled Sexton wasn’t the legal man. M-1 sent Sexton flying over the top. M-1 cranked up the Blazin’ Lariat, but Sexton got him with a belt shot. Nelson missed it. Speedy must have ADD. Masadamizer and M-1 was done.


(5) Matt Sydal & Delirious beat Jay Fury & Nick Halen (around 8-9 minutes). A solid, fast-paced cruiserweight aerial display. It worked great, partly because there was nothing else like it on the show. Delirious’ bizarre brand of comedy dominated the opening minutes. The crowd busted out a “stem cell research” chant. Fury hit the Enzufury on Delirious and Sydal saved. Halen did a cool springboard senton with his knees on the top rope instead of his feet. Fury started a round of big moves with another Enzufury. Top rope double ax by Delirious. Halen with a senton. Halen and Sydal bumped to the outside. Fury went to the well once too often on the Enzufury. Delirious took Fury down with a legsweep and Sydal hit a perfectly timed Shooting Star Press for the pin. Great finish that got a huge pop.


Jeff Lewis interrupted the introduction of the women’s’ match. Lewis was pissed off because performances by “the greatest athlete alive” were continuously being interrupted by the masked Mr. D. Lewis was staring a hole through Jacey North, who was standing in the first row. Lewis said that everybody knew it was North under the mask. Lewis demanded a solution. Wilson said the Board of Directors had discussed something along those lines. Lewis wanted it done. Wilson said have it your way and announced that North was reinstated. Mega pop. North jumped the rail for a hot pull apart brawl with Lewis. North was so ecstatic afterwards that he jumped over the rail onto the South Atlanta Boys.


(6) Daizee Haze beat Jenny Taylor & “Special K” Krissy Vaine (with Salvatore Rinauro) in 8:36. Decent match. Only a couple of glaring bad spots, although it would suit me just fine to watch these three blow spots all night long. Haze is by far the superior worker. She throws some stiff chops for such a tiny person. Vaine was introduced as being from Saks 5th Avenue. She needs to check with her fashion consultant at Saks about wearing a black bra under a gold bodysuit. Taylor got a good near fall with a rolling prawn. Rinauro pulled out Taylor’s legs and Vaine scored a clumsy pin with her feet on the ropes at 4:58. It was time for Rinauro and Haze to reprise their feud from last summer. Rinauro choked Haze. Haze gave Vaine a modified bronco buster. Sal sat down in the opposite corner, thrusting and begging and pleading for Haze to give him the treatment. Daizee slapped the s### out of him and delivered a baseball slide to the nutsack instead. Vaine got a near fall with a sitout chokeslam (Patrick dubbed this the Bimbo Bomb). Haze won it with a lariat that the fans didn’t recognize as a finisher. It was a shutout for Rinauro, who went 0 for 3 as a manager.


What followed, rivaled the best monster blowoff matches I’ve ever seen live. Better than the War Games at Freedom Fight ’03 in my book, and that was awesome. Action, story, starpower, nostalgia, heat. This match had the stuff that will bring out the mark in you. If you collect videos and DVDs, add this one. It will be available through NWA Wildside home within a few weeks. Stay tuned for details on a DVD release.


Daniels lead to the Elite to the ring in full regalia. Lots of cheers for Daniels. The Elite may be the foulest heel group to set foot in a Wildside ring, but the Arena fans honored the superior talent of the Fallen Angel with the proper respect. Bailey said this must be a bit overwhelming for the fans because they seldom get to see this much greatness. Bailey said the Elite’s greatest moment was about to happen, ridding Wildside of the spiritual syphilis brought on by the false prophet, Altar Boy Luke and his postulate Gabriel. Bailey shilled for the Fallen Angel T-shirt, calling it a bargain for $25. Rousing applause for Daniels as Bailey put him over. Daniels told the fans to save it. He didn’t need their approval or applause. Daniels said the fans were making the same mistake as Gabriel and Luke by thinking he was one of them. “They’re unenlightened, just like you people.” Daniels said the Elite were his people, superior intellects and superior athletes. Daniels said Luke’s personal hell would begin after this match.


Gabriel and Luke came to ringside without a partner. Luke said they had found somebody they could trust. Everybody on their feet. Out came the God Squad’s savior, “The Phenomenal” A. J. Styles, to an explosive pop. Styles said he had brought along somebody to even the odds. Cue up “Midnight Rider.” The appearance of Dusty Rhodes was greeted by a deafening pop. The American f###### Dream finally comes to Wildside. An appearance by Rhodes has been talked about and teased throughout his off again/on again relationship with Bill Behrens and Wildside. They couldn’t have picked a better spot for it. The moment when Dream entered the ring and made eye contact with Daniels was gold. The Elite backed off. Obviously moved, Rhodes paused to drink deeply from the Wildside Kool-Aid. Dream pointed at the NWA Wildside banner hanging from the rafters.


(7) A. J. Styles & Altar Boy Luke & Gabriel beat Christopher Daniels & Rainman & Azrael (with Jeff G. Bailey and Mikal Adryan) in 20:18. Daniels was soundly booed for chickening out of locking horns with Luke. The faces had the advantage in the early going. It was all good, but the segments between Daniels and Styles ruled. Luke hit a charging huracanrana on Azrael and Daniels had to make the save. Daniels hit a jawbreaker for the start of some weapons grade heat on Gabriel. Azrael hit a sick charging knee and Styles saved. Daniels exectued a beautiful hanging vertical suplex. Luke made a weak save. Daniels countered a sunset flip into an STO for a near fall. Nelson didn’t see Gabriel’s tag. Daniels worked on Gabriel’s back. They did a great tease of a finish with Rainman locking Gabriel in the Hilldside Strangler and the Elite hitting the ring to keep Styles and Luke at bay. Gabriel refused to tap. Gabriel hit a desperation powerbomb counter and made the hot tag to Styles. Styles blitzed the heels. Luke started a dive series with a Halo on Azrael. Daniels and Gabriel both hit Arabian Presses to the outside. Rainman cut Styles off and got major elevation with a flip dive. Styles capped it off with a slingshot senton. Styles went for a springboard back to the inside but Rainman turned it into a mother of a Spinesplitta. Styles kicked out of the pin. Styles made the comeback with a spinning backbreaker. Bicycle kick to Azrael and a tag. Gabriel did the top rope double stomp. Azrael flipped Gabriel off his shoulders and kicked him in the face on his way to the mat. A really sick shot. Azrael hit the Ted Bundy, but Gabriel managed to roll a shoulder. Daniels and Luke traded big near falls, the former with a Blue Thunder Bomb and the latter with a flatliner. Double clothesline and both men down. Adryan clubbed Rhodes. 6 way brawl at ringside. Adryan decked Speedy Nelson and Andrew Thomas jumped in to ref the match (It was just one week ago, that Luke got revenge on heel ref Thomas by beating him in a singles match). Rhodes nailed Adryan and Azrael with bionic elbows. Rhodes grabbed Bailey and played to the crowd, before delivering the crowning blow. Pandemonium. Daniels and Luke were battling on the top rope. Daniels took a back bump. Luke was looking for the guillotine legdrop, but Rainman dropkicked Luke off the top. Styles superkicked Rainman out of the ring. Styles hit the Clash on Daniels and rolled him over. Luke covered ¾ of the ring on the fly with the guillotine legdrop. Thomas counted two and held up. Nelson dumped Thomas. 1..2..3. The building exploded once again. Thomas started giving Nelson hell. Thomas reared back to hit Nelson, but Luke caught Thomas by the arm and spun him around. There stood Rhodes. Dreams let it rip with the flip flop and fly. Thomas went flying with his feet up in the air for a mother of a back bump. It looked like had been shot out of a cannon. James E. Cornette would have been proud.


It was one of those moments, all too rare, when everything seems right with the world. And professional wrestling.


NOTES: Along with the Onyx/Gordy title match, the 4/3 Wildside TV Taping has Tank & Iceberg vs. Getz Enterprises. If Enterprises no shows, they are permanently suspended…Pro Wrestling Evolution has a show featuring many Wildside stars at the Athens Arena on 4/16…Roderick Strong and Steve Madison canceled their scheduled NWA Florida title match the day before the show, citing transportation problems…Hardcore Hell was scheduled to be Speedy Nelson’s last night as a Wildside referee. He has retired. At least for now.

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