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Rock on the best damn sports show

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From LOP:


Recap of Rock on the Best Damn Sports Show Period from 4-15-02. Much like Goldberg's appearance on the show, not much new to report.


The panel tonight consists of the host Chris Rose, former NBA player John Salley, Mad TV's Will Sasso, former Miami Hurricane and Dallas Cowboy Michael Irvin, and Tom Arnold via satellite from a movie set.


- As Rock sits down, John Salley asks him, "Your a former Hurricane, right?" Rock says yes. John turns to Michael Irvin and says "another guy who just played football and skipped class".


- Tom Arnold asks if Rock ever "cuts the cheese" and says "Now you can smell what the Rock's been eating". Rock gives a small laugh and pretty much blows it off, "Sure Tom".


- Rock says he's honored to have Schwarzenegger and Stallone label him the next action movie star.


- Will Sasso says that if Rock is going to be an action star, he needs a catch phrase. For instance, if he ever catches on fire in a scene, he could say "I'm hot today".


- Irvin calls Rock "Dewey". Rock explains his parents always called him "Dewey" around the house. When Miami Coach Dennis Erickson came over on a recruiting visit, his mother used the nickname in front of the coach and it stuck through his college days.


- Tom Arnold is shooting a movie with Jet Li and asks Rock what his strategy would be against him in a cage match. Rocks he would raise his right hand and drop the smackdown on his candyass.


- A quote from Rock's Miami teammate Ray Lewis is shown: "Rock always talks about sacking Charlie Ward (former Heisman trophy winner from Florida State), but that's all he did" (on a personal note, I found that interesting, Rock spends a fair amount of time kissing Lewis' ass). They then show a clip of the sack and Rock sitting on the sideline. Talk soon turned from the sack to Rock's big fluffy hair in those days.


- Some crappy "comedy bit" is shown of some fat, pasty, white guy auditioning for the Scorpion King. Lame.


End of Rock's segment. All in all, pretty worthless.



Man the Rock is everywhere these days. I hear about twenty appearances or interview about him every day. And what the hell did this have to with sports? I just would liek to know for anyone who has seen this...how did Rock respond to the Ray Lewis comment? They didnt mention how.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Was the Ray Lewis comment serious or meant as a light-hearted jab?

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Best Damn Sports Show sucks. I think that's the one with Lisa G though....so I guess it doesn't totally suck

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Guest El Satanico

Rock overload...too much Rock...system shutting down


As if i wasn't already sick enough of this damn samoan just from him being on WWF tv...now it's Rock 24/7.




Screw Rock...if Hollywood needed a new action star for the next decade they should've just went to Vin Diesal. He has the perfect look charisma and voice to be a great action star. Hell his name even screams ACTION STAR...the name Dwayne Johnson mumbles Computer Technician. Oh yeah and unlike Deeewaaayne Vin has shown acting ability(in Iron Giant). Ah hell good they can give all the shitty action movies to Deeewaaayne and give the better movies to Vin.

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